Mildly sweet blend from the best Arabica and Robusta coffees with strong flavor and fragrance. It is indeed the traditional and quintessential Italian Espresso!
Brazil : Smooth and well-balanced coffee with pure and fine aroma. A very aromatic blend with a chocolaty finish.
Costa Rica : High quality coffee with a rich hazelnut colored crema and apple and date fragrance. Light acidity.
Indonesia : Rich and fine Robusta coffee with a light caramel fragrance ideal even for the most demanding coffee connoisseurs. Full and strong flavor with a persistent finish.
Vietnam : Full bodied Robusta, eclectic and distinctive.
Colombia : All Columbian coffees are of the Arabica variety with a rich aromatic fragrance, slightly fruity and a wonderful hazelnut and flowery finish.This coffee is the result of the perfect combination of select Arabica and Robusta coffees. Creamy, smooth and velvety, unique and surprising with a sweet flavor and a fruity finish.
Professional cultivators are designed for heavy-duty soil preparation, offering unmatched efficiency in breaking up and aerating the ground. These machines are equipped with powerful engines and durable tines, ensuring thorough soil preparation even in challenging conditions. Ideal for use in agriculture and landscaping, professional cultivators provide users with the power and precision needed to optimize their soil management practices.
The adjustable depth settings and ergonomic designs of professional cultivators provide comfort and control during operation. These machines not only save time and effort but also enhance the quality of the soil by mixing in organic matter and improving drainage. Investing in a high-quality cultivator is a smart choice for anyone looking to optimize their gardening or farming practices.
I grandi ravioli sardi sono ripieni di ricotta (formaggio morbido) e limone e incarnano la semplicità e la purezza dei sapori mediterranei, offrendo un'esperienza culinaria fresca e raffinata. Questo raviolo rappresenta un'armonia perfetta tra la dolcezza e la morbidezza avvolgente della ricotta e il sapore agrumato della freschezza vibrante del limone, racchiuso in una delicata sfoglia di pasta.
Alex installa banchi e celle frigorifere e abbattitori di temperatura. Progetta e realizza impianti per grandi cucine, mense scolastiche e aziendali, arredamenti completi con servizio "chiavi in mano". Arredamenti su misura in acciaio inox e non. Vende e ripara affettatrici, registratori di cassa telematici e bilance.
Farina "00", acqua, lievito Madre (lievito naturale
di farina di grano tenero tipo 0 in polvere,lievito, farina di cereali maltati ,) sale, olio di girasole, olio d'oliva, pomodori ciliegina,pomodoro, mozzarella di bufala, olio extra vergine d'oliva.