Termékek folyamatosság (10)

Online boltok fordítása

Online boltok fordítása

Traduction de magasins en ligne dans plus de 150 langues : français, anglais, espagnol, allemand, italien, portugais, arabe, basque, bulgare, catalan, chinois, tchèque, danois, hollandais, finnois, flamand, galicien, grec, hébreu, hongrois, japonais, coréen, norvégien, polonais, roumain, russe, serbo-croate, slovaque, slovène, suédois, turc, ourdou, valencien, afrikaans, albanais, biélorusse, bengali, bosniaque, birman, croate, estonien, gaélique irlandais, hindi, indonésien, letton, macédonien, maltais, persan, panjâbî, gaélique écossais, tchétchène, serbe, thaï, ukrainien, vietnamien, gallois, amharique, arménien, breton, dari, espéranto, farsi, filipino, géorgien, groenlandais, kazakh, kurde, latin, lingala, luxembourgeois, moldave, mongol, népalais, occitan, quechua, kinyarwanda, cingalais, somali, swahili, tatar, tibétain, turkmène, ouzbek, zoulou.


Digitális és pénzügyi technológiák

Digitális és pénzügyi technológiák

The O2 Consulting team has accumulated considerable experience in supporting financial and digital technology projects and is one of the market leaders in legal support for state-of-the-art financial technologies. Digital companies, private investors and venture funds seek our advice on the structuring of and integrated support for projects, on compliance issues, legal support in implementing FinTech transactions, in carrying out compliance procedures and supporting legal relations of any kind among start-ups, developers, business angels, etc. We are leading experts not only in Russia but also in other countries in taxation of digital companies and we actively participate in developing new international and domestic legislative rules in this sector. We have our finger on the pulse in the latest digital spheres and understand sensitive points and grey zones; we monitor trends in the global regulation of this sphere. Our European office and strong business relations in Switzerland...
Kogeneráció - Fűtés

Kogeneráció - Fűtés

Le principe de la cogénération est de produire de l'électricité à moindre coût en utilisant le gaz comme source d'énergie. Les pertes étant quasiment entièrement récupérées sous forme de chaleur pour le chauffage ou l'eau chaude sanitaire, la cogen permet donc de produire le kWh d'électricité au prix du kWh de gaz (plus de 3 fois moins cher). Imaginez que vous tenez une belle pomme bien juteuse. Vous mordez une fois dedans, puis vous la jetez. N’est-ce pas là du gaspillage ? Voilà la façon dont l’électricité est produite aujourd’hui dans les centrales de grande taille. Les centrales au charbon et au gaz et les centrales nucléaires n’exploitent qu’un tiers de l’énergie utilisée. Imaginez maintenant que vous mangez cette pomme en ne laissant que les pépins et la queue. Désormais, vous êtes en mesure de vous imaginer à quoi ressemble la cogénération. La chaleur générée lors de la production d’électricité ne reste pas inexploitée. La cogénération est un processus visant à produire simulta


Process optimization - how to get started? Any company that wants to maintain improved processes in the long run must first consider a vision, direction or goal (1). The most effective way to successfully motivate employees is clear communication of vision, direction and goals. Process optimization requires a change in the current way of working, so it is very important for employees to identify with the vision, direction and goals of the company. Once the direction is confirmed and agreed, the current situation needs to be effectively analyzed to optimize the process (2). Understanding the current situation without subjective ballast is the key to effective process optimization. Employees directly involved in the process participate in the analysis of the current situation and systematically present the current situation using lean methods.
Autóipari fordító szolgáltatások

Autóipari fordító szolgáltatások

Serviços de tradução especializada para a indústria automóvel em 150 idiomas. A nossa agência de tradução é especializada em traduções para a indústria automóvel. Os nossos tradutores profissionais do ramo automóvel podem traduzir documentos e manuais técnicos para a indústria automóvel em 150 idiomas. Comunicados de imprensa, manuais do utilizador e de manutenção/reparação de veículos, sítios web de fabricantes de automóveis, pacotes de software específicos para a indústria de pesados/automóvel, comercialização de materiais para o setor dos transportes, especificações altamente técnicas de sistemas mecânicos e eletrónicos, transporte ferroviário, catálogos de peças, bases de dados de ferramentas, fabrico e montagem de automóveis, equipamento pesado, motos e camiões. A nossa empresa de tradução do ramo automóvel é especializada em traduções para todos os tipos de empresas envolvidas na projetação, desenvolvimento, fabrico, comercialização e venda de veículos ligeiros, veículos pesados
Feliratok átirata és fordítása

Feliratok átirata és fordítása

Serviço de tradução profissional de legendas Transcrevemos, traduzimos e legendamos todo o tipo de vídeos em mais de 100 idiomas: A nossa empresa de serviços de legendagem multilingue fornece tradução de legendas em todos os formatos: .aqt, .jss, .sub, .ttxt, .pjs, .psb, .rt, .smi, .ssf, .srt, .gsub, .ssa, .usf, .idx, .stl, incorporado em .divx, misturado com stream de áudio/vídeo, etc.
Fordítási memóriák

Fordítási memóriák

Alineación de traducciones, revisión y creación de memorias de traducción con los principales programas profesionales de traducción asistida por ordenador: SDL Trados, Wordfast, memoQ, Déjà Vu, Accross, SDLX, OmegaT, Star Transit, XTM, MetaTexis, Microsoft LocStudio, etc.
Fordítások felülvizsgálata

Fordítások felülvizsgálata

Servicio profesional de revisión de traducciones de terceros. Corrección de estilo de todo tipo de documentos. Corrección de pruebas antes de ir a imprenta. Corrección de concepto de traducciones por especialistas.
Szellemi Tulajdon

Szellemi Tulajdon

We provide our clients IP project support in various areas: protection, registration, transfer of IP, use of intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trade marks and inventions. We have vast experience of working with clients operating in innovative IT development areas. We understand all aspects of business protection in terms of commercial secrecy and the nuances of securing title to privately developed software. We also perform due diligence of IP, prepare a contractual framework of any complexity under Russian and foreign law (including franchising agreements, licence agreements and contracts with developers), provide support in negotiations and disputes, and advise on regulatory matters. Our ability to pool the best specialists from various practice areas on project teams provides our clients with integrated IP solutions under the laws of various jurisdictions, with optimal regulatory and tax arrangements and taking into account the specific nature of the given...