Tables and chairs are essential components for creating inviting and functional spaces in various settings, including open-air bars, restaurants, shopping centers, and sponsored events. Made from materials such as metal, plastics, and wood, these pieces can be customized with logos to reinforce brand identity and create a cohesive look.
The versatility of tables and chairs allows businesses to create comfortable and stylish seating arrangements that enhance the customer experience. Whether used for dining, socializing, or promotional events, these pieces are designed to withstand the demands of high-traffic environments while maintaining their aesthetic appeal. By investing in quality tables and chairs, businesses can create memorable spaces that attract and retain customers.
Janelas de batente são baseadas na construção de janelas de abertura externa. Interiormente envidraçado, com um moderno sistema de fecho oculto ulti-point, o design oferece características de alta segurança. Disponível em pinho, carvalho e Meranti em diferentes profundidades de instalação: caixilho 56 mm (vidro duplo) ou 68 mm (vidro triplo). Disponível no design de acabamento: Flush i Stormproof.
Zbrojenie włóknem szklanym w wewnętrznej warstwie nadaje jej unikalną wytrzymałość na zerwanie, a także stabilność wymiarową nawet w ekstremalnych warunkach pogodowych.
Nowoczesny system hydroizolacji wytyczający standardy bezpieczeństwa, łatwości montażu i żywotności.