Termékek kerámia bunzlauer edények (19)

Niauli illóolaj "melaleuca viridiflora" - Illóolaj

Niauli illóolaj "melaleuca viridiflora" - Illóolaj

The essential oil of Niauli, also known as the essential oil of Melaleuca viridiflora, is obtained from the leaves and twigs of the Niauli tree, which is native to Australia, New Caledonia, and other Pacific islands. Below are the properties, uses, extraction method, and other details about this essential oil: Origin: The Niauli tree is a member of the Myrtaceae family and is very similar to the tea tree, from which an essential oil is also extracted. It is found in swampy areas and humid forests of Australia, New Caledonia, and other Pacific islands. Properties: The essential oil of Niauli has antimicrobial, antiseptic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and decongestant properties. It is also believed to have analgesic properties and is a good tonic for the respiratory and nervous systems. Botanical Name: Melaleuca viridiflora INCI: Melaleuca viridiflora Leaf Oil Family: Myrtaceae Part Used: Leaves CAS: 85085‐48‐9 EINECS: 285‐377‐1
Kakukkfű hidrolátum Thymol Vulgaris

Kakukkfű hidrolátum Thymol Vulgaris

Also available lemon thyme or cineole hydrolate, linalool thyme hydrolate, transtuyanol thyme hydrolate CONTAINER:25 kg. 200kg. IBC 1000kg. INCI:Thymus Vulgaris Flower/Leaf/Stems Wate CAS:8007-46-3 / 84929-51-1 EINECS:284-535-7
Japán keserűfű por kivonat 20% Trans Resveratrol; Japán - Chem2Market GmbH

Japán keserűfű por kivonat 20% Trans Resveratrol; Japán - Chem2Market GmbH

Qualität: für Lebensmittel Verarbeiteter Pflanzenteil: Wurzel Extraktionsmittel: Ethyl Acetat, Ethanol & Wasser Trägerstoff: keiner Japanischer Staudenknöterich Pulverextrakt 10% Trans Resveratrol; Japanischer Staudenknöterich Pulverextrakt 150:1; Japanischer Staudenknöterich Pulverextrakt 4:1; Trans Resveratrol 98% ex Japanischer Staudenknöterich Pulverextrakt; Japanischer Staudenknöterich Pulverextrakt 30% Resveratrol; Japanischer Staudenknöterich Pulverextrakt 25% Resveratrol wiss. Name: Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb.Et Zucc., Fallopia japonica Unsere Produkte werden als Bulkware verkauft. Bei den meisten unserer Produkte gibt es eine Mindestabnahmemenge von 25kg. Muster können bereitgestellt werden. Außerdem ist Plants2Market BIO und HACCP zertifiziert und seit Ende September 2023 DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 erstzertifiziert. Folgende Produkte bieten wir außerdem an: Acerola Ackerbohne Acker-Schachtelhalm Afrikanische Schwarzbohne Alant Alpha-Liponsäure Amla Artischocke
RAGT Repce - Repce

RAGT Repce - Repce

Nous avons actuellement les variétés: COLZA BRAZZIL: Variété lignée (Poids sac de 7 Kg) COLZA GRIZZLY: Variété lignée (Poids sac de 7 Kg) COLZA NOBLESSE: Variété lignée (Poids sac de 7 Kg) COLZA SENSATION: Variéte Hybride (Poids sac de 6 Kg) COLZA BONANZA: Variété Hybride (Poids sac de 6 Kg) COLZA BONZAI: Variété Hybride (Poids sac de 6 Kg)
Basenbalance® Gyógytea (ömlesztett)

Basenbalance® Gyógytea (ömlesztett)

Aromatische Teemischung unterstützt das Säure-Basen-Gleichgewicht. heiß und kalt ein Genuss angenehm frischer Geschmack basische Kräuter und Gewürze Inhalt: 100g Artikel-Nr.: Artikel-Nr. 00292
Kourabie Nea Karvali

Kourabie Nea Karvali

Griechische Spezialität Handgefertigt Die Kourabiedes haben einen weichen, fülligen Geschmack und enthalten ganze knackige Mandeln, die mit feinem Puderzucker überzogen sind. 450 g
Teavirágok - Tealini Creano Teavirág

Teavirágok - Tealini Creano Teavirág

Dispomos de toda a tipologia de flores de chá, sejam convencionais ou aromatizadas.
Leinos Természetes Gyanta Diszperziós Festék

Leinos Természetes Gyanta Diszperziós Festék

Lösemittelfreie, hochdeckende, waschfeste, matte Wandfarbe zur weißen und farbigen Gestaltung im Innenbereich. Diffussionsoffen, atmungsaktiv.
Hárs - Hárs

Hárs - Hárs

fekete bors - 6_Oleoresin

fekete bors - 6_Oleoresin

schwarzer Pfeffer - 6_Oleoresin Specification/Active Ingredient:40/20 Ursprung:Indien
művirág kompozíció - Rungis FEUILLAZUR

művirág kompozíció - Rungis FEUILLAZUR

FEUILLAZUR RUNGIS est grossiste de fleurs artificielles spécialiste de la décoration événementielle. Feuillazur Rungis vous propose de découvrir ses collections de fleurs artificielles, composition florale artificielle design, fleurs artificielles haut de gamme luxe. FEUILLAZUR RUNGIS est leader en vente de fleurs artificielles et plantes artificielles. FEUILLAZUR RUNGIS est importateur de fleurs artificielles, plantes artificielles et articles de décoration depuis plus de 50 ans bénéficie d'une notoriété inégalée dans le monde de la décoration. Leader sur le marché de la fleur artificielle, nous vous accueillons dans notre espace de vente au cœur du marché de Rungis.
Málna, Feketeáfonya, Savanyú Cseresznye, Áfonya, Ribizli és - Bogyók

Málna, Feketeáfonya, Savanyú Cseresznye, Áfonya, Ribizli és - Bogyók

Esportiamo direttamente dalla Serbia frutti di bosco di altissima qualità. Al momento disponiamo di prodotti quali: Lamponi, More ed Amarene surgelate sia in purea che intatte. Dalla fine di maggio i produttori procederanno con la raccolta dei nuovi prodotti e dal mese di Agosto avremo disponibili anche Mirtilli e Ribes. Tutti prodotti di altissima qualità. I prezzi oscillano da € 1,60 a 1,80 /kg
Eucalyptus citriodora illóolaj

Eucalyptus citriodora illóolaj

Eucalyptus citriodora essential oil is extracted from the leaves of the Corymbia citriodora tree, known for its fresh, citrus aroma. This essential oil is recognized for its insect repellent properties, being an excellent natural resource to keep mosquitoes and other flying insects away. Additionally, due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, it is used to relieve muscle and joint pain, providing a calming effect. In aromatherapy, eucalyptus citriodora essential oil is used to relieve stress and mental fatigue, promoting a calm and relaxed environment. It is also used in skin care products due to its astringent and deodorant properties, helping to keep skin clean and fresh. It can be used in diffusers, mixed with carrier oils or in repellent products to take advantage of its therapeutic and protective benefits. CONTAINER:5Kg, 10kg, 25Kg and 200Kg INCI:Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil CAS:8000-48-4 / 85203-56-1 EINECS:286-249-8
Kék Kamilla Illóolaj (Német) "matricaria recutita" - Illóolaj

Kék Kamilla Illóolaj (Német) "matricaria recutita" - Illóolaj

Blue chamomile, also known as German chamomile or Matricaria recutita, is a plant commonly used to produce essential oil. Below are the properties, uses, extraction method, and origin of blue chamomile essential oil: Origin: Blue chamomile is a plant native to Europe and Asia, but it is now cultivated worldwide. Properties: The essential oil of blue chamomile has a sweet, herbaceous, and fruity aroma, and is dark blue in color. Its notable properties include its ability to calm the mind and reduce anxiety, its anti-inflammatory effects, and its capacity to soothe irritated or inflamed skin. Uses: Blue chamomile essential oil is commonly used in aromatherapy to reduce stress and anxiety. It is also used in skincare products such as creams, lotions, and soaps due to its anti-inflammatory and calming properties. Additionally, it is used Botanical name: Matricaria recutita INCI: Matricaria recutita Flower Oil Family: Asteraceae Part used: Flower heads CAS: 84082-60-0 EINECS: 282-006-5
Spanyol majoránna illóolaj

Spanyol majoránna illóolaj

Spanish marjoram essential oil, extracted from the Thymus mastichina plant, is known for its fresh, spicy and balsamic aroma, as well as its various health benefits. This essential oil is valued for its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, being useful for treating infections and promoting respiratory health. Additionally, Spanish marjoram is known for its calming and relaxing properties, helping to relieve stress, anxiety and promote peaceful sleep. It is also used in skin care due to its astringent and healing properties, which help improve the appearance of the skin and reduce blemishes. In short, Spanish marjoram essential oil offers a combination of benefits, from respiratory care and relaxation to skin improvement, making it a popular choice in aromatherapy and personal care. Organic marjoram essential oil also available. CONTAINER:5Kg, 10kg, 25Kg and 200Kg INCI:Thymus Masthinina Herb Oil CAS:8016-33-9 / 84837-14-9 EINECS:284-294-8
Majoránna illóolaj "origanum majorana" - Illóolaj

Majoránna illóolaj "origanum majorana" - Illóolaj

Marjoram (Origanum majorana) is an aromatic plant commonly used in cooking and natural medicine. The essential oil of marjoram is obtained from the leaves and flowers of the plant through steam distillation. Below are its properties, uses, and method of extraction: Origin: Marjoram is a plant native to the Mediterranean region, but it is now cultivated worldwide for its medicinal and aromatic properties. Properties: The essential oil of marjoram is known for its antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, expectorant, sedative, and analgesic properties. It is also used to relieve muscle and joint pain, menstrual disorders, and digestive issues. Uses: The essential oil of marjoram can be used in various ways, including: In aromatherapy: it can be inhaled directly or through a diffuser to relieve anxiety, stress, and tension. Botanical Name: Origanum Majorana INCI: Origanum majorana Herb Oil Family: Lamiaceae Part Used: Flowers and Leaves CAS: 84082-58-6 EINECS: 282-004-4
Basenbalance® Gyógytea (ömlesztett)

Basenbalance® Gyógytea (ömlesztett)

Aromatische Teemischung unterstützt das Säure-Basen-Gleichgewicht. heiß und kalt ein Genuss angenehm frischer Geschmack basische Kräuter und Gewürze Inhalt: 250g Artikel-Nr.: Artikel-Nr. 00293


Lenmag - 3_Extraktum

Lenmag - 3_Extraktum

Leinsamen - 3_Extracts Specification/Active Ingredient:20% Lignans(SDG) Ursprung:China