Montre intelligente
Cadrans personnalisable
Résistance à 10 mètres sous l'eau
Moniteur de fréquence cardiaque
Autonomie en utilisation normale: 5-7jours
Écran 1.39''
Batterie Li-Po 370 mAh
Bluetooth 5.3
Charge magnétique
100 modes sportifs
Réponds aux appels (Microphone intégré)
Modèle:Blackview W50
Dimensions (lxlxh) en mm:Diamètre x Épaisseur: 47,5 x 14,5 mm
Poids net en g:56 g
Résolution d'écran:360 x 360 pixels
Tous les appareils vendus sur AR Market sont testés et vérifiés par des professionnels du reconditionné afin de vous assurer qu'ils sont 100 % fonctionnels. De plus, vous bénéficiez d'une garantie commerciale de 12 mois sur tous vos achats effectués sur notre boutique.
Annee de sortie:2022
Capacite de stockage:32 Go
Systeme d'exploitation:watchOS
Modele:Apple Watch Series 8
Collection:Apple Watch Classique
Generation:Series 8
We approached time with a new perspective and designed our watch models for you. Our watches on our website are offered to you with Daniel Klein brand assurance and 4 installments. Our products have a 2-year warranty. The warranty certificate of your watch is prepared by us and your watches are delivered to the relevant person at your address by our contracted cargo company in their original boxes.
Your orders placed before 14.00 will be delivered to the cargo on the same day.
You can return the products you buy from free of charge within 14 days.
We are with you with designs and products that will always remind you of the value of your time and make you feel good.
Stock Code:DT8PRO-08
Case Shape:Rectangle
App Name:Wearpro
Voice Call:Yes
Sleep Tracking:Yes
Heart Rhythm Measurement:Yes
Inzicht in persoonlijke prestaties en progressie
Sport is voor jou geen hobby, maar een levensstijl. Je legt de lat hoog en je traint voor een verbetering van je PR bij de volgende trailrun. Gelukkig sta je er niet alleen voor. De Samsung Galaxy Watch5 Pro is altijd binnen handbereik en staat je 24/7 bij. Hij analyseert je snelheid en de afgelegde route. Hij verkent met jou het parcours, zodat je kunt pieken op het juiste moment.
Sport is voor jou geen hobby, maar een levensstijl. Je legt de lat hoog en je traint voor een verbetering van je PR bij de volgende trailrun. Gelukkig sta je er niet alleen voor. De Samsung Galaxy Watch5 Pro is altijd binnen handbereik en staat je 24/7 bij. Hij analyseert je snelheid en de afgelegde route. Hij verkent met jou het parcours, zodat je kunt pieken op het juiste moment.
Material: THERMOPLASTISCHE ELASTOMERE (TPE). Farbe: SCHWARZ. Größe: 26,0 x 2,0 x 1,0 cm.
Verfolgen Sie Ihre Aktivitäten, kontrollieren Sie Ihren Kalorienverbrauch und überwachen Ihre Schlafphasen. Sehen Sie sich all dies in der kostenlosen App an (kompatibel ab iOS 8.1 und Android 4.4). Das OLED-Display am Armband zeigt Ihnen Ihre Werte. Der perfekte Helfer für einen gesünderen und aktiveren Lebensstil. Standby von bis zu 5 Tagen mit einer Ladung.
Mobilfunkverbindung mir eigener SIM-Karte.
GPS und Bewegungssensor.
Für Alleinarbeit ohne besondere Gefährdung, wo keine zugelassene PNA notwendig ist.
SicherFinden24® gibt Senioren mit dementen Erkrankungen unterwegs mehr Sicherheit und Selbstvertrauen und unterstützt das Pflegepersonal bei der Betreuung hilfsbedürftiger Menschen
Ekahau RTLS Tag W4 mit Patientenarmband lang, wiederaufladbar, LED Anzeige, Vibrationsalarm, Infrarot- und Bewegungssensor, eine freiprogrammierbare Ruftaste, wasserdicht
Montre durcie intelligente
Cadrans personnalisable
IP68 - Résistance à 10 mètres sous l'eau
Moniteur de fréquence cardiaque
Autonomie en utilisation normale : 5 jours
Écran 2.01''
Batterie Li-Po 900 mAh
Bluetooth 5.3
Charge magnétique
100 modes sportifs
Réponds aux appels (Microphone intégré) / Lampe torche intégrée
Modèle:Blackview W60
Dimensions (lxlxh) en mm:50 x 44,5 x 14,3 mm
Poids net en g:61 g
Résolution d'écran:280 x 320 pixels
Montre intelligente pour enfants
IP67 - résiste à la poussière et à l'eau jusqu'à 1m de profondeur pendant 30 minutes maximum
Écran 1.83"
Processeur Unisoc 8521E
1 Go RAM + 8 Go ROM
Batterie 680 mAh - Charge magnétique
Appels, appels vidéo et notifications par SMS
Déverrouillage par reconnaissance faciale
Mode école
Position GPS
Microphone intégré
Bluetooth 5.0 / wifi
15 cadrans disponibles
Modèle:Blackview Z10
Dimensions (lxlxh) en mm:51,3 x 44,2 x 15,1 mm
Poids net en g:55,4 g
Résolution d'écran:240 x 284 pixels
Pantalla completa de 1,47 pulgadas, resistente al agua IP67, algoritmo preciso compatible con 11 modos deportivos, frecuencia cardíaca integrada, presión arterial, oxígeno en sangre, objetivo en movimiento, también compatible con telegramas entrantes, despertador, carga USB, funciones de control de cámara
versión BT:5.0
Tiempo de espera:15 días
Pantalla:Pantalla TFT de 1,47 pulgadas
Batería:150 mAh
Modos deportivos:11
1,47-tolline täisekraan, veekindel IP67, täpne algoritm toetab 11 spordirežiimi, sisseehitatud pulss, vererõhk, vere hapnik, liikuv sihtmärk, toetab ka sissetulevat telegrammi, äratuskella, USB laadimist, kaamera juhtimisfunktsioone
BT versioon:5.0
Ooteaeg:15 päeva
Ekraan:1,47-tolline TFT ekraan
Aku:150 mAh
Älykäs urheilun ja terveellisen elämän tarkoitus, tukee useita urheilutiloja, on syke, verenpaine, veren happi, askeleet, etäisyys, unimittari, puheluilmoitus, tietonäyttö, älykäs herätyskello, sekuntikello, liikkuva kohde, istumamuistutus, kameran ohjaus, säänäyttötoiminnot.
Näyttö:0,96 tuuman HD värikäs IPS-näyttö
Resoluutio:80*160 px
Akun kapasiteetti:90 mAh
Intelligent sport og et sundt liv formål, understøtter flere sportstilstande, har puls, blodtryk, blodilt, skridt, afstand, søvnmonitor, opkaldsmeddelelse, informationsdisplay, smart vækkeur, stopur, bevægende mål, stillesiddende påmindelse, kamerakontrol, vejrvisningsfunktioner.
Bluetooth version:5.0
Skærm:0,96 tommer HD farverig IPS-skærm
Løsning:80*160 px
Batterikapacitet:90 mAh
Batteri type:Li-polymer celle
Arukas sportimise ja tervisliku elu eesmärk, toetab mitut spordirežiimi, on pulsisagedus, vererõhk, verehapnik, sammud, vahemaa, unemonitor, kõneteavitus, teabeekraan, nutikas äratuskell, stopper, liikuv sihtmärk, istuv meeldetuletus, kaamera juhtimine, ilmakuvamise funktsioonid.
Bluetoothi versioon:5.0
Ekraan:0,96-tolline HD värviline IPS-ekraan
Resolutsioon:80*160 px
Aku mahutavus:90 mAh
Aku tüüp:Li-polümeer rakk
Inteligentny cel sportowy i zdrowy tryb życia, obsługuje wiele trybów sportowych, ma tętno, ciśnienie krwi, tlen we krwi, kroki, dystans, pomiar podczas snu, powiadomienie o połączeniu, wyświetlanie informacji, inteligentny budzik, stoper, ruchomy cel, alarm bezruchu, sterowanie kamerą, funkcje wyświetlania pogody.
Wersja Bluetootha:5.0
Wyświetlacz:Kolorowy ekran IPS HD o przekątnej 0,96 cala
Rezolucja:80*160 pikseli
Pojemność baterii:90mAh
Typ Baterii:Ogniwo litowo-polimerowe
Sport inteligent și scop de viață sănătoasă, acceptă mai multe moduri de sport, are ritm cardiac, tensiune arterială, oxigen din sânge, pași, distanță, monitorizare somn, notificare de apel, afișare de informații, ceas cu alarmă inteligent, cronometru, țintă în mișcare, memento sedentar, control al camerei, funcții de afișare a vremii.
Versiune Bluetooth:5.0
Rezistent la apă:IP67
Afişa:Ecran IPS colorat HD de 0,96 inchi
Rezoluţie:80*160 px
Capacitatea bateriei:90 mAh
Tip baterie:Celulă Li-polimer
Интелигентна цел за спорт и здравословен живот, поддържа множество спортни режими, има сърдечен ритъм, кръвно налягане, кислород в кръвта, стъпки, разстояние, монитор за сън, известие за повикване, информационен дисплей, интелигентен будилник, хронометър, движеща се цел, напомняне за заседнал начин, контрол на камерата, функции за показване на времето.
Bluetooth версия:5.0
Дисплей:0,96-инчов HD цветен IPS екран
Резолюция:80*160 px
Капацитет на батерията:90 mAh
Вид батерия:Литиево-полимерна клетка
We approached time with a new perspective and designed our watch models for you. Our watches on our website are offered to you with Daniel Klein brand assurance and 4 installments. Our products have a 2-year warranty. The warranty certificate of your watch is prepared by us and your watches are delivered to the relevant person at your address by our contracted cargo company in their original boxes.
Your orders placed before 14.00 will be delivered to the cargo on the same day.
You can return the products you buy from free of charge within 14 days.
We are with you with designs and products that will always remind you of the value of your time and make you feel good.
Stock Code:DT3MATE-08
Case Shape:Round
App Name:Wearpro
Voice Call:Yes
Sleep Tracking:Yes
Heart Rhythm Measurement:Yes
We approached time with a new perspective and designed our watch models for you. Our watches on our website are offered to you with Daniel Klein brand assurance and 4 installments. Our products have a 2-year warranty. The warranty certificate of your watch is prepared by us and your watches are delivered to the relevant person at your address by our contracted cargo company in their original boxes.
Your orders placed before 14.00 will be delivered to the cargo on the same day.
You can return the products you bought from free of charge within 14 days.
We are here for you with designs and products that will always remind you of the value of your time and make you feel good.
Stock Code:DKR4-03
Case Diameter:40-45 mm
App Name:Smart-Time PRO
Voice Call:None
Sleep Tracking:Yes
Heart Rhythm Measurement:Yes
We approached time with a new perspective and designed our watch models for you. Our watches on our website are offered to you with Daniel Klein brand assurance and 4 installments. Our products have a 2-year warranty. The warranty certificate of your watch is prepared by us and your watches are delivered to the relevant person at your address by our contracted cargo company in their original boxes.
Your orders placed before 14.00 will be delivered to the cargo on the same day.
You can return the products you bought from free of charge within 14 days.
We are with you with designs and products that will always remind you of the value of your time and make you feel good.
Stock Code:DT8ULTRA-05
Case Shape:Protect
App Name:Wearpro
Voice Call:Yes
Sleep Tracking:Yes
Heart Rhythm Measurement:Yes
We approached time from a new perspective and designed our watch models for you. Our watches on our website are offered to you with the Daniel Klein brand assurance and 4 installment options. Our products have a 2-year warranty. The warranty certificate of your watch is prepared by us and your watches are delivered to the relevant person at your address by our contracted cargo company in their original boxes.
Your orders placed before 14.00 will be delivered to the cargo on the same day.
You can return the products you bought from free of charge within 14 days.
We are here for you with designs and products that will always remind you of the value of your time and make you feel good.
Stock Code:DT8PRO-07
Case Shape:Rectangle
App Name:Wearpro
Voice Call:Yes
Sleep Tracking:Yes
Heart Rhythm Measurement:Yes