Termékek munkavállalói cserék (32)

Barre Cromate - Köszörült és krómozott acélrudak

Barre Cromate - Köszörült és krómozott acélrudak

Barre in acciaio rettificate e cromate per cilindri oleodinamici e pneumatici Acciai disponibili:CK45 Acciai disponibili:20MnV6 Acciai disponibili:38MnV6/38MnVS6 Acciai disponibili:42CrMo4+QT Acciai disponibili:Inox AISI 304/316/431
Ostro V-Típus Kétsoros Száraz Hűtő

Ostro V-Típus Kétsoros Száraz Hűtő

OSTRO W is a product range designed to meet the needs of high capacity exchange in dry cooler and condenser operation for the industrial process, HVAC air conditioning and refrigeration. With the PAD or SPRAY versions the capacity increases, thanks to water injection, are very significant and guarantee a legionellafree solution. Length:up to 12.5 m Fin material:Al, Al-Mg, Cu, Al pv, Al cath 3 fin spacing:2,1 – 2,4 – 3,6 mm Fan size:Ø 800 – 900 – 1000 mm Number of fans:4 ÷ 18


Tavoli da lavoro con gamba quadra, disponibili in diverse lunghezze (da 600 a 2100 mm) e profondità (da 600 a 800 mm).
Keret 12 / 00

Keret 12 / 00

Frame 12 / 00
Vibráló Lemez Tömörítő PV 75.120

Vibráló Lemez Tömörítő PV 75.120

Vibrating plate compactor for 15/20 Ton excavator. plate size 750x12000 mm, weight 1200 kg, frequency 2000 n / min, ground force 54 kn, hydraulic connection hoses kit. caliper and centerplate kit with 12/24 Volt solenoid valve (only 1 hydraulic line required) complete with use and maintenance manual, CE certificate, 12 months warranty
Személyre szabott munkaruha - Személyre szabott munkaruha a cég logójának nyomtatásával vagy hímzésével.

Személyre szabott munkaruha - Személyre szabott munkaruha a cég logójának nyomtatásával vagy hímzésével.

Officina Grafica Eco provides workwear and high visibility personalized with printing or embroidery. High quality for all sectors and uses. No minimum quantity is required. Clothing for building and thermotechnics: Custom work t-shirts Customized work polo shirts Custom work sweatshirts Custom work vests Custom work jackets Custom work trousers Custom work shorts and short, Customized work coats Custom overalls; Clothing for hotels and spas: Shirts for personalized hotels Personalized hotel and spa trousers Personalized hotel skirts Personalized hotel vests Customized hotel gowns Customized hotel and spa jackets Personalized hotel and spa towels Customized disposable slippers Bathrobe for personalized hotels, High visibility clothing Custom High Visibility Vest Personalized high visibility T-shirts Customized high visibility polo Personalized high visibility pants Custom reflective vests Personalized high visibility harnesses Customized high visibility suits
Ideamarmo Cube 1925 Gyűjtemény - Kocka márvány mozaik

Ideamarmo Cube 1925 Gyűjtemény - Kocka márvány mozaik

In this proposal, the standard module, sized 33.3 x 34.7 with a thickness of 1 centimetre, is made of Black Marquina marble, Cinder Grey marble, White Carrara marble rhombi, with a polished finishing.
vízszivárgások előzetes lokalizálása csövekben - Vízszivárgások előzetes lokalizálása

vízszivárgások előzetes lokalizálása csövekben - Vízszivárgások előzetes lokalizálása

Grazie alla tecnologia CRNS e alle innovative sonde Finapp, è possibile pre-localizzare le perdite della rete idrica, monitorando fino a 150 km al giorno, in modo semplice e veloce. Finapp ha brevettato una sonda leggera e compatta, in grado di leggere i neutroni cosmici che sono i nostri messaggeri sul contenuto d’acqua presente in profondità nel terreno e in tempo reale. Le sonde Finapp, posizionate su di un mezzo dedicato, percorrendo le strade sovrastanti le tubature, rilevano l’aumento di umidità nel suolo, che è sintomo di una potenziale perdita. Forniamo, quindi, al gestore della rete una mappa geo-referenziata di pre-localizzazione delle perdite idriche lungo le condotte.
Pótlóalkatrészek és szolgáltatás

Pótlóalkatrészek és szolgáltatás

IKOI provides spare parts and maintenance services on all his equipment, including: Installation Services Preventive maintenance Services Remote Assistance Porcess improvement services Spare parts and consumables We can also provide service and spare parts to your old IECO equiment, thanks to our team of experienced personnel on IECO technology.
Háztartási Vákuumcsomagoló Gép - InSpace - Magas teljesítményű Beépített, amely illeszkedik a munkakörnyezetéhez.

Háztartási Vákuumcsomagoló Gép - InSpace - Magas teljesítményű Beépített, amely illeszkedik a munkakörnyezetéhez.

Macchina sottovuoto ad incasso professionale, dotata di uno speciale “kit guide” pensato per rendere Inspace adattabile a qualsiasi cassetto e modulo standard di cucina. Completamente in acciaio inox, Inspace si caratterizzata per le sue dimensioni ridotte e la velocità nel confezionamento di prodotti sia in busta, sia in pratici contenitori riutilizzabili. Presenta un sistema di vuoto sensoriale e può raggiungere un vuoto massimo del 99,99% nel programma conservazione e un extra vuoto nel programma cottura, adatto a soddisfare le esigenze della tecnica culinaria “sous-vide”. Pannello comandi touch con 4 programmi preimpostati facilitano ogni ciclo di confezionamento. Coperchio in vetro temperato, trasparente, per una migliore visibilità del prodotto durante il confezionamento. Programma di deumidificazione pompa H2Out, pompa a vuoto di 4 mc/h e barra saldante amovibile, lunghezza mm 250. Può confezionare: prodotti solidi e liquidi
Rudak és csövek, amelyeket az ügyfél rajza szerint gyártanak

Rudak és csövek, amelyeket az ügyfél rajza szerint gyártanak

Sidergamma offre l`opportunità di fornire materiale lavorato secondo disegno del cliente. Le barre e i tubi lavorati su disegno sono ideali per applicazioni in ambito idraulico, oleodinamico e pneumatico, ma anche per numerosi altri settori industriali. Realizzati in materiali di alta qualità, come acciaio al carbonio, acciaio inox e leghe speciali, questi componenti sono sottoposti a rigorosi processi di controllo qualità, tra cui trattamenti termici, rettificatura, cromatura e pelatura, per garantire resistenza, durevolezza e performance elevate. Il nostro approccio personalizzato consente di creare tubi e barre su misura che rispettano al massimo le tolleranze richieste e le specifiche di resistenza a sollecitazioni meccaniche e corrosione. Siamo in grado di produrre componenti di diverse lunghezze, diametri e configurazioni, con un controllo costante della rugosità superficiale, della qualità cromatica e della resistenza alla corrosione. Vantaggi principali: Produzione su misura in base al disegno clie
Gammplus Inox® - Köszörült és krómozott rozsdamentes acél rudak

Gammplus Inox® - Köszörült és krómozott rozsdamentes acél rudak

Gradi disponibili AISI 304/316/431 Fino a 2000 ore di resistenza alla corrosione NSS ISO 9227 Rating 9 ISO 10.289 Riporto di cromo standard ≥ 20µm Acciai disponibili:AISI 304/316/431
Zefiro Két Kimenetű Légkondicionáló

Zefiro Két Kimenetű Légkondicionáló

ZEFIRO is the new dual discharge air cooler for refrigeration applications, especially for processing rooms or environments that require a double flow of air. Machine height (slim):280 ÷ 500 mm (depending on fans) 3 fin spacing:3 – 4,5 – 7 mm Fan size:Ø 250 – 315 – 350 – 450 mm DT 8K Capacity:1 ÷ 55 kW Number of fans:1 ÷ 4
Scirocco W Asztali Száraz Hűtő

Scirocco W Asztali Száraz Hűtő

SCIROCCO W is the new tabletype dry cooler for refrigeration, conditioning and industrial process applications. Machine length:0,5 ÷ 12,5 m 3 fin spacing:2,1 – 2,4 – 3,6 mm Fan size:Ø 350 – 500 – 630 – 800 – 900 – 1000 mm DT 15K Capacity:10 ÷ 1.000 kW Number of fans:1 ÷ 16
Zonda C V-típusú egysoros kondenzátor

Zonda C V-típusú egysoros kondenzátor

ZONDA C is the Vtype condenser allow heat exchange designed for environments where dimensional restraints are important or visibility on the roofs is limited. Machine length:1,5 ÷ 11,4 m 3 fin spacing:2,1 – 2,4 – 3,6 mm Fan size:Ø 630 – 800 – 900 – 1000 mm DT 15K Capacity:23 ÷ 1180 kW Number of fans:1 ÷ 8
Ostro C V-Típusú Kétsoros Kondenzátor

Ostro C V-Típusú Kétsoros Kondenzátor

OSTRO C is the Vtype condenser for high power refrigeration, air conditioning and industrial processes. OSTRO can be configured in 3 solutions Dry, Spray and Pad. In the Spray and Pad versions with water injection, the power increases are very significant and guarantee a legionnellafree solution. OSTRO can be used with a complete range of ventilations and refrigerants. Machine length:up to 12,5 m 3 fin spacing:2,1 – 2,4 – 3,6 mm Fan size:Ø 800 – 900 – 1000 mm Number of fans:1 ÷ 18
Zonda V-Típus Egysoros Száraz Hűtő

Zonda V-Típus Egysoros Száraz Hűtő

ZONDA is the new Vtype singlerow dry cooler allow heat exchange designed for limited space availability or visibility on the roofs. Machine length:1,5 ÷ 11,4 m 3 fin spacing:2,1 – 2,4 – 3,6 mm Fan size:Ø 630 – 800 – 900 – 1000 mm DT 15K Capacity:20 ÷ 800 kW Number of fans:1 ÷ 8
Scirocco C asztali kondenzátor

Scirocco C asztali kondenzátor

SCIROCCO C is the new tabletype condenser for refrigeration, conditioning and industrial process applications. Machine length:0,5 ÷ 12,5 m 3 fin spacing:2,1 – 2,4 – 3,6 mm Fan size:Ø 350 – 500 – 630 – 800 – 900 – 1000 mm DT 15K Capacity:5 ÷ 1.430 kW Number of fans:1 ÷ 16
Breeze Dőlt Légkondicionáló

Breeze Dőlt Légkondicionáló

BREEZE is the new angled air cooler for commercial refrigeration, in particular for small cold rooms. Machine height (slim):256 mm 3 fin spacing:3 – 4,5 – 7 mm Fan size:Ø 250 – 315 mm DT 8K Capacity:0,8 ÷ 10 kW Number of fans:1 ÷ 3
Bordázott tekercses hőcserélők

Bordázott tekercses hőcserélők

Our company has been manufacturing finned coil heat exchangers for over 40 years. The design of each finned pack can be totally developed inhouse by Stefani or taken from a drawing supplied by our customer. This is possible thanks to a strategic coengineering service, which is necessary especially when developing specific designs. In the design and manufacture of our finned coil heat exchangers we put all the flexibility and competence that have always been the hallmark of our work. We make customised finned packs for production in batches, dedicated to the machines of our OEM customers and, in general, to data centres, air treatment units for industrial refrigeration, industrial and commercial air conditions and condensing units for refrigeration.
Borea Kereskedelmi Kocka Légkondicionáló

Borea Kereskedelmi Kocka Légkondicionáló

The new commercial cubic air cooler BOREA is the first project developed according to Stefani’s new philosophy. The company redesigned its heat exchangers to obtain maximum efficiency and thermodynamic performance. There are 192 models and plenty of accessories in the range, including water defrosting for the largest commercial sizes. Machine length:675 ÷ 4000 mm 5 fin spacing:4 – 5,5 – 6,5 – 7,5 – 9 mm Fan size:Ø 250 – 315 – 350 – 450 – 500 mm DT 8K Capacity:1 ÷ 60 kW Number of fans:1 ÷ 4
Hidegmaró FSE 45.15

Hidegmaró FSE 45.15

Cold planer for excavator arm from 10 to 15 tons, weight about 600 kg, milling width 45 cm x 18 prof. max. complete with bracket and hydraulic connection pipes. Use and maintenance manual, CE certificate, 12 months warranty.
Szűrővödör pengékkel CDS

Szűrővödör pengékkel CDS

New screening bucket with blades CDS with size on request, ideal for wet soils, gravel or demolition material, weight about 1500 kg, ideal for excavators from 15-20 Ton., Use and maintenance manual, 12 Months warranty.
Nyomdai szolgáltatások, kütyük és ruházat, szerkesztői szolgáltatások

Nyomdai szolgáltatások, kütyük és ruházat, szerkesztői szolgáltatások

Printing services, gadget and clothing, editorial services -eco-sustainable - PRINTING SERVICES Catalogues, flyers, posters Diaries, notebooks, calendars Visit and stationery tickets Books, handouts, brochures Paper converting products, point of sale, max format GADGETS AND CLOTHING USB sticks, pens, pencils, colors Children's products Hi-tech and office accessories Shoppers and bags Sportswear, casual, workwear EDITORIAL SERVICES Handwritten evaluation Revision and layout Editing Printing and packaging Transformation into e-books, e-pubs
Szűrővödör CBR 15

Szűrővödör CBR 15

Screening bucket for 15-25 Ton excavator, basket with measure on request (min 10x10 - max 150x150), with or without teeth, customizable connection according to your needs / excavator or backhoe loader / wheel loader, hydraulic hoses of connection, CE Certificate, Use and maintenance manual, 24 months warranty, Availability of new units ready for delivery.
Ideamarmo Ramage Kollekció - Márvány Mozaik

Ideamarmo Ramage Kollekció - Márvány Mozaik

Brushed Rainforest Brown marble mosaic mounted on Ramage Line marble mesh backing, alternating with classic polished Travertine
Ideamarmo Square kollekció - Márvány mozaik

Ideamarmo Square kollekció - Márvány mozaik

The black and white Square Line is made of polished Nero Marquina and polished white Carrara marble. Each individual marble mosaic form is grid-mounted.
Hidegmaró FS 100.15

Hidegmaró FS 100.15

Cold planer model FS 100.15, weight 1400kg, used only once ex fair, milling width 100 cm, maximum depth 15 cm, inclination of the hydraulic head + -10 °, independent hydraulic depth and head adjustment. Use and maintenance manual, CE certificate, 12 months warranty.
Taylor Kollekció - Márvány mozaik halszálka

Taylor Kollekció - Márvány mozaik halszálka

The herringbone version of the Taylor Line is available in Bardiglio marble polished.
Mini jaw crusher CR 600

Mini jaw crusher CR 600

CR 600 mini jaw crusher, 600x300 mm mouth width complete with conveyor belt kit. With 12 Months warranty, use and maintenance manual, CE certificate.