Take control of your roofing projects like never before with the R-Pro 25 Standing Seam Profiling Machine. Designed for maximum efficiency and user convenience, the integrated remote control with an extension cable ensures seamless operation and flexibility around the machine, making on-site fabrication simpler and more productive.
The R-Pro 25 Standing Seam Profiling Machine offers cutting-edge functionality for producing precise standing seam panels. Its lightweight, portable design and advanced features ensure it meets the demands of professional contractors for on-site panel production.
Working width 220 mm
It is the hand seamer used for locking the panels produced by “R-PRO 25” Standing seam profiling machine.
Single lock standing seam metal roof system is designed to prevent water from entering the panels.
Standing seam panels cover each other when installed on the roof, so there is no space in between.
Using Reis Standing Seam roofing tools, the areas where the panels come into contact with the waterproofing are closed.
1 types of slot cutting
Cutting without burr
Cutting without wastage
Unblunt blade
Ruler for easier setting
Profile cutting according to customer’s specifications.
Product Code:DT1M-01
Cutting Thickness:1,5 mm
Cutting Capacity:Rail 7,5x35 mm
Lenght Stop:50 cm
Weight:~6 Kg
Dimensions:15 x 77 x 72 cm
Halten Sie Ihre Solarmodule mit der INFERNO-Solarmodul-Reinigungsbürste von Millie strahlend sauber. Unsere Bürste ist für Langlebigkeit und Effizienz konzipiert und entfernt Verunreinigungen, ohne Ihre Module zu beschädigen. Erleben Sie mit jeder Reinigung eine optimale Energieproduktion.
Introducing Millie's INFERNO Solar Panel Cleaning Brush, the ultimate solution for maintaining peak performance and efficiency in your solar energy system. With cutting-edge technology and a commitment to sustainability, INFERNO ensures your panels stay clean and productive year-round. Its specially designed brush bristles and efficient cleaning mechanism swiftly remove dust, dirt, and other contaminants without causing damage, guaranteeing optimal energy production. Built to last, INFERNO boasts heavy-duty durability, making it suitable for long-term use. Its user-friendly design allows for quick assembly and easy operation, whether for professional or individual use. Plus, with its environmentally friendly approach, INFERNO cleans your panels without the need for harsh chemicals, promoting both panel longevity and environmental conservation. Elevate your solar energy experience with Millie's INFERNO Solar Panel Cleaning Brush and unleash the full potential of clean, renewable energy.
Brush Diameter :400 mm
Brush Length :2-7 meter
Brush Material:UV-resistant mixture of plastics for a gentle cleaning of glass surfaces; Brush bristle thickness is
Drive:Fully hydraulic and proportional valve system with joystick control
Weight:Approx. 650 kg, considering a brush of 5 metres in length
Control Unit:12 Volt-version (protection of the on-site installed two-pin power socket by a 5 A fuse) PLC-control
Driving Speed: 1.5 km/h
Brush Speed:Brush speed is between 10-200 rpm. The speed can be regulated by the accelerator pedal or the thrott
Water Consumption:The quantity of water required for a brush of the length of 5 meters is about 5 - 25 liters/minute.
Ο φορέας καρούλι επιτρέπει τη γρήγορη φόρτωση/εκφόρτωση κατά το ξετύλιγμα. Χάρη στο κυκλικό τύμπανο που χρησιμοποιούμε στα υδραυλικά μας ξετύλιγμα,
τα καρούλια μπορούν να ξετυλιχθούν χωρίς ζημιά. Με την ηλεκτρονική κάρτα και τον αισθητήρα λέιζερ, η ταχύτητα εργασίας των γραμμών και το
τα ξετυλίγματα μπορούν να ρυθμιστούν αυτόματα.
Πλάτος υλικού:750 - 30.000 κιλό
Εσωτερική διάμετρος πηνίου:480 - 530 μμ
Εξωτερική διάμετρος πηνίου:1400 μμ
Πλάτος υλικού:30 - 2000 μμ
Πάχος υλικού:0,3 - 6 μμ
ADS7 series 7-roller straightener servo feeder models work between 300 and 1600 mm of width and 0,5 and 4 mm of thickness.
All of our 7-roller straightener servo machines utilize the piloting system and pinch rollers work synchronized with the straightener rollers.
Bosporas produces 7-roller Model with static body and in accordance with CE Regulations.
Our straightener servo feeders enable high performance automatic feeding to the presses.
Servo feeder and straightener are merged and used in the same group.
The practice of our models’ feeding system is easy to set up and to control.
The angle between the feeder and the coil is 90° parallel. It has the feature of 50 mm of movement capability to the left or right from the feeder’s center.
Feeds the sheet metal in an automated cycle, pre-programmed speed and high delicacy.
Presentiamo la Spazzola per la Pulizia dei Pannelli Solari INFERNO di Millie, la soluzione definitiva per mantenere le prestazioni e l'efficienza del vostro sistema di energia solare al massimo livello. Con tecnologia all'avanguardia e un impegno verso la sostenibilità, INFERNO garantisce che i vostri pannelli rimangano puliti e produttivi tutto l'anno. Le sue setole progettate appositamente e il meccanismo di pulizia efficiente rimuovono rapidamente polvere, sporco e altri contaminanti senza causare danni, garantendo una produzione energetica ottimale.
Costruita per durare, INFERNO vanta una robustezza eccezionale, rendendola adatta all'uso a lungo termine. Il suo design intuitivo consente un'assemblaggio rapido e un funzionamento semplice, sia per uso professionale che individuale. Inoltre, con il suo approccio ecologico, INFERNO pulisce i vostri pannelli senza la necessità di prodotti chimici aggressivi, promuovendo sia la longevità dei pannelli che la conservazione ambientale.
Presentamos el cepillo de limpieza de paneles solares INFERNO de Millie, la solución definitiva para mantener el máximo rendimiento y eficiencia de su sistema de energía solar. Con tecnología de vanguardia y un compromiso con la sostenibilidad, INFERNO garantiza que sus paneles se mantengan limpios y productivos durante todo el año. Sus cerdas de cepillo especialmente diseñadas y su eficaz mecanismo de limpieza eliminan rápidamente el polvo, la suciedad y otros contaminantes sin causar daños, garantizando una producción óptima de energía. Fabricado para durar, INFERNO ofrece una gran durabilidad, lo que lo hace adecuado para un uso a largo plazo. Su diseño de fácil manejo permite un montaje rápido y un funcionamiento sencillo, ya sea para uso profesional o individual.
3 types of slot cutting
Cutting without burr
Cutting without wastage
Unblunt blade
Ruler for easier setting
Profile cutting according to customer’s specifications.
Product Code:DT3M-01
Cutting Thickness:1,5 mm
Lenght Stop:50 cm
Weight:~8 Kg
Dimensions:10 x 85 x 90 cm
3 different types of slot cutting
Cutting without burr
Cutting without wastage
Unblunt blade
Ruler for easier setting
Profile cutting according to customer’s specifications.
Product Code:DT3M-02
Cutting Thickness:1,5 mm
Lenght Stop:50 cm
Weight:~8 Kg
Dimensions:10 x 85 x 90 cm
Einführung der INFERNO Solarmodul-Reinigungsbürste von Millie, die ultimative Lösung zur Aufrechterhaltung der Spitzenleistung und Effizienz Ihres Solarsystems. Mit modernster Technologie und einem Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit sorgt INFERNO dafür, dass Ihre Module das ganze Jahr über sauber und produktiv bleiben. Die speziell entworfenen Bürstenborsten und der effiziente Reinigungsmechanismus entfernen schnell Staub, Schmutz und andere Verunreinigungen, ohne Schäden zu verursachen, und garantieren so eine optimale Energieproduktion. INFERNO ist auf Langlebigkeit ausgelegt und zeichnet sich durch eine hohe Belastbarkeit aus, die sie für den langfristigen Einsatz geeignet macht. Ihr benutzerfreundliches Design ermöglicht eine schnelle Montage und einfache Bedienung, sowohl für professionelle als auch für individuelle Anwendungen. Zudem reinigt INFERNO Ihre Module mit ihrem umweltfreundlichen Ansatz ohne den Einsatz von scharfen Chemikalien, was sowohl die Langlebigkeit der Module als au
Les déformations créées par l’utilisation du processus de découpe thermique font perdre aux matériaux métalliques leur forme plate. Les matériaux découpés au laser, au plasma ou à l'oxygène utilisant un processus thermique peuvent devenir presque impossibles à retrouver la forme plate souhaitée. Ce n’est plus un problème avec la technologie des niveleurs de nouvelle génération. Notre niveleur de nouvelle génération touche presque tous les points du matériau en tôle et peut traiter intelligemment. De cette façon, le matériau stressé peut être redressé.
Largeur du matériau:200 - 2000 mm
Épaisseur de matériau:1 - 15 mm
W przypadku linii podających kluczowe jest odpowiednie przygotowanie materiału do dalszej obróbki. Przedstawiona prostowarka jest wyposażona w stół wprowadzający z ramieniem podginającym. Po założeniu kręgu na trzpień odwijaka, jego poprawnym ustawieniu, przytrzymaniu rolką dociskową możemy rozciąć taśmę zabezpieczająca krąg przed rozwinięciem. W kolejnym etapie rozwijamy krąg jednocześnie ustawiając w odpowiedniej pozycji stół wprowadzający, rozsuwając i podnosząc go do odpowiedniej pozycji. Początek kręgu przed wprowadzeniem do prostowarki podginamy przy pomocy rolki podginającej napędzanej hydraulicznie.
Rolka podginająca wykonana jest z wysokiej jakości stali, poddanej obróbce cieplnej, twardość sięga HRC60 +/- 2.
Prostowarka może być wyposażona od 7 do 13 rolek prostujących, w układzie plastra miodu. Przy prostowarka przystosowanych do szerszych taśm rolki prostujące są dodatkowo podparte w celu wyeliminowana zjawiska ich wyginania rolek pod dużym obciążeniem.
As deformações criadas pela utilização do processo de corte térmico fazem com que os materiais metálicos percam sua forma plana. Os materiais que são cortados por um cortador a laser, plasma ou oxigênio que utiliza processo térmico podem tornar-se quase impossíveis de ficarem na forma plana desejada novamente. Isto não é mais um problema com a tecnologia de niveladores de nova geração. Nosso nivelador de nova geração toca quase todos os pontos do material da chapa metálica e pode processar de forma inteligente. Dessa forma, o material tensionado pode ser endireitado.
Deformations that are created by utilizing thermal cutting process causes metal materials to lose their flat form. The materials which are cut by a laser, plasma or oxygen cutter that utilize thermal process can become almost impossible to be in a desired flat form again. This is no longer an issue with the new generation leveler technology. Our new generation leveler touches almost every point of the sheet metal material and can smart process. That way, stressed material can be straightened.
450mm three jaw standard power chuck with closed centre.
made of a high-quality steel alloy. The hydraulic chuck's necessary parts are machined, and all of its components have been strengthened.
Its design is extremely powerful and precise.
Hydraulic mirrors from of the 2017 model new generation are constructed mainly in Turkey.
The connection flange for the Standard Connection is ISO-A.
It operates with all types of CNC workbenches. Plug and play
Open center, suitable for bar feeder turning.
Boxed, assembled, ready to use as a complete set. The mirror is shipped with soft feet.
It is guaranteed for 1 year. (Except user error)
Our products are 100% controlled. Each product is connected to the CNC workbench and controlled.