Camelina vegetable oil is obtained by first cold pressing Camelina sativa’s seeds. A species of herbaceous plant from northern Europe and central Asia. It has a large proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids in its composition, with a majority of omega 3 that nourishes and softens the skin and omega 6 that prevents water loss; omega 9 helps tissue regeneration. The presence of phytosterols and vitamin E stands out as natural antioxidants. Camelina vegetable oil is a 100% natural product with multiple applications in skin and hair care.
The Potentializing Ampoule is a revolutionary hair care product designed to diminish hair waviness while providing intense hydration. This ampoule enhances hair shine and softness, effectively combating density loss and adding volume. To activate its protein, immerse the unopened ampoule in hot water at 40°C for 90 seconds. Once activated, mix it with an equal amount of water to form a homogeneous mask. Apply the mask from the mid-lengths to the ends of the hair, leave it on for 15 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly. This product is perfect for those seeking to rejuvenate their hair, giving it a youthful and vibrant appearance.
The Potentializing Ampoule acts as a protein filler and anti-aging agent for hair fibers, restoring resistance and elasticity while delivering a botox-like effect. Its unique formulation ensures that your hair remains resilient and elastic, providing a mirror-like shine. The ampoule is enriched with active ingredients like Cannabis and Moringa, known for their antioxidant properties, which protect hair from environmental damage. This intensive regenerator is ideal for chemically treated hair, closing the cuticle and thickening the hair fiber, while also serving as an anti-frizz solution.
A humble ingredient that can be found in a vast majority of personal care products, cosmetics, creams & butters, ointments, and lotions. It can also be used in some food products and pharmaceutical processes.
Mineral Oil (Light) when highly refined and purified is noncomedogenic meaning it does not clog pores making it a great base oil to use in your formulations. It is also great for sensitive skin as it has a very low likelihood of causing any atopic reactions.
When using Light Mineral Oil in foods it is most commonly used as a binding agent or lubricant in the manufacture of yeast and can be applied to grains such as wheat, rice, oats & barely to keep dust from adhering to the product. It can also be found in some sweet treats!
For Pharmaceutical purposes Light Mineral Oil can be used in laxative products to aid the digestive tract.
So many uses from this base oil! Contact us today for more information on why you should be using Mineral Oil in your formulations.
Type de cheveux ?
Convient à un large type de cheveux : cheveux fragiles, cheveux ternes sans brillance, cheveux secs qui manquent de vigueur, de souplesse.
Actions ?
L'huile d'ail favorise la pousse des cheveux, ralentit leur chute, empêche la sécheresse capillaire ainsi que celle du cuir chevelu mais aussi résorbe les pellicules.
Conseils d’utilisation ?
Prenez de l’huile dans vos mains et massez votre tête et votre cuir chevelu délicatement.
Laissez poser 2 heures, puis procédez au lavage. Si nécessaire, vous pouvez faire deux shampoings pour enlever l'huile des cheveux. (1 à 3 fois par semaine)
Précautions ?
L'huile végétale d'ail est interdite durant la grossesse, l'allaitement et pour les enfants avant 6 ans.
Elle doit être fortement diluée pour un usage cutané, car elle est dermocaustique.
Eviter le contact avec les yeux.
YOOKA Liquid Shilajit è un integratore alimentare 100% vegano, prodotto artigianalmente con autentico Shilajit coltivato tra i 5100 e i 5500 metri sulle montagne dell'Himalaya pakistano.
Questo Shilajit liquido è ricco di acidi fulvici (minimo 70%) e di oltre 85 minerali essenziali, grazie all'essiccazione naturale al sole per 45-60 giorni;
A differenza dei metodi industriali, il nostro Shilajit è purificato da 40 filtrazioni con filtri nano-purificati per garantire la massima purezza.
Le nostre bottiglie sono realizzate in vetro alimentare per preservare la qualità dello Shilajit liquido. Ogni flacone da 60 ml contiene una soluzione liquida di Shilajit puro e acqua di sorgente dell'Himalaya (5% del contenuto), facile da usare;
Per godere dei benefici dello Shilajit, si consiglia una dose da 5 a 10 gocce in una bevanda calda o fredda, due volte al giorno.
ESORI omega3 ist ein natürliches, 100% pflanzliches und somit veganes Öl. Es besteht aus mehrfach ungesättigten Omega-3-Fettsäuren. Zudem enthält es die Vitamine D3, E und K2 in natürlicher Form. Mehr unter
Unsere Großhandels Biologischen Basisöle werden nur aus Pflanzen hergestellt, die nicht mit Schädlingsbekämpfungs-, Düngemittel oder anderen Chemikalien bespritzt worden. Herkömmliche Basisöle können u.U. kleine Rückstände dieser Mittel enthalten.
Wenn Sie also Basisöle haben möchten, die 100% frei von Chemie sind, dann ist unser Großhandel mit unseren neuen biologischen Basisölen genau das Richtige für Sie!
In unserem Großhandel finden Sie nur biologische Basisöle von höchster Qualität, die mit verschiedenen Extraktionsmethoden hergestellt werden.
Basisöle eignen sich hervorragend zur Verdünnung von ätherischen Ölen vor deren Anwendung auf der Haut.
Oliwa z oliwek Extra Virgen została uzyskana z wyselekcjonowanych owoców oliwek zebranych w najlepszym czasie dojrzewania, charakteryzuje się przyjemnym, bogatym aromatem i smakiem. Doskonale nadaje się do różnego rodzaju sałatek jak również do smażenia podkreślając smak przygotowanych potraw.
Przechowywać w temperaturze pokojowej, chronić przed światłem, szczelnie zamykać.
W niskich temperaturach (poniżej 7C) oliwa może mętnieć a nawet skrystalizować się, lecz w temperaturze pokojowej powróci do swej naturalnej klarowności.
Zeytin meyvesinin sıkılmasıyla elde edilen asit oranı en düşük, doğrudan tüketilebilen en kaliteli zeytin yağıdır. Oda sıcaklığında, nemden uzak ve ağzı kapalı biçimde muhafaza edilmelidir. Buzdolabında ürün donar. Güvenle Tüketebilirsiniz.
Within its 98% of natural origin ingredients combination, our Osma Tradition beard oil is made to take care and protect your beard against daily attacks.
Thanks to the 4 vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, jojoba, and grape seeds) that contains vitamins and essential fatty acids, our beard oil will protect your skin and strengthen your beard.
A non-greasy touch for an easy and pleasant application.
Contenance / Volume: 50ML
Type de peau ?
Tous les types de peau, (sauf hypersensible).
Actions ?
Vous procurerez apaisement et hydratation pour un pur instant de bien-être.
Soulage aussi les douleurs articulaires et musculaires.
Conseils d’utilisation ?
Pour faciliter sa pénétration, il est bon de l’appliquer en petite quantité
Mettre quelques gouttes dans les creux des mains, frotter l’une contre l’autre et répartissez sur la peau en massant pour faire pénétrer. L’huile ne laisse qu’un mince film protecteur sur la peau et sans effet gras.
Le saviez-vous ?
Il existe 12 techniques de massages reconnus dans le monde, la technique la plus longue (massage Cachemirien) dure 2 heures.
Type de peau et cheveux ?
Peaux matures, peaux sensibles, peaux sèches, cheveux secs, fins et abimés.
Actions ?
Apaisante, calme les inflammations et rougeurs cutanées.
Améliore l’hydratation et l’élasticité de la peau.
Prévient du vieillissement cutané.
Nourrit et régénère l’épiderme.
Aide à la cicatrisation.
Apaise les cuirs chevelus asséchés ou irrités.
Gaine les cheveux
Nourrit et rend brillante la fibre capillaire.
Conseils d’utilisation ?
Appliquez sur la peau, elle traite les brûlures et les engelures, et contribue à la cicatrisation des plaies ou ajoutez quelques gouttes d’huile de Lin avec votre crème de jour.
Appliquez quelques gouttes d'huile de Lin sur vos cheveux des longueurs aux pointes.
En massage sur le corps, elle soulage les douleurs arthritiques.
Eviter le contact avec les yeux.
Usage externe uniquement.
YOOKA Liquid Shilajit is a 100% vegan food supplement, handcrafted from authentic Shilajit harvested between 5100 and 5500 meters above sea level in the Pakistani Himalayan mountains.
This liquid Shilajit is rich in fulvic acids (minimum 70%) and more than 85 essential minerals, thanks to natural drying in the sun for 45 to 60 days.
Unlike industrial methods, our Shilajit is purified through 40 filtrations using nano purified filters to ensure maximum purity.
Our bottles are made of food grade glass to preserve the quality of liquid Shilajit . Each 60ml bottle contains an easy-to-use liquid solution composed of pure Shilajit and Himalayan spring water (5% of the content).