Termékek munkavállalói cserék (6)

Bér és Munka

Bér és Munka

Gestione del personale. Elaborazione buste paga. Risoluzione delle problematiche legate al rapporto di lavoro. Redazione di contratti di lavoro. Gestione cassetto fiscale Inail, Inps e gestione separata.
Ásó Tesmec TRS950 SLO DG

Ásó Tesmec TRS950 SLO DG

Year 2001 Hours 6200 Depth 150 cm Width: 35-55 cm Engine Cummins 6 CTA 8.3 Elite 260 HP
Használt Ásó - Vermeer T658

Használt Ásó - Vermeer T658

http://www.machinesbroker.com/equipments/used-trencher-vermeer-t658-2/ YEAR OF MANUFACTURE: 1994 FIRST PLACING ON THE MARKET: 1995 HOURS: 3600 DEPTH:150 CM WIDTH: 35 CM GENERAL CONDITIONS:GOOD PLACE:ITALY
Használt Ásó - Vermeer V5750

Használt Ásó - Vermeer V5750

http://www.machinesbroker.com/equipments/used-trencher-vermeer-v5750/ YEAR OF MANUFACTURE: 2000 FIRST PLACING ON THE MARKET:2001 HOURS: 2.180 DEPTH: 60 CM WIDTH:10 CM GENERAL CONDITIONS:GOOD PLACE:ITALY
Árokásó Vermeer - T1255III

Árokásó Vermeer - T1255III

Available with Trencher Boom or Terrain Leveler This used Vermeer T1255 Terrain Leveler surface excavation machine offers superior production in a variety of applications, including surface mining, site preparation, overburden removal, road construction/reconstruction and soil remediation. This Terrain Leveler can cut an area up to 3.60 m wide and up to 81.3 cm deep in a single pass.
Használt Ásó - Tesmec TRS 950 SLO

Használt Ásó - Tesmec TRS 950 SLO

used trencher Tesmec For sale for info http://www.machinesbroker.com/equipments/used-trencher-tesmec-trs-950-slo-2/ contact us for pricing and more information: info@machinesbroker@com