Gas or water-cooled enclosed weld head for orbital welding - OSK, Orbitec - Our latest series of 3 gas-cooled weld heads technical optimized and in an new design covers the tube size ranges from 6mm – 114.3mm / 0.250” - 4.500”. Unique construction and material selection allows a high duty cycle even without water cooling. The weld heads are one of the narrowest on the market and have a ‘quick latch’ system for retaining the collets.
For the high duty cycle applications we also offer the gas-cooled S series weld heads in a water-cooled SW-version (the overall width remains unchanged). Full water-cooling of the lower clamp housing. Also available as an upgrade for standard OSK S weld heads.
Weld head type \ Field of application mm \ inch \ weight
OSK 53 S + SW \ OD 6 - 53mm \ 0.250" - 2.087" \ 2.1kg
OSK 76 S + SW \ OD 6 - 76.2mm \ 0.250" - 3.000" \ 2.6kg
OSK 115 S + SW \ OD 9.53 - 114.3mm \ 0.375" - 4.500" \ 3.4kg
OSK 170 GW \ OD 50 - 168.3mm \ 1.969" - 6.626" \ 7.5kg
Field of application OSK 53 S / SW:OD 6 - 53mm / 0.250" - 2.087"
Field of application OSK 76 S / SW:OD 6 - 76.2mm / 0.250" - 3.000"
Field of application OSK 115 S / SW:OD 9.53 - 114.3mm / 0.375" - 4.500"
Field of application OSK 170 GW:OD 50 – 168.3 mm / 1.969" – 6.626"
Loading and unloading during the cutting process
Increasing efficiency by minimising downtime
Safety concept for a riskless material change
eurolaser customers could compete themselfes on the
market because of the availability, functionality, flexibility
of the systems. Since several years eurolaser has provided
the possibility of splitting the processing table into two areas: The "Remote Operation" option.
The advantage is to cut or engrave the placed material in the front area, while you unload the finished pieces and reload directly on the rear table surface. The laser changes automatically between the two processing areas, thus having the system in operation almost 100 per cent.
Wir sind uns darüber im Klaren, dass es in der HORECA-Branche in puncto Qualität nichts Geringeres als Exzellenz gibt. Deshalb möchten wir Sie mit einem vielfältigen Sortiment an HORECA-Möbeln aus hochwertigem Edelstahl unterstützen, das selbst höchste Ansprüche erfolgreich erfüllt.
Unsere Edelstahl-Industriemöbel werden ausschließlich aus Edelstahl W1.4301 und W1.4404 hergestellt und eignen sich hervorragend für professionelle Küchen in der HORECA-Branche. Die antiseptischen Eigenschaften von Edelstahl und seine lange Verschleißfestigkeit machen die Profinox-Möbelserie zur perfekten Wahl für jedes Restaurant, das Wert auf Qualität legt.
Profinox-Spezialisten fertigen ein großes und vielfältiges Sortiment an HORECA-Möbeln aus Edelstahl. In unserem Portfolio finden Sie alle Produkte, die Sie benötigen, von Edelstahltischen und Spüleinheiten bis hin zu Schränken und Lagerregalen oder Edelstahlwagen. Abhängig von Ihren spezifischen Anforderungen
Lautstärke:max. 25.000 L
Vi har specialiseret os i produktion af svejsede metalbeslag i henhold til vores kunders individuelle tegninger og krav. Vi er i stand til at levere produkter af høj kvalitet, der præcist opfylder vores kunders behov.
Vores produktion er baseret på de nyeste teknologier i branchen. Vi bruger laserskæring og CNC-bukning af metalplader, hvilket giver os mulighed for at opnå høj præcision og gentagelsesnøjagtighed i vores produkter. Takket være robotslibning er vi i stand til at opnå optimal overfladekvalitet, hvilket sikrer en ensartet og æstetisk tiltalende overfladebehandling.
Et af de vigtigste aspekter i vores produktion er at sikre en høj standard for korrosionsbestandighed og sikkerhed for vores kunder. Til dette formål bruger vi topmoderne COSTA-maskiner, som giver os mulighed for at afrunde kanterne på komponenterne med præcision og effektivitet. Denne proces forbedrer ikke kun vores produkters æstetik, men øger også deres holdbarhed og modstandsdygtighed over for ydre påvirkni
— MIG/MAG-Impulsschweißgerät mit optimierten Synergic-Kennlinien zum Schweißen von Stahl
— MIG/MAG-Impulsschweißen, MIG/MAG-Schweißen, E-Hand-Schweißen und Fugenhobeln
— Dank Pulsfunktion stark verringerte Spritzerbildung und dadurch deutlich weniger Nacharbeit
Verfahren und Funktionen
— Schweißen mit Massivdraht und Fülldraht
— Drive 4X Steel: Serienmäßig mit Anschlussbuchse für Elektrodenhalter direkt am Drahtvorschubgerät
— Drive 4X Steel D200: Serienmäßig mit Gasregelventil zur Nachregulierung der Gasmenge direkt am Drahtvorschubgerät
— Option ab Werk: Zusätzliches Gasventil für doppelte Sicherheit
— Stufenlos einstellbare Lichtbogendynamik (Drosselwirkung)
— Einstellbare Start- und Endkraterfunktionen
— Synergic oder manueller Schweißbetrieb
Besonders geeignet für dünne Bleche ab 0,5 mm
Spielfreies Kugellinearlager für die Führung des Schweißkolbens; dadurch ist höchste Präszision und Reproduzierbarkeit der Schweißung gewährleistet
Abgedichtete Schweißkolbenführung
Integrierte Abhub- und Federkrafteinstellung
Digitale Anzeige (1/100 mm) der Schweißkolbenposition über integriertes Messsystem
Direktes Ablesen des eingestellten Eintauch- und Abhubmaßes
Druckknopfarretiersystem für leichteren Wechsel des Einwurfrohres
Elektronisch angesteuert
Rastende Federverstellung
Rastende Abhubeinstellung
Hohe Sicherheit gegen unbeabsichtigte Änderung der gewählten Einstellungen
Führung vor Schweißspritzern geschützt
Individuelle Einstellmöglichkeiten für optimale Schweißergebnisse
Schweißen auf lackierten Blechen möglich (blanke Schweißstelle und Masse erforderlich)
Bolzenzuführung manuell oder vollautomatisch möglich (Schweißelement wird automatisch durch das Einwurfrohr in den Bolzenhalter geschoben)
Stud welding equipment with capacitor discharge
Suitable for welding steel, stainless steel, aluminium and brass
Weldable stud range 3-8 mm stud diameter
Continuously adjustable charging voltage
Digital display of charging voltage
Weight only 8,9 kg
Steel housing, powder-coated
1. All welded steel frame structure.
2. For long weldments rotation.
3. Capacities range from 500 to 20,000 kilograms.
4. Machined "T" slots table with pilot and through hole.
5. A. C. inverter drive for rotation.
6. Forward-Stop-Reverse and variable speed control are standard.
7. Totally gear-safe design.
8. Maintenance-free grounding system.
9. Optional adjustable table height to fit larger workpiece.
*CE Conformity
With the properties of the new DT300P digital power source, TIG welding can be significantly simplified: There are numerous options in a compact 30 kg unit. With a multitude of pulse options, the device can be ideally set for different tasks: A controlled heat supply ensures optically clean and even seam structures during low-pulse welding (up to 20Hz) - especially with different material thicknesses. The high arc stability in high-pulse welding (from 20 to 500 Hz), on the other hand, is demonstrated in the lower current range, especially in thin sheet metal applications: welding can be carried out without any problems from a material thickness of 0.3 mm. The robust 80 kHz IGBT inverter stands for reliability and extreme arc stability - even with low currents. The digital control panel, which is designed for rough industrial use, offers many advantages for the user.
Number of phases:3
Rated frequency:50 / 60 Hz
Rated input voltage:400 V
Input voltage range:400 V ± 15%
Rated input:10.1 kVA (Stick electrode: 11.5 kVA)
Rated input current:14.6 A (Stick electrode: 16.6 A)
Rated output current:300 A (Stick electrode: 250 A)
Rated load voltage:22 V (Stick electrode: 30 V)
Rated output current range:4-300 A (Stick electrode: 10-250 A
Maximum no-load voltage:58 V
Rated duty cycle:40 %
Degree of protection:IP 21 S
Switching steps:without steps
Number of welding conditions:30
Operating temperature range:-10 - +40 °C
External dimensions (WxDxH) in mm:250 x 640 x 395 (without the carrying handle)
Mass:30 kg
Starting method:High frequency start / "Lift-ARC"
Pour l’emballage de pommes de terre, oignons, et autre produits (avec système de soudure supérieur horizontal et soudure verticale) dans des sacs pré-imprimés dossés en PE et PP cast et / ou en PE en combinaison avec filet claf en rouleau.
Produit : Pour l’ensachage de pommes de terre, oignons et autres produits.
Poids : 1kg – 5kg
Matériau : Film dossé imprimé en PE et PP cast et/ ou PE en combinaison avec filet claf en rouleau.
Construction tout inox. Commande par écran tactile. Machine entièrement automatique.
Fermeture sac : Soudure.
Cadence : (jusque)
26 sacs/min. en 1.0 kg
23 sacs/min. en 2.0 kg
21 sacs/min. en 3.0 kg
Air : 7 bars / 100 PSI
Conso air : 190l/mn
Electrique : 3.5kw ; 400v 50Hz
Bruit : 68db
Poids : 450kg
Turn Table, precisely provide to welding by turning clockwise or counterclockwise of parts connected to it horizontally. It
also enable movement in the rotation axis. . The work table is operated with a T-slot turntable to ensure that the workpieces
are fully fixed to the work table. It is designed with the aim of increasing efficiency, eliminating the need for welding in
difficult positions and considering ergonomics of employees.
Dairesel kaynak makineler kaynaklı imalat sektöründe çok geniş kullanım alanına sahip olup, yüksek kalite, minimum çarpılma için dairesel kesitli parçaların uç uca, köşe, üst üste bindirmeli ve iç içe geçmeli kaynak konfigürasyonlarda çok iyi sonuçlar alınmaktadır. Bu makinelerde dıştan dairesel kaynaklı birleştirmeler yapılmaktadır. Tek ve çok pasolu kaynak, TIG, MIG/MAG ve SAW kaynak sistemleri kullanmak mümkündür. Kaynak yapılacak birleşim yeri kaymayacak şekilde sıkılır ve kaynak kafası hassas bir şekilde dönen iş parçası üzerinde sabit kalarak kaynak yapmış olur. Dairesel kaynak makineleri standart olarak çift torç mekanizmalı üretimi yapılmaktadır ancak tek veya daha fazla torç mekanizmalarının da adapte edilmesi mümkündür. Standart olarak dairesel kaynak makinesi 1000mm ile 6000mm arasında, çap olarak 1000mm ye kadar üretimi yapılmaktadır
The Magsquare represents a universal welding and assembly aid. The magnetic force acts on 3 sides. The system can be switched off through a simple 180° rotation of the switch lever. It can also be used as an addition to the magnetic welding angles A 90 and Boomer. Several thread drill holes are already present as mounting options. Four versions can be chosen from, which are different in their holding forces and dimensions. The magnet squares are suitable for round and square workpieces.
MSQ 165:Item No. 61939
MSQ 400:Item No. 60971
MSQ 600:Item No. 60972
MSQ 1000:Item No. 60973
Wo immer möglich setzen wir unsere Orbitalschweissmaschine ein. Denn die hohen Anforderungen an die Schweissnähte können nur mit optimaler Ausrüstung erfüllt werden
Bei sehr engen oder gar verwinkelten Situationen sind unsere ausgewiesenen Fachkräfte und deren Können und Geschick bei Handnähten gefragt. Wir von der P. + H. Plüss AG sind im Besitz sämtlicher notwendigen Prüfungen und Ausweise, die der spezialisierte Rohrleitungsbau verlangt.
As per robotic applications for welding, there are specific welding machines (MIG/MAG, TIG) that feature real-time machine-robot communication. The robot may change its parameters or select one of the machine’s preset programs. There are also the automatic wire feeder located on the robot for its proper feeding, the welding pincer and the automatic pincer cleaner that guarantees consistent welding quality even after many hours of operation. One additional component used is a shock sensor, which ensures that the robot will stop in case of collision. Another feature of these robots is that they can control the welding pathway by means of special sensors. Robots may also manipulate external axes and expand their work envelope, and thus facilitate welding in difficult parts of pieces. Also, by means of a positioner, the system acquires increased flexibility and registers huge increase in productivity.
The coaxial laser welding head wireM is an interchangeable equipment for robot and CNC laser processing machines. It convinces in research and teaching as well as in the industrial environment with a compact design, simple operability and durable robustness. The latest version offers numerous configuration variants and even more technical interfaces for peripherals.
☑ Flexible and direction-independent welding with robust 3‑beam design
☑ Productive processes with up to a maximum of 4 kW laser power and up to 2.5 kg/h deposition rate
☑ Minimal material influence on the workpiece due to precise laser beam
☑ Clean, resource-saving and low-maintenance installation solution through 100% utilisation of the filler wire
☑ Reproducible and long-term constant manufacturing quality due to automated mode of operation
☑ Collision protection integrated close to the process to avoid machine damage
Send us your specific request by e-mail!
coaxworks - Innovations for Laser Wire Deposition
Dimensions:500 x 160 x 210 mm³ (height x width x depth, depending on configuration)
Weight:~10 kg without peripherals (depending on configuration); ~15 kg with peripherals
Wire diameter:0.4 | 0.6 | 0.8 | 1.0 | 1.2 | 1.6 mm (selectable depending on configuration)
Materials:Steel, nickel, titanium, copper and cobalt alloys as solid wire (typical) and much more
Stickout (free wire length):0.4 | 0.6 mm wire diameter ≙ 5 to 10 mm; 0.8 | 1.0 | 1.2 | 1.6 mm wire diameter ≙ 10 to 15 mm
Laser types:Fibre-coupled solid-state lasers (diode lasers, fibre lasers and disk lasers)
Laser mode:Continuous wave CW (typical)
Laser power:≤4 kW
Deposition rate:≤2.0 kg/h (for steel alloys); ≤2.5 kg/h (with hot-wire add-on for steel alloys)
Laser wavelengths:900 to 1100 nm (typical)
Numerical aperture (NA):0.1 | 0.2 (configuration dependent)
Fibre connector socket:LLK-D | QBH (configuration dependent)
Accessibility:~40° (aperture of the outer 3 beam cone related to the tool centre point TCP)
Optional equipment:Wire feeder, process camera, hot-wire equipment, shielding gas chamber adapter and special configura
Integrated function 1::Near-process, coaxial collision protection shutdown
Integrated function 2::Three partial laser beams aligned to a triple focus
Integrated function 3::Three cross jets and three down jets each for high volume flow in front of the protective glasses
Integrated function 4::Compact interchangeable sliders for the three protective glasses of the partial laser beams
Integrated function 5::Easily exchangeable wire nozzle for different wire diameters
Integrated function 6:: Slim and protective gas nozzle close to the process
Electrodos de soldadura superpuestos para una amplia variedad de requisitos en términos de dureza, tenacidad, tipo de tensión, maquinabilidad o geometría de los componentes.
Siamo produttori di elettrodi per saldatura, in rame e sue leghe
Produciamo e vendiamo elettrodi standard e su misura
Produciamo e vendiamo componenti per saldatura standard e su misura
Tutti i componenti per saldatura che produciamo possono essere realizzati a disegno del cliente.
Tecsal produce elettrodi per puntatrici in rame e sue leghe, per tutti i tipi di conicità.
Sono sempre disponibili in magazzino puntali in rame di varie forme, coni e dimensioni.
Possiamo produrre elettrodi personalizzati, partendo dal tuo disegno tecnico o grazie al nostro reparto di progettazione: siamo in grado di soddisfare tutte le esigenze di utilizzo di puntatrici e saldatrici a resistenza.
Das Wolfram Inertgas Schweißen gehört zu den Schutzgas-Schweißprozessen - wir können dies auch mobil beim Kunden einsetzen.
Das Wolfram-Inertgas–Schweißen gehört zu den Schutzgas-Schweißprozessen.
Der Lichtbogen brennt zwischen einer nicht abschmelzenden Wolframelektrode und dem Werkstück. Die Elektrode, der Lichtbogen und das Schmelzbad werden mit einem inerten Gas vor der Atmosphäre geschützt.
Wenn ein Schweißzusatz erforderlich ist, wird er als Kaltdraht zugeführt und vor dem Schmelzbad im Lichtbogen abgeschmolzen. Mit dem WIG-Prozess werden sehr saubere und hochwertige Schweißverbindungen hergestellt. Es entstehen keine Spritzer. Bindefehler, Einbrandkerben und Poren sind leicht zu vermeiden.
Der Prozeß kann sowohl manuell als auch teil- oder vollmechanisch ausgeführt werden. WIG-Schweißen wird meistens an Aluminium und hochlegierten Stählen einsetzt, da hier die Nahtqualität gefordert wird, die mit anderen Schweißprozessen kaum erreichbar ist.