Termékek egyéb gyógyszerek (77)

Eszközök Monokristályos Gyémánttal | MCD Vágószerszám - Vágószerszámok Monokristályos Gyémánttal | Nano-minőségű MCD Vágószerszám

Eszközök Monokristályos Gyémánttal | MCD Vágószerszám - Vágószerszámok Monokristályos Gyémánttal | Nano-minőségű MCD Vágószerszám

Nano-quality processing of highly polished surfaces. The single crystal diamond is the perfect cutting tool for achieving highly polished and precise surfaces with a geometrically defined cutting tool. Obdelava visokopoliranih površin v nano kvaliteti. Monokristalni diamant je odlično rezilno orodje za doseganje visokopoliranih in natančnih površin z geometrijsko določenim rezilnim orodjem.
Speciális Tartók - Optimális stabilitás, pontosság és teljesítmény különböző megmunkálási műveletekben

Speciális Tartók - Optimális stabilitás, pontosság és teljesítmény különböző megmunkálási műveletekben

Cajhen offers a specialized range of toolholders designed to meet the exacting demands of precision metalworking. These toolholders ensure optimal stability, accuracy, and performance in various machining operations, including turning. Crafted from high-quality materials, Cajhen's toolholders guarantee secure and precise positioning of cutting tools, minimizing vibrations and tool deflection.


Cajhen's profile inserts are engineered for precision and accuracy in creating specific shapes and contours on metal workpieces during turning operations. These inserts are designed to replicate intricate profiles with consistency and high quality. Ideal for producing components with complex geometries, Cajhen's profile inserts are widely used in industries such as automotive, aerospace, and mold making. Constructed from durable materials like carbide, polycrystalline diamond (PCD), monocrystalline diamond (MCD), and cubic boron nitride (CBN), they ensure long tool life and reliable performance under high cutting forces and temperatures.
Profil eszköz

Profil eszköz

Cajhenova orodja za profile so specializirana rezalna orodja, zasnovana za ustvarjanje natančnih oblik, kontur in profilov v kovinskem delu. Ta orodja so ključna za proizvodne procese, ki zahtevajo dosledno in natančno ponavljanje kompleksnih geometrij. Uporabljajo se pri frezarskih, stružnih in brusilnih operacijah, Cajhenova orodja za profile so izdelana po meri, da ustrezajo specifičnim potrebam vsakega projekta. Izdelana iz vrhunskih materialov, kot so karbid, polikristalinični diamant (PCD), monokristalinični diamant (MCD) in kubični borov nitrid (CBN), ta orodja ponujajo izjemno zmogljivost in trajnost, kar jih naredi primerna za zahtevne aplikacije v avtomobilski, letalski in industriji izdelave kalupov.
Fúrók - Fúrók 0,5 mm átmérőtől

Fúrók - Fúrók 0,5 mm átmérőtől

Cajhen offers a range of high-precision drill bits starting from 0.5mm in diameter, specifically designed for the rigorous demands of metalworking. These drill bits are crafted from premium carbide, ensuring exceptional durability and precision. Ideal for applications requiring fine detail and accuracy, these drill bits are perfect for use in the automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing industries. Available in various configurations to suit different metal types and drilling conditions, Cajhen's drill bits guarantee optimal performance and longevity.
Vágóeszközök élezése és szervizelése - A régi szerszámok hatékonyságának visszaállítása az új szerszámok szintjére

Vágóeszközök élezése és szervizelése - A régi szerszámok hatékonyságának visszaállítása az új szerszámok szintjére

Ostrenje (brušenje) orodij vseh oblik in blagovnih znamk. Rezilna orodja ostrimo (brusimo) na 5-osnih CNC strojih, s čimer rabljenemu orodju povrnemo učinkovitost novega orodja.
CNC Függőleges Megmunkálási Szolgáltatások

CNC Függőleges Megmunkálási Szolgáltatások

Üçes Makina olarak, CNC dik işlem hizmetlerimiz ile hassas ve karmaşık parça üretiminde endüstriyel çözümler sunuyoruz. Gelişmiş CNC dik işleme merkezlerimiz, yüksek kaliteli çelik, alüminyum, titanyum ve paslanmaz çelik dahil olmak üzere birçok farklı malzemeyi işleyebilme kapasitesine sahiptir. Savunma sanayi, otomotiv, medikal cihazlar, havacılık ve enerji gibi sektörlere yönelik sunduğumuz dik işlem hizmetlerimiz, yüksek hassasiyet, verimlilik ve kalite odaklıdır. CNC dik işlem makinelerimiz, prototipten seri üretime kadar çeşitli üretim ihtiyaçlarına cevap verebilecek esnekliğe sahiptir. Üretim süreçlerimiz, ISO 9001:2015 kalite standartlarına uygun olarak yönetilir ve her projede mükemmel sonuçlar elde etmek için titizlikle kontrol edilir. Uzman ekibimiz, müşterilerimizin özel ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için karmaşık parça tasarımlarını hassasiyetle işler ve zamanında teslimat sağlar. Üçes Makina’nın CNC dik işlem hizmetleri, yüksek performans, hassasiyet ve güvenilirlik arayan firmalar için ideal bir tercihtir.
Egyedi Fikstúra Tervezés és Gyártás

Egyedi Fikstúra Tervezés és Gyártás

Üçes Makina olarak, özel fikstür tasarım ve üretimi alanında kapsamlı çözümler sunuyoruz. Gelişmiş CAD-CAM teknolojileri kullanarak, müşterilerimizin özel ihtiyaçlarına göre optimize edilmiş fikstür tasarımları yapıyoruz. Hassas işleme, montaj ve ölçüm süreçlerinde kullanılan fikstürlerimiz, yüksek kaliteli malzemelerden üretilir ve mükemmel dayanıklılık sağlar. Savunma sanayi, otomotiv, havacılık, medikal cihazlar ve enerji sektörlerine yönelik olarak karmaşık ve hassas tasarımlar gerçekleştirebiliyoruz. ISO 9001:2015 kalite standartlarına uygun olarak üretilen özel fikstürlerimiz, üretim süreçlerinizi hızlandırır ve hata oranını minimize eder. Müşteri taleplerine göre özelleştirilebilen fikstür çözümlerimiz, maksimum verimlilik ve tekrarlanabilirlik sunarak işletmenizin rekabet gücünü artırır. Üçes Makina’nın uzman ekibi, projelerinizi zamanında teslim etmek ve mükemmel sonuçlar elde etmek için titizlikle çalışmaktadır.
Egyedi Alkatrész Gyártás

Egyedi Alkatrész Gyártás

Üçes Makina olarak, çeşitli sektörlere yönelik özel parça üretimi konusunda uzmanlaşmış bir firmayız. Savunma sanayi, otomotiv, gıda işleme, enerji ve medikal sektörleri için, müşteri taleplerine göre özelleştirilmiş yüksek hassasiyetli parçalar üretmekteyiz. Modern CNC makinelerimiz ve deneyimli mühendis kadromuz ile karmaşık ve hassas parça tasarımlarını gerçeğe dönüştürüyoruz. Üretim sürecimiz, her aşamada titizlikle kontrol edilerek ISO 9001:2015 kalite standartlarına uygun şekilde gerçekleştirilir. Üretimde çelik, alüminyum, paslanmaz çelik ve plastik dahil olmak üzere geniş bir malzeme yelpazesi kullanmaktayız. Prototipten seri üretime kadar her aşamada hizmet sunan firmamız, müşteri memnuniyetini ön planda tutarak ihtiyaçlara özel çözümler geliştirmektedir. Zamanında teslimat ve esnek üretim kapasitesi ile rekabet avantajı sağlayan Üçes Makina, kalite, dayanıklılık ve performans arayan firmaların güvenilir çözüm ortağıdır.
Speciális gépek gyártása

Speciális gépek gyártása

La fabricación de máquinas especiales es un servicio que ofrece soluciones personalizadas para satisfacer las necesidades específicas de cada cliente. Este proceso implica el diseño y producción de máquinas únicas que cumplen con requisitos técnicos y operativos específicos. La fabricación de máquinas especiales es ideal para industrias que requieren equipos a medida para mejorar la eficiencia y productividad de sus operaciones. En Luger, contamos con una amplia experiencia en la fabricación de máquinas especiales según las especificaciones de nuestros clientes. Nuestro equipo de ingenieros y técnicos trabaja en estrecha colaboración con los clientes para desarrollar soluciones innovadoras que optimicen sus procesos de producción. Desde el diseño conceptual hasta la instalación y puesta en marcha, ofrecemos un servicio integral que garantiza la satisfacción del cliente.
HILALSAN vágógép

HILALSAN vágógép

La nostra macchina da taglio è progettata per il taglio della lamiera con precisione ed efficienza. Il suo design avanzato consente tagli puliti senza distorsioni, rendendola ideale per varie applicazioni. Questa macchina è adatta sia per operazioni su piccola scala che su larga scala, offrendo versatilità nella produzione. Con la sua costruzione durevole e facile da usare, la macchina da taglio è uno strumento essenziale per qualsiasi officina di lavorazione dei metalli.
HILALSAN hajlító

HILALSAN hajlító

La macchina piegatrice è uno strumento fondamentale per piegare e modellare lamiere metalliche. La sua costruzione robusta e la tecnologia avanzata garantiscono precisione e affidabilità in ogni operazione. Questa macchina è adatta a diverse applicazioni, da piegature semplici a forme complesse. Con i suoi comandi intuitivi e le caratteristiche di sicurezza, la macchina piegatrice aumenta la produttività garantendo al contempo la sicurezza dell'operatore.
Hawo HPL ISZ IVM 450mm Kézi Impulzus Hőhegesztő

Hawo HPL ISZ IVM 450mm Kézi Impulzus Hőhegesztő

The Hawo HPL ISZ IVM 450mm Hand Held Impulse Heat Sealer is a robust, portable tool designed for efficient and reliable sealing. This versatile impulse sealer excels in diverse applications, from packaging and logistics to industrial operations.Its powerful heating element delivers precise, consistent seals across a wide range of pouch and bag sizes up to 450mm.Advanced temperature control ensures optimal sealing without damaging materials, while the ergonomic design promotes comfort and ease of use. Ideal for various industries, this durable sealer is built to withstand demanding environments and offers safety features for operator protection. Easy maintenance and cleaning contribute to its long-term performance.Trust Hawo for quality and reliability in your sealing solutions.
Juntas a nukleáris szektor számára

Juntas a nukleáris szektor számára

Las juntas para el sector nuclear de ESINSA están diseñadas para cumplir con los más altos estándares de calidad y seguridad. Fabricadas con materiales de alto rendimiento, estas juntas ofrecen una resistencia excepcional a la radiación y a las condiciones extremas, garantizando un sellado seguro y duradero en aplicaciones nucleares. Son ideales para industrias que requieren un alto nivel de seguridad y fiabilidad en sus sistemas. Con un enfoque en la calidad y la atención al detalle, nuestras juntas para el sector nuclear están diseñadas para adaptarse a las necesidades específicas de su industria. Al elegir ESINSA, puede estar seguro de que está optando por productos que cumplen con los más altos estándares de calidad y rendimiento, asegurando la integridad de sus sistemas y la seguridad de su personal.
Tornio CNC

Tornio CNC

Il tornio industriale Tenoly è una macchina utensile di alta precisione progettata per soddisfare le esigenze di lavorazione di metalli e altri materiali. Con una robusta costruzione e tecnologie avanzate, questo tornio è ideale per operazioni di tornitura, fresatura e filettatura, garantendo risultati eccellenti in termini di qualità e produttività. Caratteristiche Principali: Costruzione Solida: Realizzato con materiali di alta qualità, il tornio Tenoly offre una struttura robusta che assicura stabilità e resistenza alle vibrazioni durante le operazioni di tornitura, migliorando la precisione dei lavori. Alta Precisione: Dotato di un sistema di controllo CNC avanzato, il tornio permette lavorazioni con tolleranze strette, rendendolo ideale per applicazioni che richiedono un'elevata accuratezza, come nella produzione di componenti meccanici. Versatilità: Questo tornio è progettato per lavorare su diversi materiali, tra cui acciaio, alluminio, ottone e plastica, offrendo un'ampia gamma di possibilità applicative, dalla prototipazione alla produzione di serie. Facilità d'Uso: L'interfaccia intuitiva e i comandi user-friendly consentono agli operatori di programmarlo facilmente, riducendo i tempi di apprendimento e aumentando la produttività complessiva. Sistemi di Sicurezza: Il tornio Tenoly è dotato di dispositivi di sicurezza avanzati per proteggere l'operatore e garantire un ambiente di lavoro sicuro, riducendo al minimo i rischi di incidenti. Efficiente e Produttivo: Grazie alla combinazione di alta velocità e precisione, il tornio industriale Tenoly ottimizza i tempi di ciclo, permettendo alle aziende di migliorare la loro efficienza operativa e ridurre i costi di produzione. Applicazioni: Il tornio Tenoly è particolarmente adatto per l'uso in diversi settori, tra cui: Industria Meccanica: Per la produzione di componenti di precisione. Settore Automotive: Nella lavorazione di parti di motori e trasmissioni. Carpenteria Metallica: Per la creazione di pezzi speciali e su misura. Produzione di Prototipi: Nella fase di sviluppo di nuovi prodotti. In sintesi, il tornio industriale Tenoly rappresenta una soluzione ideale per le aziende che cercano un'attrezzatura affidabile, precisa e versatile per la lavorazione dei materiali.


La sega a nastro industriale Uzzay Makina è una macchina utensile ad alta precisione, progettata per il taglio di metalli e materiali duri in modo efficiente e affidabile. Ideale per officine meccaniche, carpenterie e aziende manifatturiere, questa sega a nastro è perfetta per tagli lineari o complessi su pezzi di varie dimensioni e forme. Potenza e Precisione: Dotata di un motore ad alta potenza, la sega Uzzay Makina garantisce tagli precisi e netti anche su materiali ad alta densità come acciaio, alluminio e leghe metalliche. Robustezza e Durata: La struttura della macchina è realizzata in acciaio rinforzato, offrendo stabilità e resistenza all’usura, anche nei contesti industriali più impegnativi. Versatilità Applicativa: Grazie a una lama a nastro continua e a un sistema di regolazione angolare, questa sega permette di eseguire tagli lineari, inclinati e persino sagomati, adattandosi a ogni esigenza di lavorazione. Efficienza Energetica: Il sistema di taglio ottimizzato e il motore bilanciato riducono il consumo energetico, garantendo alte prestazioni con minore spreco di risorse. Sicurezza e Controllo: Equipaggiata con un sistema di protezione della lama e dispositivi di sicurezza, la sega assicura un utilizzo sicuro e un ambiente di lavoro protetto per l’operatore. Le seghe a nastro industriali Uzzay Makina sono disponibili in diverse configurazioni per soddisfare necessità di taglio specifiche, offrendo una soluzione affidabile e duratura per chi richiede precisione e potenza nei propri processi produttivi.
Nikkel bevonat

Nikkel bevonat

El niquelado es un proceso de recubrimiento que aplica una capa de níquel sobre superficies metálicas, ofreciendo una protección eficaz contra la corrosión y el desgaste. Con la posibilidad de lograr espesores altos y uniformes, el niquelado es ideal para aplicaciones que requieren alta precisión y resistencia, como componentes industriales, piezas automotrices y herramientas. Además, este recubrimiento mejora la apariencia estética y la durabilidad de los productos, haciéndolos aptos para entornos exigentes y condiciones extremas.
Rinfor Grout Col : Ultra-magas teljesítményű szál-erősített mikrobeton

Rinfor Grout Col : Ultra-magas teljesítményű szál-erősített mikrobeton

Rinfor Grout Col is a special cementitious formulation, being fibre-reinforced with READYMESH technology, enriched with reactive microsilicates with very high pozzolanic activity and special crystalliser additives that increase the end result and the durability. Mixed with water, it is able to forge micro-concretes with pourable rheology. Once hardened, the product offers exceptional physical-mechanical and ductility values. Ideal for the reinforcement and seismic adaptation of flooring in reinforced concrete, brick-concrete or corrugated sheeting or wood, by constructing a thin extradoxal structural screed along with beams, pillars, structural crosspoints and walls, by means of suitable liners. The rheological and physical-mechanical characteristics of the Rinfor Grout Col product render it extraordinarily effective in reinforcing structural elements in reinforced concrete and masonry. Adhered to the inside of caissons, confined within cavities or spread out over the extrados of foundations and lofts, Rinfor Grout Col allows for low thickness structural reinforcing, substantially devoid of additional metallic reinforcement. Rinfor Grout Col belongs to the HPFRC (High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete) family, permitting the structural designer to make use of the following characteristics: - Exceptional resistance and traction as well as exceptional values of shear stress adhesion on various supports which have been suitably roughened; - advantages in structural calculations prescribed for fracture mechanics, resistance to traction and of the ultimate material deformation; - minimum thicknesses applied with reinforcing effects which have been distinctly improved as against interventions with traditional reinforced concrete; - highly notable reduction of mass and minimizing of additional loads applied for structural reinforcing as against interventions with traditional reinforced concrete (practically nil additional loads in the case of the thickness of the coating corresponding with the depth of sacrificed surface); - anti-carbonatation barrier (practically zero penetration of CO2) and anti-oxidant barrier; - auto-healing of any micro-fissures exposed to contact with fluids, thanks to the particular crystallising additives; - increment of durability of the structures repaired with Rinfor Grout Col, thanks to the migration effect of the crystallising additives; - very high resistance to fire; - eco-sustainability - made up of 100% mineral and metallic materials, totally recyclable at end of life. From the environmental point of view, the Rinfor Grout Col product is characterised by the following advantages: - Ecological packaging (card-cardboard) - product based on hydraulic binders, selected aggregates and mineral additives with content of organic raw materials < 1% - practically nil VOC emissions during installation; once hardened, nil VOC emissions. - containing a fraction > 5% of sub-products from the production industry 100% recyclable at end of life. For seismic adaptation with absorption and transfer of pressure or traction during events with elevated dynamic forces (seismic, impacts, deflagration); - for structural reinforcing and seismic upgrading through coating of beams, pillars structural ties, walls; - for reinforcing and seismic upgrading with external, low thickness, structural screed for lofts in reinforced concrete, concrete masonry, corrugated sheeting, wood;
 - for fabrication of light, thin section, structural elements
; - for the repair of flooring with need for resistance against elevated static and dynamic stresses, together with exceptional values of resilience and resistance to impacts; - for reinforcing and precision anchoring of heavy and highly stressed machinery: E.g. wind turbines, turbines, precision machinery, etc. The support must be in good condition, clean, sufficiently coarse, without crumbling parts or dust, pressure washed and saturated with water before application. With concrete, the abrasiveness of the support must be > 3mm; to obtain this level of coarseness, techniques of hydro-scarifying, bush-hammering, mechanical chiselling, sand blasting with large grain may be considered. With the case of surfaces in strongly absorbent brick-work (lofts in brick cement with surfacing of parts in brick) or in the case in which it is impossible to saturate the support with water, contact our technical services to evaluate suitable adhesion primers, such as Syntech Pavisheer or Syntech RGS. Above all, when used as a surface covering of lofts in concrete, or as a repair to industrial flooring, providing anchoring roots by drilling the support is particularly useful for increasing resistance to cuts and adhesion to the support (diameter 18-20 mm, depth 20 mm), and accurately cleaning the surfaces of the holes before spreading the Rinfor Grout Col.
Hawo HPL ISZ IVM 630mm Kézi Impulzus Hőhegesztő

Hawo HPL ISZ IVM 630mm Kézi Impulzus Hőhegesztő

Hawo® HPL ISZ IVM 630mm Large Hand Held Impulse Heat Sealer. The Hawo® HPL ISZ IVM 630mm is a robust, industrial-grade impulse sealer designed for efficient and reliable packaging.Crafted by renowned German manufacturer Hawo, this sealer excels in performance, durability, and versatility.Its sturdy, ergonomic design, constructed from high-impact plastic, withstands heavy-duty use.The 630mm sealing length accommodates diverse package sizes, from small pouches to larger bags. Leveraging advanced impulse sealing technology, the Hawo® HPL ISZ IVM 630mm delivers precise, consistent seals on various materials like polyethylene, polypropylene, and laminates.The sealer’s temperature control system maintains consistent heat for uniform, high-quality seals, essential for industries like medical and food packaging. This versatile tool adjusts sealing pressure and temperature for optimal results on different materials and package sizes.
Csirke trágyája - Granulált műtrágya

Csirke trágyája - Granulált műtrágya

N 3,5-4,2 %, P 2,5-3 %, K 1,5-2 %, Ca 2,5 %, Mg 0,7 %, organinės medžiagos 60-75 %, pH 9,5
Kalcium-karbonát - Granulált Mész

Kalcium-karbonát - Granulált Mész

92-96% CaCO3 min. 50% CaO
Modern belső dekoráció Kerámia matt felületű arckaspók - Kerti dekoráció

Modern belső dekoráció Kerámia matt felületű arckaspók - Kerti dekoráció

Modern indoor decor Ceramic matt finishing face planters Number:GRG1001 Material:Resin Type:Flower pot Size:12x12x12cm
Hawo HPL ISZ IVM 300mm Kézi Impulzus Hőhegesztő

Hawo HPL ISZ IVM 300mm Kézi Impulzus Hőhegesztő

The Hawo® HPL ISZ IVM 300mm Small Hand Held Impulse Heat Sealer is a compact, portable tool perfect for diverse sealing needs. This lightweight, powerful device features advanced impulse sealing technology for rapid, airtight seals without lengthy warm-up or cool-down times.Precise control over sealing time, temperature, and pressure ensures consistent, high-quality seals on various materials.Ideal for packaging, laboratories, textiles, electronics, and general sealing tasks, this durable, user-friendly sealer offers safety features and customisation options. Its compact size and ergonomic design make it easy to handle in any setting.Experience the efficiency and reliability of the Hawo® HPL ISZ IVM sealer for all your sealing requirements.
Fekete kréta - Granulált kréta

Fekete kréta - Granulált kréta

min. 30 % CaO (naujausių tyrimų duomenimis, apie 41 %) ir huminių rūgščių, fulvo rūgščių ir organinės anglies.


Beépített fejlett infravörös érzékelő, automatikusan rögzíti a telefont. Szerelje fel a szellőzőnyílásra vagy szerelje fel a műszerfalra a tapadókoronggal. 10 W-os gyorstöltés C típusú kábellel. Kompatibilis az összes Qi vezeték nélküli töltő funkcióval rendelkező mobiltelefonnal. Bemenet:9V/1,67A 5V/2A Kimenet:9V/1A 5V/1A Anyag:ABS+PC Méret:122*86*107mm Gomb:Infravörös érintés Egységsúly:260g Szín:Fekete
CH07 - Okostelefon autós tartó

CH07 - Okostelefon autós tartó

Šis gaminys tvirtai laiko telefoną vairuojant, todėl galite atsiliepti į skambučius laisvų rankų įranga ir žiūrėti į GPS. Jis yra kelių skirtingų spalvų, kad atitiktų jūsų kliento ar prekės ženklo poreikius. Tempimo stiprumas:5,2-8,9 cm Funkcija:telefono laikiklis automobiliui Medžiaga:ABS Dydis:70 * 24 * 45 mm Vieneto svoris:25 g
Granulált Mészkő - Magnézium

Granulált Mészkő - Magnézium

CaO 30-35% MgO 15-18%
Granulált kréta - Műtrágyakréta

Granulált kréta - Műtrágyakréta

min. 30 % CaO (naujausių tyrimų duomenimis, apie 41 %) ir huminių rūgščių, fulvo rūgščių ir organinės anglies.
Blister szalagcsomagoló gép

Blister szalagcsomagoló gép

Auf Basis unseres Konzepts der System-Module haben wir einen Blistergurt-Verpacker entwickelt mit dem geprüfte Fertigteile bei hohen Taktzahlen in Blistergurte verpackt werden können. Wir verpacken sicher und schnell ihre Produkte (Stanzteile vom Band oder Einzelteile) in Blistergurte. Der Blistergurt-Verpacker verpackt geprüfte Fertigteile bei hohen Taktzahlen in Blistergurte. Optional kann ein automatischer Mehrfach-Spulenaufwickler integriert werden.
KSLinear (Lyukasztó és Hajlító Automata)

KSLinear (Lyukasztó és Hajlító Automata)

Stanzen, Biegen, Montieren, Fügen am Trägerstreifen individuell kombinierbar auf den KSLinear Modulen mit kurvengesteuerten Aggregaten oder Servo-Direktantrieben für noch mehr Flexibilität. Prozesse wie Stanzen, Biegen, Montieren, Schweißen oder Löten am Trägerstreifen werden auf den soliden KSL-Modulen mit kurvengesteuerten Aggregaten ausgeführt. Abfalllose Stanz-Biegeprozesse reduzierende Kosten. Automatisierte Werkzeugnachstellung durch "intelligente" Werkzeuge erhöhen Laufzeiten, verbessern die Produktqualität und senken die Instandhaltungskosten. Die individuelle Anordnung der Module aus unserem Baukasten zur Herstellung Ihres Produkts ermöglicht flexible Konzepte.