Il nostro Alca 2 è fortemente alcalino e sgrassante, con un minore dosaggio è la soluzione ideale per rimuovere le macchie più difficili dai tessuti.
Grazie alla sua formula avanzata, è in grado di agire efficacemente su una vasta gamma di macchie, come quelle di grasso, olio, vino, caffè e altro ancora.
Il nostro Alca 2 usato nel prelavaggio oppure anche durante il lavaggio, scioglie facilmente lo sporco. Usato contemporaneamente con i nostri detersivi per una rimozione totale dello sporco, scioglie velocemente il grasso tenendolo sollevato dai tessuti senza che ricada su di essi e, miscelandosi con l’acqua, viene facilmente rimosso. Prodotto da usare con pompe di dosaggio.
Prova il nostro alcalino sgrassante contro le macchie difficili in abbinamento al detersivo oggi stesso e scopri la differenza!
It is a chelated liquid potash that facilitates the availability of potassium. Being completely soluble, its application is very fast and is immediately assimilated by the plant.
Improves the organoleptic quality of fruits, vegetables and industrial crops, as well as the coloration of the flowers of ornamental plants. Applied at the end of the vegetative phase (before harvesting or harvesting) it advances ripening, increases resistance to drought and climatic adversities. The presence of an adequate dose of chelating agent guarantees the total availability of potassium, regardless of the quality of the water used for foliar and fertigation treatments
500 ml | IVD | pH 6.8-7 Non-Steril
Saklama 15-25 °C
Raf Ömrü: 24 Ay
Crystal Violet, gram boyama yöntemlerinde kullanılan bazik bir
boyadır. Teknikte hücresel kısımların boyanmasında kullanılır.
Ultra-concentrated detergent with a fresh Aloe Vera and Cucumber fragrance for hand washing all types of dishes.
Biodegradable product.
Formulated with biodegradable and water-soluble surfactants, with a high concentration of active material. Neutral product, with good degreasing, dispersing and foaming power, leaves dishes clean and shiny. Does not attack the skin of the hands nor is it corrosive.
Due to its formulation, the product is recommended for manual washing of all kitchen utensils (plates, pots, pans, glasses, cutlery, boxes, containers, among others).
Lav Sensitive can be diluted in the washing water, or used directly on a damp sponge.
Recommended dosage: 2.5 ml of product per litre of water. If necessary, adjust the dosage until a generous amount of foam is obtained.
Wash the utensils, scrubbing with a sponge. Then rinse thoroughly with water.
Attention: It is not suitable for use in dishwashers.
Formulated with organic acid technology (OAT), it is a long-lasting concentra ted cooling fluid that ensures that the engine operates at ideal operating temperature in all four seasons. The specially developed green design is ethylene glycol based antifreeze and does not contain nitrite, amine, phosphate, silicate and borate. Before use in all climatic conditions ta provide optimum performance in the radiators of motor cooling systems, dilute with 50 % pure water.
Liquid organic plant growth regulator based on vermicompost with a complex composition, micro- and biofertilizer properties.
How to use:
Root nutrition (watering, fertigation), foliar feeding (spraying), soaking of planting material.
Lettuce, spinach, parsley, dill, mustard, arugula, etc.
The use of the product increases yields, strengthens disease resistance, mitigates stress and improves the taste of green vegetable crops.
Fully soluble in water
Certified for use in organic agriculture in accordance with the International Certification by Organic Standard for organic production and processing, which is equivalent to the European Union Regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008.
Preparation form:Liquid
TU:TU U 19380560.002-98
Packaging:PE bottle 0.5 l
Bioagavensirup Bright ist ein Naturprodukt aus ökologischen Pflanzen. Agawa ist seit Hunderten von Jahren angebaut, hauptsächlich in Süd- und Mittelamerika. Es hat fleischige und dicke Blätter, die in einer Rosette angeordnet sind und mit scharfen Spikes bedeckt sind. Die leichte Agave sollte eine Alternative zu Weißzucker und Honig sein. Der Geschmack ist empfindlicher als Honig. Agavensirup ist fast 1,5 -mal süßer als gewöhnlicher Zucker. Der Geschmack der leichten Agavensirup ist zarter und neutraler als der leicht Karamellgeschmack von dunklem Sirup. Agave ist ein natürlicher Süßstoff des Pflanzenursprungs in einer halbmischen Form. Veganer verwenden es bereitwillig als Ersatz für Honig. Es hat eine niedrigere IG als Honig und einen breiten kulinarischen Gebrauch. 15%RWS*Fett: 0 g - 0%einschließlich gesättigter Fettsäuren: 0 g - 0%Kohlenhydrate: 71 g - 27%, einschließlich Zucker: 69 g - 77%Faser: 5,8 Gbialko: 0g - 0%Salz: 0,05 g - 1%*Referenznahrungsmittelwert & Nbsp; <strong> Die
Urocasil vous protège des calculs, lithiases et crise de goutte en drainant vos reins. Les actifs d'Urocasil gélules : orthosiphon-solidago vigaurea, font en sorte d'évacuer en drainant, dès qu'elles se forment, les poussières (lithiases), pour éviter qu'elles ne s'accumulent dans le rein. Cet ensemble commence une action régénératrice normale, dès que les reins sont propres. Il s'agit des meilleures plantes pour tonifier le système rénal. Composition 100 % naturelleOrthosiphon, Solidago vigaurea.
L’acide ascorbique est un acide organique ayant des propriétés antioxydante
L’acide ascorbique a les mêmes propriétés que l’ascorbate de sodium
L’acide ascorbique est un produit idéal pour la fabrication de la vitamine C liposomale
Notre acide ascorbique s'allie parfaitement à notre lécithine de Tournesol pour la conception de la vitamine C liposomale.
Notre Acide ascorbique est vendu dans un pot de 1,5 Kg fermé hermétiquement et inviolable
Liquore a base di castagne
Liquor based on chestnuts
Liquor based on chestnuts
Cartone da 24 bottiglie
Pack of 24 bottles
Pack de 24 bouteilles
100 ml 17% vol
Formulado a base de cobre (cobre soluble en agua 4,30% + quitosano 1,72%), viene como microelemento a participar en la síntesis de numerosas enzimas y también infiere o elicita vías alternativas o complementarias al sistema inmunológico de la planta en lo que compete a la conocida por "Resistencia Sistémica Adquirida", es decir, mecanismos de respuesta indirectos inducidos para procurar defenderse de las enfermedades.
The nourishing cosiMed Arnica Ointment contains valuable Arnica extract, skin-regenerating Panthenol and skin-protecting Vitamin E. It is suitable for the care of dry and stressed skin.
100 Kapseln mit je 500mg Aronia Extrakt, 40mg Vitamin C - Extrakt aus Schweizer Aroniabeeren, in der Schweiz verarbeitet
Aronia Extrakt in Kapseln. Aronia Extrakt ist eine hoch konzentrierte Form des Aronia Tresters. Fuer die Herstellung von 1 Kapsel werden rund 48 Aroniabeeren benoetigt! Die Wirkstoffkonzentration ist auch dementsprechend hoch. Deshalb ist der verkapselte Aronia Trester preislich billiger. Die Konzentration der Wirkstoffe im Extrakt ist um das Vielfache hoeher. Wir arbeiten in der Erstellung unseres Extrakts mit einer Schweizer Biotech Firma zusammen und koennen eine schonende Herstellung mit der hoechstmoeglichen Konzentration garantieren. Eine Dose enthaelt 100 Vegi-Kapseln a 450mg hochkonzentriertem Aronia-Extrakt.
INOX® Engine Cleaner is a strong alkaline special cleaner for external cleaning. This cleaner degreases engine compartments, transmission parts, axles, chassis, engine and other components. Due to its strong oil and grease dissolving power, it cleans the most stubborn dirt in passenger cars and commercial vehicles.
Ultravist 370mg I/ml Injection is known as a contrast agent. It is injected into the body before an X-ray test or CT scan to enhance the visibility of internal body structures like blood vessels and non-bony structures.
Imidazoline is a cationic surfactant based on natural oils and amines. The molecules of the substance form a thin film on the surface, making its potential more positive. At the same time, the rate of corrosion slows down or its course stops altogether. Reduces the corrosive activity of oil, dissolves well in a corrosive environment. It does not pollute the metal surface and does not have a destructive effect on it.
Density at 20C, g/cm3: 0.95-1.03
Appearance: homogeneous viscous liquid from light yellow to brown
Mass fraction of the active base: at least 98%
Viscosity at a temperature of -40C: no more than 500 mm/s
Amine number: 155-210 mg KOH/g
DESCRIPTION• Component of highly effective corrosion inhibitors;
• a component that changes the rheological properties of liquids;
• additive to road bitumen to improve their adhesion to acidic rocks;
• component of detergents, disinfectants;
• antistatic and fabric softener in the textile industry;
• emulsifier for various
%6 Su da Çözünür bakır içermektedir. organik şelatlıdır. bitkide leke yapmaz. bitkiyi durdurmaz. saha da yapılan çalışmalarda Aliette veya muadili ilaçlar ile karıştırılarak dikimden 10 gün sonra uygulama yapıldığı zaman kök hastalıklarında etkili olduğu gözlenmiştir. üstten 100 lt suya 100-150 gr arasında uygulama yapılır. meyveler de 200-250 gr a kadar çıkılabilir. damlamadan 1 lt uygulama yapabilirsiniz.
Chemnovatic nicotine is a natural product extracted from tobacco leaves. Over 99% purity proved with certificates from accredited laboratories, exceeds USP and EP standards. Considered by many manufacturers to be the best pure nicotine on the market. The highest quality of every batch.
Polyquaternium-7 is a quaternary ammonium compound used as an antistatic agent,fim former and hair fixative,in cosmetics and personal care products,the quaternary nitrogen atom in Polyquaternium-7 always carries cationic charge regardless of the pH of the system.At high pH,the presence of hydroxyl groups may reduce the normally high water solubility of quaternary ammonium compounds.The positive charge on the quats attracts them to the slightly negatively charged skin and hair proteins.Polyquaternium-7 prevents or inhibits the buildup of static electricity and dries to form a thin coating that is absorbed onto the hair shaft. Polyquaternium-7 also helps hair hold its style by inhibiting the hair's ability to absorb moisture.
CAS. No:26590-05-6
Certificato ANAB-ICEA secondo la UNI EN ISO14024 etichettature ambientale tipo I - Bio-intonaco eco-compatibile macroporoso a base di calce idraulica naturale NHL 3,5 o NHL 5 a norma EN 459-1, per intonaci di sottofondo per la deumidificazione, per interni ed esterni. Disponibile fibrorinforzato con una speciale composizione di fibre in polipropilene appositamente studiata tipo “FR” e idrofugo tipo “I”. Riciclabile come inerte a fine vita. Specifico per il restauro storico conservativo. Ideale per il risanamento e recupero di vecchie e nuove murature, interne ed esterne, soggette a umidità per risalita capillare ed in presenza di efflorescenze di sali, di ambienti interrati non soggetti a infiltrazioni di acqua, di edifici di interesse storico, chiese e in qualunque caso sia necessario un trattamento di risanamento deumidificante definitivo e naturale. Certificato ANAB-ICEA secondo la UNI EN ISO 14024 etichettatura ambientale di tipo I.
Principe actif principal
Huile essentielle d’eucalyptus.
Huile essentielle de pin. Huile essentielle d’eucalyptus.
Les senteurs profondes et bienfaitrices du pin et de l’euca- lyptus sont réunies dans cette huile, spécialement conçue pour une utilisation en sauna. Laissez les vapeurs parfu- mées envelopper votre corps et gagner votre esprit dans un moment de détente purifiant.
Huile à verser sur les pierres chaudes du sauna.
Contenant:275ml, 1000ml
Chlorine-free, low-foaming, pH-neutral anti-algae agent.
Prevents algae formation in the pool and swimming pool.
Caution biocide!
Other sizes available on request
Chlorine-Free Algicide Concentrate - Pool Algae Prevention:22
pH-Neutral Algae Remover - Effective Pool Maintenance:22
L’huile d’avocat bio offre de nombreux bienfaits pour la santé et la beauté en raison de sa composition nutritionnelle et de ses propriétés uniques. Voici quelques-uns des bienfaits associés à l’huile d’avocat bio :
Bonne pour la santé du cœur : L’huile d’avocat bio est riche en acides gras monoinsaturés, tels que l’acide oléique, qui peuvent aider à réduire le taux de cholestérol LDL (mauvais cholestérol) dans le sang. Cela peut contribuer à maintenir un cœur en bonne santé et réduire le risque de maladies cardiovasculaires.
Source d’antioxydants : L’huile d’avocat bio contient des antioxydants naturels, notamment des caroténoïdes tels que la lutéine et la zéaxanthine. Ces antioxydants aident à protéger les cellules contre les dommages causés par les radicaux libres, ce qui peut contribuer à réduire le risque de maladies chroniques et de dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge.
Favorise l’absorption des nutriments