Termékek olapl (206)

MŰANYAG ROLL ALAP (cső ø 21,25 mm) – 72 x 81 cm - Görgős tároló

MŰANYAG ROLL ALAP (cső ø 21,25 mm) – 72 x 81 cm - Görgős tároló

Roll leggero e versatile per lo stoccaggio e il trasporto delle vostre merci. La base in plastica è rinforzata con delle lame metalliche per una maggiore resistenza. COD:ROLL0035 Peso:21 kg Dimensioni esterne:720 x 810 x h. selezionata Capacità interna:2 sponde: 660 x 800 x h. selezionata, 3 sponde: 660 x 780 x h. selezionata, 4 sponde: 660 x 750 x h. Caratteristiche:Antello lato corto Impieghi:GDO e Punto vendita, Industria, Lavanderie, Rifiuti, Riciclo, Trasporto, Movimentazione interna Famiglia:Roll Container Zincatura:Elettrolitica Biancazzurra (su richiesta tropicalizzata gialla) Maglia della rete:105/155 x 380/395 mm Ottimizza la spedizione:Un collo ha 5 pezzi
3 férőhelyes, földre szerelhető kerékpártámasz horganyzott acélból

3 férőhelyes, földre szerelhető kerékpártámasz horganyzott acélból

3 spaces grounded-based bike rack in galvanized steel, silver color with black pvc caps, inclined bike rank system inclined to optimize the spaces. SKU:ART 1003 I
ROLL 72 x 80 cm – Megerősített alap - Görgős tároló

ROLL 72 x 80 cm – Megerősített alap - Görgős tároló

Rollcontainer classico adatto per tutti gli usi. Disponibile in varie altezze e configurazioni per gestire al meglio stoccaggio e movimentazione delle merci. I rinforzi angolari della base assicurano una maggiore robustezza. COD:ROLR0050H2R0 Peso:24,9 kg Dimensioni esterne:720 x 800 x h. selezionata Capacità interna:740 x 660 x h. selezionata Altezza Interna:1360 mm, 1490 mm, 1640 mm Caratteristiche:Antello lato corto Impieghi:GDO e Punto vendita, Industria, Lavanderie, Rifiuti, Riciclo, Trasporto, Movimentazione interna Famiglia:Roll Container Zincatura:Elettrolitica Biancazzurra (su richiesta tropicalizzata gialla) Maglia della rete:105/155 x 380/395 mm
5 Helyes Földre Szerelhető Kerékpártartó Rozsdamentes Acélból

5 Helyes Földre Szerelhető Kerékpártartó Rozsdamentes Acélból

5 spaces grounded-based bike rack in a cold-dip galvanized steel, silver color with black PVC caps. Upper curve is a patented system designed by ANDRYS Ltd in order to set even the disk brake bikes. Bike rank system high and low in order to avoid handlebars to get wedged each other with mounting bracket for floor anchoring. Size:140 x 42 cm h 41 cm SKU:Art. 1205 B Weight:9 kg Dimensions :147 × 43 × 41 cm
3 Helyes Földre Szerelhető Kerékpártartó Horganyzott Acélból

3 Helyes Földre Szerelhető Kerékpártartó Horganyzott Acélból

3 spaces ground-based bike rack in galvanized steel, tropical gold colour with caps and mounting bracket for floor anchoring. Size:77 x 42 cm h 40 cm SKU:Art-1003 S Weight:5 kg Dimensions :80 × 43 × 42 cm
5 férőhelyes, földre szerelhető kerékpártartó horganyzott acélból

5 férőhelyes, földre szerelhető kerékpártartó horganyzott acélból

5-spaces grounded-based bike rack in galvanized steel, silver color abd black pvc caps. dimensions: 138 x 42 cm h. 38 cm SKU:Art-1005 EC-B Weight:7 kg Dimensions:147 × 43 × 41 cm
HOMOK ÉS HÓ VÖDÖR - Dönthető vödör kényszerített alappal, festett lemezből

HOMOK ÉS HÓ VÖDÖR - Dönthető vödör kényszerített alappal, festett lemezből

TIPPING BUCKET FOR MOVING SAND OR SNOW New bucket made with sturdy steel structure and high load capacity which makes it suitable for handling materials such as rubble, earth, sand, gravel, snow, fertilizers, grains etc., using a forklift. The automatic tipping is practical and safe, in fact, without getting off the elevator, the operator can operate the spring release system using a practical rope. TECHNICAL FEATURES: - Thick blade, welded on the bottom - Sturdy shovels for forking by forklift or vehicles equipped with forks - Two spring clips to cushion strong blows during unloading - Two-component acrylic water-based painting Red Ral 3000 FEATURES:MODEL 310 Capacity:500 liters Max load:Kg. 900 Dimensions (L x P2 x P1 x H):mm. 1200x950x1450x700 Tare:Kg. 170 Full load weight:Kg. 1070
PAPÍRGYŰJTŐ TARTÁLYOK FPB1800-2200 L - Öntisztító vödrök raklapra. Kapacitás 1800-2200 lt. Hálós falak

PAPÍRGYŰJTŐ TARTÁLYOK FPB1800-2200 L - Öntisztító vödrök raklapra. Kapacitás 1800-2200 lt. Hálós falak

PAPER COLLECTION CONTAINERS - 1800/2200 LITERS Self dumping buckets, painted plate with forkbase mounted for lifting with forklift. Mesh walls for the collection of paper. All containers are equipped with wheels for manual handling. On request they can be equipped with feet. Available in three models: FPB1800: with a capacity of 1800 liters FPB2200: with a capacity of 2200 liters Example model:FPB1800 Capacity:1800 liters Tot lenght (P1):1630 mm Lenght (P):1365 mm Max. load:900 Kg. Mesh border:mesh 40x40 mm wire 3 mm
Vákuumcsomagoló gép DZ 400 2E - 2 tömítőrúddal mm 400. Kerekes alapra állítva, rozsdamentes acélból készült

Vákuumcsomagoló gép DZ 400 2E - 2 tömítőrúddal mm 400. Kerekes alapra állítva, rozsdamentes acélból készült

WHEELED VACUUM PACKAGING MACHINE DZ 400 2E WITH TWO SEALING BARS Wheeled vacuum packaging machine with two lateral sealing bars, made of stainless steel (AISI 304) and equipped with volumetric electronic sensor that enables the continuous vacuum control. Tank with with rounded lid for greater usable height in the central part. The compact size of the tank and the high power of the vacuum pump ensure high productivity. The adjustment of the welding time, vacuum and gas placing occur through practical potentiometers positioned frontally. VACUUM MACHINE WITH GAS INJECTION SYSTEM (MAP) Each sealing bar is equipped with two nozzles which introduce gases in different quantities, so the machines are suitable for the packaging of one single use for each sealing bar. When ordering, it is possible to request a modification to the gas inlet system so as to be able to pack two bags per bar by entering the same quantity of gas for each package. Sealing bars length:mm 400 Chamber dimensions:mm 320x420 Chamber height (tank + cover):mm70/130 Vacuum pump:20 m3/h Work cycle:about 30 sec Sealing bars:2 lateral
Kálium-hidroxid (NaOH) Pelyhek

Kálium-hidroxid (NaOH) Pelyhek

We are caustic soda flakes 98-99% producer as food and industrial grade with REACH certificate, ready for loading in EU the port of Ploçe Croatia, or in Turkey ports, Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea. Email: info@ccpc.it WhatsApp:+393478157955
Öko-barát parafás alapvakolat Intosughero - Megfelel az UNI EN 998-1 szabványnak

Öko-barát parafás alapvakolat Intosughero - Megfelel az UNI EN 998-1 szabványnak

Bio-Intonaco eco-compatibile a base di calce idraulica naturale NHL 3,5 o NHL 5 a norma EN 459-1 per intonaco di sottofondo tradizionale per interno ed esterno di edifici nuovi e vecchi ad applicazione meccanica e manuale. Non forma barriere al vapore e non contiene solventi. Riciclabile come inerte a fine vita. Specifico per il restauro storico conservativo. Disponibile fibrorinforzato con una speciale composizione di fibre in polipropilene appositamente studiata tipo “FR”. Certificato ANAB-ICEA secondo la UNI EN 14024 etichettature ambientale tipo I. CONFEZIONE: Sfuso in silo - Sacchi da 25 kg - pedane da 70 sacchi - 17,50 ql UTILIZZO: Interno/Esterno COLORE: Nocciola GRANULOMETRIA: ≤ 1,3 mm RESA: 14 kg/mq per cm di spessore COEFFICIENTE DI RESISTENZA AL PASSAGGIO DEL VAPORE EN 1015-19:μ ≤ 5 ASSORBIMENTO D'ACQUA CAPILLARE EN 1015-18: Classe “W0” CONDUCIBILITÀ TERMICA EN 1745:λ10,dry,mat= 0,40 W/mK
Kalcium-klorid - Kalcium-klorid 94%-99%

Kalcium-klorid - Kalcium-klorid 94%-99%

We are caustic soda flakes 98-99% producer as food and industrial grade with REACH certificate, ready for loading in EU the port of Ploçe Croatia, or in Turkey ports, Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea. Email: info@ccpc.it WhatsApp:+393478157955
Kálium-hidroxid (NaOH) - Kálium-hidroxid (NaOH) Pelyhek

Kálium-hidroxid (NaOH) - Kálium-hidroxid (NaOH) Pelyhek

We are caustic soda flakes 98-99% producer as food and industrial grade with REACH certificate, ready for loading in EU the port of Ploçe Croatia, or in Turkey ports, Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea. Email: info@ccpc.it WhatsApp:+393478157955


Macroporous Eco-frendly Bio-plaster based on natural hydraulic lime, NHL 3.5 or NHL 5 according to EN 459-1, for plasters for dehumidification, for indoors and outdoors. Available fibre-reinforced with a special composition of polypropylene fibres specially formulated "FR" type and repellent type "I". Recyclable as inert at the end of life. Specifically for the preservation of historical artefacts. Ideal for the rehabilitation and recovery of old and new walls, internal and external, subject to humidity for capillary ascent and in the presence of efflorescence of salts, underground environments not subject to infiltration of water, buildings of historical interest, churches and In any case a definitive and natural dehumidifying cleansing treatment is necessary. Anab-ICEA Certified according to UNI EN ISO 14024 Environmental labelling type I.
Kálium-hidroxid (NaOH) Pelyhek

Kálium-hidroxid (NaOH) Pelyhek

We are caustic soda flakes 98-99% producer as food and industrial grade with REACH certificate, ready for loading in EU the port of Ploçe Croatia, or in Turkey ports, Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea. Email: info@ccpc.it WhatsApp:+393478157955


Inorganic mineral paint based on Lime putty. for the decoration and protection of both new and old exterior and interior surfaces based on lime and cement, lime and chalk, lime, dehumidifiers plasters, stucco walls and Concrete. High resistance to atmospheric agents, excellent breathability, ideal finish for dehumidifiers, very high resistance over time, good expansion and adhesion to the support, excellent anti-mould features. Classic period decoration with a nuved, opaque effect. Due to its composition, it offers the highest guarantees of inalterability and protection, as well as resistance to heat, cold, sun, rain and air pollution.
PAESTUM FESTÉK oltott mész alapú - Megfelel a 2004/42/EK irányelvnek

PAESTUM FESTÉK oltott mész alapú - Megfelel a 2004/42/EK irányelvnek

Pittura minerale inorganica a base di grassello di calce, per la decorazione e protezione di superfici esterne ed interne sia nuove che vecchie come intonaci civili a base di calce e cemento, calce e gesso, calce, intonaci deumidificanti, pareti rasate a stucco e calcestruzzo. Ad elevata resistenza agli agenti atmosferici, ottima traspirabilità, finitura ideale per sistemi deumidificanti, ad elevatissima resistenza nel tempo, buona dilatazione ed adesione al supporto, ottime caratteristiche antimuffa. Classica decorazione d’epoca ad effetto nuvolato, opaco. Data la sua composizione, offre le più alte garanzie di inalterabilità e protezione, oltre che resistenza a caldo, freddo, sole, pioggia e all’inquinamento atmosferico. COLORE: Bianco e colori cartella CONFEZIONE: Fusto 4 - 14 lt DILUIZIONE: Dal 20-35% in peso con acqua pulita • A spatola pronto all’uso UTILIZZO: Interno/Esterno RESA: 7/8 mq/lt per mano COEFF. DI ASSORB. D'ACQUA CAPILLARE “W24”: < 0,25 kg/(mq*24 h½) RESIST.
Base Glider Cold 180 G

Base Glider Cold 180 G

Base universale per tutti i tipi di neve e condizioni fredde. Perfetta per la cura quotidiana degli sci e per mantenere in vigore la soletta. Cod. Art:GLC Ean Code:8022937436723 Temperatura aria:-5C°... -25C° Umidità aria:H° --- Tipo di neve:tutti i tipi Umidità neve:poco umida Applicazione:applicare a caldo T° ferro 140C°
Drops Alap Glider Hideg 3 Kg

Drops Alap Glider Hideg 3 Kg

Base universale per tutti i tipi di neve e condizioni fredde. Perfetta per la cura quotidiana degli sci e per mantenere in vigore la soletta. Cod. Art:GLC3 Temperatura aria:-5C°... -25C° Umidità aria:H° --- Tipo di neve:tutti i tipi Umidità neve:poco umida Applicazione:applicare a caldo T° ferro 140C°
Drops Alap Glider Meleg 3 Kg

Drops Alap Glider Meleg 3 Kg

Base universale per tutti i tipi di neve e condizioni fredde. Perfetta per la cura quotidiana degli sci e per mantenere in vigore la soletta. Cod. Art:GLW3 Ean Code:8022937436778 Temperatura aria:0C°... -6C° Umidità aria:H° --- Tipo di neve:tutti i tipi Umidità neve:poco umida Applicazione:applicare a caldo T° ferro 130C°
Kálium-hidroxid (NaOH) Pelyhek

Kálium-hidroxid (NaOH) Pelyhek

We are caustic soda flakes 98-99% producer as food and industrial grade with REACH certificate, ready for loading in EU the port of Ploçe Croatia, or in Turkey ports, Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea. Email: info@ccpc.it WhatsApp:+393478157955
Kálium-hidroxid (NaOH) Pelyhek

Kálium-hidroxid (NaOH) Pelyhek

We are caustic soda flakes 98-99% producer as food and industrial grade with REACH certificate, ready for loading in EU the port of Ploçe Croatia, or in Turkey ports, Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea. Email: info@ccpc.it WhatsApp:+393478157955
Kálium-hidroxid (NaOH) Pelyhek

Kálium-hidroxid (NaOH) Pelyhek

We are caustic soda flakes 98-99% producer as food and industrial grade with REACH certificate, ready for loading in EU the port of Ploçe Croatia, or in Turkey ports, Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea. Email: info@ccpc.it WhatsApp:+393478157955


ngredienti: burro al 96%, tartufo estivo (Tuber aestivum Vitt) 3%, sale, aroma. Ideale in abbinamento a primi piatti, sulle carni e sulle uova.
LW100 Könnyített előkevert vakolat természetes mészből - Megfelel az UNI EN 998-2-nek

LW100 Könnyített előkevert vakolat természetes mészből - Megfelel az UNI EN 998-2-nek

Lightened premixed plasters based on natural lime and special hydraulic binders and light mineral aggregates, fiber-reinforced with a special polypropylene fiber composition specially designed for internal background plasters on autoclaved cellular concrete blocks (Ytong and Gasbeton type) with mechanical application and manual. Approved by the Ytong laboratories. PACKAGE: Loose in silo - 25 kg sacks - 60 bags sacks - 15.00 ql USE: Indoor COLOUR: Grey GRANULOMETRY: ≤ 1.3 mm SURRENDER: 10/11 kg / m² per cm of thickness CAPILLARY WATER ABSORPTION EN 1015-18: "W0" class RESISTANCE COEFFICIENT TO STEAM PASSAGE EN 1015-19: μ ≥ 8 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY EN 1745: λ 10, dry, mat = 0.29 W / mK FIRE RESISTANCE ACCORDING TO DM 02/16/2007: REI 120 APPROVED BY YTONG LABORATORIES: Test Report PB-VK-170-01
Vízbázisú festék belső használatra, Lélegző - Megfelel a 2004/42/EK irányelvnek

Vízbázisú festék belső használatra, Lélegző - Megfelel a 2004/42/EK irányelvnek

Breathable, super-opaque water-based paint for indoors. anti-mould, sanitiser, excellent coverage and white point, for the interior painting of both new and old surfaces made from plaster or cement, plaster-trimmed walls, plasterboard, Wallpaper, wood and generally non-ferrous media. Excellent for repainting. Particularly suitable for bathrooms, kitchens and in general local subject to the formation of condensation. Color: White Package: Trunk 4-14 LT Usage: Internal Dilution: from 30 to 45% by volume with clean water • Roller ready to use Yield: 8/10 sqm/lt by hand, depending on the absorption of the support