“De Roccis” coffee capsules compatible with “Nespresso” machines born from the careful selection of high quality coffees from Central and South America – 50% Arabica.
Complément alimentaire pour soutenir la fonction articulaire.
Cassis ipowder®, (Ribes nigrum), vitamine C et manganèse.
Etui de 2 blisters de 15 gélules taille 0.
Le cassis supporte la fonction articulaire.
La vitamine C contribue à la formation normale du collagène pour assurer la fonction normale des cartilages et des os.
Le manganèse contribue au maintien d'une ossature normale et à la formation normale des tissus conjonctifs.
La vanille est riche en antioxydants qui aident à combattre les radicaux libres dans le corps, réduisant ainsi les dommages cellulaires et le vieillissement prématuré.
Découvre le conte original de la Reine des Neiges et fabrique ta bougie glacée !
Difficulté : Facile
Âge : Dès 6 ans
Expédition sous 24 heures (hors week end)
Un cadeau ? Dites le nous par mail et nous vous offrons le coffret cadeau !
Aiguillettes d'oranges confites enrobées de chocolat noir 70% de cacao. Afin de proposer des produits d'exception, nous choisissons les meilleures matières premières.
Poids net (G):100
L'impegno di Calzificio Zeta... Il filo che unisce bellezza e benessere
L'idea guida
Questa linea di calze e collant è stata creata appositamente per massaggiare e togliere pesantezza alle gambe senza però mai rinunciare ai desideri di eleganza, coniugando quindi l'azione terapeutica a compressione graduata con le esigenze della moda.
L'azione terapeutica
Con la loro continua azione micromassaggiante, le calze e i collant Wellness intervengono positivamente su tutti i problemi legati alle patologie vascolari, favorendo la circolazione del sangue nei tessuti e prevenendo con la scelta della compressione specifica, la tendenza alla formazione delle varici e della cellulite. La compressione graduata e costante, che dalla caviglia decresce verso il ginocchio e progressivamente verso la coscia, conferisce alla calza proprietà defaticanti che ne fa la soluzione ottimale per alleviare la sensazione di stanchezza, gonfiore e appesantimento.
Blend of arabica and robusta with an intense aroma, dense cream and a pleasant lasting aftertaste.
The practical capsules allow always to have a fresh and practical product, few gestures are enough to have all the aroma of a good espresso.
Compatible with all the Nespresso* machines.
We use CLICK CAPS of BisioProgetti Spa in Alessandria, patented not to cause cracks in the Nespresso* machines.
* The reference is only descriptive since we do not have any commercial connection with the trademark holder company .
For coffee with a round flavour, a strong aroma, and a taste is pleasantly long-lasting . A classical product for all.
Available in:
250gr grounded for moka and espresso bar,
500gr grounded for moka and espresso bar,
500gr and 1kg in beans.
Barley grains contain up to 15.8% proteins, 76% carbohydrates, 3-5% fats, 9.6% fiber, enzymes, vitamins of group B, D, E, A.
Fiber, which mainly consists of groats, cleanses the intestines of harmful substances and toxins. Beta-glucans of barley restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and are useful in the treatment of a number of diseases of the digestive system.
Alternatives Streugut.
Vorteile, die sich bezahlt machen:
Blähschiefer bietet den optimalen Gripp, auch bei tiefsten Minustemperaturen. Blähschiefer schwemmt bei Neuschnee auf Glatteis auf und vermindert das Risiko, nachstreuen zu müssen. Zudem versandet das Blähschiefer während des Winters und Sie sparen sich einen Teil der Straßenreinigungskosten. Bedingt durch die Schüttdichte, welche geringer ist als die von TL-Streu, hat man auch eine größere Streufläche, bei vergleichsweise geringerem Materialaufwand.
Die Vorteile auf einen Blick:
◾geringere Mengen an Straßenkehricht
◾große Streufläche pro Ladung
Blähschiefer eignet sich für viele weitere Anwendungszwecke:
Either bottoms or quarters, Frosty Foods offers high-quality standards for all types of processed artichokes tailored for the consumer preferences.
Keep Frozen Below -18° C
Packing Types
White crystalline sugar, without lumps, spots and foreign impurities. Sugar is sweet, without extraneous smell and taste. Sugar when dissolved is transparent, without insoluble sediment, mechanical and other impurities. NON GMO
Mass fraction of moisture:0.08%
Color in solution ICUMSA units:43.0
Mass fraction of sucrose, %:not less than 99.82%