Termékek egyéb gyógyszerek (441)

Tekercs Vágóvonal

Tekercs Vágóvonal

Brand new Coil Slitting Line is on sale! 0.5 - 3 mm Thickness x 600 mm Width x 6 Ton Coil Weight The line is not used, in April 2024 production. Ideal line for production of Galvanized Grounding Strip production. Please contact for further details. #coil #slitting #coilslitting #slittingline #uncoiler #decoiler #slit #recoiler #tensioner #coilprocessing #earthing #grounding #grounding #GalvanizedGroundingStrip #GroundingStrip #Strip
Csőmalom Hengerek - DOĞA GÉPEK

Csőmalom Hengerek - DOĞA GÉPEK

Rulo şekillendirme, tüp ve boru endüstrileri için rulo çiftleri ve boru ve boru değirmenleri üretiyoruz. Herhangi bir boru değirmeni hattı için boru değirmeni rulolarını üretiyoruz. Herhangi bir ürün için özel yapım bileşenler, özel imalat kapsamında yer almaktadır. Ürünler yalnızca belirli spesifikasyonlar yerine getirildiğinde özel imalat kullanılarak üretilir. Ürünlerin tasarımı, üretimi, ölçümü ve test edilmesinin tamamı özel imalat içermektedir. mekanik, elektrik, elektronik ve diğer özel imalat sektörlerinde kullanılır. Özelleştirilmiş üretim, ürünlerin daha kaliteli ve daha güvenilir olduğunu doğrulamak için başka bir seçenektir
Toló-húzó láncok

Toló-húzó láncok

Rigid chains, chains that prevent bending back or chains that do not bend on one side stand out with their compact design. Thrust chains convert translational motion into rotation and vice versa. They are suitable for transmitting tensile and compressive forces that do not require chain guides. Push-pull chains can be used as a solution in many applications. Wherever the limits of traditional roller chains or drive components are reached (e.g. in tight spaces) push pull chains can provide a versatile solution in many different situations.
Felhalmozási Láncok

Felhalmozási Láncok

Accumulation chains guarantee trouble-free positioning of the transported goods and almost completely prevent jolts when the belt starts and stops. The idler rollers on each side serve two purposes: first, they engage with the sprocket teeth to transmit power, and second, they support the chain in the guide rail. We offer a wide range of accumulation chains in different performance classes. In addition to classic accumulation chains, we also supply offset low-friction roller accumulation chains, maintenance-free accumulation chains, side spring accumulation chain versions, finger and piece-protected accumulation chains and our cost-effective series
Kettős Lépésláncok

Kettős Lépésláncok

Long link roller chains correspond, except for pitch, to short link chains according to ISO 606 and comply with the same standard specifications in terms of dimensions. Unlike short link chains according to ISO 606, these chains are designed to be used at lower loads in terms of speed and power transfer.
Szállítószalag láncok

Szállítószalag láncok

No other type of chain is as versatile as conveyor chains and our product range reflects this versatility. Bushing conveyor chains, roller conveyor chains, hollow pin chains, scraper chains, special conveyor chains for the paper industry and rotating chains are just some of the conveyor chains we can supply. Our product range also includes a wide range of special conveyor chains with straight, curved or U-shaped attachments and much more.
ACS 11-Henger Kompakt Etetővonal - Fémtekercs Leemelő, Egyenesítő és Etetőgép

ACS 11-Henger Kompakt Etetővonal - Fémtekercs Leemelő, Egyenesítő és Etetőgép

Our 11-roller ACS Series compact system press feeding machines consist of 600 and 1600 coil width, 2 and 10 mm of sheet metal thickness, between 6.000 and 15.000 kilograms of coil weight capacity feeder, straightener and decoiler. 11-Roller Compact Coil Feeder System Components Hydraulic Decoiler Hydraulic Inner Tightening and Unloading Upper Arm Coil Servo Feeder Straightener Straightener Adjustment and Fine Positioning Feature Roller Group and Gear Transmission Feature Distance Detection and Proximity Sensor Feature Die Memory System Multiple External Output Options Press Automation Control Feature Operation with Touchscreen and Remote Connection Support Features Material Width:600 - 1600 mm Material Thickness:2 - 10 mm
Nivelator - Lemez egyenesítő gép

Nivelator - Lemez egyenesítő gép

Deformațiile care sunt create prin utilizarea procesului de tăiere termică fac ca materialele metalice să își piardă forma plană. Materialele care sunt tăiate cu un laser, cu plasmă sau cu oxigen care utilizează un proces termic poate deveni aproape imposibil să fie din nou într-o formă plată dorită. Asta nu mai este o problemă cu tehnologia de nivelare de nouă generație. Nivela noastră de nouă generație atinge aproape fiecare punct al materialului din tablă și poate procesa inteligent. În acest fel, materialul înclinat sau strâmb poate fi îndreptat.
Görgős Gyűrűk Gyártása - TERMÉSZET GÉP

Görgős Gyűrűk Gyártása - TERMÉSZET GÉP

için makaralı halkalar
Haddehaneler - TERMÉSZET GÉP

Haddehaneler - TERMÉSZET GÉP

Profil grubunun oluşturulması, imalat, tamir, düzeltme, revizyon ve rektifiye işleri
Bútor gyártás - TERMÉSZET GÉP

Bútor gyártás - TERMÉSZET GÉP

Özellikle döküm sektöründe puntolu dökümde kullanılan pim ve burçlar. Dökümlerin hassas bir şekilde bir araya gelmesi gerekiyor ve bu da ortaya çıkacak ürünün kalitesini etkiliyor. Teknik resimde belirlenen ısıl işlem kalitesi ve malzemeler büyük önem taşır, bu nedenle bu konuda hatalı ısıl işlem prosesi ve eşdeğer malzemeleri önermiyoruz.
750 kg Mechanikus Mandrel Motoros Tekercselő - Tekercselő Uncoiler Tekercs Kicsomagoló

750 kg Mechanikus Mandrel Motoros Tekercselő - Tekercselő Uncoiler Tekercs Kicsomagoló

Our AYK 750 model is manufactured to have 30 – 300 mm of coil width and maximum 3 mm of coil thickness. It has 750 kilograms of coil carrying capacity and an inner tightening engine with conical mandrel tightening. Loop control proximity sensor has speed control and pneumatic upper arm has automation. This model is motorized, including motor reducer to transfer power to mandrel. Coil Carrying Capacity:750 kg Coil Inner Diameter:470 – 530 mm Coil Outer Diameter:1400 mm Coil Mandrel Width:20 – 300 mm Mandrel Speed:12 rpm
D3 Hosszra Vágó Sor

D3 Hosszra Vágó Sor

Our coil cut to length line machines have capacity to fulfill the need of cutting the sheet metals between 600 and 1600 mm of width and, 6000 and 30000 kilograms of weight.
AYK - 15000 Sorozat Hidraulikus Mandrel Motoros Tekercselők - Tekercselő Tekercsek Kicsomagolásához

AYK - 15000 Sorozat Hidraulikus Mandrel Motoros Tekercselők - Tekercselő Tekercsek Kicsomagolásához

The design and manufacture of this model belongs to Bosporas. AYK 15000 series hydraulic decoiler models have 15.000 kilograms of weight capacity. Our hydraulic decoiler machines work on 600 – 1300 – 1600 mm of coil width and thanks to hydraulic system, releasing and tightening features can be done automatically. If the grip and tightening process can’t be done according to the inner diameter of the coil manually, hydraulic engine mandrel systems can be used. Hydraulic system provides convenience and advantages when loading and unloading the coils for the companies by making the inner grip as tight as possible while holding the mandrel. The hydraulic coil car that is used in the process of loading and unloading the coils provides advantages like fast loading/unloading and convenience. Hydraulic coil car is an optional feature. Thanks to the circular Mandrels we used in our decoilers, the coils can be decoiled without any defect or fracture. Coil Carrying Capacity:15.000 kg Coil Inner Diameter:480 – 530 mm Coil Outer Diameter:1300 mm Coil Mandrel Width:1000 / 1300 / 1600 mm
11-Hengeres Bouncer Egyengető Servo Etető

11-Hengeres Bouncer Egyengető Servo Etető

Our AZP 11-roller straightener servo feeders work between 300 and 1600 mm of width and 1 and 6 mm of thickness. Our 11-roller bouncer straightener servo line consists bouncing system that works in harmony with the straightener rollers. It is designed using a different technique in order to make the piloting work on multi-phased progressive dies and for the coil to fed properly. Servo feeder and straightener models allows automated feeding to the AZP high performance presses. Servo engine stimulation gear ties the gapless designed gearbox and straightener rollers together. It allows the angle between the die and the coil is 90° parallel. It has the feature of 50 mm of movement capability to the left or right from the feeder’s center. It feeds the coil materials in autonomous cycle, programmed speeds and high delicacy. Coil material feeding speed is 32 m / min.
Vágó és hosszra vágó vonal kombinációja

Vágó és hosszra vágó vonal kombinációja

Combination of Slitting and Cut to Length Line
AMD Sorozat Mini Szervo Etető Egyengető - Lemez Egyengető és Etető Gép

AMD Sorozat Mini Szervo Etető Egyengető - Lemez Egyengető és Etető Gép

Our company BOSPORAS, mass produces AMD models with static body and in accordance with Conformité Européenne (CE) regulations. Our understanding of making the “quality” our top priority has made us the top choice among customers. AMD model products are manufactured to work between 0,3 and 3 millimeters of thickness and, 100 and 200 millimeters of width. AMD model consists of 7 rollers that have HRC 58-60 surface stiffness which 5 of them have 60 millimeters diameter and two of them have 80 millimeters of diameter. AMD models don’t need any external guidance because they minimize the distance between Press body and the template. Material Width:20 - 200 mm Material Thickness:0,5 - 5 mm
Tűszegecs gyártás

Tűszegecs gyártás

Pin and bushings, especially in casting sector, used in centered casting. Casts need to merge together in a sensitive manner and this effects the quality of the products that will come out of it. Heat treating quality and materials that are determined in the technical drawing carry a great importance for this reason, we dont suggest false heat treating process and equivalent materials in this subject.
AMS Sorozat Mini Szervo Etető - Fémlemez Etetőgép

AMS Sorozat Mini Szervo Etető - Fémlemez Etetőgép

Our Mini Servo Feeder model allows customers to save energy, space and reduces maintenance costs. AMS models don’t need external guidance because they minimize the distance between Press body and the template. Material width:20 - 600 mm Material Thickness:0,3 - 3 mm
A2 Hosszra Vágó Sor

A2 Hosszra Vágó Sor

Our coil cut to length line machines have capacity to fulfill the need of cutting the sheet metals between 600 and 1600 mm of width and, 6000 and 30000 kilograms of weight
AYK - 20000 Sorozat Hidraulikus Mandrel Motoros Tekercselők - Tekercselő Tekercsek Kicsomagolásához

AYK - 20000 Sorozat Hidraulikus Mandrel Motoros Tekercselők - Tekercselő Tekercsek Kicsomagolásához

The design and manufacture of this model belongs to Bosporas. AYK 20000 series hydraulic decoiler models have 20.000 kilograms of weight capacity. Our hydraulic decoiler machines work on 1000 – 1300 – 1600 mm of coil width and thanks to hydraulic system, releasing and tightening features can be done automatically. If the grip and tightening process can’t be done according to the inner diameter of the coil manually, hydraulic engine mandrel systems can be used. Hydraulic system provides convenience and advantages when loading and unloading the coils for the companies by making the inner grip as tight as possible while holding the mandrel. The hydraulic coil car that is used in the process of loading and unloading the coils provides advantages like fast loading/unloading and convenience. Hydraulic coil car is an optional feature. Thanks to the circular Mandrels we used in our decoilers, the coils can be decoiled without any defect or fracture. Coil Carrying Capacity:20.000 kg Coil Inner Diameter:480 – 530 mm Coil Outer Diameter:1300 mm Coil Mandrel Width:1000 / 1300 / 1600 mm


Our 11-roller ACZ series compact servo feeder lines which have 600 and 1600 mm of coil width, between 2 and 10 mm thickness and 15.000 kilograms capacity is used as a compact press feeding machine. Our compact system servo feeder machines can process different kinds of materials like aluminum and other soft alloys, hot or cold foliated materials, carbon and stainless steel, high integrity materials and lamination steel. 11-Roller Compact Coil Servo Feeder System Components Hydraulic Decoiler Hydraulic Coil Car Hydraulic Inner Tightening and Unloading Automatic Coil Centering Feature Snubber and Upper Arm Coil Guidance Platform and Peeler Feature
AS Sorozatú Szervó Etető - Fémlemez Etetőgép

AS Sorozatú Szervó Etető - Fémlemez Etetőgép

Our Servo Feeder model allows customers to save energy, space and reduces maintenance costs. AS models don’t need external guidance because they minimize the distance between Press body and the template. Material width:30 - 2000 mm Material Thickness:0,3 - 3 mm
7-Hengeres Egyengető Szervo Etető - Lemez Egyengető és Etető Gép

7-Hengeres Egyengető Szervo Etető - Lemez Egyengető és Etető Gép

Our 7-roller straightener servo feeders work between 300 and 1.600 millimeters of width and, 0,5 and 5 millimeters of thickness. Our straightener servo machines’ full-auto piloting system works with feeder and straightener rollers. Our company mass produces 7-roller Model with static body and in accordance with Conformité Européenne (CE) Regulations. Material Width:30 - 1600 mm Material Thickness:0,5 - 5 mm
AYK - 2500 Sorozat Mechanikus Mandrel Motoros Lehúzó - Lehúzó Tekercsek Lehúzásához

AYK - 2500 Sorozat Mechanikus Mandrel Motoros Lehúzó - Lehúzó Tekercsek Lehúzásához

Our AYK 2500 model is manufactured to have 30 – 500 mm of coil width and maximum 4 mm of coil thickness. It has 2500 kilograms of coil carrying capacity and an inner tightening engine with conical mandrel tightening. Loop control proximity sensor has speed control and pneumatic upper arm has automation. This model is motorized, including motor reducer to transfer power to mandrel. Coil Carrying Capacity:2.500 kg Coil Inner Diameter:470 – 530 mm Coil Outer Diameter:1400 mm Coil Mandrel Width:30 - 500 mm Mandrel Speed:14 rpm
ABYK A2 Hosszra Vágó Sor - Fémtekercs Lehúzó és Horizontális Vágógép

ABYK A2 Hosszra Vágó Sor - Fémtekercs Lehúzó és Horizontális Vágógép

Our coil cut to length line machines have capacity to fulfil the need of cutting the sheet metals between 600 and 1600 mm of width, 6000 and 30000 kilograms of weight. Coil Carrying Capacity:6.000 - 30.000 kg Coil Inner Diameter:480 – 530 mm Coil Outer Diameter:1400 mm Material Width:600 - 1600 mm Material Thickness:0,5 - 4 mm
A1 Hosszra Vágó Sor

A1 Hosszra Vágó Sor

Our coil cut to length line machines have capacity to fulfill the need of cutting the sheet metals between 600 and 1600 mm of width and, 6000 and 30000 kilograms of weight.
ACS 7-Hengeres Kompakt Etetővonal - Fémtekercs Kicsévélő, Egyenesítő és Etetőgép

ACS 7-Hengeres Kompakt Etetővonal - Fémtekercs Kicsévélő, Egyenesítő és Etetőgép

Our 7-roller ACS Series compact system press feeding machines consist of 60 and 1300 coil width, 0,5 and 4 mm of sheet metal thickness, between 6.000 and 10.000 kilograms of coil weight capacity feeder, straightener and decoiler. 7-Roller Compact Coil Feeder System Components Hydraulic Decoiler Hydraulic Inner Tightening and Unloading Upper Arm Coil Servo Feeder Straightener Straightener Adjustment and Fine Positioning Feature Roller Group and Gear Transmission Feature Distance Detection and Proximity Sensor Feature Die Memory System Multiple External Output Options Press Automation Control Feature Operation with Touchscreen and Remote Connection Support Features Material width:60 - 1300 mm Material Thickness:0,5 - 4 mm
AYK - 6000 Sorozat Hidraulikus Mandrel Motoros Dekóder - Dekóder Tekercsek Kicsomagolásához

AYK - 6000 Sorozat Hidraulikus Mandrel Motoros Dekóder - Dekóder Tekercsek Kicsomagolásához

Our model is designed and manufactured by Bosporas. AYK 6000 series Hydraulic mandrel motorized decoilers have 6000 kg of material carrying capacity. Our hydraulic decoiler machines work between 600 and 1000 mm of coil width and thanks to hydraulic system, releasing and tightening features can be done automatically. If the grip and tightening process can’t be done according to the inner diameter of the coil manually, hydraulic engine mandrel systems can be used. Hydraulic system provides convenience and advantages when loading and unloading the coils for the companies by making the inner grip as tight as possible while holding the coil on the mandrel. The hydraulic coil car that is used in the process of loading and unloading the coils provides advantages like fast loading/unloading and convenience. Hydraulic coil car is an optional feature. Thanks to the circular Mandrels we used in our decoilers, the coils can be decoiled without any defect or fracture. Coil Carrying Capacity:6.000 kg Coil Inner Diameter:480 – 530 mm Coil Outer Diameter:1300 mm Coil Mandrel Width:600 / 800 / 1000 mm
ABYK C2 Sor Hosszra Vágó Vonal - Fémtekercs Lehúzó és Horizontális Vágógép

ABYK C2 Sor Hosszra Vágó Vonal - Fémtekercs Lehúzó és Horizontális Vágógép

Our coil cut to length line machines have capacity to fulfil the need of cutting the sheet metals between 600 and 1600 millimetres of width, 6.000 and 30.000 kilograms of weight. Coil Carrying Capacity:6.000 - 30.000 kg Coil Inner Diameter:480 – 530 mm Coil Outer Diameter:1400 mm Material Width:600 - 1600 mm Material Thickness:0,3 - 2 mm