Termékek olapl (254)



Le gocce integratori alimentari sono una soluzione versatile e concentrata per chi desidera un'integrazione rapida e facile. Questi liquidi altamente concentrati possono essere aggiunti a bevande o cibi, rendendo l'assunzione dei nutrienti un processo semplice e discreto. Le gocce sono ideali per chi ha uno stile di vita frenetico e cerca un modo rapido per migliorare la propria salute.
Syntech Profix: Kétkomponensű poliészter alapú kémiai rögzítés gyors rögzítők számára

Syntech Profix: Kétkomponensű poliészter alapú kémiai rögzítés gyors rögzítők számára

Syntech Profix A two-component paste with a polyester resin base for the rapid realisation of structural fasteners and anchors for inserts and connectors in general. This quick-setting resin (which hardens in just 6 minutes at 20° C) facilitates the use of metal inserts a mere 2.5 hours from installation. Syntech Profix is a system that is easy and quick to use that provides high performance in terms of penetration, adherence and mechanical resistance. In particular, in concrete, natural stone, full and hollow brick works etc., the resin Syntech Profix, permeates the porous systems that delimit the perforation, allows the achievement of very high admissible loads, adjustable and scalable through variations of the fastening element, the anchor depth and so on. Syntech Profix is packaged in a two-compartment cartridge, whose special tip mixes the two components directly during extrusion, activating the polymerisation reaction instantly. Fixing of connectors, bars, plates, metallic structures, fencing, shutters, gates, shelves, reinforcing rods etc., in different types of media, with particular effectiveness in the presence of concrete, natural stone, bricks, drilled (through the perfo sleeves) etc. The application surfaces should be clean, free of incrustations, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust etc. The following accessories are provided for easy use of the cartridges Syntech Profix: - Gun for resins in a cartridge with rack-and-pinion piston. - Perfo sleeves (only for hollow masonry and perforated blocks) - Spout mixer for two-compartment cartridges (mixing tip) Extrude Syntech Profix in the required quantity in the fastening seat. Attach the metal insert to be anchored within a few seconds after the extrusion. Do not touch the insert for any reason until the ascertained hardening of the resin. Approximately 1.72 kg of Syntech Profix for each cubic decimetre of volume to be filled (variable according to the conditions of use). Bi-mix cartridge 400 cc - Box: 12 x (Bi-mix cartridge 400 cc).
Cortec EcoLine® Biobázisú Élelmiszeripari Zsír

Cortec EcoLine® Biobázisú Élelmiszeripari Zsír

Cortec EcoLine® Bio-based Food Machinery Grease. Safeguard your food processing equipment with EcoLine®, the bio-based grease that delivers superior performance and environmental responsibility. Made from renewable plant oils, it provides exceptional lubrication, corrosion protection, and washout resistance. Meets stringent FDA and NSF standards for food contact.Ideal for conveyors, mixers, packaging, pumps, and more.Reduce your environmental footprint while ensuring food safety and equipment longevity.
DELTAup adagoló modul 500 ml alap tartóval

DELTAup adagoló modul 500 ml alap tartóval

DELTAup-Spendermodul 500 ml inkl. Basisträger Maße: 200 x 120 x 100 mm für Desinfektion und Reinigung (ohne Erstbefüllung) Mehr Effizienz macht zukunftssicher: Kern des DELTAup-Systems sind die Basisträger, die in die Funktionsnuten des DELTA 30 Systems eingeklinkt werden und an denen sich die verschiedensten Funktionsmodule werkzeuglos befestigen lassen. Der modulare Charakter des Systems ermöglicht es, schnell von einem Basisträger zum nächsten zu wechseln. Das DELTAup-System wird regelmäßig um neue Funktionsmodule erweitert.
Franciaországi nővérek e-mail címének adatbázisa - Szabadúszó nővérek

Franciaországi nővérek e-mail címének adatbázisa - Szabadúszó nővérek

Base de données emails et adresses infirmières libérales France Fichier des 21424 emails et 106380 adresses infirmières, destiné aux entreprises pour prospection commerciale "multicanal", les adresses pour envois postaux et les emails pour mailing emailing BtoB Fichier adresses et emails des infirmières Comprend : Les infirmières libérales et les cabinets infirmiers de soins à domicile. Avec cette base de données de qualité, vous pourrez augmenter votre chiffre d'affaires, promouvoir vos produits auprès d'une clientèle adaptée et booster considérablement vos ventes. (Extrait de la base "SANTE MEDICAL PRO") Nombre et renseignements fournis sur le listing : 106380 Noms, adresse, Code postal, ville, N° Téléphone fixe, catégorie professionnelle 21424 EMAILS 53509 N° Tél mobile 74598 Code NAF, N° SIRET, N° R.C.S., Effectif, Date de création https://www.conseil-emailing.fr/
Ipari PC - Blue Power28 - ARM9 alapú i.MX28-ra

Ipari PC - Blue Power28 - ARM9 alapú i.MX28-ra

Industrial PC with Freescale i.MX28. Key functionalities With ARM9 CPU Extremely energy efficient (4-5W typ.) Extended temperature range No rotating storage media Passive chilled, therefore reliable Long-term availability >10 years
SILIKON 3483 20KG ALAP K - Szilikon Öntőtermékek

SILIKON 3483 20KG ALAP K - Szilikon Öntőtermékek

: Silicone bi-composant Dow Corning à faible viscosité. Grande élasticité, temps de travail variable. Produit reconnu pour le moulage > Application : Se travaille en coulée ou estampage. Fabrication de moules. Coulée des plâtres et modèles, polyuréthane, polyester. > Ratio en poids : 100/5 > Dureté shore : A13 > Temps de travail : 120min S'emploie avec le catalyseur 83 - dosage en poids : 5% > Unité de vente : pot de 20kg > Minimum de commande : 1 pot


Moduláris épületek tárgyalótermekhez - Használt előregyártott moduláris épületek 15 m²-től 200 m²-ig

Moduláris épületek tárgyalótermekhez - Használt előregyártott moduláris épületek 15 m²-től 200 m²-ig

Spécialiste du bâtiment modulaire et bungalow modulaire d’occasion, la société Occamod propose des bâtiments modulaires destinés à des salles de classe et/ou salles de réunion. La disponibilité immédiate de nos solutions modulaires permet une réponse rapide et pérenne aux projets des collectivités. En fonction du besoin d’espace, nous proposons en standard, différentes superficies allant de 15m² à 200m² ou des dimensions supérieures (nous consulter). La solution modulaire d’occasion vous permet également de disposer d'un délai très court et un prix compétitif de 20 à 50% moins cher par rapport à un bâtiment modulaire en neuf. Robustes, durables et faciles d’entretien, nous vendons les plus grandes marques du marché de la construction modulaire telles que Cougnaud, Algeco, Portakabin, Solfab, Courant...En option, nous ajoutons une prestation de transport modulaire (de notre usine vers votre chantier) et transfert modulaire (d’un point A à un point B) avec la mise en installation.
Ajánlat a meghatározott projekt alapján, elrendezési terv szükség esetén

Ajánlat a meghatározott projekt alapján, elrendezési terv szükség esetén

Devis en fonction du projet défini , calepinage si nécessaire
Piros Csillogás Alapon - Kompozit Lemez

Piros Csillogás Alapon - Kompozit Lemez

Plaque funéraire Composite sur Socle Pailleté rouge 2 Inters à personnaliser 14 x 2,2 cm 1 Bronze "2 colombes" Matière Charge Minérale recomposée (Poudre de granit) Dim H. 17 x L. 24 cm. Poids 3 Kgs Plaque livrée entièrement montée Référence:241S PRO
Üzleti Hitel és Forgóeszköz - Üzleti Hitel és Projektfinanszírozás Elérhető

Üzleti Hitel és Forgóeszköz - Üzleti Hitel és Projektfinanszírozás Elérhető

Cucina Finance (UK) Limited provides personal loans/business loans/trade finance/import & export loans/project loans to companies of all sizes ranging from individuals, companies and trader's globally. No jargon, no hidden fees Simple approval process Fast business loans funded in just 2-3 business days Low Interest rate of 2% Prior bankruptcies accepted Zero credit checks required CIS & KYC required for all loan applicant irrespective of location/country Loan Duration from 1 year - 20 years maximum Grace period of 12 - 24 months for large business loans/working capital Loan Funding/Financing is not limited to any geographical location or country whatsoever For further details, Kindly contact us via email, telephone, Skype. Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers are welcome to bring their clients and are 100% protected. CUCINA FINANCE (UK) LIMITED https://cucinafinance.com Email: finance@cucinafinance.com Tel no: +44 (123) 388-5014 Whatsapp: +44 7425-381661
VCA Alap - Alapvető Biztonság

VCA Alap - Alapvető Biztonság

Objectif Les maîtres d'ouvrage doivent veiller à ce que les entrepreneurs et/ou sous-traitant respectent les mesures de prévention nécessaires lors de l'exécution des travaux. De plus en plus exigé dans le cahier des charges, le certificat VCA signifie que l'entrepreneur ou les travailleurs de sous-traitant qui le possède, respecte des normes de sécurité très strictes et qu'il est en mesure d'offrir des garanties pour la gestion des risques lors de l'exécution du travail. Le certificat VCA comporte de nombreux avantages : - Maintien de votre compétitivité; - Gestion optimale la sécurité, de la santé et du bien-être de vos travailleurs; - Obtention d'un label non négligeable pour de nouveaux marchés ; - Innovation et Pro-activité de votre entreprise; L'obtention du certificat VCA base augmente également sensiblement votre employabilité, dans la mesure où elle est demandée par de nombreux employeurs.
KAISER La Forme Plus Tortaalap 28cm KAIRAMIC

KAISER La Forme Plus Tortaalap 28cm KAIRAMIC

Durchmesser: 28 cm ca. 1,8 l
Aktív Pedagógián Alapuló Képzések - Vállalatok Számára

Aktív Pedagógián Alapuló Képzések - Vállalatok Számára

Catalogue de formations basées sur les principes de la Pédagogie Active® pour les entreprises. Un large choix de thèmes abordés : achats, vente, marketing, animation des équipes, créativité & innovation, économie & gestion d'entreprise, ERP & GPAO, Lean et résolution de problème, Lean Construction, Logistique & Supply Chain, Management de projet, qualité, ressources humaines, hygiène sécurité et développement durable, connaissance de l'entreprise
MagicFX Shot Base DMX

MagicFX Shot Base DMX

Das Shot Base DMX ist das erste professionelle DMX Konfetti Abschuss-System MagicFX Shot Base DMX Das Shot Base DMX ist das erste professionelle DMX Konfetti Abschuss-System. Sie wurden hergestellt, um die gefüllten, einmalig verwendbaren elektronischen Kanonen abzufeuern. Die Kanonen enthalten eine CO2 Kartusche für einen kräftigen Effekt. Die Kanonen sind erhältlich mit 40 und 80cm Länge und sind mit Slowfall Konfettis oder Luftschlangen gefüllt. Die Konfettis werden bis 12m und die Luftschlangen bis 20m weit geschleudert! Produkt im Überblick: – DMX Steuerbar – Powercon In- Out Abmessungen (L x B x H): 28 x 28 x 12 cm Gewicht: 10 kg
Szoftverfejlesztés - Testreszabott szoftverfejlesztés a vállalata kihívásai és céljai alapján.

Szoftverfejlesztés - Testreszabott szoftverfejlesztés a vállalata kihívásai és céljai alapján.

Desenvolvimento de software à medida com base nos desafios e objetivos da sua empresa. Na 24web terá um parceiro tecnológico com a experiência e o know-how na resolução dos seus desafios. Desenvolvemos software para Web (Cloud). Desenvolvimento de Backend e desenvolvimento de Frontend. Nós Podemos Ajudar. Recorrendo ao serviço de desenvolvimento de software à medida será possível melhorar a eficiência e produtividade. Automatizar seus processos internos e assim reduzir custos da empresa / organização. Desenvolvimento de software à medida Por outro lado otimizar tarefas e assim libertar recursos para realizarem outras tarefas dentro da organização.


Aluminum sulphate has a very important place in food, health, water treatment, fertilizer, feed industry and industrial production. Drinking water treatment is the most common use. Because it is a very good filtering agent, it is used for the process of removing undesired material from the environment by collapsing the production process. As a pH regulator in agriculture it helps to enrich the soil with mineral.
Belső audit a képző intézmények számára a Datadock alapján - Teljesítse belső audit kötelezettségeit, amikor és ahol csak szeretné

Belső audit a képző intézmények számára a Datadock alapján - Teljesítse belső audit kötelezettségeit, amikor és ahol csak szeretné

Acquérir les principes, méthodes et outils de l’audit interne, Connaître et s’approprier les objectifs de la démarche qualité obligatoire dès l’été 2017. Identifier les points faibles et les points forts de son organisation vis-à-vis du référentiel, Définir, formaliser et planifier un plan d’actions


A través de nuestra red interna de conexiones, ofrecemos servicios de grupaje marítimo a los principales destinos del mundo . La agencia gestiona y verifica su mercancía desde la salida hasta la llegada, ocupándose de todos los trámites aduaneros necesarios.
Alumínium ajtók, kert ajtók, kertkapu, CORE alap

Alumínium ajtók, kert ajtók, kertkapu, CORE alap

Aluminiumtüren, Aluminiumtür, Tore, Tor, Tore aus Metall, Gartentor, Pforte, Zauntor, Gartenpforte, Hoftor, Einflügeltor, Drehflügeltor, Flügeltore, Ein-Flügeltor Gartentür CORE base Gartentür / Pforte / einflügeliges Gartentor aus Aluminium Gartentür aus Aluminium mit horizontalen Lamellen nach Maß konfigurierbar. Konfigurieren Sie Ihre Premium Gartentür im modernen Design. Aluminium-Pforten CORE verfügen über starke 80/80 mm oder 100x100 mm Alusäulen oder können mit Scharnieren für Mauerwerke ausgestattet werden. Zum Lieferumfang gehören eine Scharnier- und Anschlagblende. Die Blenden erhöhen die Ästhetik, da die Scharniere und der Anschlagspalt abgedeckt werden. Die Gartentür verfügt über hochwertige Beschläge aus gebürstetem Edelstahl – wählen Sie eine knaufartige Klinke oder einen 80 cm Griff, mit oder ohne elektrischen Öffner. Das Gartentor ist rostfrei und wartungsfrei – genießen Sie 20 Jahre Herstellergarantie.
Bázis - Lakóépületek

Bázis - Lakóépületek

Constructions industrialisées
Sanaxil P: Nem toxikus, lélegző festék kálium-szilikát alapú

Sanaxil P: Nem toxikus, lélegző festék kálium-szilikát alapú

Sanaxil P Breathable, natural, non-toxic paint, for external and internal surfaces, for adhesion and microcrystalline structure, based on stabilized potassium silicate. Mineral-based, active formulation, with high natural mildewcide and anti-condensation properties, prepared according to the traditional recipes, for use in ecological building interventions, new buildings and in the restoration of vintage buildings and monuments. Sanaxil P consists of potassium silicate and natural pigments. It has very high breathability, remarkable mildewcide and antibacterial properties. It has no solvents, thinners, harmful substances and toxic emissions in general, and does not have thermoplastic effects. Restoring and decorative paints for internal and external environments. Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". Pre-existing paints (washable, organic, solvent based etc. ) must be thoroughly removed. Preliminarily treat the support with the fixative Sanaxil Fix. Apply Sanaxil P, using a brush, roller or spray, in the number of coats required by the absorption condition of the support. Sanaxil P is "dust-free" (it has started to be consistent to the touch) after about 1 hour. It can be overcoated after 4-6 hours, while it will be dry in-depth after 10-16 hours. Sanaxil P can be used as such or diluted with Sanaxil Fix, at a rate of 15-20% by weight. Apply from 0.30 to 0.40 liters of Sanaxil P per square metre of surface to be painted. Pail 4 l - Pail 14 l
Sanaxil I - Therm: A hőszigetelő, kondenzációgátló hőputty réteg, amely kálium-szilikátok alapján készült

Sanaxil I - Therm: A hőszigetelő, kondenzációgátló hőputty réteg, amely kálium-szilikátok alapján készült

Sanaxil I - Therm Smoothed mineral coating for interiors and exteriors with potassium silicates with chemical adhesion, anti-condensation, insulation, mould resistant, thanks to the addition of hollow glass spheres. Sanaxil I - Therm due to its mineral nature with chemical adhesion, revolutionizes the concept of adhesion to the support, penetrating deeply into the pores of the wall to then react with its components and form a unique and indissoluble "silicating" whole. With a final appearance similar to civil plaster. The product does not form a film thus avoiding detachment and peeling phenomena, it ensures a permeability to water vapour thanks to its microcrystalline structure of the same porosity as the wall while guaranteeing excellent water repellency. Elasticity and hardness are coupled in maximum degree with a wide choice of colours not alterable over time; characteristics that, combined with the ease and practicality of application, make the product extremely multi-functional, adaptable to any project requirement. Restoring protective coatings based on stabilised potassium silicates, for vertical and horizontal surfaces. All products in the Sanaxil I – THERM series cannot be attacked by mould. Recommended as a finish in "cladding" insulation systems, as it helps to increase the thermo-acoustic and anti-condensation coefficient. Stone, masonry, concrete and any type of plaster. The Sanaxil I - Therm system can be applied directly on surfaces treated with mineral paints or new surfaces. If there are residues of organic paint on the support (washable, solvent-based paints, etc.), before application it is necessary to remove them by stripping or sandblasting, and also never apply on plaster, under the beating sun, on warm or wet walls. During application, cover areas that are not to be painted such as jambs, doors, windows and floors because silicates attack glass, metals, ceramics, glazes, paint, marble and granite. Adverse climatic conditions can impose the realization of adequate protection during the application and drying phase of the coating. Never mix with other non-mineral based paints. NEW SUPPORTS Apply a coat of Protech Fix AC - Therm fixative diluted from 20 to 50% with water depending on the absorption of the support. OLD SUPPORTS On old supports, remove the old paint by brushing, fill in any holes or imperfections in the wall with a suitable filler, proceed with fixing with Protech Fix AC - Therm impregnating agent diluted 20 to 50% depending on the absorption of the support. The product is ready to use if necessary add a little water and stir slowly. Apply a coating layer with a stainless steel trowel with a thickness equal to that of the granules it contains. Pass again with a cutting spatula to remove any excess material. After light drying, pass over with a plastic trowel with rotary movements to compact, even out and achieve the full plaster effect. On large surfaces, it is recommended to apply the product of the same lot and proceed always wet on wet to avoid signs of resumption. Indicative consumption depending on the different particle sizes of Sanaxil I - Therm available: 1 mm GRAIN: approximately 1.6 -1.8 kg/m²; 1.2 mm GRAIN: approximately 1.8 -2.0 kg/m²; 2 mm GRAIN: approximately 2.4 -2.8 kg/m²; 2.2 mm GRAIN: approximately 2.6 -3.0 kg/m². The indicated yields refer to smooth supports and are for guidance only. Actual consumption must be identified with a suitable practical test. Pail 22 kg
Sanaxil Filler: Mikropórusos repedésgátló alap falakhoz és függőleges felületekhez

Sanaxil Filler: Mikropórusos repedésgátló alap falakhoz és függőleges felületekhez

Sanaxil Filler Anti-crackling base, based on siliceous aggregates of different particle sizes, potassium silicate, nylon microfibre and specific agents, in a special mix ensuring watertightness, water-repellence, permeability to steam. Available in two different particle sizes, on request. Specific for the reclamation of internal and external vertical surfaces, characterised by significant presence of cracklings from shrinkage (also of width up to 1 mm), for homogenising regularisation in general. It can also be used as a base to obtain a rustic effect of the finish. Particularly suitable for the anti-cracking reclamation of historic buildings. Due to its mineral nature and the chemical adhesion it provides, Sanaxil Filler represents a significant revolution in the traditional concepts of adhesion to supports: it penetrates deeply into the pores, it reacts with the components of the masonry structure creating a homogeneous, indissoluble and breathable "silicated" whole; it does not form films, it is water repellent and resistant to moulds and micro-organisms. When it is applied in combination with paints or putty coats, it substantially improves their durability, because it gives a greater thickness to coatings and paints. Sanaxil Filler is composed of stabilised potassium silicate, silica aggregates and natural pigments. It has high breathability, excellent mildewcide and antibacterial properties. It has no solvents, thinners, harmful substances in general. Subbase micro-smoothing, for subsequent coatings with paint or with putty coat, specific for the anti-crackling reclamation of large vertical surfaces of buildings and condominiums in general. It creates of a thick base to improve the durability of the coating. Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". It is recommended that you preliminarily treat the media with the specific fixative Sanaxil Fix (as such, or diluted with water up to a ratio 1:1). Sanaxil Filler should only be used for reclamation and under the conditions described above. It can be applied with a roller or brush, possibly after dilution with 10-15% Sanaxil Fix. Apply from 0.30 to 0.50 kg of Sanaxil Filler per square metre of surface to be treated. Pail 25 kg - Pail 5 kg
Sanafarbe P: Nem toxikus, lélegző festék, mészvakolat alapú, beltéri és kültéri használatra

Sanafarbe P: Nem toxikus, lélegző festék, mészvakolat alapú, beltéri és kültéri használatra

Sanafarbe P Breathable, natural, non-toxic paint, for internal and external surfaces, diffusive type, based on lime putty. Mineral-based, active formulation, high natural anti-mildew and anti-condensation capacity, prepared according to the traditional recipes, for use in ecological building interventions and in the restoration of vintage buildings and monuments. Product based on lime putty and natural pigments. Sanafarbe P has a high breathability, remarkable mildewcide and antibacterial properties. It has no solvents, thinners, harmful substances in general. Decorative and internal and external restoration paint. The application supports will be free from fouling, powder, non-adhering parts, etc.; existing paints (washable, organic, solvent based etc.) must be removed. A preliminary fixative treatment of the surfaces is always advisable with a consolidating, transparent, Sanaxil Fix primer, based on potassium silicate. The application of Sanaxil Fix can be done by brush, roller or spray: the number of hands required and the dilution ratio with the most suitable water must be determined according to the conditions and absorption degradation of the supports. The admissible dilution range provides for water addition up to a maximum of 1:1 ratio. Apply by brush, roller, spray, in two coats, spaced-apart, one from the other, by about 24 hours. It allows the easy reproduction of traditional finish type: sponging, rubbing, marbling, infilling. Sanafarbe P is dry to the touch after 2 hours, it can be overcoated after 4 hours, while it will be dry in-depth after 8-16 hours. Apply from 0.20 to 0.40 liters of Sanafarbe P per square metre of surface to be painted. Pail 4 l - Pail 14 l
Protech Sil I : Vízlepergető, légáteresztő gitt bevonat, sziloxán diszperziók alapján

Protech Sil I : Vízlepergető, légáteresztő gitt bevonat, sziloxán diszperziók alapján

Protech Sil I Water-repellent, breathable, pigmented, ready-to-use plaster based on siloxane resins dispersed in water. Ideal for the protective coating resistant to water and bad weather in the renovation interventions, both of external facades and of internal environments, of civil and industrial buildings, and in new constructions. Protech Sil I is available in 5 different sizes for the most varied applications: - Very fine (grain ≤ 0.4 mm) - Fine (grain ≤ 0.7 mm) - Medium (grain ≤ 1.0 mm) - Large (grain ≤ 1.5 mm) - Very large (grain ≤ 2.0 mm). "Waterproofing", water repellent, breathable, protective and decorative finish, for masonry surfaces in vintage buildings, subject to protection as "cultural heritage" or otherwise, in restoration, for new buildings, in dehumidifying systems etc. The surfaces of application will be adequately prepared: dry, free from fouling, powder, crumbling parts, incoherent, pre-existing synthetic paints etc. Any lime and/or cement-based plaster, lime painting, compact and anchored, they can be preserved. It is essential to pre-treat with the siloxane fixative Protech Sil Fix. Protech Sil I is ready to use, in the form of thixotropic paste which, after thorough mixing, can be applied immediately. Two layers of application are recommended, each with a thickness not exceeding the size of the calcareous grain contained in the product. After applying the second coat, when the product starts the drying stage, proceed to floating with sponge tool. Indicative consumption depending on the different particle sizes of Protech Sil I available: 1 mm GRAIN: approximately 1.25 -1.40 kg/m²; 1.2 mm GRAIN: approximately 1.40 -1.55 kg/m²; 2 mm GRAIN: approximately 1.85 -2.15 kg/m²; 2.2 mm GRAIN: approximately 2.00 -2.30 kg/m². The indicated yields refer to smooth supports and are for guidance only. Actual consumption must be identified with a suitable practical test. Pail 5 kg - Pail 25 kg


Le bottiglie con rubinetto dosatore offrono un modo innovativo e preciso per assumere integratori alimentari liquidi. Questo sistema di dosaggio consente di misurare esattamente la quantità di liquido da assumere, garantendo un'integrazione accurata e personalizzata. Ideali per chi desidera un controllo preciso sulla propria integrazione, queste bottiglie sono una scelta pratica e moderna.


Gli spray integratori alimentari offrono un modo rapido e conveniente per integrare la dieta con nutrienti essenziali. Questo formato innovativo consente un'assunzione diretta e veloce, ideale per chi ha uno stile di vita attivo e necessita di un'integrazione immediata. Gli spray sono facili da trasportare e utilizzare, rendendoli una scelta popolare per chi è sempre in movimento.
Sanatigh: Levegőnedvesség-mentesítő, helyreállító, makropórusú vakolat hidraulikus mész alapú

Sanatigh: Levegőnedvesség-mentesítő, helyreállító, makropórusú vakolat hidraulikus mész alapú

Sanatigh This macroporous, breathable, dehumidifying, fibre-reinforced plaster, with a base of natural hydraulic lime NHL 3.5, is for the dehumidification and hygrometric restoration of buildings and masonry, in works on green buildings, for new constructions and in the restoration of historic and monumental buildings. Sanatigh is a product consisting of hydraulic lime, botticino, kaolin, very fine calcium, expanded lightweight aggregates of volcanic origin, fiber-reinforced with special glass microfibres and fibers Readymesh PM 060. It has high hygroscopicity and breathability, contains no cements, resins, solvents and radioemissive substances. It has strong dehumidifying capacities and, thanks to the total absence of cement, is perfectly compatible with all types of masonry and especially with the historical walls and in all the interventions designed according to the canons of green building. Breathable dehumidifying plastering for wall bodies. Removal of crumbling plaster, if present, up to a maximum height of about 1 metre, with respect to the line of persistent humidity; wall bodies of application must in any case be clean, intact, dust-free, fouling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition of "saturated with dry surface". In the presence of salt efflorescence it will be necessary to ensure it is carefully removed by applying packs of the specific detergent and saline converter Deterg-A, in solution with water of 1:4. To prevent any new spills of salts, use specific universal anti-saline treatments in aqueous solution, Sanareg, for humid surfaces, or solvent-based, FEST SALZ, for cohesive saline concretions but with perfectly dry surfaces. PREPARATION OF THE WALL SURFACE • Remove all inconsistent, friable and rotten material, and grouting from joints, paying utmost attention where they are particularly friable or inconsistent (see also the paragraph on PREPARING SUPPORTS). • In case of strong salt concentrations, read the paragraph on PREPARING SUPPORTS. ROUGH COAT The sprayed rough coat must create a rough, corrugated surface to facilitate the adhesion of the following plaster, which must be applied promptly; within 1 - 2 days from the application of the rough coat. This adhesion spray must be applied with a low thickness (of a few millimetres) using a plastic-fluid consistency, and can be applied with the same Sanatigh product mixed with about 20% water. In case of particularly deteriorated masonry, it is recommended to use a specific Untersana product to make the rough coat. PLASTER The following application of Sanatigh must be made before the complete hardening of the rough coat (within 24-48 hours if the rough coat is made with Sanatigh, and 12-24 hours if made with Untersana). Put about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer, and then gradually add Sanatigh and the remaining water, continuing to mix into a homogeneous, lump-free mixture of the desired consistency for trowel or plastering machine application. Indicatively, the necessary mixing water is 16-18% by weight (i.e. 4 - 4.5 litres per 25 kg bag). Application can be performed by manual (trowel, plastering trowel) or mechanical spray methods. In case of application with a plastering machine, in order to allow adequate and homogeneous product mixing, it is recommended to not use machines with a continuous cycle, and to adjust nozzle, air and spray power in order to softly and lightly apply the product without excessive compaction. SKIMMING Levelling of plastered surfaces with Sanastof: green-construction fine, highly breathable mortar, natural hydraulic lime based with special, light, spherical micro-aggregates and high strength microfiber Readymesh PM 060. Protect surfaces from fresh direct exposure to sunlight, from the rain and wind. Cure the prolonged moist hardening. For thicknesses in excess of the 2 cm, and to improve the anti-cracking potential, provide for inserting a suitable reinforcement plaster-holding mesh: ARMAGLASS 140 o, recommended, a galvanized steel wire mesh with 2mm diameter, mesh 5x5 cm. Approximately 13 kg/m² of Sanatigh for every centimetre of thickness to be implemented (minimum thickness 2 cm = 26 kg/m²). Bag 25 kg - Pallet: 50 x (Bag 25 kg)