EG 91
Epoxy-polyurethane two-component elastoplastic and thixotropic sealant, for joints subject to traffic, where Shore A Hardness Scale = 65. The elongation-at-break is 70%. To be applied with a trowel or extruded into the suitably-taped sections of the joint (to protect adjacent surfaces). Resistant to contact with hydrocarbons (gasoline and diesel fuel).
Horizontal sealing of joints in industrial flooring, even in the presence of chemical attacks and stresses from average-heavy traffic. Vertical sealing of joints in concrete works and products.
The application and containment surfaces (joint walls) should be clean, dry, conveniently prepared and adequately resistant: free from dust, grease, soiling, crumbling and/or non-adhering parts and dry. The application surfaces must also be preliminarily treated with Protech Flex Primer.
Add component B to component A taking care to pick up all the material contained in the packs, mix thoroughly with a mixer at a low number of revolutions, until a perfectly homogeneous mix is obtained; add the required load amount (component C) continue to mix until a perfectly homogeneous mixture is obtained, indicated by the uniform colour of the mixture. Apply the product mixed by trowelling or with extrusion guns.
Do not apply with temperatures below + 5°C or higher than + 35°C and in the presence of surface stagnant water.
Approximately 1.25 kg of EG 91 per cubic decimetre of joint volume to be sealed (1250 kg per cubic metre).
Packaging: Kit of 5+2.5 kg
UM: €/kg
preparation and loadins systemwith non running belt
cold belt for a better comfort of the work station
start impulse through knee bandage so that the operator's hands are always free
electronic self-adjustment off speed according to the fusing machine
belt matheable other also for an easy working of big pieces
selector for utilization of always non running belts or of some non running and some running belts
Avaible in the following patterns:
other combinations on request
The gluing of the professional range EG have powers from 220 to 400 W with high extrusion capacity (from 1400 to 2200 g/h) They have a high reliability, even in case of intensive use. They work with all sticks with a diameter of 12 mm, Length 200-300 mm. and are suitable for the bonding of wood, cardboard, leather, metals, fabric, glass, ceramic, plastic, etc. The progress of glue takes place through the mechanical trigger. Professional models of EG series are equipped with ON / OFF switch and a potentiometer for adjusting the temperature up to 220-230°C.
Example model:EG 360
Temperature:120- 230°C
Usable glue:Hot Melt in stick diam. mm. 12
Capacity max. extrusion :1800 g/h
Dall'esperienza LEOPARD è nata la divisione WOOD, dedita alla produzione di macchine per il trattamento e la trasformazione del legno. La nostra linea è composta da:
- CIPPATORI CGS, ideali per ridurre legno di lunghe dimensioni in piccole scaglie. Disponibili in varie misure, i nostri cippatori riescono a trattare tronchi con un diametro massimo di 1000 millimetri
- ESSICCATORI EGS, ideali per materiali sfusi e legnosi. Il materiale viene depositato umido sul nastro filtrante, per poi entrare nella camera d'essiccazione dove l'aria calda lo porterà alla percentuale di umidità pre-impostata.
- RAFFINATORI RGS, ideali per ridurre il cippato in segatura. Grazie al loro sistema di taglio, si riescono ad ottenere produzioni elevate con un basso consumo di energia.
- PELLETTATRICE ZT verticale, la macchina perfetta per trasformare la segatura (proveniente ad es. da legno, carta e materiali vegetali) in pellet. La segatura viene compressa da due rulli attraverso una trafila, creando un granulo che uscirà come pellet, un combustibile ecologico ed efficiente. La possibilità di utilizzare diversi tipi di segatura la rende versatile ed efficiente.
Interruttore a chiave completo di coppia chiavi in ottone nichelate a 380 combinazioni. Utilizzabile per apparecchiature elettroniche in genere e circuiti ausiliari a bassa tensione. Statore in lega di zinco rivestito in acciaio Inox. Rotore numerato con cappuccio Inox, contatti argentati. Tensione Massima: 24 V d.c. • Corrente di alimentazione: 1 A d.c. Confezione: scatola di cartone da 100 pz.