1984 óta aromákat készít, gyárt és forgalmaz az élelmiszeripar, a cukrászat, az italok és a likőrök, valamint a gyógyszeripar számára. Aromák gyártása sós, édes termékekhez, italokhoz, péksüteményekhez és tej alapú termékekhez. Illatok és kivonatok parfüm és kozmetikai ipar számára. Vállalati minőség UNI EN ISO 9001:2008. Fejlett technológiai know-how és több mint egy évtizedes piaci ismeret lehet...
★ Primary Packaging: qualified rooms available for any need
★ Secondary Packaging (any pharma form): 16 lines equipped with process controls
★ Repackaging Lines: 2 lines equipped with process controls
★ High Potency Drugs & Antibiotics packaging in separate controlled rooms ★ Narcotics Packaging
★ Food Supplements in segregated plant
★ OTCs Packaging
★ Medical Device
★ Diagnostics
★ QP Services & EU Batch Releasing
Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Wir bieten Wirkstoffe zum Einsatz in humanmedizinische oder veterinäre Arzneimittel mit entsprechender ausführlicher Dokumentation und Zertifizierung.
Die Firma “Hommel” blickt auf eine fast 125 jährige Historie zurück. Wir liefern hochwertige Substanzen an die Pharma-, Lebensmittel- und Kosmetikindustrie. Hommel hat sich durch langjährige Erfahrung, hohe Flexibilität und stetige Zuverlässigkeit weltweit einen guten Ruf für seine Lieferung von Rohstoffen erworben. Unsere Kunden verlassen sich auf eine prompte und unkomplizierte Belieferung. Wir bieten Ihnen pharmazeutische Wirkstoffe sowie Hilfsstoffe und andere Substanzen aus unterschiedlichen Produktionen und oft mit mehreren Alternativen an. Unser Unternehmen verbindt langjährige Praxis mit moderner Technik und bietet Ihnen stets beste Qualität zu einem fairen Preis.
Einsatzbereiche bei Biotech- und Pharmaindustrie
Die Biotech- und Pharmaindustrie setzt spezielle Herausforderungen an den Produktionsablauf. Sauberkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und nicht zuletzt Leistung sind elementare Faktoren, die WCR Deutschland zuverlässig bedienen kann.
Production d’un ensemble de 3 meubles élégants (un grand et petit « backwall » ainsi qu’une tour), construits à l’aide d’une structure en acier peint, de matière alvéolée rétro-éclairée imprimée et d’éléments en bois peints suivant les guidelines de la marque.
Un écran digital a également été intégré sur un des côtés de la tour.
Sur chaque meuble, nous retrouvons aussi un tiroir de présentation de la gamme des huiles essentielles, des tiroirs de rangement ainsi qu’un autre tiroir coulissant, pour y travailler ou y poser des produits.
Dessins, test de couleurs et d’impression, solution technique, production et assemblage en 6 semaines.
De son nom scientifique graine d’or le Ricinodendron, L’Akpi appelé aussi Djansang, provient d'une amande issue d'un arbre fruitier des forêts tropicales. ses propriétés raffermir le corps (seins, fresses) et favoriser la repousser les cheveux …
Not all drugs are registered and available in every country in every form, strength, and dosage. We help you to close therapeutic gaps in terms of dosage and dosage form.
Flexible in production and order. We can produce the makeup contents or formulas only, as bulk order. We can also fill the products into the packaging supplied by you.
N&K Cosmetics Developments LTD is a company that offer full service in the private label color cosmetics.
•Choosing a suitable manufacturer
•Designing packaging and labelling
Having received the chemical formula of the future product, we select the best suitable plant for its production
Criterias key include:
•production facilities so that there are no delays in terms of delivery;
•suppliers – in order to always have the best ingredients;
•storage conditions – so that your product reaches the consumer in its original form.
We also prefer enterprises that participate in environmental programs, helping to preserve nature.
Thus, we will make sure that your products are of the highest quality and competitive in the market.
We supply: Polyethylene, Polymers of ethylene, in primary forms, Urea, Methanol "methyl alcohol", Polypropylene, in primary forms, Articles of plastics & other materials of HS39, nes.
(With the necessary standards certificates and Laboratory specifications)
Iran has a very favorable comparative advantage in international trade with its third oil reserves and second natural gas reserves. That is why the trade of petroleum products and petrochemical products is always profitable
Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver
Analysis of the order, shipping after sample parameterization, definition of the delivery model to the customer and a variable period of 30 to 60 days after order confirmation is estimated in order to deliver