Pensato per lavarti le mani quando non puoi lavarti le mani.
Lo Spray Igienizzante Grisea si usa facilmente, senza acqua e sapone. La nostra formula è arrichita con Glicerina, sostanza dalle note proprietà idratanti. Contiene fino all’80% di alcol etilico per garantire una pulizia profonda, lasciando le mani subito asciutte e profumate.
Sta benissimo nella tua borsa preferita o nel portaoggetti dell’auto (elettrica).
Azione combinata con la Crema Mani
Il Balsamo Senza Risciacquo di Biofficina Toscana è un prodotto innovativo pensato per chi desidera capelli morbidi, leggeri e profumati senza il bisogno di risciacquare. Arricchito con estratti bio di frutta come kiwi toscano, albicocca, limone e ananas, questo balsamo offre una vera e propria spremuta di frutta per i tuoi capelli. Grazie alla presenza di zuccheri, alfa-idrossiacidi e vitamina C, il balsamo svolge un'azione antiossidante, idratante e protettiva. Inoltre, l'azione sinergica dei semi di lino e della cheratina vegetale nutre, rafforza e condiziona i capelli, rendendoli facili da districare e disciplinare. Perfetto per tutti i tipi di capelli, questo balsamo è ideale per chi è sempre in movimento, grazie al suo pratico applicatore spray.
Nut pastes are a mass of very finely ground roasted nuts.
Our high-quality nut pastes are often used in the production of praline fillings, mousses or crunchy layers in cakes and, in particular, in the production of ice cream.
Garlic oil is a herbal oil derived from garlic, a member of the onion family. Garlic, whose Latin name is Allium sativum, grows in tropical regions and has a pungent aroma. Garlic is frequently preferred, especially in culinary applications.
In addition, it can also be used in skin care with the vitamins it contains. It is one of the most consumed vegetable oils thanks to its wide range of uses.
Latin Name: Allium sativum
Production Method: Cold Pressed
Commercial Presentation Form: 50 ml Glass bottle
All DERMOTEN products are produced in facilities with ISO 9001:2008, ISO 22000:2005 (HACCP), ISO 22716:2007 (GMP) certificates.
Pour un teint lumineux
Traditionnellement utilisée pour les peaux fatiguées et ternes, matures. Également pour pour les peaux sèches à mixtes
Vente interdite aux mineurs. L’achat de graines est autorisé en tant que souvenir, collection, et préservation de la biodiversité. L’usage domestique, alimentaire ou agricole, ainsi que la germination et la culture sont illégales et passibles de poursuites.
Bloom Farm Groupe et les revendeurs ne pourraient être tenus responsables d’une utilisation par des tiers ne respectant pas la législation nationale en vigueur.
Caractéristiques produit:
(Ice Cream Cak S1 citronelle x Ice Cream Cake Samadhi cut)
The benefits of this hydrosol :
The virtues of cinnamon hydrosol are numerous, including:
Purifies the digestive system
Promotes the feeling of satiety
Promotes slow and lasting weight loss
Allied to a balanced diet
Treats flatulence problems
Relieves menstrual pain
Tonic and aphrodisiac, it helps to regain vitality in case of exhaustion (For an aphrodisiac action, can be used as a pillow spray, in an ambient mist or as a replacement for water in a mist sprayer)
Protects against aging: Cinnamon is known for its anti-aging properties thanks to its high antioxidant content.
Anti-bacterial virtues which makes it effective in removing blackheads.
Helps lower blood sugar: decreases blood sugar level
Boosts memory: cinnamon increases the production of sodium benzoate in the brain, a compound that acts on the hippocampus, an area essential for memory and learning.
How to choose a hydrosol ?
Always choose a 100% pure water with no additives.
Weight:0.5 kg
Très riche en acide gras essentiels, oméga 3,6 et 9, cette huile prend soin des peaux fragiles, sensibles et sujettes aux rougeurs. Sa forte teneur en vitamine E en fait aussi une alliée pour lutter contre les effets du temps.
Olej konopny jest olejem nierafinowanym. Cechuje go bardzo oryginalny smak, z lekką orzechową nutą i korzennym posmakiem. Olej jest bogaty w kwasy tłuszczowe NNKT i zawiera idealna proporcję kwasów omega-6 do omega-3, czyli 3:1, dzięki czemu przyczynia się do regulacji gospodarki lipidowej organizmu oraz wspomaga usuwanie toksyn z organizmu. Zawarta w nim witamina E działa przeciwutleniająco i przeciwzapalnie, K - odpowiadająca za prawidłową krzepliwość krwi, przyspiesza gojenie się ran, A - przyczyniająca się do prawidłowego widzenia, D oraz z grupy B - potrzebne do prawidłowego funkcjonowania naszego organizm. W składzie znajdujemy: wapń, magnez, siarkę, potas, żelazo, cynk i fosfor. Zawiera również naturalnie występujący w nasionach chlorofil, który działa przeciwzapalnie i łagodząco.Olej konopny poprawia metabolizm, wspomaga pracę serca, bierze udział w budowie tkanki kostnej, ma działanie przeciwbólowe, antybakteryjne i przeciwgrzybicze.
Do you use heat tools to dry or style your hair? Did you know, heat tools such as hairdryers, curlers and straighteners can go up to 230°C which puts incredible pressure and stress of your hair strands. This process rapidly dries out and damages your hair. Our new Protect Me hair heat protection spray helps by creating a protective layer around each hair strand creating a barrier from heat and stress, which can lead to fragile, frizzy hair or split ends.
Protects all hair types from heat tools
Retains hair moisture
Prevents frizz and split ends
Colour Protection
Moisturising and Nourishing
The spray restores the structure of brittle hair, moisturizes and smoothes it, makes it shiny, and seals split ends. The ALMODERMIN complex-activity saturates the hair shaft with the necessary nutrition to restore hair strength and shine.
HOW TO USE: Spray the spray evenly over the entire length of slightly towel-dried hair from a distance of 30 cm. Do not rinse.
volume:250 ml
The AHA nourishes the skin while deeply cleaning the skin and maintains moisture balance by providing hydration.
Hyaluronic acid and carefully selected herbal extracts care for a youthful looking and radiant skin appearance.
Gently cleanses foreign bodies and make-up residues on the skin surface and protects the skin against aging.
Cosmético de aceite de oliva virgen extra ozonizado y ecológico.
Envase: 50 ml.
Presentación: Envase de plástico con difusor de spray
Fabricante: Ozono Farma, S.L.
Modo de empleo: Untar aplicando un suave masaje hasta que la piel lo absorba completamente.
El Cosmético de Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra, ecológico y ozonizado es un productos natural, de la sierra, con certificado CE. Entre sus múltiples propiedades puede ser utilizado como cosmético natural apto para uso cutáneo y para todo tipo de pieles. El Cosmético de Aceite de Oliva Ozonizado es purificante, cicatrizante, antiinflamatorio, calmante e hidratante. El Cosmético de aceite ozonizado de OzonoFarma es la alternativa natural para mejorar la piel.
Peso:0.05 kg
Dimensiones:3.5 × 3.5 × 12 cm
Enriched with Herbal Complex, Anti Hair Loss two phase conditioner helps to prevent hair loss by acting on all hair fibers. It provides a silky softness and superior elasticity. Thanks to its rich formula, it nourishes the hair deeply and provides long-term care
Use for the preparation of salads, appetizers, soups, second lunch dishes.
Proteins (g / 100g):9,5
Fats (g / 100g):0,0
Carbohydrates (g / 100g):3,0
Energy value (kcal / 100g):50
Natural sage water balances and tightens the skin, shrinks pores. Tones and slows down the aging process. Suitable for oily skin and hair. Strengthens and revitalizes hair. It works effectively against sweating.
Voici quelques propriétés de l'huile végétale d'Argan :
Huile pour les peaux sèches et matures grâce à son action antioxydante, hydratante, nourrissante et restructurante.
Elle protège les cheveux secs et ternes.
Elle contient un acide gras qui améliore la cicatrisation, elle est donc très efficace contre les brûlures et les gerçures.
C'est une huile grasse, elle s'utilise donc de préférence le soir.
Précautions d'emploi :
Produit issu de l'agriculture biologique certifié par FR BIO 10 - Agriculture hors UE
Huile végétale à usage alimentaire.
Usage cosmétique des huiles végétales sur avis d'un professionnel.
Contenance:50 ml
Origine :Maroc
De vrais bienfaits pour la santé:
Comme la plupart des huiles végétales, l’huile de noix s’est avérée être un véritable miracle pour la santé. Comme le fruit cru, elle est reconnue pour ses nombreux bienfaits.
POIDS:1 kg
La pasta di nocciole è un alimento altamente versatile in cucina. Utilizzabile per lo più in preparazioni dolci, il suo impiego è preminente nella realizzazione di prodotti da gelateria, ma si presta bene anche alla preparazione di creme o nella farcitura di prodotti da forno. Il motivo del largo impiego nelle preparazioni dolci si deve al caratteristico aroma, capace di esaltare ulteriormente il gusto di creme, dolci al cucchiaio o le farciture di torte e di bignè.
Ti consigliamo di utilizzare la nostra pasta di nocciole anche per dare un tocco speciale al caffè o alla cioccolata!
Alleata per eccellenza della nostra salute, la nocciola è un alimento ricco di “grassi buoni”, tra cui gli omega-6 e gli omega-3. Inoltre, essa si rivela un’importante fonte di nutrienti, quali calcio, rame, manganese, ferro, vitamina E e B. Concedersi ogni tanto uno sgarro, godendosi questa deliziosa pasta di nocciole in una preparazione dolce non può che giovare al tuo umore!
Pure oil, obtained by cold pressing method, from Romanian walnut kernels, carefully selected, not thermally or chemically treated. Extracted through a unique bio technology, specially designed by us to fully preserve all the nutrients of the walnut kernel.
We extract cold pressed walnut oil from a very good quality walnut kernel. Through our unique extraction technology, Raw organic VITAL Technology, we keep the nutrients in walnuts to a maximum. Walnuts have the same shape as the human brain, so they are considered a true medicine for the proper functioning of the brain. Walnut oil stimulates the functioning of the nervous system but also the health of the whole body.
The price is without VAT
VITAL cold pressed walnut oil is topaz in color. It has a rich taste and a very pleasant smell, specific to the walnut kernel.
Nutritional values
VITAL cold pressed walnut oil is an excellent source of polyunsaturated fatty acids (73 - 84%).
Product code:WALNUT OIL 250ml
Revitalise your skin with this invigorating body oil. A combination of two rich and nourishing oils, Desert Secrets’ body oil penetrates deeply into the skin, moisturising and rejuvenating dry and damaged skin.
Gently massage into your skin after a hot bath or shower.
INGREDIENTS:Olive Oil, Tsamma Melon Seed Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Avocado Oil, Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E
INGREDIENTS:Ascorbyl Palmitate
Essential Oils:Sweet Orange, Rose Geranium, Lemon Verbena, Mopane, Juniper Berry
Lo Shampoo Rinforzante di Biofficina Toscana è un prodotto eccezionale formulato con tensioattivi di origine vegetale, ideale per chi cerca un'azione rinforzante sui propri capelli. Questo shampoo deterge e ammorbidisce i capelli senza annodarli, grazie alla presenza di Liquepom®, un esclusivo principio brevettato ottenuto da bucce di pomodoro bio toscano, ricco di licopene con proprietà antiossidanti e protettive. In sinergia con estratti bio mirati, oleolito di carota e miele bio toscani, protegge i capelli deboli e trattati, lasciandoli morbidi e setosi. Le fresche note verdi-fruttate della sua profumazione, conforme al disciplinare AIAB, rendono l'esperienza di lavaggio ancora più piacevole e rilassante.
Questo shampoo è dedicato a chi ha capelli deboli, sfibrati, secchi o trattati, offrendo un'azione rinforzante che rispetta e preserva il buono stato dei capelli sani. È pronto all'uso, ma grazie alla sua concentrazione di principi attivi, è indicato anche per il protocollo di diluzione Biofficina Toscana con acqua e idrolati nell'apposito spargishampoo. Gli ingredienti mirati dalle proprietà idratanti e antiossidanti, come l'oleolito di carota bio e il miele di spiaggia bio, contribuiscono a proteggere i capelli dall'inquinamento atmosferico e dallo stress ossidativo, garantendo una chioma sana e luminosa.
The benefits of this oil :
Our organic carrot oil is 100% natural. The roots, namely the carrots, are macerated in an oil directly in our laboratory. This oily macerate is packaged in opaque, resistant and reusable glass bottles.
The benefits of organic carrot oil are numerous, including :
In order to guarantee you impeccable quality, we check these criteria on each batch :
Appearance: fluid oily liquid
Color: yellow, orange
Smell: sweet
Touch: dry
Ingredients :
linoleic acid (omega 6 PUFA): 48 to 74%
oleic acid (AGMI omega 9): 14 to 40%
palmitic acid (AGS): 4 to 9%
stearic acid (SFA): 1 to 7%
Our oil does not contain any of the following :
Heavy metals
Note that carrot oil is an excellent tanning oil but beware of sunburn all the same. Indeed, this oil gives you a golden complexion but does not protect against UV rays.