Die Produktlinie NUTRIEL R umfasst mehrere wasserlösliche Düngemittelformulierungen, die mit EDTA-Mikroelementen (Kupfer, Eisen, Mangan und Zink) angereichert sind und für die Düngung aller Kulturen verwendet werden können.
NUTRIEL R-Produkte werden aus hochwertigen Rohstoffen hergestellt, um vollständig löslich zu sein und einen geringen Salzgehalt zu haben.
Verpackung:25 Kg
Liquid organic preparation based on vermicompost with a complex composition and properties of a growth stimulator, micro- and biofertilizer for foliar feeding in critical phases of growth and development of spinning crops.
How to use:
Foliar feeding (spraying).
Flax, hemp, cotton, jute, agave, nettle, etc.
The use of the product increases the yield and quality of products, relieves biotic and abiotic stresses, strengthens resistance to diseases, quickly relieves micronutrient deficiencies, and ensures proper nutrition and development of plants.
Fully soluble in water, suitable for drone spraying.
Certified for use in organic agriculture in accordance with the International Certification by Organic Standard for organic production and processing, which is equivalent to the European Union Regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008.
Preparation form:Liquid
TU:TU U 20.1-19380560-006:2021
Packaging:Canister 10 l
It is advisable to fill the tank with water while stirring and then add NEUTRAL to adjust the appropriate pH for the phytosanitary preparations that we are going to use. After a few minutes we will carry out a pH measurement to check that it remains in the chosen range.
Finally we will incorporate the phytosanitary products to be used. The doses depend on the hardness of the water and the pH to be adjusted, but as a guide to reach a pH of 6, 60cc / 100L will be used.
High quality dried Common knotgrass herb for wholesale
Medicinal, fodder, honey and dye plant. Its herb contains flavonoids, tannins, carotene, vitamins E, C. In scientific medicine, the herb of ergot is used - Herba Polygoni avicularis. The infusion of ergot grass is usually used to treat urological diseases.
We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances.
Country of origin - Ukraine
Part of plant:Herb
Quantity:up to 30 tons per year
Package:As required
100% Frucht! Mischung aus gefriergetrockneten und gemahlenen Erdbeeren, Kulturheidelbeeren, Sauerkirschen & Bananen.
Verpackt im wiederverschließbaren Standbodenbeutel.
Für 100 g Der Klassiker werden bis zu 900 g frische Früchte benötigt.
El mijo está hecho de mijo. Ayuda a contrarrestar la acidificación del cuerpo, fortalece la inmunidad y es nutritiva y fácilmente digerible. Naturalmente está libre de gluten. Su gran ventaja es el alto contenido de vitaminas B, hierro hematopoyético y cobre. Es una excelente fuente de fibra dietética y potasio, magnesio, calcio y sodio. Proporciona al cuerpo una proteína fácilmente digerible y carbohidratos complejos, que son la base de una dieta saludable. El mijo atrapado tiene un efecto antiviral y de fortalecimiento, ayuda a restaurar el equilibrio ácido-base del cuerpo. El grupo B y las vitaminas de hierro tienen hematopoyetia. El mijo ayuda a reducir la inflamación en el cuerpo, trabaja el calentamiento, mejora el metabolismo, mejora la concentración y el recuerdo. El alto contenido de los compuestos de calcio y sílice fortalece los dientes y los huesos. - 4%incluye ácidos grasos saturados 0.4g - 2%de carbohidratos 72.1g - 28%incluyendo azúcares 0.8g - 1%de proteína 10.
Découvrez le goût unique et exotique des safous frais avec notre vente en gros de safous. nos safous sont cultivés avec soin pour garantir leur qualité supérieure et leur fraîcheur. ils sont riches en nutriments essentiels comme les fibres, les vitamines, et les minéraux. commandez dès maintenant pour profiter de nos prix compétitifs et de notre service de livraison rapide
La yema de huevo pasteurizada líquida es un ingrediente versátil y de alta calidad, ideal para la preparación de salsas, pastelería y otras aplicaciones culinarias. Su alto extracto seco garantiza un rendimiento óptimo en la elaboración de productos, ofreciendo una textura y sabor excepcionales que mejoran cualquier receta. Este producto es especialmente recomendado para la restauración, pastelería y obradores, asegurando resultados consistentes y deliciosos.
Disponible en envases de botella de 1/2 litro, 1 litro, y bag in box de 10 y 20 litros, así como contenedores de 1.000 litros, la yema líquida pasteurizada se adapta a las necesidades de cualquier establecimiento. Su facilidad de uso y almacenamiento, junto con su calidad superior, la convierten en una opción preferida para chefs y cocineros que buscan ingredientes de alta calidad para sus creaciones culinarias.
Teneur totale en fruits:
Préparée avec 55 g de fruits pour 100 g de produit fini.
Ingrédients et allergens:
Fraise, rhubarbe, sucre, jus de citron, gélifiant: pectines de pomme.
Valeurs nutritionnelles moyennes pour 100g
Energie 995/234 kJ kcal
Mat ères grasses < 0.5 g
Dont acides gras saturés < 0.1 g
Glucides 57 g
Dont sucres 43 g
Proteins 0.6 g
Sel 0.01 g
La texture de la confiture de fraise et de rhubarbe établit un équilibre entre l’onctuosité et la texture naturelle des morceaux de fruits. Cela préserve l’authenticité des ingrédients, vous permettant de savourer la délicieuse combinaison de fraise et de rhubarbe à chaque bouchée.
UGS:3 455 149 000 720
Garanti Edilen İçerik (%W/W)
Organik Madde 15
Alginik Asit 0,5
Suda Çözünür Potasyum Oksit (K2O)3
pH 8-10
Ürün Özellikleri
Karaca, toz formunda elden edilen deniz yosunu kaynaklı özel enzim, organik ve doğal içerikli mükemmel bir üründür. Giberellik, alginik asit ve sitokiler gibi doğal bitki enzimleri içerir. Toprağa verilen alginik asitler, besin elementlerinin alım etkinliğinin artırılması yanında, bitki bünyesine alınan besin elementlerinin meyve ve tane oluşumuna-dönüşümüne hizmet eder.
NITROFLUIDE, uma solução de acção rápida e eficaz com elevado teor de azoto, complementada com ácidos poli-hidroxicarboxílicos (PHC), enxofre e aminoácidos, cujo efeito estimulante sobre as plantas é ajudá-las a superar situações adversas.
Devido à sua formulação especial, NITROFLUIDE é considerado como um apoio directo e importante na nutrição foliar, melhorando as fases de desenvolvimento dos botões, germinação e floração, bem como o desenvolvimento vegetativo.
Acelera as funções fisiológicas da planta com a formação de substâncias proteicas com uma poupança de energia para a planta, melhorando assim o seu desenvolvimento.
- Acelera as funções fisiológicas da planta com a formação de substâncias proteicas (aminoácidos, proteínas) com um efeito de poupança de energia sobre a planta, melhorando assim o seu desenvolvimento.
- Efeito estimulante sobre as plantas que ajuda a superar situações adversas.
Embalagens de:
- 1000 L
- 20 L
- 10 L
- 5 L
Nitrógênio (N) total:18% p/p
Nitrógênio (N) orgânico:0,8% p/p
Nitrógênio (N) ureico:14,1% p/p
Nitrógênio (N) amoniacal:3,1% p/p
Trióxido de Enxofre (SO3) solúvel em água:4,3% p/p
Carbono orgânico (Corg):4,2% p/p
pH:4,8 p/p
Densidade (gr/cc):1,23 p/p
Aminoácidos livres:2,04% p/p
Matéria orgânica calcinação:8,5% p/p
Residuo seco:10% p/p
Pea flour is often used in baking bread and tortillas, making pasta, as well as some pastries such as donuts and cookies. It is enough to add only 1020% of pea flour to wheat flour, and these dishes will acquire a unique pea aroma and become a little healthier. Peas are rich in vitamins C, B and PP, as well as minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and zinc. Milling on stone millstones allows you to preserve the balanced natural composition of the grain, which makes it possible to achieve a decrease in the glycemic index.
Weight:400 g
NaREDUKTEAN® range is composed of two types of low sodium salts:
> A Clean Label low sodium salt (NaCl and KCl naturally crystallized together).
> A 0% Sodium Salt Substitute blend with a very efficient bitterness masking.
Excellent results in flavour and texture.
In categories: Meat, Bakery, Ready Meals, Sauces, Dairy, Snacks, Fish Derivates, Soups.
Competitive prices.
MOQ: 300KG
Natürliche Süße, ein hoher Basenanteil und weitgehend erhaltene Inhaltsstoffe: daran erkennst du unsere Früchte in Premiumqualität. Unsere schonenden Trocknungsverfahren machen aus Früchten leckere Snacks und edle Speisenzutaten.
Ob fürs Müsli, zum puren Snackvergnügen unterwegs, als edles Topping, als aromatische Geschmacksgeber in Milch: Wir liefern dir die Früchte für verschiedenste Foodtrends und Klassiker.
Und zwar in genau der Form, die du dir wünschst: von der in delikates Coating gehüllten Erdbeere bis zur gemahlenen Blaubeere. Unsere Früchte vereinen faszinierende Vielseitigkeit und Fruchtigkeit.
*Freshness, cleanliness and the best quality guaranteed by 3K Global
*For availability of current varieties please contact
*Biological Farming
*All Sizes
*Demanded packaging type can be applied
*From Antalya, Türkiye
*For further information please get in contact with us
frésh natural Mints Display Atemerfrischungspastillen Pfirsich
zuckerfrei mit Süßungsmitteln
glutenfrei und laktosefrei
für Vegetarier geeignet
nur 1 Kalorie pro Pastille
Der fruchtige pfirsichliche Geschmack ist einzigartig!
Wir liefern Ihnen dieses Produkt in 12 handlichen Kunststoffschiebeschachteln im bedruckten Displaykarton.
Kühl und trocken lagern.
Hergestellt in Deutschland
Zementgebundener, mineralischer, schnellerhärtender, polymermodifizierter, selbstverlaufender Industriebodenbelag (Dünnestrich) mit Verschleißträger auf Basis von KORODUR Hartstoffen für Schichtdicken von 5 bis 30 mm.
Lieferform:25 kg Papierspezialverpackung
Türkiye’nin en çok tüketilen, içerisinde hiçbir kimyasal ve koruyu madde bulundurmayan bitkisel zayıflama ürünü 7 Zeytin 1 İncir’i 3 yaşın üzeri herkes kullanabilir.
Dünya üzerindeki herkesin içebileceği ve her evde bulunması gereken Elsum Premium by 7 Zeytin 1 İncir’in içeriğinde sadece doğal bitki özleri bulunmaktadır ve birçok sağlık probleminize çözüm bulabilirsiniz.
İçeriğinin doğallığı, sağlık açısından yararları ve kullanıcı memnuniyeti ile 2021 yılı uluslararası marka liderleri ödülüne layık görülmenin haklı gururunu değerli kullanıcılarımız ve takipçilerimiz ile paylaşmaktan mutluluk duyuyoruz.
Liquid organic preparation based on vermicompost with a complex composition and properties of a growth stimulator, micro- and biofertilizer for root and foliar feeding in critical phases of growth and development of fruit and berry crops and grapes.
How to use:
Root and foliar feeding (spraying).
Fruit trees (pome, stone fruit, nut-bearing), berry crops (raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, etc.), grapes.
The use of the product increases the yield and quality of products, relieves biotic and abiotic stresses, strengthens resistance to diseases, quickly relieves micronutrient deficiencies, and ensures proper nutrition and development of plants.
Fully soluble in water, suitable for drone spraying.
Certified for use in organic agriculture in accordance with the International Certification by Organic Standard for organic production and processing, which is equivalent to the European Union Regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008.
Preparation form:Liquid
TU:TU U 20.1-19380560-006:2021
Packaging:Canister 10 l
Inulin ist ein natürlich vorkommendes Multi -Korn, der nicht vom Menschen verdaut wurde, dank der er als diätetische Ballaststoffe fungiert. Es tritt in den Wurzeln und Knollen einiger Pflanzen (Chicorée, Jerusalem Artischocken, Artischocken, Burdock, Zwiebel, Knoblauch, Bananen) vor. Meistens wird es von Chicorée erhalten. Insulin ist durch kalorienarme und zarte Süße gekennzeichnet. Da es 10 -mal weniger süß als Zucker ist, wird es normalerweise nicht als Ersatz verwendet. Inulin wird als Gel verwendet, verdickt und stabilisiert Substanz. Infolin, das zu Food hinzugefügt wurde, reduziert den Kaloriengehalt, hemmt den Appetit und erhöht das Gefühl der Sättigung. Dank dessen verbessert es die Kontrolle über die Menge an verbrauchten Lebensmitteln. Arbeitet in Menschen mit Abschleifdiäten. Inulin wirkt als Präbiotikum, stimuliert die Entwicklung einer normalen Darmbakterienflora und wirkt sich somit positiv auf die Gesundheit aus.
Dishes made from rye flour are lower in calories than those made from wheat. Even people following various weight loss diets can use rye flour for baking. Not only traditional black bread can be baked from rye flour. This flour also serves as a base for many delicious and healthy baked goods, such as flat cakes, muffins, gingerbread, biscuits and cookies. Rye flour contains vitamins of group B, PP, as well as vitamin E a source of youth and beauty. Milling with stones allows us to preserve the natural balanced composition of grains, which makes it possible to lower a glycemic index an important indicator for those who care about their health.
Weight:400 g
Flaxseed flour is mainly used in baking (for instance, cakes, cookies, cakes, pancakes, muffins, cupcakes, muffins, etc.), and also for making some sauces. Flaxseed flour is a valuable dietary product and has many medicinal properties. It contains a lot of vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9, etc.) and microelements (calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, etc.). Milling on stone millstones allows you to preserve the balanced natural composition of the grain, which makes it possible to achieve a decrease in the glycemic index.
Weight:350 g