La vidéo LED sur film transparent est une solution révolutionnaire qui redéfinit l'expérience visuelle. Ce film de cristal fin et léger offre une haute transparence, des couleurs vives, et une haute luminosité, tout en étant flexible et ignifuge. Conçu pour être installé sur les vitrines de magasins, il permet d'afficher des infomerciales et des publicités sans encombrer l'espace. Avec plus de 95 % de transparence grâce à la technologie PCB Invisible, ce produit est à la pointe de l'innovation.
L'absence de structure en acier et la facilité d'installation, nécessitant uniquement de l'eau, en font une solution pratique et efficace. De plus, son affichage à niveaux de gris élevés garantit une qualité d'image exceptionnelle dans divers environnements. En optant pour la vidéo LED sur film transparent, vous choisissez une technologie qui attire l'attention tout en préservant l'esthétique de votre espace.
Our pro fi les represent a major advance in the field of plexi-faced box letter signs.
This innovative process, combining productivity and irreproachable fi nish, makes it possible to produce box letters with luminous plexiglass faces without having to resort to the listel for the faces or to the fixing screws for the backs.
The edge and the plexiglass face are assembled by gluing (translucent glue) or implemented with the resin machine.
The assembly can then be simply clipped onto the bottom using the stainless steel EasyClip clips specially designed for effective and discreet grip.
The aluminum profiles, of different heights , have been specially designed to adapt to Domino Sign LED lighting modules.
30m coil
white and black prepainted aluminum
Width 37mm, 60mm and 100mm
Piece identification by Visionerf is a robust solution designed to identify and locate parts based on their geometry. This technology uses advanced image processing to compare the scanned point cloud of a part with a database of known models, ensuring accurate identification even in challenging environments. The Piece identification system is ideal for industries that require precise tracking and sorting of parts during production.
This solution is particularly beneficial for environments where parts need to be identified and processed in real-time, such as on a production line. By integrating Piece identification into their operations, businesses can achieve greater accuracy and efficiency in their sorting processes, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring that every part is correctly identified and processed. This technology not only enhances the speed and accuracy of identification but also ensures that every part is handled with care and precision.
Mission : détection sans contact physique d’armes blanches, d’armes à feu, engins explosifs à composant métal qui sont dissimulés.
Destination : contrôles d’accès : grandes surfaces, manifestations sportives, meetings politiques, aéroports, bâtiments publics, dancings, boites de nuit et magasins sensibles.
Détecteur de nouvelle génération destiné au contrôle d’accès. Pour utilisation intensive en périphérie de zone sécurisée. Fonctionnement très simple sans réglage préalable. Design assurant le confort de l’utilisateur et l’efficacité de la détection : forme de la zone détectrice spécialement étudiée.
La vidéo LED flexible est une avancée technologique qui offre une haute flexibilité et une haute résolution pour vos besoins d'affichage. Sa structure unique permet de se courber ou de se plier en diverses formes, telles que des ellipses, des triangles, ou des sphères, offrant ainsi une liberté créative sans précédent. Ce panneau d'affichage LED est extrêmement fin et léger, ne pesant que 75 grammes sans cadre, et 150 grammes avec cadre.
Grâce à sa connexion magnétique, l'installation et le remplacement des panneaux sont rapides et simples. Cette conception innovante garantit une intégration harmonieuse dans n'importe quel environnement, qu'il soit commercial ou événementiel. En choisissant la vidéo LED flexible, vous optez pour une solution d'affichage moderne qui allie esthétique et fonctionnalité, tout en captant l'attention de votre public cible.
The Domino Dmax NEO is a new generation of LEDs developed for PMMA facing boxes or large size box letters at very high depths (100 to 200 mm).
Its 160 ° hemispherical lens reduces the number of modules needed for your projects. Incomparable
density and rendering of whites.
Our pro fi les represent a major advance in the field of plexi-faced box letter signs.
This innovative process , combining productivity and irreproachable fi nish, makes it possible to produce box letters with luminous plexiglass faces without having to resort to the listel for the faces or to the fixing screws for the backs.
The edge and the plexiglass face are assembled by gluing (translucent glue) or implemented with the resin machine.
The assembly can then be simply clipped onto the bottom using the stainless steel EasyClip clipsspecially designed for effective and discreet grip.
The aluminum profiles, of different heights, have been specially designed to adapt to Domino Sign LED lighting modules.
3m bars
Prepainted in 6 colors
4 different heights (35, 50, 60 and 80 mm)
Domino Sign Dmax3 RGB is specially used for the lighting of large letters, 3-sided PMMA type housing, or aluminum edges and diffusing face.
It can also be used for backlighting.
Domino Sign Dmax3 is specially used for the lighting of large letterboxes type 3 faces in PMMA, or aluminum edges and diffusing face. The Domino Sign Dmax3 are also designed for the illumination of light boxes.
The luminous flux and dimensions of Domino Sign Dmax3 allow the use of a small quantity of modules while offering a luminous intensity comparable to neon or fluorescent tube for low consumption.
Domino Sign Flex , with a luminous flux of 120 °, are used for the illumination of box letters and for the backlighting of very small letters.
By their flexibility, Domino Sign Flex follow the most complex shapes. Packaging
Domino Sign Flex , with a luminous flux of 140 °, are used for the illumination of box letters and for the backlighting of very small letters .
By their flexibility , Domino Sign Flex follow the most complex shapes.
The Flex Horizontal version allows to illuminate letters facing plexi of very small dimensions and a minimum thickness of 15 mm.
The Flex Vertical version allows backlighting of a letter with a minimum width of 15 mm.
Our pro fi les represent a major advance in the field of plexi-faced box letter signs.
This innovative process, combining productivity and irreproachable fi nish, makes it possible to produce box letters with luminous plexiglass faces without having to resort to the listel for the faces or to the fixing screws for the backs.
The edge and the plexiglass face are assembled by gluing (translucent glue) or implemented with the resin machine .
The assembly can then be simply clipped onto the bottom using the stainless steel EasyClip clips specially designed for effective and discreet grip.
35m spools
Raw aluminum
Width 60mm and 100mm