EUROLAC HIGH GLOSS ENAMEL is an excellent quality alkyd based gloss enamel paint. It is highly durable with superior gloss and color retention. It is suitable for exterior and interior use for any metallic and wooden surface. It offers a hard and flexible finish with excellent durabillity to weather conditions and washing, It has excellent working and leveling properties and great covering power.
PACKAGE:0,375 LT, 0,75 LT, 2,5 LT
COLOR:Black Matte, Gloss White
In the furniture industry, ultrasonic cleaning machines are indispensable for companies that produce metal components and frames. These machines provide a noticeable difference in terms of time and cleaning quality, making them an essential tool for manufacturers. By using ultrasonic cleaning technology, furniture companies can ensure that their products are free from contaminants, enhancing their durability and appearance. The use of ultrasonic cleaning machines also supports the sustainability goals of the furniture industry by minimizing the use of harsh chemicals and reducing waste. This makes them an eco-friendly choice for furniture companies committed to sustainable practices.
Waterbased pigmented primer for all types of masonry substrates. Suitable even on fresh concrete and mortar.
Excellent adhesion to concrete.
Excellent alkali and efflorescence resistance.
Excellent water resistance.
Good UV resistance.
Interior and exterior.
Eco friendly.
Solvents free.
Ready for use, do not dilute.
Ogni goccia di Essenza Concentrata Eden è studiata per profumare tutto il bucato.
Questa fragranza può essere definita “indimenticabile”, merito della sua piramide ol fattiva che mescola intense note fiorite ad un fondo boisé.
Un liquido da aggiungere all’ammorbidente nel bucato a mano, in lavatrice durante l’ultimo risciacquo.
Profuma Bucato Eden è priva di parabeni e nichel free.
Introducing a robust, weather-resistant table with four attached seats, expertly crafted by DREWCO for one of our valued clients. This heavy-duty table is designed to endure the harshest outdoor conditions, making it an ideal choice for parks, public spaces, and outdoor dining areas.
Please note that all our products are custom-made for our clients, and this is just one example of the exceptional pieces we can create in our factory.
Constructed from premium materials, this table and seating combination offers exceptional durability and stability, ensuring long-lasting use even in challenging weather. With its integrated seating, this design provides both functionality and convenience, delivering a reliable and sturdy solution for any outdoor environment.
Battery Cycle Count
A typical cell phone battery goes through approximately 500 cycles before retaining at least 80% of its original capacity. Made from new materials, our batteries have zero cycles, ensuring the maximum number of cycles you can use.
Zero Cycle Count, so you have the maximum amount of cycles remaining.
Lithium-Ion Polymer
technological materials
Strict QC test
Less than 1% failure rate
12 Months Warranty
Colle mastic acrylique en dispersion aqueuse, prête à l’emploi, pour revêtements muraux isolants et éléments décoratifs.
Résine acrylique en émulsion, agent tackifiant, épaississant et divers adjuvants. La pâte est de couleur blanc cassé.
• Murs et plafonds en intérieur
• Béton
• Enduit ciment
• Plaques de plâtre
• Carreaux de plâtre
• Ancienne peinture
• Sous-couche d’impression
• Temps de gommage : 5 mn
• Temps ouvert : 20 minutes
• Temps de prise : 24 à 48 heures
• Densité : environ 1,4
• Extrait sec : 75%
• Polystyrène expansé ou extrudé (panneaux, dalles, plaques, etc...)
• Éléments décoratifs en polystyrène ou polyuréthane : rosaces, corniches, moulures, etc
• ”Aluminium - polystyrène” (collage face aluminium)
• Liège
• Isolants (Dépron...)
Seaux de 1,5 et 7 kg sur palette houssée.
6 mois à l’abri du froid et des fortes chaleurs en...
ADLER is the specialist when it comes to wood preservation and wood paints and varnishes. Work at the ADLER factory on the development of water-thinnable wood finish products for wooden constructions had already commenced 20 years ago. Over the years these have been continuously improved. At the same time the raw materials were further developed and the latest product family was created: The Lignovit range. Using these water-thinnable, thin-film wood finishes, professionals could give the ADLER value addition to their wooden construction.
Rely on material of the future wood and give your customer the beauty and quality of this natural raw material. Based on the motto "Grow together", ADLER now provides its know-how, well-developed and seasoned concepts and experience to master carpenters and industrial producers. With the help of the ADLER wood finishes of the Lignovit family, you have, in any case, a system available that does justice to your high demands on quality, beauty and...
Tezkim Citric Acid Monohydrate is the most widely used organic acid and pH control agent in foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals and technical applications. Citric Acid is a colorless, crystalline powder with a strong acidic taste. It is freely soluble in water and ethanol (96%). It is chemically stable when stored at ambient temperatures.
Suitable for any wood indoors and outdoors such as facade cladding, windows, garden houses, wall and ceiling cladding, wooden floors, furniture, cork, toys, etc. Wood Wax L is also suitable for damp areas like bathrooms and kitchen and even highly strained surfaces like doors and furniture. Wood Wax L is an impervious, open-pore and vapor permeable coat. It protects against graying and soiling and penetrates well. Swelling and shrinkage are reduced.
ENTEGRE Moulding Plaster - Plaster of Paris
It is used in casting of requested models for decorative purposed and mounting of decorative gypsum plaster product to wall. It is also used in repair, restoration and renewal in housing and business places thanks to early freezing quality.
L’entreprise ACIMEX conçoit et fabrique divers projets de machine spéciale afin d’améliorer la productivité de ses clients. Zoom sur cet équipement essentiel de la chaîne de production qui permet d’assurer la manutention des charges lourdes en toute sécurité.
À quoi sert la machine spéciale ?
La machine spéciale est un équipement automatisé inclus sur la chaîne de production (ligne de manutention, ligne d’évacuation…) elle est conçue pour déplacer différents types de charges lourdes d’un point A à un point B (zone de stockage). La marque ACIMEX s’est spécialisée dans la fabrication d’installations équipées de ventouses qui détectent le poids, le diamètre et la taille des charges lourdes afin d’assurer leur préhension en toute sécurité et de faciliter ainsi le processus de production.
Une fabrication sur-mesure pour une solution clé en main
AOVE Oleazara – Variedad Lecciana. Capacidad 250ml.
Recolección temprana. Primera prensada. 100% EXTRACCIÓN EN FRÍO
AOVE de olivos centenarios. Ayudamos a recuperar la variedad Lecciana.
Tüm kurumuş yemek artıkları ve yanmış yağları, davlumbazda biriken yağ kalıntılarını temizlemek için formüle edilmiştir. Su bazlıdır. Fayans, çelik ve plastik yüzeylerde güvenle kullanılabilir.
ALDOVET SAN is a special surface disinfectant concentrate on an excellent bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal effect. ALDOVET SAN is very well suited for the disinfection of surfaces and equipment in livestock barns, as well as for working surfaces, sanitary facilities, and animal transport vehicles.
Only apply on acid-resistant surfaces.
Before disinfection, all surfaces must be cleaned thoroughly with suitable cleaning agents for animal houses (e.g. ALDOVET TENS). After the surfaces are cleaned and dried the proper use-solution of ALDOVET SAN is applied with the usual application equipment. Surfaces with animal contact must properly be rinsed with water after disinfection.
Biyorem Oilsorb ile sert zeminlerde petrol, yağ ve dizel döküntülerini absorbe etmek için tasarlanmıştır. Ayrıca hayvansal, bitkisel, mineral ve sentetik yağlar ile yağ bazlı boyaları absorbe etmek için de kullanılır.
✓ Trafik kazası sonrası yola yayılan yağ ve petrol temizliği
✓ Makine ikmal (İş makinesi, araç bakım atölyeleri)
✓ Sanayi tesisleri
✓ Belediyeler
✓ Petrol istasyonları
✓ Limanlar
✓ Havaalanları
✓ Hayvan Barınakları
✓ Mezbahalar
Döküntü alanı üzerine ve etrafına ürün serpilir ve zemin kuruyana kadar ileri geri hareketlerle süpürülür. Sonra hiçbir artık kalmayacak şekilde tüm absorban zeminden süpürülerek alınır. İkinci kez deterjan veya çözücüyle yıkamaya gerek kalmaz. Tek adımda film tabakası bırakmadan kuru temizlik sağlar.
Vopseaua Clorcauciuc pentru Pardoseli EMEX este un produs monocomponent, profesional, pe baza de emulsii de cauciuc clorurat, pigmenti, aditivi, plastifianti si solventi specifici, cu adaos de alfa corindon sau faina de cuartz pentru duritate. Produsul, foarte rezistent atat la apa cat si la frecare sau abraziune, are ca destinatie principala vopsirea pardoselilor din beton, fie pentru protejare, fie doar pentru marcare (eventual cu adaos de micro-perle din sticla). Vopseaua Clorcauciuc poate fi colorata in orice nuanta a cartelei RAL.
Caracteristici principale:
- Produs agrementat sanitar;
- Aderenta ridicata la suport;
- Aplicare si intretinere usoara;
- Duritate excelenta;
- Putere mare de acoperire;
- Rezistenta mare la abraziune;
- Rezistenta excelenta la uzura;
- Rezistenta mare la agenti corozivi;
- Rezistenta mare la intemperii, factori chimici, frecare.
%6 Su da Çözünür bakır içermektedir. organik şelatlıdır. bitkide leke yapmaz. bitkiyi durdurmaz. saha da yapılan çalışmalarda Aliette veya muadili ilaçlar ile karıştırılarak dikimden 10 gün sonra uygulama yapıldığı zaman kök hastalıklarında etkili olduğu gözlenmiştir. üstten 100 lt suya 100-150 gr arasında uygulama yapılır. meyveler de 200-250 gr a kadar çıkılabilir. damlamadan 1 lt uygulama yapabilirsiniz.
Idropittura minerale elastomerica acrilica antialga a base di selezionate farine di quarzo fino a 50 micron, per la decorazione e protezione interna ed esterna di superfici sia nuove che vecchie come intonaci civili a base di cemento, base calce, base calce idraulica naturale NHL, intonaci deumidificanti, intonaci idrorepellenti, finiture minerali, sistemi a cappotto, intonaci a cappotto premiscelati, calcestruzzo, vecchi rivestimenti e pitture sintetiche, pareti rasate a stucco, calcestruzzo, legno e supporti in genere, non ferrosi. Ottima per la ritinteggiatura. Specifico per risolvere nel tempo l’evidenziarsi di microcavillature sia in modo preventivo che risolutivo nel caso si sia già verificato il fenomeno.
Au service de la chasse et du tir depuis 1916.
Assure le parfait entretien de votre arme (intérieur comme extérieur).
Facilite le mouvement des mécanismes des armes automatiques par une lubrification longue durée.
In the jewelry industry, where precision and delicacy are paramount, ultrasonic cleaning machines are a preferred choice for removing oils and polishes from surfaces during the manufacturing process. These machines ensure that intricate jewelry pieces are cleaned thoroughly without causing any damage, preserving their craftsmanship and beauty. The use of ultrasonic cleaning technology in the jewelry sector not only enhances the quality of the final product but also significantly reduces the time required for cleaning. This efficiency allows jewelers to focus more on the creative aspects of their work, knowing that the cleaning process is both reliable and effective. Moreover, ultrasonic cleaning machines contribute to the sustainability of the jewelry industry by reducing the need for manual cleaning methods that can be labor-intensive and less environmentally friendly.
SOLVENT PAINT of COSMOCHROME is a high quality undercoat for concrete surfaces (concrete columns, concrete floors, walls, ceramic tile roofs etc). It is highly durable against extreme weather conditions and atmosphere pollution. It has strong adhesion, great covering power and extreme hardness
PACKAGE:0,75 LT, 10 LT, 2,5 LT
COLOR:Black, Cypress Green
EUROLAC is an excellent quality alkyd based gloss enamel paint. It is highly durable with superior gloss and color retention. It is suitable for exterior and interior use for any metallic and wooden surface. It offers a hard and flexible finish with excellent durability to weather conditions and washing. It has excellent working and leveling properties and great covering power.
PACKAGE:0,17 LT, 0,375 LT, 0,75 LT, 10 LT, 2,5 LT, 20 LT
COLOR:Black, White
2component epoxy paint for the protection of concrete floors, metal structures, etc. Does not contain solvents (100% solids).
Excellent adhesion.
Great penetration power.
Good adhesion in wet substrate with high percentage of humidity.
Good capacity for reaction at low temperatures and high percentage of humidity.
Indoor and outdoor use.
Enduit de réparation intérieur et extérieur sans retrait, à haut pouvoir adhésif.
• Rebouche : trous et fissures, joints sur briques, béton cellulaire
• Répare : corniches, angles de fenêtres
• Scelle : gonds et pitons
• Enduit : façade, crépi, parpaing...
Enduit en poudre à base de ciment, sable, résine et divers adjuvants.
La pâte obtenue est de couleur grise.
Tous types de supports propres, sains, secs, dépoussiérés et exempts de toute trace d’huile : maçonnerie, béton, enduit ciment.
Le recouvrement, après séchage complet de l’enduit, peut se faire par tous types de peintures, enduits à base de plâtre, enduits pâteux, enduit ciment, RPE.
DTU 42.1.
• Granulométrie : fine
• Adhérence : conforme au DTU 42.1
• pH : alcalin. Début de prise : 40 minutes
• Fin de prise : 1 h 30
Sacs de 5 et 15 kg sur palette houssée.
6 mois...