Può essere utilizzato per condire a crudo e per tutti gli usi in cucina che non necessitano di cotture ad alte temperature.Si consiglia di non superare i 160 C°.
SCADENZA 12/08/2025
Plat en silicone avec ventouse. Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir ! La base à ventouse solide adhère à la table. Rendez le repas amusant avec ces plats inspirés de nos adorables personnages Alfie le lion, Milo le chien et Pippa le chat. Fabriqué en silicone de qualité alimentaire, sans BPA. Passe au lave-vaisselle et au micro-ondes. Conçu en Allemagne. Inspectez toujours le produit avant utilisation. Jetez-le si une partie est endommagée.
The 5-piece bath kit for your dog provides relaxed and stress-free bathing. With the practical hose, which you can push over one hand, you have both hands free to wash your dog properly. The massage glove not only relaxes your dog, he also combs his fur, and due to the towel provided, your dog also dries quickly again.
With this grooming set from Pet Treatment, you can easily wash and brush your dog.
Slide the snake with the head around your hand. That is nice for yourself when washing and also feels more comfortable for your dog.
With the enclosed drying towel, your dog will be dry quickly.
Then you comb the fur with the glove and at the same time give a wonderful massage. Your dog will never be so relaxed after a bath.
(L x l x H):17.00 cm x 23.00 cm x 15.00 cm
Box Dimensions:37cm x 21.5cm x 47.5cm
Set pour animaux de compagnie. Capacité de 900ml, comprenant 2 compartiments (solide et liquide) et un verrou de sécurité. Bol pliant assorti, avec mousqueton de verrouillage en métal.
Bidon PP. 2 Compartiments 450 ml. Bol pliable TPR
Ruban adhésif en silicone polyester pour les applications de masquage à haute température. Procédé sous vide, masquage de revêtement en poudre.
Gamme d'épaisseur : 25my vert-rouge, 36my vert, 50my vert
PVC Capsules are a versatile and colorful packaging solution, offering a wide range of customization options to suit your product needs. Made from 75 µ thick heat-shrinkable PVC, these capsules are designed to fit standard wine bottles or flat-top beverage bottles. With a diameter range of 28 to 35 mm and a length of 40 to 70 mm, these capsules provide a perfect fit for various bottle sizes, ensuring a secure and attractive seal.
Available in a color set of more than 200 colors, PVC Capsules offer endless possibilities for customization. With options for custom logo printing using flexo and hot foil techniques, as well as plate embossing in plain, grape pattern, concentric circle, or custom designs, these capsules allow you to create a unique and eye-catching packaging solution. Whether you are a winemaker or a beverage producer, PVC Capsules offer a stylish and practical option for enhancing the visual appeal of your products.
The PVC capsules are heat-shrinkable on the neck of the bottle, offering the widest range of colors available in our company. The shrink capsule is cost-effective and adapts well to different glass shapes.
• Material: 75 µ thick heat-shrinkable PVC
• Profile: To fit standard wine bottles or flat tops for other beverage bottles
• Diameter: 28 / 30.5 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 mm
• Length: 40-70 mm
• Color: Over 200 colors, custom colors on request
• Unique Design: Flexo and hot foil printing on the sides and tops of the capsules
• Top Disc Embossing
La harina de gluten de maíz es un subproducto obtenido de un proceso de molienda húmeda de maíz durante la fabricación de almidón de maíz.
El producto final es un polvo fino homogéneo de color amarillo-naranja. Tiene un olor a cereal fresco. La harina de gluten de maíz es rica en proteínas y bastante rica en metionina, que es valiosa para las gallinas ponedoras. El contenido relativamente alto de xantofilas amarillas hace que la harina de maíz con gluten sea una opción popular para la pigmentación de las aves.
Nos ingrédients, minutieusement sélectionnés, ont été assemblés par des experts nutritionnistes pour créer une gamelle qui respecte parfaitement les besoins de nos amis à 4 pattes.
Comment importer des bouteilles de 0.5 L Pepsi Max en gros ? C’est facile avec Chutyptm votre importateur spécialiste PGC et sur tout l’ELDPH, fournisseur de marques internationales, importez vos bouteilles Pepsi Max de 0.5 L en volume pour le circuit de la grande distribution. Chutyptm vous propose ces bouteilles de 0.5 L Pepsi Max au prix le moins cher de France
Découvrez nos 4500 références PGC sur notre site ultra complet
Catégories:Boissons, pepsi, Softs
Étiquettes:boissons, bouteilles, pepsi, PET, soda
Over the last five decades Royal Canin have put nutritional quality and product safety at the heart of our operations worldwide. This attention to the very smallest details helps us deliver the most precise and effective health nutrition for pets.
We focus our attention on the unique needs of cats and dogs. That obsession with detail is what makes it possible for us to deliver precise, effective nutrition, and help them become their magnificent best.
We choose ingredients based on their high nutritional content and the health benefits they deliver to pets. So we only use meat and fish that comes from the human food chain. All efforts are made to source our raw materials from accredited suppliers close to our production centres, this supports the local economy, ensures freshness and reduces our carbon footprint.
Clicca sul link qui sotto per collegarti subito alla nostra webpage dedicata e scoprire il nostro assortimento
odo para tus animales de compañía, alimentación, cosmética, complementos y outlet de productos descatalogados.
Toda especie tiene unas propiedades especiales que hay que cuidar al máximo, sea por tamaño o por ser una especie delicada.
No solo hay que mirar la higiene del animal si no también su alimentación, en Venex disponemos de todos los ingredientes para que nuestras mascotas no sufran con malas alimentaciones ni malas higienes.
A parte de la cosmética con los champus disponemos de bálsamos para protejer el cuero cabelludo.
También y no menos importante tenemos los sprays repelentes de insectos y protectores solares.
Vitality Drink è un nuovo alimento per animali domestici. Capace di sostituire un pasto per cani in degenza. Facilita il drenaggio migliorando le funzionalità del fegato e dei reni.
È un prodotto munito di autorizzazioni ministeriali e regionali. È dotato di un codice a barre perché inserito nella banca dati delle farmacie veterinarie. In Italia è già utilizzato dal 60% dei veterinari.
Hand Picked, MHRA-FDA and USDA Approved
Highest Quality, Free Range, Grass Fed Beef. 100% All-Natural, No Preservatives!
High in Protein: Each bully stick is packed with protein and other essential vitamins for your pooch’s long term health
Perfect for Maintaining Healthy Teeth: Each T Trade Foods bully stick helps scrap away tarter and plaque for clean teeth and gums
Fully Digestible: Made of only Natural Beef, these dog chews are 100% digestible and safe for your pup
Excellent Alternative to Rawhide: Our Bully Sticks are free of any additives, hormones or unhealthy chemicals.
Note item sold by weight and number of sticks vary depending on size selected.
Your pooch is going to love them!
Producto 100% carne deshidratada mediante hornos y sin tratamientos químicos, es decir, 100% natural, sin conservantes, colorantes, aromas o sabores artificiales.
Al no estar tan procesados, conservan los aromas, sabores y valores nutricionales originarios de la carne, siendo más atractivo y sano para el perro.
Son hipoalérgicas: no contiene ningún elemento que típicamente active alergias caninas (no tiene cereales, ni gluten).
Producidos en España, bajo control sanitario español (SANDACH) y contribuyendo a nuestra economía.
Variantes y formatos.
En formato de exposición, que incluye un colorido expositor y bolsas individuales, excelentes para cualquier mostrador o estantería, y en cómodas bolsas, que incluyen varias unidades y ocupan un menor espacio.
El mayor beneficio que diferencia nuestros snacks de otros del mercado es que son 100% carne deshidratada mediante un procesamiento meramente físico, sin que se involucren químicos de ningún tipo.
Buy Royal Canin
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- Shipping is 100% guaranteed and we offer great Discounts .
- Estimated delivery time will be approximately 2 - 5 Days max.
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Royal Canin Fit 32 Dry Cats Foods
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To Place Your Order Contact: johnryantradingltd007@gmail.com
Das Micro Pet Towel der ideale Helfer, um Tierfell sanft zu reinigen und schnell zu trocknen. Das Microfaserhandtuch für Tiere nimmt Schmutz und Wasser blitzschenll auf. Durch seine weiche und hochwertige Qualität ist das Waffeltuch für alle Fellarten geeignet. Nach der Nutzung trocknen die Microfasern deutlich schneller als Baumwolle. Somit ist das Micro Pet Towel schon nach kurzer Zeit wieder einsatzbereit. Ein praktisches Band mit Druckknopf ermöglicht das platzsparende Aufrollen und gewährleistet so, dass Wasser und Schmutz im Tuch bleiben.
Auf einen Blick:
Besonders für Tierfell geeignet
Hohe Wasseraufnahme
Praktische Größe zum Mitnehmen
Mit Druckknopf und Band
Veredelung mit Logo, Waschetikett & Einzelverpackung möglich. Mehr dazu
Sollte das gewünschte Produkt nicht verfügbar sein, nutzen Sie die Bestandsauskunft.
Veredelungsmöglichkeiten:Einzelverpackung , Logodruck, Logostick, Waschetikett - (bedrucktes Satin- oder Weblabel)
Waschhinweise:95 °C - Maximale Waschtemperatur, Keinen Weichspüler verwenden
Gewicht:400 g/m²
Maße:55 x 80 cm
Material:80% Polyester-Microfaser + 20% Polyamid-Microfaser
Zertifizierungen:BSCI, ISO 9001, ISO 45001, Reach, Öko-Tex
Ihr Partner in allen Fragen zeitgemäßer Tiereinstreu
Die entstaubten Weichholzspäne sorgen für ein flauschiges, hygenisches Nest. Das Kleintiereinstreu ist saugstark, bindet Gerüche und sorgt für ein angenehmes, tiergerechtes Umfeld. Kleinverpackung für u.a. Hamster und Kaninchen:
14 ltr. (ca. 1kg)
35 ltr. (ca.2,5kg)
56 ltr. (ca.4kg)
Bestselller Regenveste in perfekter Qualität und allen Grössen
Puppy Angel 5th Avenue Raincoat, Vest, regular Lenght
Vest Style, ärmellos
Öffnung für Leine
12 lovely Farben
K-Tex, 3 lagige, patentierte und hochwertige Membran für den perfekten Schutz bei Outdoor Aktivitäten
Reflektionsstreifen und Pearleffekt
Multi Funkions Veste für alle Jahreszeiten
Exklusive Grössen von XS bis 7XL, inklusive Zwischengrössen SM und ML
Artikelnummer: OW300
We produced different qualities in terms of Pet flake size and colors however the product standards are ensured as per international parameters of end use of the Pet Bottle Flakes.
Currently we are enganged in recyling Pet bottles to make Pet flakes. We have collection center in different locations of Bangladesh for collecting PET bottles. After collection, all the bottles are sorted and the lables are removed in our own factory. It is then crushed and washed properly by a team of highly skilled trained professionals to obtain the best quality .It is then tested in our own advanced laboratory for further inspection of quality of the product.After the quality is confirmed it is then packed in plastic bags of 25kg/ 50kg.
Product List:
- Pet Flakes Clear
- Pet Flakes Green
- Pet Flakes Brown
1. Product: PET Flakes
2. Grade: recycled Bottle Flake, Hot Washed
3. Color: 100% Clear, white
4. Form: Flake 12-14mm