Termékek nátronklorid 500 ml braun (2)

GERMOSAN NOR BP1 THERMONEBULIZABLE - Thermospray felületfertőtlenítő | Baktericid - Fungicid VIRUCIDE | 5% DILUT

GERMOSAN NOR BP1 THERMONEBULIZABLE - Thermospray felületfertőtlenítő | Baktericid - Fungicid VIRUCIDE | 5% DILUT

Composition: Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 4.5%, Ethanolamine 4.5% VIRUCIDE:Complies with the UNE-EN 14476 Standard, against all enveloped viruses (INCLUDING CORONAVIRUS) BACTERICIDE AND FUNGICIDE: Complies with the UNE-EN 13697 standard against bacteria and germs. BPR formulation (Biocidal Products Regulation). Surface disinfectant for thermal fogging and nebulizing that works very actively against bacteria, fungi and viruses, guaranteeing the disinfection of treated surfaces. Indicated for all types of facilities where deep disinfection is required. Specially designed for critical point control programs, A.P.P.C.C. For the deep disinfection of cold stores (floors and walls), interior of refrigerated trucks and food tanks, and in general, on all types of surfaces and machinery in slaughterhouses and the Food Industry. Extraordinary product to disinfect any surface and equipment. DILUTE TO 5%
30 Növényi Olajok - Növényi Olajok 500 / 1000 / 5000 / 25000 ml

30 Növényi Olajok - Növényi Olajok 500 / 1000 / 5000 / 25000 ml

PARA TRATAMIENTOS CAPILARES Y CORPORALES. 1a prensada en frío. Con certificado de origen. Aceites portadores puros 100% de origen natural, no sintéticos ni diluidos. Para todo tipo de masajes, con opción de mezclar con aceites esenciales.