Termékek orvosi (2)

Metrológiai és Elemző Rendszerek - Mindenféle Érzékelő Eszköz

Metrológiai és Elemző Rendszerek - Mindenféle Érzékelő Eszköz

Find Beam Profilers, Spectrophotometers, Autocollimators, Laser Characterisation and more Metrology & Analysis Systems Components. These include instruments used for thickness measurement, optics characterization, spectrophotometry, photoluminescence, optical monitoring, fluorescence lifetime analysis, angular light distribution, beam characterization and more. Order online all types of metrology sytems available for purchase. Request a Quote Online. Find all metrology systems from all worldwide suppliers in one site.
Impulzus Lézerek - Diódás és Félvezetős Lézerek, Szálas Lézerek, Optikailag Pumpált Szilárdtest Lézerek

Impulzus Lézerek - Diódás és Félvezetős Lézerek, Szálas Lézerek, Optikailag Pumpált Szilárdtest Lézerek

Lasers that emit light in a series of pulses of duration (τ) at a repetition rate (R) with peak power Ppeak. Mostly used to achieve high peak powers and/or retrieve temporal information. Find: - Diode & Semiconductor Lasers - Optically-Pumped Solid State Lasers - Fiber Lasers - Dye Lasers - Special Laser Systems - Frequency-Converted & OPO Lasers - Gas Lasers For industrial, research, biomedical, material processing applications. Pulsed Lasers from TRUMPF, Monocrom, PicoQuant, Amplitude, Thorlabs, Frankfurt Laser Company, Optogama, Edmund Optics, Menlo Systems, TOPTICA, Hamamatsu, Optogama, Litilit, Radiant Dyes, Stuttgart Instruments, APE and more.