Dana Joghurtgetränk ist eine angenehme Erfrischung zu allen Gelegenheiten und zu jeder Tageszeit.
Frischer Geschmack
Über 90% an natürlichem Joghurtgehalt
Leicht gezuckert
Hergestellt aus reiner frischer Milch
Keine Farbstoffe oder Aromen hinzugefügt
Es ist keine Kühlung erforderlich
haltbar und lagerstabil bei Raumtemperatur
Einfach in Rucksäcken oder Lunchbox zu tragen
Ein gesunder und leckerer Snack für Kinder
The ground mounting system on concrete supports is suitable for rocky terrain where it is not possible to install pile supports. Mounting on the supporting brackets is considered the most practical and economical for standard ground mounting. Moreover, the base does not have a harmful impact on the environment during its operation.
All structures are resistant to loads and comply with all European and international standards.
Galvanized coating Z600 extends the life of finished products by protecting the steel against corrosion.
Basic structures material:high-strength steel
Panels fastening:aluminium
Coating:hot zinc
Warranty period :10 years
Lifetime:25 years
Row:2 rows
Panel arrangement:portrait
The advantage of a ground system with orientation to the east and west is that at angles of 10 - 15 ° they are installed closer to each other, eliminating shading and allowing maximum filling of the space on the site.
Own engineering solutions allow to accelerate installation, provide durability and resistance to atmospheric phenomena.
A specially selected highstrength grade of steel reduces the weight of structures, significantly reduces the price and transportation costs. At the same time, the load resistance of structures meets all European and international standards.
Basic structures material:High-strength steel
Panels fastening:Aluminium
Coating:Hot zinc
Warranty period :10 years
Lifetime:25 years
Row:4 rows
Panel arrangement:Landscape