Termékek méregtelenítő (11)



An accurate selection of high quality coffees from Central and South America, India and Africa roasted to perfection yields the De Roccis CREMOSO espresso. An extraordinary mild and smooth blend with a strong and yet delicate finish.
Tuber brumale

Tuber brumale

Premium Truffles


Misto uova pastorizzate, gocce di puro cioccolato, mandorle grezze, zucchero, burro, grassi e oli vegetali, farina di mandorle, cacao amaro 22/24%, baking.
szárított gomba

szárított gomba

champiñón seco


Lait de vache et crème pasteurisés (origine France), Sel, Coagulant microbien, Ferments lactiques et d’affinage, Affermissant : chlorure de calcium. Rocou Lait et produit à base de lait (y compris lactose et protéine de lait) Nos produits ne font pas l’objet d'un étiquetage OGM conformément aux règlements 1829/2003CE et 1830/2003/CE. Respect de non présence d'OGM au seuil de 0.9% conformément aux règlements européen CE 1829/2003 et 1830/2003. Attestation ionisation Nous certifions, sur la base des garanties et certificats obtenus de la part de nos fournisseurs, que nos produits, ingrédients et additifs : ne font pas l'objet de traitement par ionisation conformément au décret n°2001-1097 du 16/11/01. Analyse pour:100g Matières grasses:33.26g Proteines:17.56g Sucre (g):0.9 Sodium (mg):1.294g Energie Kcal:372 Energie KJ:1538.71 Format:Rond Poids:230g Conditionnement:Papier Surconditionnement:Carton Température d'entreposage:+2°C/+8°C


Nach Ihren Rezeptur-Vorgaben oder nach der Entwicklung Ihrer Rezepturen bieten wir unterschiedlichste Möglichkeiten des Mischens: Rühren, Dispergieren, Homogenisieren, Emulgieren Wir bieten Ihnen die Herstellung Ihrer Produkte Mit unserer Produktionstechnik sind wir in der Lage nahezu allen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden und haben entsprechende Produktionsmöglichkeiten für die Herstellung von: Wachsbasierten Produkte, lösemittelbasierten Produkte, alkoholbasierten Produkten, Bioziden, Pasten, u.v.m. Nutzen Sie unsere Expertise in der Herstellung von unterschiedlichsten Erzeugnissen. Sie entscheiden, ob wir die Rohstoffe nach strengsten Qualitäts- und Lieferzeitkriterien für Sie beschaffen oder ob Sie Ihre Rohstoffe für die Produktion beistellen. Gemeinsam finden wir die kosteneffizienteste Lösung. Zum Mischen umfasst unser Maschinenpark z.B.: Dissolver Flügelrührer Ystral-Mischer Ultra-Turrax®


Babbi Cremadelizia spreads include several flavours. Babbi Spreads are perfect on bread slices and ideal for filling or decorating desserts. All Babbi Spreads are gluten free.
Bársonyos Keverék

Bársonyos Keverék

Blend of arabica and robusta with an intense aroma, dense cream and a pleasant lasting aftertaste. The practical capsules allow always to have a fresh and practical product, few gestures are enough to have all the aroma of a good espresso. Compatible with all the Nespresso* machines. We use CLICK CAPS of BisioProgetti Spa in Alessandria, patented not to cause cracks in the Nespresso* machines. * The reference is only descriptive since we do not have any commercial connection with the trademark holder company .


Il ferma-anta brevettato è una novità destinata a rivoluzionare il mercato del settore. E’ l’unico ferma anta ad agire indifferentemente sull’aletta di battuta dell’anta, sul montante o sulla doppia anta avendo una regolazione millimetrica che va da 0 a 124 mm, grazie all’inserimento di apposite prolunghe. I materiali di costruzione, sono stati ampiamente testati da laboratori specializzati, così come il meccanismo di funzionamento. La severità dei collaudi ci permette di offrirvi un prodotto duraturo ed affidabile. Un prodotto firmato Tecnometalsystem.


The logic functions provide a secured and controlled flow of goods on the conveyor line by starting and stopping at defined segments with in a conveyorline. The logic functions control the accumulation roller convenyor with precise insertion and removal of goods during distribution


Mildly sweet blend from the best Arabica and Robusta coffees with strong flavor and fragrance. It is indeed the traditional and quintessential Italian Espresso! Brazil : Smooth and well-balanced coffee with pure and fine aroma. A very aromatic blend with a chocolaty finish. Costa Rica : High quality coffee with a rich hazelnut colored crema and apple and date fragrance. Light acidity. Indonesia : Rich and fine Robusta coffee with a light caramel fragrance ideal even for the most demanding coffee connoisseurs. Full and strong flavor with a persistent finish. Vietnam : Full bodied Robusta, eclectic and distinctive. Colombia : All Columbian coffees are of the Arabica variety with a rich aromatic fragrance, slightly fruity and a wonderful hazelnut and flowery finish.This coffee is the result of the perfect combination of select Arabica and Robusta coffees. Creamy, smooth and velvety, unique and surprising with a sweet flavor and a fruity finish.