...Az NMS Precíziós Sín Táblák beépített PMNM chipdeszkával lenyűgöznek a kiváló kidolgozottságukkal és precizitásukkal. A sín tábla alapja 60 HRC-ra edzett, polírozott és precíziós csiszolással készült. A szög a sín elv szerint van beállítva mérőblokkok használatával. NMS sín tábláinkat az EDM, csiszolás és mérés területén használják a legmagasabb precizitással.
Műszaki részletek:
— Precíziós Sín Tábla beépített finom pólusú chipdeszkával
— Tartóerő 100N/cm2
— Mágneses mező magassága 5mm
— Póluslemez kopási határ 5mm
— sík párhuzamosság 0,005/100mm
— Szögpontosság +-0,0013°/+-5sec.
Hunkar Maraslim 500 gr Plain Ice Cream
Contents: The product is produced by using fresh cow milk and natural sugar. Does not include additives.
Weight: 500 grams
Taste: Distinguished by its plain milk aroma. Has an intense and creamy texture. Presents a simple and natural taste.
Usage Tips: Hunkar Maraslim 500 gr plain Ice Cream can be served alongside various desserts and fruits. It can also be enjoyed by itself. Depending on preference, its taste can be enriched. Optionally, its flavor can be enriched by adding sauce or various garnishes.
Storing Tips: The product should be kept in or under -18°C degrees in deep freeze. It is recommended to be consumed in short time after packaging is removed.
Packaging: The product is presented in a hygienic and durable plastic packaging. Necessary information such as storing tips, product information, weight and product name are present on the packaging.
Production Process:
Gyermelyi pizza flour 1kg is a premium quality flour specifically designed for creating the perfect pizza crust. With its fine texture and high gluten content, this flour ensures a light and crispy crust that is both delicious and satisfying. Whether you're a professional chef or a home cook, Gyermelyi pizza flour provides the ideal foundation for your pizza creations.
This flour is crafted from the finest wheat, ensuring a fresh and authentic taste in every bite. Its 1kg packaging is convenient for both small and large-scale pizza making, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of this exceptional flour whenever you need it. Gyermelyi pizza flour is your go-to choice for achieving professional results with ease, making it a must-have in any kitchen.
Established under the name Miskos Helva in Istanbul, Fatih, Miskos has continuously adapted to the evolving market conditions and the standards of international organizations. In order to meet the increasing customer demands, it first moved to its factory in Istanbul, Bahcelievler, and then to the 10,000 m2 production area in Kastamonu Organized Industrial Zone.
Miskos is committed to the highest quality standards. The company pays meticulous attention to compliance with quality and hygiene conditions during production and takes into account the requirements of the occupational health and safety and food laws. The company's steadily increasing profit figures show that Miskos is on the right path with this focus on quality.
Miskos is known for its brittle, dried fruit pastes, wafer halva, cekme halva and Turkish fairy silk. The natural production approach brings out the traditional Turkish taste and also ensures the increasing popularity of the products abroad.
Kasza jaglana uważana jest za jeden z najzdrowszych pokarmów świata. Uprawiana od setek lat, pozyskiwana jest z łuskanych ziaren prosa. Wyróżnia się najwyższą zawartością witamin z grupy B:(B1,B2,B6) oraz żelaza i miedzi.
Kasza jaglana posiada także właściwości lecznicze, jest lekkostrawna i nie uczula, bo nie zawiera glutenu dlatego może być spożywana przez osoby chorujące na celiakie. Ma właściwości antywirusowe, zmniejsza stan zapalny błon śluzowych. Zawiera krzemionkę, która korzystnie wpływa na stan naszej skóry, włosów i paznokci.
Hirsemehl besteht aus gemahlenen Hirsekörnern - einer der ältesten Getreide mit vielen gesunden Vorteilen. Proso ist ein glutenfreies und basisbildendes Getreide, stellt das natürliche Säurebasis-Gleichgewicht im Körper wieder her, reinigt es, kämpft gegen freie Radikale und Pilze. Das Mehl ist leicht verdaulich, nicht allergisch, hat einen leicht nussigen Nachgeschmack und ist billiger als andere Produkte der "Super Foods" -Gruppe. Es ist eine Quelle für Ballaststoffe, Magnesium, ungesättigte Fettsäuren, Zink- und Eisen- und B -Vitamine. Hirsemehl ist eine echte Injektion nützlicher Substanzen und eine feste Entgiftung für den Körper. Hilletmehl ist auch eine reichhaltige Faserquelle, die heute allgemein als Produktträger bekannt ist, da es das Verdauungssystem reguliert und die Stabilisierung des Blutzuckerspiegels positiv beeinflusst. All dies führt zu einem Gefühl der Sättigung und weniger Verlangen %*RWS - Referenzwert Food & nbsp; <strong> Verwendung </strong> Hirsemehl kann aust
100% best Arabica coffees from Brazil, Columbia, Honduras, Costa Rica and Peru.
Brazil: “Santos” is a smooth and balanced Brazilian coffee with a clean and fine aroma. A chocolaty flavor, a full body, intense aromas and a persistent finish define its essence.
Columbia: Most Columbian coffees are of the Arabica variety: extremely aromatic and full-bodied defined by hazelnut and flowery finish and fragrance.
Honduras: Balanced and full-bodied coffee with a sweet liquorish fragrance.
Costarica: Excellent coffee with hazelnut-colored crema and a fragrance of apples and dates. Light acidity.
Peru: Delicately structured coffee with a fruity and cocoa finish.The specific roast yields a very rich and textured coffee, full-bodied with a persistent finish of flowers and chocolate.
Mezcla de aditivos, condimentos y especias, de uso charcutero, para la elaboración del PREPARADO DE CARNE denominado “Longaniza fresca” o “Salsicha fresca”.
Producto válido para todo tipo de carnes. Formato: bolsa 4kg
Griechische Spezialität Handgefertigt
Die Kourabiedes haben einen weichen, fülligen Geschmack und enthalten ganze knackige Mandeln, die mit feinem Puderzucker überzogen sind.
450 g
Maseca Flour is a high-quality, gluten-free corn flour made from 100% natural corn, ideal for creating authentic tortillas, tamales, and other traditional foods.
Use for the preparation of salads, appetizers, soups, second lunch dishes.
Proteins (g / 100g):9,5
Fats (g / 100g):0,0
Carbohydrates (g / 100g):3,0
Energy value (kcal / 100g):50
La méchouia est une salade typiquement tunisienne. Composée de tomates et piments, grillés et hachés après cuisson, aux épices et à l'ail, cette spécialité tunisienne est servie avec du thon en miettes ou du thon entier, des olives et des œufs durs.
Catégories:Agroalimentaire Conserves Salade Méchouia
Mistura de Tomato
To refine and garnish soups, vegetables, salads, tomato butter and much more. This blend adds a Mediterranean kick to the meal, the taste of bruschetta and the colours of Italy.
Hela. We are your competent partner for taste and modern functional systems for meat processing, HoReCa and food service in industry as well as in small and medium-sized enterprises.
Hela was founded in 1905. Today our team comprises of more than 600 dedicated, qualified colleagues from a wide range of fields.
With 10 locations worldwide, we deliver to over 30,000 satisfied customers in more than 70 countries.
Aside from our standard range we develop products as per individual customer's demands.
E-Mail: b2b-international@hela.eu
Tel.: +49 4102 496-0
Internet: www.hela.eu
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=awbvoU2oopU
La salicorne est une plante que l’on récolte dans les marais salants de l’ile de Ré durant la période d’été. Elle est riche en oligo-éléments et sels minéraux, c’est une plante halophile.
POIDS:0.180 kg
Pea flour is often used in baking bread and tortillas, making pasta, as well as some pastries such as donuts and cookies. It is enough to add only 1020% of pea flour to wheat flour, and these dishes will acquire a unique pea aroma and become a little healthier. Peas are rich in vitamins C, B and PP, as well as minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and zinc. Milling on stone millstones allows you to preserve the balanced natural composition of the grain, which makes it possible to achieve a decrease in the glycemic index.
Weight:400 g