O colchão King apresenta um núcleo de espuma de grande firmeza e qualidades anti-alérgicas, mantendo a sua coluna perfeitamente alinhada todas as noites. Sinta como o seu corpo flutua enquanto dorme. Acompanha os seus movimentos e distribui o peso, garantindo o equilíbrio da energia do seu corpo.
Offrant un excellent maintien grâce à sa couche orthopédique Visco, le matelas Galaxy s'adapte parfaitement à la forme naturelle de votre corps. Offre une expérience de sommeil confortable en réduisant la pression sur le dos, la taille et le cou. Grâce à cette couche spéciale, il allie maintien et confort en assurant la bonne position de votre corps pendant le sommeil.
Avec une couche super douce et très flexible, il offre un confort supplémentaire en donnant la sensation de plumes d'oiseaux.
Mousse confort:Hypermousse
Enveloppe anti-transpirante:Soins orthopédiques du dos
Couverture intérieure:Antibactérien
The basis for healthy, regenerative sleep is a well-chosen mattress. Luxurious Quanomed® mattresses made of 100% natural latex ensure optimal positioning of the entire body and maintain constant air circulation. Our spine is relieved, blood circulation is not disturbed, optimal body temperature is maintained (we do not overheat). Quanomed® mattresses effectively counteract ailments such as pain and tension in arm muscles, stiffness and back pain, numbness and swelling in the legs, and joint pain. The MaxQuano model with medium hardness has a cover made of cashmere using Silver Tech technology, which prevents the multiplication of bacteria and other microorganisms, absorbs unpleasant odors, and also has an antistatic effect.
Dimensions: 200 x 100 x 18 cm
The most common cause of poor sleep is low-quality mattresses.
Item code:QM-S100200
Product name:MaxQuano single mattress 100x200
Gross weight [KG]:22
Net weight [KG]:18
Matelas hôtelier qui assure un très bon niveau de confort grâce à sa mousse haute densité 43kg/m 3 et sa finition soignée. D’une épaisseur de 21cm, ce matelas constitue un excellent rapport qualité/prix pour l’hôtellerie 3-4 étoiles.
Die vandalensichere Matratze Patja ist in 3 Nutzungsstufen erhältlich, die für Ihre Nutzung erforderlichen Produktspezifikationen erhalten Sie auf Anfrage.
Einsatzgebiet: Die Matratze ist besonders geeignet zur Verwendung bei Time-out Situationen und wenn vandalensicheres Material erforderlich ist, wie in Isolationszellen, Gefängnissen usw.
Der Kern besteht aus hochwertigem feuerbeständigem Schaum und erfüllt die Vorschriften und Anforderungen der Feuernorm BS 5852 Teil 2, Crib 5.
High-quality, high-density memory foam mattress, Certified as Medical Device. Available in various sizes, soft or firm. Recommended for electric bed bases. With removable quilted cotton cover.
in 3 Härtegraden lieferbar
Höhe Matratzenkern: 17 cm
Unsere puraflex besteht aus hochwertigem, offenporigem und elastischem Kaltschaum.
Zudem besitzt sie eine innovative Schnitttechnik, die sie in 7 Zonen einteilt. Dadurch wird zum einen eine gute Durchlüftung der Matratze geschaffen, zum anderen kann der Körper konturgenau einsinken. Dies entlastet zum Beispiel Schulter- und Beckenpartie bei Seitenschläfern und unterstützt so die Entspannung des Körpers.
Die puraflex gibt es in den Härtegraden weich, medium und fest. Sie ist eine Wendematratze und kann also von Zeit zu Zeit gedreht werden.
Perfektioniert wird die Matratze durch drei Überzugvarianten. Jeder findet deshalb seine persönlich passende Kombination.
The term "orthopedic" refers to a medicine that prevents injury to the skeleton and joints. An orthopedic doctor or surgeon will help people with problems related to this, which commonly affect people's joints and spine. Therefore, an orthopedic mattress is designed to target back and joint pain, best for people who regularly sleep with pain and painful pressure points in these areas. Most orthopedic beds are in the form of medium firm, firm or extra firm support tensions. They are often recommended for the elderly, athletes, or people recovering from an injury.
Scegliere un materasso a molle Epeda nel nostro negozio Sorà a Caserta è una garanzia di prestazioni sorprendenti e durature in fatto di qualità del riposo. Le moderne tecniche di sviluppo dei nostri prodotti garantiscono tutta la solidità, l’affidabilità e la durata nel tempo dei materassi più tradizionali, soddisfacendo anche le più sofisticate esigenze in fatto di comfort, accoglienza ed ergonomia.
Sıvı geçirmezlik özelliğine sahip yatak koruyucusudur. %80 Pamuk ve %20 Polyester karışımlıdır. İstenilen her ebatta üretilmektedir. Lastik ile yatağa montajı yapılır. 5 farklı kumaş türünde üretilebilir.
Tencel® es una fibra que absorbe bien la humedad para que la piel pueda respirar y permanecer seca. Además, es un tejido confortable de tacto suave y agradable, recomendable para las pieles delicadas, que se caracteriza por su durabilidad al uso y su fácil mantenimiento.
Otras cualidades son: su capacidad de protección frente al frío, el calor o el agua y que no se arruga fácilmente.
Cara Exterior:Tejido Stretch Lyocell Tencel® 270 gr./m2
Interior:Guata de Microfibra de alta recuperación 300 gr./m2
Cara Interior:Tejido 50% Algodón / 50% Poliéster.
Cremallera en U
Een dubbelzijdig matras
Een pocketveervorm met één zone, staafdiameter 1,8 mm
Polyurethaanschuim met een dichtheid van 25 kg/m2, 3 cm
Een langzaam brandende BOLOGNE FR stoffen hoes – wit, doorgestikt met ovata
Hoogte 19 cm, 18 cm zonder hoes
The LaPur® 15 mattress has a core height of 15 cm and with the cover approximately 17 cm. LaPur 15 is perfect for bed frames or adjustable beds without the need for a high bed frame. With the mattress's 15 cm height, it is precisely high enough that you do not need a mattress topper on top, as you will not feel the bed base, slatted base, or a hard box mattress through it. Your body will thank you if you choose LaPur 15 with its proper comfort zones and ventilating properties. You are going to sleep really well. Remember to choose the firmness that suits your weight best. If you are in the middle of an interval, decide for yourself whether you prefer to lie softly or firmly.
Matelas sur-mesure qualité Grand Luxe en 19 cm (mousse HR48 kg/m3)
Matelas mousse confort mi-ferme, grâce à sa forte densité de mousse haute résilience il est très résistant dans le temps et est conçu pour un couchage quotidien. Nous fabriquons votre matelas sur-mesure selon les dimensions fournies par le client. Il est de fabrication française
Memory 40 Ve è un materasso realizzato per sostenere un peso di oltre 100kg. Il suo strato di gommapiuma è stati realizzati con materiali di alta portanza e studiati per sostenere un peso maggiore, garantendo l’indeformabilità nel tempo. Connubio perfetto tra 2 strati di Eurocell poliuretano indeformabile e traspirabile e memory ecologico che rispetta l’ambiente, concilia il sonno e calma il sistema nervoso.
Struttura in Eurocell, 2 strati di portanza differenziata e memory.
Fascia laterale 3D Air system ad alta traspirabilità.
Rivestimento fisso
Tessuto in TNT
Imbottitura in poliestere
Interno in poliuretano espanso indeformabile
Lato estivo e invernale
Dimensioni:80×190, 90×190/200, 100×190/200, 140×190/200, 160×190/200
The SASAKI Magnetic and Far-Infrared Therapy Mattress can re-energise your body to restore the immune system and its natural ability to repair itself and prevent illness. The magnetic fields improve blood flow, encourage pain reduction and alleviate insomnia. A good night’s sleep for a better tomorrow.Improve Blood Circulation
Relieve Stress and Fatigue
Improve Sleep Quality
Enhance Sex Life
Shiatsu Massage
Relieve Back Pain and Aching Joints
Cellular Refreshment
Minimise Harmful Effect of Radiation
Optimise Endurance and Mobility
Relieve Arthritic and Rheumatic ConditionsOsteoporosis
High blood pressure
ConstipationMedical authorities report that our bodies are constantly subject to stresses and strains, be they physical damage to joints, bones, muscles and nerves, infection or stress related illnesses.
Category:Health Mattress
Vous faites de la location vacances ou courte durée ? Vous souhaitez renouveler un vieux matelas sans vous prendre la tête ? Vous cherchez un matelas qui satisfera tous types de voyageurs, même les plus exigeants ?
Noé, le matelas roulé hôtelier, est fait pour vous !
En plus d’être fabriqué en France, Noé le matelas roulé a de nombreuses caractéristiques et propriétés
13 cm de mousse Haute Résilience 35 kg/m³
Épaisseur totale de 18cm
Confort ferme et accueil semi ferme
Matelassage mousse et ouate sur les 2 faces matelas réversible
Tissu traité antiacarien, antibactérien, antifeu cigaretteallumette
Matelas conforme au GPEM / CP 2005 (normes NF EN 597 parties 1 et 2)
Vous apprécierez également les finitions de Noé le matelas hôtelier
Bande piquée blanche, galons extralarges
Coutil stretch 210 g/m2 100 % polyester