Medika 1705 – medical tissue rolls - Medical tissue rolls
Cod.EAN Pack:8011909000161
Cod. EAN Box:9011909000178
Paper quality / composition:Pure Cellulose
Processing:Glued with Ricamo Embossing
Tears:180 per roll
Pieces per pack:1 roll
Packs per package:6 rolls
Packages per pallet:32 cartons
Roll height:60 cm
SEB 2000 è un banco automatizzato destinato al prelavaggio degli endoscopi flessibili.
Questo dispositivo rende automatiche TUTTE le fasi di PRE-DETERSIONE e LAVAGGIO dell'endoscopio, svolte ancora manualmente dall'operatore.
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After every endoscope exams, an endoscope must be
cleaned, disinfected and safely stored ready for its next use.
In order to achieve the highest level of disinfection, an
endoscope must undergo a rigorous pre-cleaning process
to remove any contaminants from its surfaces.
SEB 2000 is an automated bench intended for prewash
and cleanining of fexible endoscope.
Automated functionality in a user friendly system
allows staff to complete each scope cleanly with
assured accuracy and compliance
Antimicrobial पॉलीथीन ईएसडी चिपचिपा चटाई पानी आधारित चिपकने वाला लेपित प्रत्येक चिपचिपा चटाई में पॉलीइथिलीन फिल्मों की कई परतें होती हैं जो कस्टम उच्च कील के साथ लेपित होती हैं जो एक ढेर में एक साथ टुकड़े टुकड़े में होती हैं। जैसा कि शीर्ष परत गंदी हो जाती है, इसे चिपचिपी चटाई की अगली साफ शीट को उजागर करने के लिए बस छील दिया जा सकता है। डस्ट कंट्रोल स्टिकी मैट को विशेष सामग्री के साथ गढ़ा जाता है। रोगाणुरोधी और एंटिफंगल रसायन जो किसी भी प्रकार के धूल कणों को रोकने में सक्षम हैं, जो पैर के तलवों और ट्रॉली पहियों के माध्यम से साफ कमरे में प्रवेश करते हैं। इन मैट को प्रवेश द्वार पर ही धूल के कणों को अवरुद्ध करने के लिए कमरों के प्रवेश पर रखा जा सकता है। रोगाणुओं को फंसाने के लिए बनाया गया है स्थापित करने और बनाए रखने में आसान सस्ते दामों पर उन्नत बहुपरत चटाई चिपकने वाला एक विशेष प्रकार के रोगाणुरोधी और एंटिफंगल रासायनिक एजेंट के साथ मिलाया जाता है इसका उपयोग सर्जरी रूम, आईसीयू यूनिट्स के लिए किया जा सकता है, जब भी आवश्यकता होती है, ट्रैक किए गए, बैक्टीरिया-युक्त गंदगी और मलबे की शुरूआत
Componenti meccanici torniti a disegno del settore medicale e farmaceutico - Particolari e minuterie a disegno conto terzi realizzati da materiali ferrosi e non ferrosi, mediante lavorazioni meccaniche di precisione di tornitura e fresatura su macchine utensili CNC torni automatici, centri di lavoro e frese
Realizzazione conto terzi di minuteria a disegno conto terzi da 2 mm a 40 mm, particolari lavorati da barra fino a 80 mm e particolari torniti di ripresa fino a 300 mm di diametro ricavati da spezzoni o fusioni.
Applicazione: componenti metallici e plastici a disegno per il settore dell'industria medicale e farmaceutica
a) Robuste Trägerstruktur aus geschweissten Aluminiumprofilen
b) Transportierbar per Anhänger mit einer Gesamtkapazität von 2,5 bis 3t
c) Plattformen, Treppen und Rampe aus Aluminium
e) Wände aus Sandwich-Platten mit doppeltem Aluminiumblech
f) Zwischenwände für separat zugänglichen Raum und Toilette
g) Rahmen aus Aluminiumprofilen mit Sicherheitsverglasungen und Paniktügriffen
h) Personaleingang seitlich, Eingang der Krankentragen und Toilette unabhängig.
i) Verwendungsmöglichkeit sowohl auf dem Anhänger als auch am Boden.
j) Seitl. Sonnenschutz/Veranda am Eingangsbereich
k) Lackierung und Beschriftungen mit personalisiertem Logo
l) Shelter-Abmessungen (in mm): Länge 5.000 x Breite 2.000 x Höhe 2.450
Welcome to the website of the pharmaceutical company Perrery International
We initiate and implement projects for human health. Our products are the result of many years of research and development, experience in the field of plant biochemistry and other natural components. We examine medicinal and endemic plants from all over the world on the content of new bioactive compounds, identify and study the properties of bioactive natural compounds for the production of immunomodulators, vitamin preparations, antibacterials, antioxidants and natural metabolic regulators for adults and children
The task of Perrery International Ltd is to ensure the development and production of effective, safe and easy-to-use drugs and dietary supplements
Perrery International is an international pharmaceutical group with experience in licensing, registration and marketing of medical products since 2003. The production and development of products are outsourced to partner organizations specializing in these
Washable and antimicrobial floor covering in PVC which captures and reduces contamination and pathogen transfer. Specially designed and manufactured to capture and reduce contaminant particles carried by soles and wheels, generating effective protection against contamination.
The protection is guaranteed
Installation is quick and easy: simply unroll in the desired area. It is possible to detach and reposition the mat thanks to the removable adhesive layer placed on the base - water-resistant acrylic adhesive. This adhesive contains the antimicrobial Biomaster: in this way the protection is guaranteed both on the surface and at the base of the mat.
SEB1000 è un dispositivo compato da banco destinato alla disinfezione degli endoscopi flessibili.
Questo dispositivo rende automatiche tutte le fasi di detersione dell'endscopio svolte ancora manualmente dall'operatore.
- 5 cicli di lavaggio differenti e completamente personalizzabili
- Test di tenuta per tutta la durata del ciclo
- TRACCIABILITA' dell'intero processo
- Dosaggio automatico del detergente
- Tubi e raccordi autoclavabili
DW 100 è una macchina decontaminatrice di nuova concezione, progettata e realizzata seguendo le indicazioni della direttiva europea in materia di sicurezza e igiene.
Sistema interamente realizzato in acciaio inox 304, con una struttura robusta e una vasca di lavaggio con angoli arrotondati garantendo così un alto livello di pulizia.
DW 100 rappresenta il punto di riferimento per gli operatori per quanto riguarda la sicurezza, la garanzia di un corretto funzionamento e flessibilità nell’uso.
Il sistema di pulizia è progettato per aiutare a pulire e sciacquare accuratamente diversi tipi di strumenti chirurgici delicati e canulati rimuovendo la contaminazione grossolana “difficile", come: sangue, detriti di tessuto, frammenti di ossa e altri detriti fluidi e solidi.
Antibacterial peel-off mat, treated with active ingredient which maintains its protection permanently. It allows to decontaminate accesses and passages to clean and sterile rooms, critical areas, grey areas, modified atmosphere packaging chambers.
The antibacterial sticky mats have no limits of application and do not block the normal transit of operators and carts.
The antibacterial mat is composed by 30 layers, does not require installation. Thanks to its fully adhesive base, it adheres perfectly to the floor, without the aid of frames. Thanks to its water-based adhesive layer, the carpet can be placed anywhere without leaving residues.
Decontamination Mat
Self-Install Contamination Control Floor Mats
Permanent washable mats contamination control
Washable and antimicrobial floor covering in PVC which captures and reduces contamination and pathogen transfer. Specially designed and manufactured to capture and reduce contaminant particles carried by soles and wheels, generating effective protection against contamination.
Twapet li jwaħħlu li jikkontrollaw it-trab huma prodott li jwaħħal it-trab li jeħel waħdu ffurmat mill-materjali tal-Film tal-Polietilene b'Densità Baxxa. Twapet tal-art li jeħlu li jintremew għandhom super viscidity. Kull saff huwa mwaħħal b'kisja ta 'viskożità għolja, lixxa u durabbli, tista' malajr u b'mod effettiv tneħħi l-ħmieġ, it-trab biex iżżomm l-ambjent tax-xogħol nadif. Kontra l-Batterja, Reżistenti għat-Tikmix,. Kontra ż-Żlieq. Jista 'jneħħi b'mod effiċjenti t-trab minn qigħan taż-żraben u roti tal-karrettun. Ħalli l-ambjent tax-xogħol nadif u jimmassimizza biex itejjeb il-kwalità tal-arja. Il-kulur u d-daqs jistgħu jiġu personalizzati. Twapet li jwaħħlu għall-kontroll tat-trab jintużaw ħafna f'workshops mingħajr laboratorju, laboratorju, sptar, istituzzjonijiet mediċi, manifattura ta 'preċiżjoni, skola, hotal, eċċ
ى Cleanroom Sticky Mat بتقدير كبير في العديد من الصناعات المختلفة مثل الإلكترونيات الدقيقة ، والفضاء ، والمستحضرات الصيدلانية ، وتجهيز الأغذية ، وحتى في المنزل ، فإن Sticky Mat القابل للتصرف هو أفضل طريقة وأكثرها موثوقية للحفاظ على الأرضيات خالية من الحطام.تقوم السجادة اللاصقة بتنظيف الحطام ليس فقط من نعال الأحذية ، ولكن من العديد من العناصر الأخرى ، حتى عجلات عربة المكتب وقيعان أرجل الكرسي ، مباشرة قبل الدخول إلى منطقة صحية حصيرة لاصقة مضادة للبكتيريا يمكن التخلص منها تحتوي السجادة اللاصقة في الواقع على 32 طبقة ، 30 منها بها 1-30 أو 30-1 ملصق رقمي في الزاوية اليمنى اليسرى أو السفلية للاستبدال السهل. الطبقة الأولى عبارة عن فيلم PE شفاف خالٍ من الغراء ، و 29 طبقة من فيلم PE المطلي بالغراء (عادة ما يكون أزرق سماوي ، ويمكن تخصيص ألوان أخرى) ، وطبقة واحدة من فيلم الحماية الأزرق PE المطلي بالغراء على الوجهين. الالكترونيات الدقيقة ، الكمبيوتر ، الغذاء ، صناعة التبريد تنظيف الغرف والمختبرات وصناعة أشباه الموصلات والأجهزة والطيران والصناعات النووية غرف الجراحة والأجهزة الطبية والأدوية