First class Green Alfalalay Hay
Weight Certified Gafta
honey ballet small 18-20 kg
Protein content: 18-23%
Humidity is less than 8-12%
Weed rate less than 0-2%
Packing: Bale
Plant Certified
Analysis Results Gafta Certified
Origin Turkey
It has the capacity to take care of 75 - 80 cattle or 750 - 800 small cattle.
It forms a homogeneous mixture with 10 - 12 bales.
Optional weighing system is available.
The machine has vertical auger.
Both hydraulic and towed V type offset disc harrows are both hydraulic and towed type machines used for doubling and tripling the field, which is left to rest for one year after ploughing with a plow, for cutting plant residues (corn, sunflower, wheat, etc.) and weeds and breaking the duff layer after harvest.
These machines prepare the field for direct sowing without using another agricultural machine by cultivating the soil without clods in the dry months when the plows cannot be used after.