C arisma has its own efficient internal Logistics Office which ensures rapid deliveries by land and sea everywhere, taking care of all operational and regulatory aspects of the transport of ADR and IMO classified chemical products.
Our products are delivered:
in 1000 liter IBCs, in 200 liter drums, in 25 and 5 liter canisters; in customized packaging upon request
in Italy and Europe
in single-compartment or multi-compartment tankers, in 1000-litre IBCs, in 200-litre drums
Revilab Peptide ML – series of multicomponent peptide preparations, which uniqueness consists in principle of all-in-one action. Action of these new-generation bioregulators is directed to delaying aging processes, maintenance of normal level of metabolic processes, prevention and correction of various states; rehabilitation after serious diseases, injuries and operations.
Effective action of Revilab Peptide ML is due to the hi-tech formula. Each of 9 preparations contains a number of short peptides, antioxidants and building material for cells. It renders faster effect for various systems of an organism, launching internal restoration function.
Brand:Revilab peptide preparations
Bulk:30 capsules by 0,39 g
Expiry date:14.03.2027
Battery Cycle Count
A typical cell phone battery goes through approximately 500 cycles before retaining at least 80% of its original capacity. Made from new materials, our batteries have zero cycles, ensuring the maximum number of cycles you can use.
Zero Cycle Count, so you have the maximum amount of cycles remaining.
Lithium-Ion Polymer
technological materials
Strict QC test
Less than 1% failure rate
12 Months Warranty
Entöltes Soja-Lecithin
LECIFINE 100 ist ein entöltes Soja-Lecithin, hergestellt aus gentechnikfreien Sojabohnen (NON-GMO).
LECIFINE 100 wird für feine Backwaren, Kekse, Waffeln, Instantprodukte, Kakaopulver und Hefeteig-Fertigmehle verwendet. LECIFINE 100 verbessert die Fettverteilung und ermöglicht eine gleichmäßige Bräunung. Außerdem sorgt es für eine feinere Krume, verlängert die Frischhaltung und vergrößert das Volumen der Backwaren.
LECIFINE 100 hat einen hohen Gehalt an Phospholipiden und ist ein natürlicher Emulgator, der den Backteig leichter verarbeitbar und weicher macht.
Novelis Advanz™ 6CM – s118 is a heat treatable product for automotive structural and inner applications. Advanz™ 6CM – s118 was primarily developed for hood inners, in order to meet the highest pedestrian safety requirements while also offering a 6xxx series uni-alloy solution. In the as-supplied temper, this product is soft and highly formable – ideally suited to form complex parts such as hood inners. Developed for inner closure panels with special requirements, Novelis Advanz™ 6CM – s118 has excellent forming characteristics as well as a superior bending performance. Advanz™ 6CM -s118 has moderate strength after paint baking and offers controlled energy absorption in a crash situation. All values are typical.
Density:2.7 x 10³ kg/m³
Elastic Modulus :70,000 N/mm²
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion :23.4 x 10-6 K-1
Thermal Conductivity :160 – 190 W/mK
Electrical Conductivity:26 – 30 m/Ωmm²
Manufacturing : Stainless steel
Raw Materials : 316 L - 904 L
Superior bearing large enough
Flexibel coupling enabling to dismantle the motor without dismantling the pump
Height : from 600 to 1750 mm
Standardized CE motor
Max flow : 50 m³ / h
Max delivery head : 30 m
VECTIDYN is an amino acid complex combining leucine, arginine and glutamine, with vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12 which contribute to a normal energy-yielding metabolism, and with vitamin B9 which contributes to normal amino acid synthesis and plays a role in the cellular division process.
It is particularly rich in vitamin B6 which helps to maintain the normal metabolisation of proteins and glycogen
Vitamin B1:4,2 mg (382 % NRV*)
Vitamin B2:4,8 mg (343 % NRV*)
Vitamin B6:2 mg (143 % NRV*)
Folic acid (vit. B9):200 μg (100 % NRV*)
Vitamin B12:1 μg (40 % NRV*)
L-leucine:600 mg
L-glutamine:300 mg
L-arginine:255 mg
INFICONs umfassende Auswahl mechanischer Durchführungen bietet das richtige Gerät für jede anspruchsvolle Anwendung.
INFICONs umfassende Auswahl mechanischer Durchführungen bietet das richtige Gerät für jede anspruchsvolle Anwendung, egal ob es sich um Beschichtungskammern oder um Ihr angewandtes Forschungsprojekt unter Laborbedingungen handelt.
Die verfügbaren Flanschausführungen ISO-KF / ISO-K und CF entspricht unserer Produktlinie an Anschlüssen. Alle Durchführungen sind zur Verwendung in Vakuumanlagen mit Leckraten bis zu E-9 mbarl/s geeignet. Für UHV ist auch eine ganz in Metall ausgeführte Durchführung erhältlich.
•Zwei FPM-Wellendichtungen
•Direkte Push/Pull- und Drehbetätigung
•Mit Sperrring und optionaler Verdrehsicherung
•2011/65/EU RoHS-konform
Suplement diety Vigo ONE XL to produkt z wysoką dawką L-argininy, skierowany do mężczyzn którzy chcą zadbać o swoje zdrowie seksualne oraz potrzebują wzmocnić i wywołać erekcję. Dawka l-argininy w dwóch kapsułkach 600 mg.
Tierhalter wissen: Haustiere tun ihrem Menschen einfach gut.
Tun Sie Ihrem Haustier etwas Gutes – mit den natürlichen Ergänzungsfuttermitteln
Please visit our website www.jhlanimalhealth.com . Can email us at... +32474 -
Contains per ml: Amoxycillin (as trihydrate) 100 mg
by e.g. penicillinase-producing staphylococci and some Gram-negative strains
Amoxycillin long-acting is a broad-spectrum, semi-synthetic penicillin, active against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The range of effect includes Streptococci, not penicillinase-producing Staphylococci, Bacillus anthracis, Corynebacterium spp., Clostridium spp., Brucella spp., Haemophilus spp., Pasteurella spp., Salmonella spp., Moraxella spp., E. coli, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, Fusiformis, Bordetella spp., Diplococci, Micrococci and Sphaerophorus necrophorus. Amoxycillin has many advantages; it is non-toxic, has good intestinal resorption, is stable in acidic conditions and is bactericidal. The drug is destroyed
#Amoxicillin_ Injection
#antibiotic_ Veterinary
#Medicine _veterinary
#Animal_ amoxicillin_ trihydrate_ GMP
#amoxicillin_ raw_ pharmaceutical_ veterinary
#amoxycillin_ raw_ pharmaceutica
"Para aplicações eletrônicas e espaciais que exigem baixa liberação de gases e condensáveis voláteis mínimos para evitar condensação em dispositivos sensíveis. Para colagem ou vedação de elastômeros de silicone e alguns metais
ou plásticos"
Revilab Peptide ML – series of multicomponent peptide preparations, which uniqueness consists in principle of all-in-one action. Action of these new-generation bioregulators is directed to delaying aging processes, maintenance of normal level of metabolic processes, prevention and correction of various states; rehabilitation after serious diseases, injuries and operations.
Effective action of Revilab Peptide ML is due to hi-tech formula. Each of 9 preparations contains a number of short peptides, antioxidants and building material for cells. It renders faster effect for various systems of an organism, launching internal restoration function.
Brand:Revilab peptide preparations
Bulk:30 capsules by 0,45 g
Expiry date:02.07.2026
Battery Cycle Count
A typical cell phone battery goes through approximately 500 cycles before retaining at least 80% of its original capacity. Made from new materials, our batteries have zero cycles, ensuring the maximum number of cycles you can use.
Zero Cycle Count, so you have the maximum amount of cycles remaining.
Lithium-Ion Polymer
technological materials
Strict QC test
Less than 1% failure rate
12 Yes Garanti
Battery Cycle Count
A typical cell phone battery goes through approximately 500 cycles before retaining at least 80% of its original capacity. Made from new materials, our batteries have zero cycles, ensuring the maximum number of cycles you can use.
Zero Cycle Count, so you have the maximum amount of cycles remaining.
Lithium-Ion Polymer
technological materials
Strict QC test
Less than 1% failure rate
12 Months Warranty
ERGYTONYL contains a trio of invigorating plants. Eleutherococcus aids adaptogenic activity and optimises mental and physical abilities in the event of a passing fatigue. ginseng promotes vigilance and memory, helping maintain good cognitive performance and supports vitality. Yerba mate has stimulant properties which support the body's resistance to physical and mental fatigue.
Trace elements, including zinc which supports cognitive function, and magnesium which contributes to a reduction of tiredness and fatigue, complete the formulation.
ERGYTONYL can be recommended to combat physical and/or mental fatigue, stress, overwork and during periods of intense work or during examinations.
Ginseng:1430 mg*
Eleutherococcus:1104 mg*
Yerba Mate:552 mg*
Magnesium:56 mg (15 % NRV**)
Zinc:3 mg (30 % NRV**)
Das äußerst kompakte Pirani-Messgerät bietet sehr zuverlässige Messungen im Bereich von 5 E-4 mbar bis Atmosphäre.
Die Pirani-Standardmessgeräte PSG500, PSG502-S, PSG510-S und PSG512-S von INFICON sind mit der fortschrittlichsten Pirani-Digitaltechnologie ausgestattet, die auf dem Markt erhältlich ist. Die robuste Sensorzelle aus Edelstahl und das kompakte Design sind ideal für den Einsatz in Halbleitersystemen und für Standardanwendungen wie z. B. Vorvakuumleitungen.
•Einfache Anpassung von ATM und HV über Drucktasten
•Platzsparendes, robustes Design
•Montage in beliebiger Position
•Messzelle aus Edelstahl mit metallversiegelter Durchführung
•Logarithmischer Signalausgang für einfache Integration
•10 bar absoluter Überdruck mit Gewindeanschlüssen
•Bei 250 °C ausheizbare Version
•Optionale Ausführung mit Nickelfilament für korrosive Anwendungen
•Keramische Durchführung für extrem korrosive Anwendungen (PSG510 und PSG512)
"Para colagem, fundição ou moldagem por injeção de componentes ópticos de alto desempenho; Para aplicações fotônicas que exigem baixa desgaseificação e
condensáveis voláteis mínimos para evitar condensação em
dispositivos sensíveis"