Termékek erbe látta 300d férfiborotváló (3)

Fehér Beton Száraz HA25

Fehér Beton Száraz HA25

It is a conglomerate of marble and cement aggregates, bagged in a dry state so that the user, by mixing it with the indicated water, can obtain a mass concrete, reinforced or pre-contracted, of adequate and constant quality. Compressive strength:>25 N/mm2 Minimum cement content:275 Kg/mm2 Consistency of fresh concrete - settlement:60-90 mm Maximum size of aggregates:12 mm
Hidromar Flex CM 02P

Hidromar Flex CM 02P

Flexible single-component mortar that protects and waterproofs all types of construction surfaces, concrete or mortar in the presence of water or humidity. Its flexibility allows it to cover microcracks that form in concrete subjected to deformation. Strong adhesion, impermeability, no shrinkage and excellent workability. Maximum thickness per layer:1mm Minimum total thickness:2mm Consumption:1.25 kg/m2 and mm thickness
Hidromar Flex CM 02P

Hidromar Flex CM 02P

Mortier flexible monocomposant qui protège et imperméabilise tous types de surfaces de construction, béton ou mortier en présence d'eau ou d'humidité. Sa flexibilité lui permet de couvrir les microfissures qui se forment dans le béton soumis à la déformation. Forte adhérence, imperméabilité, aucun retrait et excellente maniabilité. Épaisseur maximale par couche:1mm Épaisseur totale minimale:2mm Consommation:1,25 kg/m2 et mm d'épaisseur