Termékek pellet bolt duc (2)

Fapellet brikett

Fapellet brikett

100% natürliche, erstklassige Briketts aus nachhaltigen britischen Quellen. Hochenergetischer, nachhaltiger Holzbrennstoff für alle Holzöfen und Feuerstellen. JETZT VERFÜGBAR! Sechs lang brennende Premium-Briketts für alle offenen Feuer, Mehrzwecköfen, Holz- und Kaminöfen. Jedes Brikett: 295mm x 70mm x 70mm. Einfach zu verwenden und zu lagern. Kann von Hand für kleinere Öfen gespalten werden. Wärmeleistung: 4,8kWh/kg. Feuchtigkeitsgehalt unter 10%. Übertrifft die neuen Clean Air Quality Standards.
Tanúsított Fa Pellet - Fa Pellet

Tanúsított Fa Pellet - Fa Pellet

We are the direct supply of this certified Dinplus Wood Pellet. As a renewable fuel, wood is the perfect solution for a secure, sustainable heating supply. Unlike fossil fuels, burning wood pellets is broadly carbon neutral. Burning wood pellets releases the same amount of carbon dioxide (CO₂) as the tree absorbed when it was growing. The carbon cycle therefore remains in equilibrium. Wood pellets are a genuine alternative to fossil fuels and, averaged over the long-term, cheaper than comparable fuels. In addition, prices are less prone to fluctuation than fuels such as heating oil and natural gas. Our pellets and briquettes are subject to constant internal and external quality controls, which guarantee a continuously consistent top quality. As a result, quality products achieve test results that far exceed the requirements of current standards. Do get back to us for more infos and details.