Riguarda la costruzione e la manutenzione o la ristrutturazione di interventi, puntuali e a rete, comunque realizzati, occorrenti per la sistemazione di corsi d’acqua naturali o arti- ficiali nonché per la difesa del territorio dai suddetti corsi d’acqua, completi di ogni opera connessa, complementare o accessoria, nonché di tutti gli impianti elettromeccanici, elet- trici, telefonici ed elettronici necessari.
Comprende in via esemplificativa i canali navigabili, i bacini di espansione, le sistemazioni di foci, il consolidamento delle strutture degli alvei dei fiumi e dei torrenti, gli argini di qualsiasi tipo, la sistemazione e la regimentazione idraulica delle acque superficiali, le opere di diaframmatura dei sistemi arginali, le traverse per derivazioni e le opere per la stabilizzazione dei pendii.
Codice:OG 8
Gilet da lavoro aziendale smanicato ed imbottito, personalizzato con logo - Gilet da lavoro aziendale 80% poliestere, 20% cotone, smanicato ed imbottito per stagione autunno-inverno, personalizzato con logo tramite ricamo, stampa, patch. Ampia gamma di colori, taglie a scelta, imbottitura in polyestere.
- Fodera in polyestere
- Profili rifrangenti
- Tasca sul petto con portabadge a scomparsa
- Doppie tasche con patta e chiusura in velcro
- Due tasche con zip e fodera rinforzata per utensili
- Tasca interna portafoglio con velcro
- Taschino interno portacellulare
- Elastico antivento nel giromanica
- Elastico stringifianchi
- Bottoni automatici in metallo
Minima quantita:no minimi (consigliati 10pz)
prezzi:a preventivo
We also provide excavation services. Whether it's preparing a construction pit, leveling the ground, or installing utilities, our experienced staff is equipped for a variety of excavation tasks. Regardless of the size and complexity of the project, our approach and reliability allow us to successfully complete excavation work for our clients.
Der Exovation 1SN Hydraulikschlauch ist ein Nieder- und Mitteldruckschlauch, der für den Einsatz mit Mineralölen, Wasser, Ölen auf Polyglykol- und Synthetik-Esterbasis, Wasser-Öl-Emulsionen und Rapsöl optimiert wurde. Er bietet eine beeindruckende Ozonbeständigkeit von 150 Stunden und eine Abriebfestigkeit von 0,5 g, was seine Langlebigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit unterstreicht. Seine robuste Konstruktion sorgt für eine lange Lebensdauer und minimiert das Risiko von Ausfällen.
Mit einer Betriebstemperatur von -40°C bis +100°C ist der Exovation 1SN Hydraulikschlauch für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen geeignet. Er ist besonders widerstandsfähig gegen chemische Einflüsse und bietet eine hohe Flexibilität, was ihn zu einer ausgezeichneten Wahl für moderne Hydrauliksysteme macht. Seine Fähigkeit, hohen Drücken standzuhalten, macht ihn zu einem unverzichtbaren Bestandteil jeder industriellen Ausrüstung.
Mit der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung von Sunny HR Solutions sichern Sie sich flexible Personallösungen für Ihr Unternehmen. Wir stellen Ihnen qualifizierte Mitarbeitende zur Verfügung, die gezielt auf Ihre aktuellen Anforderungen abgestimmt sind. Durch unsere umfassende Betreuung und professionelle Abwicklung können Sie schnell auf Personalengpässe reagieren und Ihre Betriebskosten optimieren.
Ihre Kundenvorteile:
- Reduzierte Risiken und Kosten: Durch Arbeitnehmerüberlassung sparen Unternehmen Ausgaben für Rekrutierung, Schulung und Verwaltung und senken Risiken bei Entlassungen und Arbeitsausfällen.
- Vereinfachtes Management: Personalleasing erspart Unternehmen Aufgaben im Zusammenhang mit Personalmanagement wie Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung, Steuern, Versicherungen und Verwaltungstätigkeiten.
- Flexibilität und Anpassungsfähigkeit: Arbeitnehmerüberlassung ermöglicht Unternehmen rasch auf Veränderungen zu reagieren – zusätzliche Mitarbeitende können in Spitzenzeiten oder projektbezogen eingestellt und bei Bedarf reduziert oder abgemeldet werden.
Wir sind auf die folgenden Bereiche spezialisiert:
- Produktionspersonal
- Flughafenpersonal
- Baufachkräfte und Handwerker
- Lager- und Logistikpersonal
- Servicepersonal
La nostra macchina da taglio è progettata per il taglio della lamiera con precisione ed efficienza. Il suo design avanzato consente tagli puliti senza distorsioni, rendendola ideale per varie applicazioni. Questa macchina è adatta sia per operazioni su piccola scala che su larga scala, offrendo versatilità nella produzione. Con la sua costruzione durevole e facile da usare, la macchina da taglio è uno strumento essenziale per qualsiasi officina di lavorazione dei metalli.
Toxic and explosive gas detection systems and lightning protection systems.
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could you write me about the services of this company : https://www.siprix-elektro.com/about
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I can't directly access external websites, but I can certainly help you create content based on the information you provide or help research the company's services. Could you provide me with some key details or an overview of Siprix Elektro's services, or share the main points from their "About" page?
Vous avez dit :
https://www.siprix-elektro.com/about could you write me about the services provided of this company
ChatGPT a dit :
Since I can't access external websites directly, I'm unable to retrieve the content from the "About" page of Siprix Elektro. However, you can either provide me with the key details about their services, or if you can share a short summary, I can help you craft a well-structured description of their services. Let me know how you'd like to proceed!
Vous avez dit :
We are a Polish company that specializes in providing services for comprehensive electrical solutions in the industrial sector. We currently provide services in most European Union countries and outside the EU. We have completed over 120+ projects in countries such as Germany, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, Austria, Poland.
Electrical work
Installation of electrical networks: installation of cable routes, internal power lines and cabling, installation of lighting panels and switchboards, installation of emergency and evacuation lighting, installation of sockets, installation of grounding circuits and systems, RACK server cabinets and central heating installations.
Fire protection systems
Installation of fire protection networks: smoke extraction systems, fire alarm and warning systems, toxic and explosive gas detection systems and lightning protection systems.
LAN network installation: laying twisted pair cables, mounting and connecting subscriber sockets, installing and cross-connecting patch panels in distribution cabinets, installing paging systems.
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Mémoire mise à jour
Here's a description of the services offered by Siprix Elektro:
Siprix Elektro is a Polish company specializing in comprehensive electrical solutions tailored to the industrial sector. With a proven track record of over 120 successful projects across Europe, including in countries like Germany, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, Austria, and Poland, the company is recognized for its expertise and reliable service delivery. Siprix Elektro offers a broad range of services designed to meet the needs of modern industrial facilities, including:
Electrical Work
Siprix Elektro provides a full spectrum of electrical installation services, ensuring that all components of your electrical system are expertly installed and maintained. Their services include:
Installation of Electrical Networks: Efficient setup of cable routes, internal power lines, and cabling to ensure reliable and safe electrical distribution throughout your facility.
Lighting and Switchboard Installation: Professional installation of lighting panels, switchboards, and emergency and evacuation lighting systems, ensuring safety and functionality.
Grounding Systems: Installation of effective grounding circuits and systems to enhance the safety and performance of electrical equipment.
Rack Server Cabinets and Heating Installations: Providing structured cabling solutions for data centers, including the setup of rack server cabinets, and central heating systems.
Fire Protection Systems
Siprix Elektro also specializes in installing advanced fire protection systems, designed to protect both people and property in case of emergencies. Their services include:
Smoke Extraction Systems: Installation of reliable smoke ventilation systems to ensure the safety of occupants during a fire.
Fire Alarm and Warning Systems: Installation of integrated fire alarm systems to detect and alert to the presence of fire and smoke.
Gas Detection Systems: Including toxic and explosive gas detection systems to provide early warning of hazardous leaks.
Lightning Protection Systems: Ensuring protection against lightning strikes through the installation of effective grounding and protection systems.
Telecommunication Services
For seamless communication and data transfer, Siprix Elektro offers expert installation of telecommunication networks, including:
LAN Network Installation: Laying of twisted pair cables for local area networks, ensuring high-speed and secure data connections.
Patch Panel Cross-Connections: Setting up patch panels in distribution cabinets and ensuring that all connections are properly cross-connected.
Paging Systems: Installation of paging systems for efficient communication within large facilities.
Wdb Expo met à votre disposition une équipe qualifiée et formée pour assurer le bon déroulement de vos projets. Notre expertise dans le management d'équipe garantit une collaboration efficace et harmonieuse.
Is your business threatened by the increasing shortage of workers all across Europe?
Sick and tired of desperately looking for employees?
Unable to find workers in the domestic labour market?
Labour shortages can have a tremendous impact on organizations
Decreased productivity
Lost revenue and lower profitability
Wasted and underexplored resources
Lost opportunities
Unfulfilled obligations
Deceived partners you are struggling not to lose
Frozen development projects
Time effort and resources wasted on looking for employees with no results
Overworked employees who eventually become fed up and quit
Delays, setbacks, desperation
Poor health due to the constant stress, sleepless nights and no peace of mind
Neglected social and family relations
Wire spark erosion, laser micro-cutting, micro-milling and micro-drilling STEEC is also involved, both as a subcontractor to numerous SMEs and agencies in the metallurgy and mechanical engineering sectors which very often engage in subcontracting activities themselves.
STEEC enables these players to respond to invitations to tender that involve meeting precision micro-machining requirements for which they are not equipped.
The wide variety of precision micro-machining operations which STEEC offers is highly beneficial to these SMEs and agencies, which are able to offer a comprehensive service in micro spark erosion, laser micro-cutting, micro-drilling and milling.
The key strength of SPAQuE is its ability to handle the entire site rehabilitation process. The process is as follows :
historical review (specialists in historical investigation and in the history of industrial processes retrace the history of an industrial site), soil investigations (exploration, characterisation, volumetric analysis), economic, technical and town planning feasibility studies (in relation to the reallocation project), analysis of existing risks, rehabilitation and construction works (site clearing and clean-up, clean-up of remaining buildings and selective deconstruction, sorting of deconstruction materials, removal to recycling facility or on-site crushing, excavation of polluted soil, geotechnical security, deconstruction of remaining foundations, on-site treatment of contaminated soil and/or removal to an authorised treatment facility, groundwater treatment, backfill with healthy soil), analysis of residual risks, water management (where applicable).
Nowadays, engineers use highly specialized licensed software. Due to the construction complexity of certain diagram types or providing a strength calculation directly on the designs and parts blueprints, such software is a completely separate area of the engineering arsenal.Professional strength expert’s specialization allows taking a completely new look at the preliminary calculations of production and construction. Thanks to the masterful work of such specialists, each manufacturer may apply the famous «Rockefeller formula» when saving on one rivet or a couple of millimeters of material save millions on an industrial scale.
Expert calculations of structural strength, presented in several versions, depending on the shape and material of the part, are extremely voluminous and require plug-ins to complement engineering programs.
Services included in the professional strength engineer portfolio: Dlubal RFEM 5;
NX Nastran;
Robot Structural Analysis;
Static and Seismic Calculat
Chcesz żebyśmy znaleźli Ci pracę w Polsce?
Jesteśmy w stałym kontakcie z wieloma ofertami pracy w Polsce, gdzie można przyzwoicie zarobić.
Skontaktuj się z nami i przedstaw swoje oczekiwania, a chętnie Ci pomożemy.
Hyundai R380LC-9 Bon état de fonctionnement / Certifié CE Année : 2012 Numéro de référence : BM004906 Heures : 14.890 Type R380LC-9 Emplacement Veldhoven, Pays-Bas Premier propriétaire du véhicule néerlandais Certificat : CE Disponible chez Boss Machinery ! Cette pelle Hyundai R380LC-9 de 2012 a une puissance moteur de 202 kW et compte 14890 heures de fonctionnement. Toujours travaillé aux Pays-Bas. Acheté au premier propriétaire. Le poids total de cette Hyundai R380LC-9 est de 38875 kg et les dimensions sont de 11,40 x 3,51 x 3,70. De plus, ce R380LC-9 est équipé de la climatisation, siège chauffant, caméra, radio, fonction hydraulique supplémentaire, fonction marteau. La pelle Hyundai possède également un marquage CE. Voulez-vous plus d'informations ou voulez-vous essayer la Hyundai R380LC-9 dans notre cour? Veuillez nous en informer. Dimensions/Poids Poids : 38875 kg L*l*H : 11,40 x 3,51 x 3.
Modèle:R380LC-9 Bon état de fonctionnement / Certifié CE
In the field of metalworking, the company offers many services such as cutting, bending, milling and grinding.
The use of modern machines and tools allows precise shapes and finishes to be achieved, meeting the expectations of even the most demanding customers.
Youcall se positionne comme un partenaire privilégié pour les entrepreneurs, offrant des solutions complètes et personnalisées pour la création et le développement d'entreprises. Grâce à une expertise multidisciplinaire, Youcall garantit des résultats de qualité et une satisfaction client optimale. L'entreprise s'engage à respecter les délais, les budgets et à fournir des services de haute qualité, tout en aspirant à transformer le secteur de l'accompagnement entrepreneurial avec des solutions innovantes et durables.
El transporte de maquinaria de obras públicas de Transportes S. Jiménez e Hijos, S.L. está diseñado para manejar cargas que requieren un tratamiento especial debido a su tamaño y peso. Nuestro equipo especializado está capacitado para planificar y ejecutar el transporte de maquinaria de obras públicas de manera segura y eficiente, asegurando que cada carga llegue a su destino en perfectas condiciones. Utilizamos equipos de última generación y técnicas avanzadas para garantizar la integridad de su maquinaria de obras públicas durante todo el proceso de transporte.
Nos enorgullece ofrecer un servicio que combina tecnología avanzada con un enfoque personalizado, asegurando que cada cliente reciba la atención y el servicio que merece. Con Transportes S. Jiménez e Hijos, S.L., su maquinaria de obras públicas está en buenas manos, desde el punto de origen hasta su destino final.
Le lavorazioni a maglia del Cappellificio Norma sono un esempio di eccellenza artigianale italiana. Utilizzando le migliori materie prime e tecniche avanzate, queste lavorazioni offrono un prodotto finale che combina bellezza e funzionalità. I clienti possono scegliere tra una varietà di applicazioni, tra cui stampe, ricami e creazioni a mano, per personalizzare ogni pezzo secondo le proprie esigenze. Questo approccio personalizzato garantisce che ogni accessorio in maglia sia unico e perfettamente adattato al gusto del cliente.
Il Cappellificio Norma si impegna a mantenere elevati standard di qualità, combinando tecniche artigianali tradizionali con innovazioni moderne. Questo approccio assicura che ogni lavorazione a maglia non sia solo un accessorio, ma un'opera d'arte che racconta una storia di passione e dedizione. Scegliere le lavorazioni a maglia del Cappellificio Norma significa abbracciare uno stile di vita che valorizza l'eleganza e l'autenticità, rendendo ogni momento speciale.
La rédaction de fiches de données de sécurité (FDS) est un service spécialisé qui garantit que les informations essentielles sur la sécurité des produits chimiques sont correctement documentées et accessibles. Ces fiches sont cruciales pour assurer la sécurité des travailleurs et des consommateurs en fournissant des instructions claires sur la manipulation, le stockage et l'élimination des produits chimiques. Une FDS bien rédigée contribue à prévenir les accidents et à garantir la conformité aux réglementations de sécurité.
En outre, la rédaction professionnelle de FDS permet aux entreprises de démontrer leur engagement envers la sécurité et la responsabilité sociale. Cela renforce la confiance des clients et des partenaires commerciaux, tout en réduisant les risques juridiques associés à la non-conformité. Les entreprises peuvent ainsi se concentrer sur leur cœur de métier tout en sachant que leurs obligations en matière de sécurité sont pleinement respectées.
A non-film chemical/mechanical nano-technological hardener with a base of lithium silicates for cortical consolidation, chemical surface hardening and anti-dust treatment of recently-constructed industrial concrete flooring. QL Nano Lithium must be applied on the surface of the floor, immediately after finishing with mechanical bladed trowels. Once the product has been absorbed, it is possible to polish the treated surface using specific polishing machines.
It is the most significant progress in the saturation and the reinforcement of concrete floorings in the last 50 years, it has always been used in the United States. The "nanotechnology" of QL Nano Lithium, which is a real improvement with respect to sodium silicate and extremely performant as a reinforcing agent for concrete, has allowed us to achieve levels of performance that were previously unimaginable.
The product also presents the following characteristics:
-It significantly limits (90%) the cracks of the flooring during hardening.
- This is the only chemical hardener that helps to alleviate and prevent the alkali-silica reaction ( "alkali-aggregate reaction" or ASR).
- It completely replaces the armour with quartz dusting. It does not crack, it does not detach, it creates a film, it does not bubble.
- The extraordinary contribution to the deep reinforcement, makes the surface of the concrete completely dust-proof and highly resistant to abrasion. The continuous use of the flooring contributes to continuously improving the surface gloss without altering slipperiness in the least.
- It is in an aqueous solution and does not contain solvents. It is odourless, non-flammable, non-toxic, it does not fear the freezing and thawing cycles, it is not carcinogenic and does not contain volatile substances (VOC Free) and can also be used in closed premises.
- Compatible with other materials like: epoxy resins, polyurethane resins, acrylic resins, etc..
- It is UV resistant and remains stable over time.
Anti-dust hardening treatment, for industrial flooring and concrete slabs, both old and new, both grey and coloured.
Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface".
In case of new flooring, it can be applied as soon as the surface of the industrial flooring is walkable, without superficial water residue.
Shake the product before use. Apply the product by low pressure airless, evenly without creating puddles, completely saturating the surface for a consumption of 70 g/m² approximately.
It is advisable, after about 7-10 days, to wash the surface floor polisher provided with a black pad to eliminate any excess product, thus obtaining an elegant semi gloss (opaque) effect of the flooring, by polishing the lithium crystals on the surface.
Approximately 0,07 litres of QL Nano Lithium for every square metre of surface to be treated.
Les services de finition en verre offrent une personnalisation exceptionnelle pour vos produits en verre, transformant des objets ordinaires en pièces uniques et mémorables. Que ce soit pour des gravures délicates, des peintures artistiques ou des polissages raffinés, ces services ajoutent une touche de sophistication et de personnalisation à vos articles en verre.
Idéals pour les entreprises cherchant à se démarquer ou pour les particuliers souhaitant offrir des cadeaux personnalisés, ces services de finition garantissent un résultat de haute qualité. Chaque pièce est traitée avec soin et précision, assurant une finition impeccable qui reflète votre style et vos préférences personnelles.
La plantilla de trabajo duro, está fabricada con una capa superior de tejido fresco y otra cara inferior de látex rojo. Perfecta para todo tipo de calzado. Plantilla recortable para que se adapte a tu talla perfectamente. Contiene 1 par.
Forniamo montaggio, smontaggio e assistenza completa. I nostri tecnici possono installare macchine e linee industriali nel vostro stabilimento o presso i vostri clienti
Abbiamo un forte team di meccanici ed elettricisti esperti nel lavorare in diversi paesi, condizioni e con macchine diverse. Comunichiamo in inglese, tedesco e polacco.
Disponiamo delle attrezzature e degli strumenti necessari per svolgere tutte le attività. Arriviamo sempre al progetto completamente attrezzati e pronti a lavorare. Realizziamo il progetto sulla base della documentazione affidata, adattandoci alle linee guida del cliente. Forniamo il servizio di massima qualità. Abbiamo a cuore la sicurezza e la tempestività.
Abbiamo già completato numerosi progetti in tutta Europa, tra cui sistemi di smistamento completamente automatici, separatori di fogli di alluminio, stazioni automobilistiche, linee di produzione di finestre, ecc.
Come partner commerciale siamo molto flessibili e pronti per nuove sfide.
At Marxam Project, we offer highly precise and reliable profile and pipe rolling services. By combining our advanced technology and experienced technologists, we create durable, bespoke tubes and profiles tailored to your requirements. Entrust your rolling to Marxam Project and take your production to the next level.
Take your projects to the next level with tube and profile rolling at Marxam Project. Join us and witness your visions materialize with precision and perfection. Contact us today to discuss how we can bring your ideas to life and see what it’s like to work with true professionals.
La dérivation double permet d’effectuer deux piquage dans un réseau d’aspiration. Cette pièce est réalisé sur-mesure en fonction de votre besoin.
Les informations suivantes sont à préciser :
le diamètre du premier piquage (Ød2)
le diamètre de sortie (Ød3)
le diamètre du deuxième piquage (Ød4)
l’angle des piquages (30° ou à 45°)
Aussi, pour un meilleur rendement aéraulique, privilégier un piquage à 30°.
Dimensions:125 mm
Angle:30°, 45°
In these training courses, we teach the basics of the various measurement techniques, the selection and use of suitable measuring instruments as well as the evaluation of measurement data. The following topics are taught in concrete terms: Fundamentals and concepts of measurement technology; measurands and units; Traceability; Technologies; Signal conversion and digitalization; Selection and use of suitable measuring instruments.
In addition to the general overview training, we also offer specific training courses on measurement technology for the following measurands: Temperature; Pressure; Flow (volume and mass flow); Force and elongation; Distance and velocity; Oscillation.
By arrangement, you can design the training according to your wishes! We are happy to respond to your individual questions and concerns.
Since we regularly expand our training portfolio, please contact us if the metric you are looking for is not listed.