Termékek hadsereg mancini (132)

STORM golyóálló dzseki

STORM golyóálló dzseki

Il giubbotto ha un design compatto e tattico, offre una protezione balistica su tutta la superficie con un’estensione sovrapposta ai fianchi del corpo, flessibile, morbido e consente di aderire agevolmente al corpo delll’operatore, garantendo la protezione del torace, del dorso e dei fianchi. Rapida e facile indossabilità, permette di eseguire tutti i movimenti e di guidare agevolmente veicoli, pilotare aeromobili.Adatto anche per le operazioni in tenuta anti N.B.C.
Fekete Párduc Figurája - Játékok

Fekete Párduc Figurája - Játékok

La figurine Marvel Legends Series Black Panther Wakanda Forever, d’une hauteur de 15 cm, offre une représentation premium du personnage avec des détails fidèles au film Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. Son design s’inspire des films Marvel, offrant une décoration et des détails authentiques. De plus, cette figurine articulée offre une grande flexibilité pour l’exposition ou le jeu, faisant d’elle un objet de collection exceptionnel. Marque : Marvel Thème: Films et Séries Type de figurine: Figurine articulée d’action Couleur: Multicolore Matériau: Plastique Personnage de dessin animé: Black Panther Assemblage requis: Non Âge minimum recommandé par le fabricant: 48 mois Nombre d’unités: 1 Dimensions du produit: 6L x 14l x 25,4H centimètres
Tészta - Élelmiszerbolt

Tészta - Élelmiszerbolt

Pâtes - Épicerie
Műanyag injektor

Műanyag injektor

Notre bureau d´études conçoit les pièces selon les exigences spécifiques du client. Nous vous accompagnons dans le développement du projet dès le début. Nos moules et outils sont fabriqués dans des experimentés fournisseurs en Espagne et au Portugal, ce qui nous permet de respecter les normes de qualité les plus élevées et de surveiller la fabrication de manière continue.


Lana Misure:5.5 | 6.0 Acciaio, acciaio giapponese, acciaio cobalto. Le forbici Pinin nascono dalla forgiatura e dalla temperatura dell’acciaio con lo scopo di realizzare uno strumento che possa durare nel tempo.
Finom Vonalú Szalag

Finom Vonalú Szalag

Nastro in pvc con adesivo in gomma.Resistente al calore fino a 155°C. Indicato per lavorazioni complesse per la sua conformabilità.
Spenót - szuperélelmiszer, spenót

Spenót - szuperélelmiszer, spenót

Gli spinaci sono noti per essere ricchi di nutrienti e offrire diversi benefici per la salute. Ecco alcune delle caratteristiche che li rendono un superfood: Elevato contenuto di vitamine e minerali, in particolare ferro, vitamina K e vitamina A. Ricchi di antiossidanti, come la luteina e la zeaxantina, benefici per la salute degli occhi. Buona fonte di fibre, che favoriscono la digestione Basso contenuto calorico ma alto valore nutritivo Imballaggio:cartone 20 Kg
Fémmegmunkált alumínium alkatrészek

Fémmegmunkált alumínium alkatrészek

INOTECH MACHINING offers CNC machining of aluminum parts with a precision of up to 0,01 mm. We have the capabilities to process all types of aluminum alloys. Aluminum is an easy-to-process metal with unique peculiarities. Because aluminum is a lightweight metal with an increased resistance to corrosion it is preferred by many industries. We pride ourselves on having the capabilities and expertise to produce flawless aluminum milled parts for the aeronautics industry, the pharma industry, and the food sector. Machines for CNC milling: - 3-axis, 4 axis, and 5-axis machines. - From 10 x 10 x 10mm to 2000 x 10000 x 1500mm.
Programok és napirendek tervezése

Programok és napirendek tervezése

Diseñamos programas y agendas detallados y visualmente atractivos que presentan eficazmente la información de su evento. Nuestro proceso comienza con la creación de diseños que mejoren la legibilidad e incorporen su marca, combinaciones de colores y gráficos relevantes. Nos aseguramos de que cada diseño esté en consonancia con el tema de su evento, ayudando a los asistentes a navegar por él sin problemas.
Csempe ragasztó gép

Csempe ragasztó gép

This machine sticks wall and floor tiles on panels, these panels are used in construction to quickly renovate a bathroom or toilet, base plate and tiles and glue are supplied from a buffer and processed automatically.
Előregyártott öltöző

Előregyártott öltöző

PrefFor a sports club or a school, building a locker room is quite expensive. Thus, the best solution would be to opt for a prefabricated locker room. Being able to be designed in a custom manner, you have a free choice on the design and the equipment that you wish to install. The types of locker rooms offered by 1001 Containers Sports locker room for a small club For a small sports club, a single-block prefabricated module is sufficient. However, like any locker room, it is equipped with a bench as well as a locker for storing the sportsmen's belongings. Locker room equipped with toilets A locker room without toilets is often less practical. This is why 1001 Containers can also offer you a prefabricated building that has a shower and toilet. As you wish, the showers can be separated into cabins. For the floor, it can also be designed in tiles while not neglecting the insulation and waterproofing of the toilets. abricated changing room


PCB (Nyomtatott áramkör) - Elektronikai összeszerelés

PCB (Nyomtatott áramkör) - Elektronikai összeszerelés

Unser Angebot richtet sich an alle, die einen umfassenden Ansatz für die Elektronikmontage erwarten. Die neuesten und besten SMT-Bestückungstechnologien an einem Ort.
Nero Marquina Márvány

Nero Marquina Márvány

Nero Marquina Marble is an important type of natural stone and is a marble that is generally black in color. This type of marble, found in the Basque region of Spain and quarried on the Marmara Island, is known for its special and attractive appearance. Nero Marquina may contain white veins or veining on a black background, giving it a characteristic aesthetic.
Coaching / Képzés 1H - Képzés

Coaching / Képzés 1H - Képzés

Accompagnement sur mesure sur le domaine de votre choix, Shopify, WordPress, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Google Search Console, Google Analithycs , Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, SEO
MFW Funk

MFW Funk

Das MFW Funk ermöglicht eine einfache Datenübertragung in den Funkbereichen 70-cm-ISM-Band, 35-cm-ISM-Band, 70-cm-Zeitschlitzfunk und 1:24-Datenfunk.
Szárító Szekrény

Szárító Szekrény

DC Motor - 31 x 75,

DC Motor - 31 x 75,

Gleichstrommotor, Betriebsspannungsbereich: 3V – 30V, Nennleistung: 11W, Nenndrehmoment 3,2 Ncm, Durchmesser: 31 mm, Länge: 75 mm
Dr. Theiss Milinda Kézfertőtlenítő, 300ml

Dr. Theiss Milinda Kézfertőtlenítő, 300ml

70% Ethanol (V/V), Lösung zur hygienischen Händedesinfektion
AR Pack - Kompresszor Csomagok

AR Pack - Kompresszor Csomagok

Wide range capacity compressor packs with cooling capacity from 25 kW to 500 kW. Designed for commercial and industrial applications with large power demand. Reciprocating compressor packs are perfectly suitable for the cooling of large warehouse areas as well as other industrial buildings. The compressor pack can also be part of a larger refrigeration system. It is possible to choose the compressor pack for an existing condenser or purchase a compressor pack together with Refra condenser for convenience. Assembled in a special walk-in container, this unit is ideal for buildings where indoor installation is not possible. It can be placed outdoors – right next to the building, resulting in reduced installation costs and easy unit maintenance. Additional options, such as illumination, ventilation and heating can be integrated inside the container to make the service of the unit even more convenient. .
Sebészeti maszkok

Sebészeti maszkok

Masque chirurgical, 17.5 cm x 9.5 cm. Dispositif médical de classe I en application de l’annexe IX, directive européenne 93/42/CEE. Type IIR selon EN14683 + AC 2019, certifié CE. Masques personnalisables au logo de votre société avec élastiques de couleur.


Wir konstruieren und fertigen Tanks für verschiedene Anwendungen. Ob für Flüssigkeiten oder Gase, unsere Tanks sind sicher, langlebig und auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmt.
Nesrin Citrom Kolónia 400 ml - Citrom Kolónia

Nesrin Citrom Kolónia 400 ml - Citrom Kolónia

Nesrin Colognes, Produces beautiful fragrances for you. Usage : Usage for Nesrin Colognes; You can use this product for your skin and hands. Where To Use: Traditionally, it is a pleasant fragrance served to guests along with candy, sweets, chocolates and Turkish delights during Ramadan and Sacrifice holidays. The main ingredient is a kind of perfume which is composed of a mixture of fragrances such as alcohol, water and lemon. How To Store Your Fragrances Keep out of direct sunlight in a cool, dry and dry place where children cannot reach. Use Nesrin Cologne according to the recommended usage form. Consult an attending physician if there is an unexpected effect. The production and expiry date are delivered on the Nesrin Cologne product package. Do not use expired products! Smoking! Flammable, flammable! Do not spray on fire! Product Adverse Effect This product there is no known adverse effect . Brand:Nesrin PRODUCT CODE:nsr132211 Product type:Cologne Product color:Yellow Weight:400 ml Product Density:80 Pack Type:Pet Bottle
Szénás almaecet

Szénás almaecet

Elaboré en partenariat avec Denis Maréchal, ancien chef cuisinier et passionné par les saveurs acidulées, redécouvrez les saveurs du vinaigre de cidre en vous laissant porter par cette association tout en finesse : l’acidité du vinaigre de cidre, associée à la douceur du miel et aux notes herbacées de foin. Produit naturel, légèrement filtré et non pasteurisé, faites de vinaigre un reflexe quotidien en cuisine et bénéficiez de ses innombrables bienfaits (d'après la littérature médicale, il serait bénéfique entre autre pour réguler la glycémie, faciliter la digestion, tonifier la peau…) Pour sublimer vos préparations culinaires, il sera parfait à utiliser en assaisonnement pour vos salades, pour mariner ou déglacer une viande blanche, parfaire un dessert… Pour des repas originaux et savoureux autour du foin, pensez à l’associer à d’autres produits de notre gamme: sirop, infusion de foin… Ce vinaigre de cidre naturel n’étant pas pasteurisé ( c’est-à-dire chauffé à haut


Airén Nombre del producto:Vino blanco Airén Origen:España Definición:Vino blanco variedad airén, añada 2014 Presentación:Botella de cristal bordelesa prestigio verde de 300 mm Marca:CALÁN DE MEMBRILLA Composición Cualitaitva:100% vino blanco procedente de uvas blancas Grado alcohólico total:12% Grado alcohólico adquirido:11,97% pH:3.30 ATpH:5,5 gr/l expresado en ác. Tartánico AV:0,3 gr/l Azúcares:< 4gr/l Málico:1,8 gr/l Láctico:0,2 gr/l SO2L:30 mg/l SO2T:100 mg/l Fase visual:Color amarillo Pálido
Műanyag hulladék gyűjtése

Műanyag hulladék gyűjtése

Collection of plastic waste in cage pallets, gaylords, pallets etc. with help of specialized logistic companies Unloading and visual inspection of the waste.
Camelya Gyártás

Camelya Gyártás

Camelya Manufacturing


OXY World PSA Azot Üretim Sistemleriyle, azot gazı ihtiyacınızı dışarıdan tedarik etmek yerine kendi azotunuzu üretebilir, ayrıca opsiyonel olarak sunulan booster sayesinde azot tüplerinizi de kendi sahanızda doldurabilirsiniz. Azot, kokusu olmayan ve genellikle gaz halinde bulunan renksiz bir elementtir. Dünyada atmosferin yaklaşık %78’ini oluşturur. Medikal olarak azot gazı, kan hücrelerini canlı tutmaktan, narkoz olarak bilinen anestetik etkisine kadar çok yönlü kullanıma sahiptir ve hastaneler için hayati önem taşır. Bu büyük öneme sahip medikal azot gazını, sürekli dışarıdan temin etmek yerine, ihtiyaca göre tasarlanabilir ve şekillendirilebilir OXY World PSA azot jeneratörleri ile kendi bünyenizde üretebilir; bu sayede maliyetlerinizi azaltmanın yanı sıra yüksek kalitede azot gazına her an erişim sağlayabilirsiniz.
Vezeték Terminál LED

Vezeték Terminál LED

LED Lampen sind eine zeitgemäße Alternative zu Glüh- und Glimmlampen mit vielen Vorteilen wie lange Lebensdauer, Effizienz, Vibrationsfestigkeit und große Farbvielfalt.
Általános Alumínium -02

Általános Alumínium -02

General Aluminum -02