Termékek geotex quaken híd (36)

Osmocem SCK: Ozmotikus vízszigetelő habarcs, aktív kristályosító anyagokkal

Osmocem SCK: Ozmotikus vízszigetelő habarcs, aktív kristályosító anyagokkal

Osmocem SCK Fiber-reinforced monocomponent cement mortar, based on hydraulic binders, superprogoline fillers, selected fine aggregates and crystallizing reagent agents, which favor the penetration of the compound into the support. Ideal for low-thickness protective coatings (4 to 10 mm), with high counterweight adhesion. The specific formulation makes this product ideal for coatings in aggressive environments in contact with chlorides and sulphates (sewage systems). Packaging: 25 kg bag UM: €/kg
Decokril Rapid

Decokril Rapid

Waterbased pigmented primer for all types of masonry substrates. Suitable even on fresh concrete and mortar. Features Excellent adhesion to concrete. Excellent alkali and efflorescence resistance. Excellent water resistance. Good UV resistance. Interior and exterior. Eco friendly. Solvents free. Ready for use, do not dilute.
alphalith Duraphob®

alphalith Duraphob®

Highly effective water repellent, mainly for polymer-sealed concrete products. Provides strong water repellent effect, minimizes capillary water absorption, minimizes efflorescence.
TOLLERMAX - Hűtési Technológiák Fejlesztője

TOLLERMAX - Hűtési Technológiák Fejlesztője

Miglioratore per fermalievitazione, adatto a paste lievitate, pani prelievitati o precotti destinati alla surgelazione. Formato:10 kg Dosaggio:1%
CETEXALT - Fémmunkások

CETEXALT - Fémmunkások

Nettoyant dégraissant industriel polyvalent en solution aqueuse à haut pouvoir émulsifiant. Hyper polyvalent – Concentré – Économique – Ininflammable – Biodégradable – Contient un inhibiteur de corrosion Le dégraissant professionnel le plus polyvalent et le plus adapté pour tout nettoyer et dégraisser. Composé d’une solution riche en produits actifs naturels et synthétiques non polluants. Permet un nettoyage subtil, rapide et efficace. Concentré économique et pratique. N’altère pas le plastique, le caoutchouc, le plexi, le tissu, le verre… S’utilise pur ou dilué. Ne laisse pas de film gras. Ne pollue pas le milieu naturel. Contient un inhibiteur de corrosion. Ininflammable, biodégradable, sans solvants chlorés, sans hydro carbure, sans ammoniaque, sans butyl glycol. Réf:i505 Conditionnement:Bidon de 1 L avec Vapo – Carton de 20 Métiers:Métalliers Ex:CETEXALT ORIGINAL
HBC - Floorcoat Padlózáró

HBC - Floorcoat Padlózáró

Beständige Versiegelung in Profi-Qualität mit einfacher Verarbeitung in innovativer Knetbeutel-Verpackung. Floorcoat Bodenversiegelung überzeugt durch die einfache Verarbeitung, den günstigen Preis und einer innovativen Knetbeutelverpackung. Einsetzbar auf allen Bodenflächen im Innenbereich mit leichter Beanspruchung. Öl-säurebeständig und abriebfest.
Fluitec DeNOx rendszerek

Fluitec DeNOx rendszerek

Eine besondere Stärke von Fluitec ist die Auslegung, Fertigung und Montage von Rauchgasmischern inklusive kompletter Ammoniakdosierstationen für SCR-DeNOx Prozesse (katalytische Entstickungsanlagen). Das Ausgleichen von Konzentrations- und Temperaturprofilen über den Kanalquerschnitt muss mit einem möglichst minimalen Druckverlust realisiert werden. Die Auslegung erfolgt durch erfahrene CFD-Spezialisten auf modernster CFD-Simulationssoftware. Dies ermöglicht eine annähernd perfekte Voraussage der Strömungs- und Konzentrationsverhältnisse.
Aeroxon Hangyacsapda

Aeroxon Hangyacsapda

Die Aeroxon Ameisen-Köderdose bekämpft Ameisen und Ameisennester im und am Haus. Mit der Ameisen-Köderdose lassen sich Ameisen und Ameisennester schnell und effektiv bekämpfen. In der trittfesten Metalldose befindet sich ein wirkungsvoller, geruchloser Fraßköder. Aeroxon Ameisen-Köderdose vorsichtig verwenden. Vor Gebrauch stets Etikett und Produktinformationen lesen.


1- Su yalıtımı sağlayarak fayanslar arasındaki derz dolgular bozulsa bile alt kata su kaçırmaz, bina sakinlerini tamir masraflarından korur. Banyo uygulamalarında ayrıca su izolasyonu yapmaya gerek yoktur. Süper Hidrofobik bir ürün olduğu için tek bir ürün ile hem su izolasyonu sağlanmış olur hemde üstün performansa sahip güçlü bir fayans seramik uygulaması yapılmış olur. 2- Oldukça hafiftir. 3- 20 kg lık Multiyap Süper ile 6 mm taraklı mala kullanılarak 12 m2 lik uygulama alanına rahatlıkla ulaşabilirsiniz. 4- Hafifliği sayesinde inşaatlarda işçilik ve nakliye maliyetlerini düşürerek büyük oranda tasarruf sağlar. 5- Esnektir ve çalışma süresi uzatılmıştır. 6- Kuvvetli yapıştırma özelliğine sahiptir.
ragasztó cement - C2ETS1

ragasztó cement - C2ETS1

Nous fournissons tout type de ciment colle fabriqué selon la norme EN 12004 : du Cilement colle basique (C1) à ciment colle haute performance (C2TES2)
KORODUR Gyémántbeton - Gyémántbeton

KORODUR Gyémántbeton - Gyémántbeton

Hartstoff gem. DIN 1100 Gruppe KS zur Herstellung von zementgebundenen Hartstoffestrichen gem. DIN 18560-7 und DIN EN 13813 sowie für die Herstellung von Industrieböden im Einstreuverfahren gem. DIN 18560-3. Hartstoffgruppe KS gem. DIN 1100:Schleifverschleiß ≤ 1,5 cm³/50 cm² gem. DIN EN 13813 Lieferform:30 kg Papierspezialverpackung


The ready-made cold asphaltfix is ​​a mixture of a special composition of aggregates and the asphalt binder ergonflux. It is prepared and packaged in the facilities of our company and is available in the market, in bulk, in packages of 25 kg in a container or bag and in big bags of 1,000-1500 kg. Asphaltfix is ​​a ready-to-use product, applied cold without requiring any preparation of the damaged surface. It does not need to be mixed or mixed with another adhesive, it is safe to use, it has a very fast application without special equipment and its performance in circulation is immediate. It is not affected by extreme temperatures, snow, frost, rain, heat, stagnant water and remains elastic for a long time after use, without causing any traffic problems. It does not show cracks due to temperature contractions – expansions and does not detach from car tires or pedestrians. The product is ideal for repairing potholes and small surfaces on roads, airports, parking lots, etc.


Unterdachbahn / Unterdeckbahn / Unterspannbahn Diffusionsoffene, nahtselbstklebende Bitumen-Unterdachbahn / Unterdeckbahn / Unterspannbahn zur Verlegung auf Sparren / Wärmedämmung / Holzschalung / Fassade. Hagelschlaggeprüft am SKZ Würzburg. Schlagregengeprüft an der TU Berlin. Artikelnummer: BauderTOP DIFUTEX NSK Breite: 1,25 m Dehnung: längs ≥ 50%,quer ≥ 60% Kaltbiegeverhalten: -25°C Länge: 40 m Oberfläche oben: Kunststoff-Faservlies,, Nahtselbstklebestreifen Oberfläche unten: Kunststoff-Faservlies,, Nahtselbstklebestreifen Trägereinlage: Kunststoff-Faservlies Wärmstandfestigkeit: ≥+100 °C ZVDH-Klasse: UDB A, USB-A, Behelfsdeckung
Csatlakozó 8 40x40, ZN

Csatlakozó 8 40x40, ZN

Zur rechtwinkligen Verbindung von drei Aluminiumprofilen. Material:GD-ZN Farbe/Oberfläche:schwarz Gewicht:0,092 kg Nut:8
Hidromar Flex CM 02P

Hidromar Flex CM 02P

Flexible single-component mortar that protects and waterproofs all types of construction surfaces, concrete or mortar in the presence of water or humidity. Its flexibility allows it to cover microcracks that form in concrete subjected to deformation. Strong adhesion, impermeability, no shrinkage and excellent workability. Maximum thickness per layer:1mm Minimum total thickness:2mm Consumption:1.25 kg/m2 and mm thickness
Porszívó Berendezés - ATEX Zónákhoz

Porszívó Berendezés - ATEX Zónákhoz

Pour les poussières explosives ou les solvants particulièrement agressifs, des mesures spécifiques sont prises pour les traiter : elles sont normées « ATEX » (ATmosphères EXplosibles). La réglementation est issue de deux directives européennes 94/9/CE ou ATEX 137 (pour les équipements destinés à être utilisés en zones ATEX) et 1999/92/CE ou ATEX 100A (pour la sécurité des travailleurs). Elle répertorie les zones dangereuses selon la composition de l’atmosphère explosive : de gaz, de vapeur ou de brouillard (zones 0, 1 et 2) ou de poussières combustibles (zones 20, 21 et 22). Phosphoris MP Filter fournit tous les types de matériel compatibles au traitement de ces polluants, conformes à toutes les normes en vigueur : gaines, évents d’explosion, ventilateurs, matériel mobile d’aspiration, clapets, aspirateurs, etc.
GC Fujirock EP OptiXscan

GC Fujirock EP OptiXscan

Ce produit a été retiré de notre gamme. Liste
WHG Padlóbevonatok

WHG Padlóbevonatok

WHG-Bodenbeschichtungen finden überall dort Anwendung, wo auslaufende Öle, Kraftstoffe, Lösemittel, Zusätze oder Chemikalien den Boden unter dem Gebäude und damit Gewässer verunreinigen könnten.
Azet Professzionális Fák Trágyája a PROGEMA-tól

Azet Professzionális Fák Trágyája a PROGEMA-tól

organischer NPK-Langzeitdünger aus natürlichen Rohstoffen zur allgemeinen Baum-Düngung und Förderung des Wurzelwachstums und der Stress-Toleranz; enthält zusätzlich Mycorrhiza und Mikroorganismen
Öko Szigetelés - Folyékony Membrán Vízszigeteléshez

Öko Szigetelés - Folyékony Membrán Vízszigeteléshez

Akrilik reçine esaslı, su bazlı, tek kompenantlı, kullanıma hazır, pozitif su basıncına dayanıklı, kaplama altı Kısmi Elastik su yalıtım malzemesidir. Yarı elastik ► Akrilik Reçine Esaslı, Fırça ve rulo uygulanır. ► Su Bazlı, Düşük sıcaklıklarda bile elastikiyetini korur. ► Tek Bileşenli, Yüksek aderans sağlar. ► Kullanıma Hazır, Kullanıma hazırdır. ► Yarı Elastik ► Düşük Sarfiyatlıdır > Beyaz
Repar Tix HG SB: Szerkezeti, thixotropikus, szál-erősített cementhabarcs, spritz betonhoz

Repar Tix HG SB: Szerkezeti, thixotropikus, szál-erősített cementhabarcs, spritz betonhoz

Repar Tix HG SB Thixotropic, structural, fibre reinforced cement mortar, with compensated shrinkage, with high intrinsic water tightness, and extraordinary physical and mechanical characteristics: adhesion, compression resistance, flexural strength, abrasion resistance, etc. Perfect for remediation of structural works and articles in degraded concrete and very high-performance coatings. Repar Tix HG SB, in addition to normal manual application techniques, it is a structural mortar specially formulated for applications with pumping/spray machines (wet spritz-beton technique). Particularly optimized parameters are: rheology, thixotropy and workability of the product, which allow spraying operations with reduced wear of the mechanical parts and little waste on the ground. Rheoplastic, thixotropic, structural, composite cement mortar, based on special cements and selected siliceous aggregates, reinforced with a balanced mixture of READYMESH polypropylene fibres and calcium metasilicate microfibres, added with specific agents and a high content of silica fume. After hardening, it provides very high performance in terms of intrinsic water tightness, resistance to washing and hydrolysing, mechanical strength, abrasion and cavitation, anti-carbonation, chemical-physical stability, resistance to harsh atmospheric agents and to leaching water. It has three-dimensional fibre-reinforcement, provides high hold; it is dimensionally stable (compensated shrinkage). The product can be supplied in mono-component or two-component version. The product, in the monocomponent version, is mixed with water (approx. 16% of the weight of the bag). In the two-component version, the product is mixed by adding the 4.5 kg of component B. The two-component version increases adhesion to the support and reduces free shrinkage to air, especially in the initial hardening phases and in particularly hot climates, without modifying the physical-mechanical characteristics of the end product. Repairs and protective coatings of hydraulic works (pipelines, dams, tunnels etc.), marine structures and artefacts in critical situations: aggressive chemical-physical agents, leaching water, marine atmosphere, etc. Specific for shotcrete interventions in galleries, tunnels, rock walls, irrigation and hydraulic channels, piles and micropiles, diaphragms, etc. Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". An adequate roughening of the surfaces by scarifying, sandblasting etc. is always necessary in order to obtain the maximum adhesion values to the substrate. The optimal values are obtained with high pressure hydro-scarification. Bare the irons undergoing disruptive oxidation or deeply oxidized, removing the rust of the exposed irons (by sandblasting or abrasive brushes). The use of pumping/spraying machines specifically designed to be used with fibre-reinforced structural mortars is recommended. For the spraying of structural mortars such as Repar Tix HG SB, an effective and sometimes prolonged mixing of the product, which must take place upstream of the pumping circuit, is always recommended. For this reason, the use of “plaster sprayers” with volumetric water dosage is not recommended. Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer, add Repar Tix HG SB and the remaining water; continue to mix until a homogeneous lump-free mixture is obtained. The mixing water should be about 16% of the weight of the bag. Addition of Bond HG to the mixing water, (approx. 0.5 litres per 25kg bag of product) in the single component version, allows further improvement in terms of adhesion, hold, impermeability, workability, modelling and deformation capacity. In the case of use of the product in the two-component version, pour component B (liquid) into the mixer, gradually adding component A (powder) and mixing until the lumps are completely eliminated. For high coating thicknesses, static requirements, monolithic requirements, etc., performed with Repar Tix HG SB, it is advisable to use suitable metal reinforcements (electro-welded mesh, cages, etc.), anchored to the support with Syntech Profix, GROUT MICROJ, Repar Tix G2. Approximately 18,5 kg/m² of Repar Tix HG SB for every centimetre of thickness to be implemented (approximately 1850 kg per cubic metre). Bag 25 kg - Pallet: 50 x (Bag 25 kg)
Unisan : Párátlanító szerkezetű, erősítő, szürke cementvakolat

Unisan : Párátlanító szerkezetű, erősítő, szürke cementvakolat

Unisan A composite mortar that is fibre-reinforced, consolidating, dehumidifying, grey in colour and utilised for the structural restoration of crumbling old or monumental masonry. It contains no substances that are potentially harmful to masonry and is composed of NHL 3.5 natural hydraulic lime and hydraulic binders free from soluble salts, along with silicas with pozzolanic activity, selected siliceous-calcareous aggregates, specific shrinkage-reducing agents and resistant alkaline READYMESH fibres that confer high flex-traction whilst increasing the performance of the mortar’s fracture energy. In conjunction with ARMAGLASS STRUCTURA fibreglass mesh, it is ideal for the structural restoration of old walls or crumbling constructions. Construction of plasters and reinforced slabs in interventions of restoration, construction of plaster and dehumidifying coatings with high performance, bedding of bricks and modular elements. The surfaces should be clean and free of any soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition of "saturated dry surface". In the case of structural reinforcing slabs, you will need to proceed with applying an appropriate reinforcing electrowelded mesh, to be fixed with PROFIX, Grout Micro-J, Repar Tix G2 or Syntech IC 55. Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer, add Unisan and the remaining water; continue to mix until a homogeneous lump-free mixture is obtained. The mixing water should be about 12-14% of the weight of the bag. After mixing is completed wait a few minutes before applying. Apply the product by plastering trowel and brick trowel, or preferably with plastering machine (type PFT model G4). Do not apply in case of direct exposure to sunlight or excessive ventilation. Cure the protection and the prolonged moist hardening, of exposed surfaces. Approximately 15 kg/m² of Unisan for every centimetre of thickness to be implemented (approximately 1500 kg per cubic metre). Bag 25 kg - Pallet: 50 x (Bag 25 kg)
Fluid Col : Additív reológiai, önthető, zsugorodásgátló konglomerátumok előállításához

Fluid Col : Additív reológiai, önthető, zsugorodásgátló konglomerátumok előállításához

Fluid Col Multi-purpose additive powder, to add to a suitable mixture of binders and aggregates, for the on-site production of mortars, grouts and concretes that are self-levelling, rheoplastic, controlled shrinkage or moderately expansionary, high mechanical strength, chemical and waterproofing. The physical-chemical action of Fluid Col is an interaction of positive contributions and modifications: drastic reduction of the A/C ratio, shrinkage-resistant action, superpozzolanic action and reaction of ultrafine fillers (MICROSIL 90), which transforms unstable, soluble, readily reactive calcium hydroxides into stable, insoluble, chemically and mechanically resistant hydrous calcium silicates. Preparation of mortars, grouts, rheofluid concretes, shrinkage-compensated or moderately expansionary, high mechanical, watertightness and chemical stability performance, for structural slubs, anchoring machines, road joints, etc. Add the product in a concrete mixer, mixer truck or mixer, together with the remaining anhydrous components of the mixture: cement and aggregates, any polypropylene and/or steel fibres, etc. The indicative dosage, depending on the type of conglomerate to be packaged and its purposes, varies between 12% and 15% of the weight of the cement. After a first mixing, add the mix water and mix thoroughly, until you obtain a homogeneous whole and free of lumps. The cement dosage must not be less than 350 kg/m³. Fluid Col is perfectly compatible with the addition of fibre d steel and/or polypropylene fibres READYMESH, for the preparation of conglomerates composite s, fibre reinforced. Add 10 - 15% of Fluid Col to the weight of the cement present in the mixture. Bag 25 kg - Pallet: 50 x (Bag 25 kg)
Grout CR : Önthető, lecsapódásgátló, zsugorodás-kompenzált cementhabarcs

Grout CR : Önthető, lecsapódásgátló, zsugorodás-kompenzált cementhabarcs

Grout CR Composite , castable, anti-washout, controlled shrinkage cement mortar, superfluid consistency, based on high-resistance cements, superpozzolanic fillers (MICROSIL 90), polymeric modifiers, shrinkage resistant agents, specific additives, calcium silicate mineral fibres, selected silica aggregates. - Based on of thickened silica fume - three-dimensionally reinforced fibre with mineral and synthetic fibres - Provides high adherence and adhesion - dimensionally stable (shrinkage-compensated) - Provides high stability-physical chemical and resistance to chlorides and sulphates - suitable for underwater castings: it is anti-washout - high strength in terms of hydrostatic positive and negative thrust. Repair and protective coatings of hydraulic structures, marine and underwater structures, and articles in critical situations: harsh chemical-physical, leaching water, marine atmosphere, etc. Filling of formwork for the containment of cast immersed in sea water. In case of underwater application, the installation operations must be carried out within 8-10 hours of cleaning and "fouling" (accumulation and deposits of organic and inorganic particles on product surfaces) removal. An adequate roughening of the surfaces by scarifying, sandblasting etc. is always necessary in order to obtain the maximum adhesion values to the substrate. The optimal values are obtained with high pressure hydro-scarification. Bare the irons undergoing disruptive oxidation or deeply oxidized, removing the rust of the exposed irons (by sandblasting or abrasive brushes). Pour 2/3 of total mixture water in the cement mixer, gradually add the product and the remaining water, until a homogeneous mixture of the required consistency is obtained. For sizable filling thicknesses, greater than 60 mm, Ghiaietto 6.10 (inert washed is selected with a particle size of from 6-10 mm) can be added in a percentage ranging from 20% to 40 %, on the basis of practical requirements. In some particularly demanding cases in terms of the resistance to the "dry-wet" cycle (for example, for the action of the tides) or for chemical attacks particularly strong, it would be advisable to add, in addition to the gravel, even thickened silica fume(MICROSIL 90), and in a variable amount depending on the thickness and construction-related need, to further improve the waterproofing and the mechanical strength of the product. In these cases, please contact our Technical Service. In the case of casts in water, make sure of perfect product hardening before removal of the formwork. Approximately 20,50 kg/m² of Grout CR for every centimetre of thickness to be implemented (approximately 2050 kg per cubic metre). Packaging: 25 kg bag UM: €/kg
Osmocem N: Monokomponensű, ozmotikus, merev vízszigetelő cement

Osmocem N: Monokomponensű, ozmotikus, merev vízszigetelő cement

Osmocem N gray Cement compound for the preparation, with the sole addition of water, of a waterproofing osmotic coating that can create horizontal and vertical barriers, also suitable in conditions of negative hydrostatic thrust vis-à-vis water permeation in the buildings. Typical uses include waterproofing underground rooms, elevator compartments, garages, basements, tanks, etc. The action of the active components and of the adhesion promoters of Osmocem N, saturated by the reaction the support capillaries, forming a complex system of gel and stable crystals, which results in the best sealing, effective even in conditions of negative hydrostatic thrust, without hindering the breathability of the walls. Osmocem N is compatible for food substances: is certified as suitable for the containment of foodstuffs and drinking water (Certificate no. 02/2010 Laboratorio Analysis Service di Settimo di Pescantina - VR). Osmocem N waterproof test: • Resistance to positive hydraulic thrust, UNI EN 12390/8: water penetration depth with 5 bar pressure = 1-2 mm (*) • Impermeability to negative hydraulic thrust, UNI EN 12390/8 modified (concrete support a / c ratio 0.7): no passage of water with a pressure of 1.5 bar (*) concrete with penetration depth <= 20 mm are considered waterproof. Waterproofing rigid structures and masonry walls underground, buried or in any case subject to water permeation: lift wells, basements, tanks, pipes, tunnels, garages, bridges, reservoirs, areas containing food, etc. in conditions of positive and negative hydrostatic thrust provided they are sufficiently porous and absorbent and free from any waterproofing and / or water-repellent surface treatment, whether chemical (siloxanes, epoxies, polyurethanes, etc.) or natural (wax-up). Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., water repellent treatments in general, etc. conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer, add Osmocem N and the remaining water; continue to mix until a homogeneous lump-free mixture is obtained. The mixing water should be about 19-20% (for interventions in the form of a spatula) or 21-22% (for interventions using a brush with long bristles). After mixing is completed wait a few minutes before applying. If applied by brush, roll out two or more crossed coats. Although it is not a specific product for finishing thick coats, it can still be used for these purposes. In these cases, it is appropriate to use a fibreglass mesh Armaglass 160. Approximately 1.7 kg/m² of Osmocem N for each millimetre of thickness to be made. Packaging: 25 kg bag UM: €/kg
Grout 6 HP SFR: Önthető, szerkezeti beton, amely kontrollált zsugorodással rendelkezik a szuper rögzítés érdekében

Grout 6 HP SFR: Önthető, szerkezeti beton, amely kontrollált zsugorodással rendelkezik a szuper rögzítés érdekében

Grout 6 HP SFR Grout 6 HP SFR is a fibre-reinforced high-performance castable mortar, equipped with mechanical compressive and flexotraction resistance far superior to normal structural mortars. It is used for repairs, replenishments, strengthening concrete reinforcement and special works in FRC. The mix of special metal fibres (Readymesh MM-150) and synthetic fibres (Readymesh PM-060) is able to drastically reduce or even eliminate plastic-hygrometric shrinkage and the development of exceptional characteristics of ductility, fracture energy, resistance to shock and dynamic stress. With very low water-binder ratios, Grout 6 HP SFR makes it possible to achieve compacting and hyperfluid rheologies that favour the movement of the mortar and the perfect filling of reinforced sprays, even with narrow spaces between the bars. The microsilica with pozzolanic activity increases the cohesion of the mixture with typical anti-segregating and anti-run-off effect. The particular fineness of the hydraulic binders contained in the formula promotes adherence to the substrate and has an effect of enlarging the fibrous components. The fibre mix offers strong ductility, toughness and flexotraction resistance to the castings performed with Grout 6 HP SFR. With regard to the ANTICORROSIVE and PROTECTIVE FUNCTION ON THE REINFORCEMENT BARS, the main features of Grout 6 HP SFR are: • the mix of high-strength superfine binders, combined with very fine silicas with pozzolanic activities, to render the mortars intrinsically impermeable to water at the end of the hardening process; • The strongly alkaline pH (> 12) protects the reinforcement bars from triggering corrosion; • The negligible breathability of the carbon dioxide ensures hardened mortars with extremely prevalent anti-carbonation characteristics. Overall, these anticorrosive specificities render the classic treatment of reinforcement bar passivation, preparatory to the pouring of castable mortar UNNECESSARY, provided that not too much time passes between the white metal cleaning operations and the castings of pourable mortar, at the risk of new oxidative processes being triggered. Thus, only in the event that long exposure times are foreseen between the bar-cleaning operations and the pouring of castable mortar is it advisable to treat with passivating slurry (Repar Monosteel or Repar Steel), applied by brush and only on the reinforcing bars. On-site castings or pumping carried out for any kind of structural replenishment of reinforced concrete, seismic reinforcement and adjustment, increases in cross-sectional resistance of concrete structures and masonry, anchorages of large-scale machinery (especially in the presence of significant dynamic stresses), anchoring of port bollards, deep-drawing and reinforcement works, restoration of highly-stressed industrial flooring both from a static and dynamic perspective, restoration of degraded foundations on bridges and viaducts especially whereby necessitating rapid reopening to vehicle traffic, construction of structures designed with HPC (High Performance Concrete) needs. Application surfaces must be clean, free of dust, contamination, crumbling, inconsistencies, etc., and adequately saturated-surface-dry with water. An adequate roughening of the surfaces by scarifying, sandblasting etc. is always necessary in order to obtain the maximum adhesion values to the substrate. The optimal values are obtained with high pressure hydro-scarification. Bare the irons undergoing disruptive oxidation or deeply oxidized, removing the rust of the exposed irons (by sandblasting or abrasive brushes). Mix the entire content of a bag of Grout 6 HP SFR with effective vertical-axis mixers for at least 6 minutes, initially introducing a slightly reduced amount of water (9% = 2.25 litres/25 kilograms bag) compared to the required total water permitted (10%–12% = 2.5litres — 3.0 litres/25 kilogram bag) whilst mixing for at least 4 minutes. After this mixing time, evaluate the consistency of the mixture and, if necessary, gradually add in the last of the water until achieving the desired workability, without exceeding the limit of 12% (3.0 litres/25-kilogram bag), mixing at high RPM for at least another two minutes. For thick casting sections, it is advisable to add Ghiaietto 6.10 (consult the relevant technical data sheet or ask for more information on the appropriate dosage of Ghiaietto 6.10 from our technical service). Given the self-levelling properties of the product and its self-compacting capacity, paying due attention to the vibration phase is recommended. Excessive zeal in the vibration operation can worsen the aesthetic rendering of the end result. Do not use in the absence of suitable lateral containment. Ensure exposed surfaces are protected and wet-cured. Adopt casting procedures to ensure the absence of voids and discontinuities. Only pour the mortar from one part of the casting perimeter to avoid air pockets. Packaging: 25 kg bag UM: €/kg
Grout 2 HP: Rheoplasztikus, szerkezeti, zsugorodásgátló habarcs, rendkívül magas ellenállással

Grout 2 HP: Rheoplasztikus, szerkezeti, zsugorodásgátló habarcs, rendkívül magas ellenállással

Grout 2 HP Grout 2 HP is a pourable, fiber-reinforced mortar, used for structural restoration operations, anchoring of steel bars and strands, reinforced micropiles, tie rods, and riveting. The formulation contains very fine high-strength cements, micro-silicas with pozzolanic activity, aggregates in a rational granulometric curve (0.1 ÷ 1.8 mm), and special antisegregative additives. The product is mixed with 11% - 12% of water, requiring vigorous and prolonged mechanical mixing. The special formulation of Grout 2 HP provides the castings with mechanical strength, fracture energy, exceptional durability, and very high chemical-physical resistance. Grout 2 HP has a workability time of about 60-90 minutes, after which the setting process is triggered, followed by progressive hardening. The plastic and hygrometric shrinkage is extremely low thanks to the presence of Readymesh PM-060 multifilament synthetic fibers, which provide volumetric stability. The performances that make Grout 2 HP unique are: • very high compressive mechanical strengths (> 90 MPa at 28 days), • very high mechanical resistance to bending-traction (> 12 MPa after 28 days), • excellent durability and resistance to chemical attacks. Grout 2 HP is used for structural restoration operations, anchoring of steel bars and strands, reinforced micropiles, tie rods, and riveting. It is particularly suitable for operations where high mechanical performance is required after short curing (compressive strength at 3 days > 60 MPa) and in operations carried out in severe exposure environments (XC - XS - XF), characterized by aggression from sulphates, chlorides, and nitrates. The material can also be used for repairs in anchoring areas subject to high stresses. The application surfaces must be clean, free of dirt, crumbly and incoherent parts, dust, etc., and suitably saturated with water until reaching the condition of "saturated with dry surface". Adequate roughening of the surfaces by scarifying, sandblasting, etc. is always necessary to obtain the maximum adhesion values to the substrate. The optimal values are obtained with high pressure hydro-scarification. Bare the irons undergoing disruptive oxidation or deeply oxidized, removing the rust of the exposed irons (by sandblasting or abrasive brushes). It is strongly recommended, for optimal performance of site operations, to use a vertical axis mixer with planetary movement or a double horizontal helicoid. The powder is mixed with drinking water to the extent of 11% - 12%, referring to the total weight of the mortar (about 2.75 liters per 25 kg bag) until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Mixing time: about 4 minutes with a high efficiency mixer. The anchoring can be filled with a single screw pump, for mortars. Pumping must be carried out at a controlled speed to ensure a low working pressure. In case of restorations, the surface must be protected, after application, by polyethylene sheets or anti-evaporation treatments. Packaging: 25 kg bag Unit of Measure: €/kg
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