Termékek prefab fém kabinok (48)

Olcsó Modulház - 49 m² - Legolcsóbb Modulházak

Olcsó Modulház - 49 m² - Legolcsóbb Modulházak

Our cheapest modular homes are gaining immense popularity as they are affordable, and flexible. They are also built indoors to reduce construction costs and construction waste.
Irodai konténer, Üdülőház, Konténer - ✅Közvetlenül a Gyártótól✅Magas Minőség✅Acélkerettel

Irodai konténer, Üdülőház, Konténer - ✅Közvetlenül a Gyártótól✅Magas Minőség✅Acélkerettel

Tel. 015259340870 Abmessungen 6x5,92. Geschweißter Stahlrahmen Dach,Boden,Wände(Sandwichplatten mit PIR Kern 100mm). Klimaanlage mit Wärmfunktion. Rolladen. Ganzjährig. Mit Elektoinstallation. Schön Verkleidung : Blechpaneele mit Kunststofffassadenpaneelen. Dokumentation in Preis : Statische Berechnung, elektrische Messungen , Produktzertifikate. Auf Anfrage Verfügbar, Lieferzeit von sechs bis acht Wochen . Im Haus gibt es ein Wohnzimmer mit Küchenzeile (21m2), Schlafzimmer (6,2m2), Badezimmer (3,8m2) und Vorraum (2,7m2). Im Badezimmer: Duschkabine, Toilette, Waschbecken mit einem Schrank, Boiler 50l und Waschmaschinenanschluss. In der Küchenzeile wurden ein Paar Einzelsteckdosen für Haushaltsgeräte (Spülmaschine, Ofen, Elektrokochfeld, Kühlschrank) montiert.
Kulcsrakész Konténerház Egyedi Méretben - Modulház - Konténerház - Mobil Házak - Mini Ház - Konténerházak - Lakókonténer

Kulcsrakész Konténerház Egyedi Méretben - Modulház - Konténerház - Mobil Házak - Mini Ház - Konténerházak - Lakókonténer

Das Containerhäuser ist ein umweltfreundliches Containerhaus, welches fertig ausgestattet geliefert wird und nur noch angeschlossen werden muss. Genauso leicht kann es auch später jederzeit wieder an einen anderen Standort transportiert werden. Natürliche und hochwertige Materialien wurden für die Ausstattung verwendet. Ein solches Containerhäuser lässt sich auf die verschiedensten Weisen und natürlich rund ums Jahr nutzen, als Alternative in der kalten Jahreszeit, etwa als Gästezimmer, als Jugendraum, als Gartenhaus, als Studio, Atelier, Werkstatt, Ferienhaus, Büro oder was immer Sie benötigen. Ein Mobiles Haus lässt sich sehr leicht und günstig transportieren. Sie können es einfach nach neuen Platz transportieren lassen. Individuell, schnell und modern – ein Modulhaus ist eine perfekte Lösung für die Anforderungen des modernen Lebens.


Our prefabricated accommodation buildings have many benefits. First of all, they provide a perfect answer for construction projects with tight deadlines because they are quickly built and erected. To avoid delays, we also meticulously compute all the prerequisites and building measurements. In addition to being significantly more affordable and ecologically sustainable than conventional concrete building solutions, these prefabricated buildings are also aesthetically pleasing. Our factory's pre-manufacturing procedure and on-site assembly both produce almost little waste.
Moduláris konténerházak - Moduláris konténerház

Moduláris konténerházak - Moduláris konténerház

La maison container est un type d’habitation récent écologique et d’une solidité à toutes épreuves. Cette maison est modulable sur des bases de 20ft (15 m²*), 40ft (30 m²*) pouvant être fusionnées, nous pouvons également vous équiper de plusieurs tailles pour différents projets de 10ft à 60ft. Elle comporte de nombreux avantages qu’ils soient économiques, écologiques et pratiques en terme de construction rapide. Dans la même logique que nos autres constructions containers, comme nos commerces modulables, nos maisons conteneurs sont très fonctionnelles, elles vous garantissent tout le confort absolu, que vous choisissiez une petite surface ou une grande superficie. Aujourd’hui, à l’aube de notre génération, nous pouvons créer, dessiner la maison conteneur de vos rêves les plus fous et la commander facilement. Nos professionnels de l’architecture vous conseilleront sur cette maison en kit, ou autre module, pour vous donner les possibilités peut être encore inconnues...
Megfizethető Előregyártott Ház - TKMCS 210 Modell

Megfizethető Előregyártott Ház - TKMCS 210 Modell

Este modelo en forma de L es muy práctico y personalizado. 180 M2, 2 plantas, 2 dormitorios, 2 baños
Prefabrikált Ház - Prefabrikált házak több specifikációban

Prefabrikált Ház - Prefabrikált házak több specifikációban

Mavi Prefabric company produces Prefabricated Houses in several sizes and specifications
Irodai konténer | Moduláris házkonténer - Contain Haus Container | XL-11

Irodai konténer | Moduláris házkonténer - Contain Haus Container | XL-11

LE DÉLAI DE LIVRAISON EST DE SEULEMENT 3 SEMAINES Dimensions Largeur : 3.00m, longueur : 7.00m, Hauteur : 2,61 m Mètres carrés : 21.00m² La description: • Équipement : 1xsalle ; 2x fenêtres, 1x porte d'entrée • Isolation : plafond 80 mm, mur 50 mm • Toutes les installations électroniques sont incluses (boîte à fusibles, prises 230V, plafonniers, interrupteurs, chemins de câbles, câbles). • Revêtement de sol en vinyle 2-3 mm - robuste. • Yeux de grue inclus Pour le déchargement avec une grue. • Sur demande nous offrons le transport avec déchargement. Le supplément est de 300 € • La conception de pièce individuelle est possible.
üvegszálas kioszk / kabin - üvegszálas technológiával készült moduláris kabinok

üvegszálas kioszk / kabin - üvegszálas technológiával készült moduláris kabinok

Vasg Kioskları tercih etmeniz için birçok neden var: Fiberglas Teknolojisi Taşınabilir Yarı Parlak pürüzsüz yüzey Tek Camlı PVCu Kapı Çift Camlı Sürgülü PVCu Pencere Çift Camlı Sabit PVCu Pencere Hijyenik Suya ve neme dayanıklı Çevre dostu Beyaz Renk (birçok farklı renk seçeneği) Anında Forklift Yuvaları Kaldırma kancaları Kaymaz iç mekan döşeme Duvar Havalandırması Isı yalıtımı Manuel ve Elektrikli Reklam / Anons Panosu Elektrikli ve Manuel Kaldırmalı Kepenk Elektrikli ve Manuel Panjur Montajı kolay Anti-Graffiti Dış Kaplama LED Tavan aydınlatması Sayaç Masası Elbise askısı Güç Prizleri (ülke yönetmeliklerine tabidir) Duvara monte ısıtıcı veya klima Akustik Isı Yalıtımı Paslanmaz Bütçe dostu Aydınlatma için kendi elektriğini üretmek için güneş panjurları Özel Etiket Gönderme İmkanı
Prefabrikált Ház - Török Prefabrikált Házak

Prefabrikált Ház - Török Prefabrikált Házak

Prefabrik Evin tüm sıhhi tesisat ve aksesuarları, elektrik tesisat ve armatürleri plan ve şartnameye uygun şekilde yapılmaktadır. KolayPrefabrik.com Prefabrik Evleri; Çevreye duyarlıdır Hızlı ve ekonomiktir Temiz ve moderndir Depreme dayanıklı ve ısı yalıtımlıdır Tüm coğrafi bölgelerde kullanıma uygundur Prefabrik Ev 10 cm. kalınlığında ısı yalıtımlı dış duvarlar ve 6 cm. kalınlığında ısı yalıtımlı iç duvarlardan oluşur. Duvar yüksekliği 250 cm.’dir. Tavan arasında yalıtım için Camyünü kullanılarak komple bütünleyici yalıtım uygulaması yapılmaktadır. Duvarlar ve çatı birbirine metal bağlantı elemanları aracılığıyla vidalı sistemle bağlanmaktadır. Bu mekanizma depreme dayanıklılığı sağlamaktadır.
Lapra szerelt konténer, lapra szerelt kabin, egészségügyi kabin - Irodai konténer, egészségügyi konténer, lakó kabin, szétszerelt kabin

Lapra szerelt konténer, lapra szerelt kabin, egészségügyi kabin - Irodai konténer, egészségügyi konténer, lakó kabin, szétszerelt kabin

Maxprefabs offering you flat packed type of living containers, sanitary containers, office containers and accomodation containers. For more information: info@maxprefabs.com
KONTÉNER HÁZ BŐVÍTÉS “HANSA POPUP” 13,2M² - Konténerházak - irodák

KONTÉNER HÁZ BŐVÍTÉS “HANSA POPUP” 13,2M² - Konténerházak - irodák

Longeur extérieure: 6,03 m Profondeur extérieure: 2,48 m Hauteur intérieure: 2,59 m Surface intérieure: 13,2 m2 Surface extérieure: 14,6 m2 Volume: 32,12 m3 Poids: 4.1 tonnes Livraison: Assemblé UGS:CN002
Kabina és Monoblokk - Moduláris és Előregyártott Kabinák

Kabina és Monoblokk - Moduláris és Előregyártott Kabinák

SPECIFICATIONS TECHNIQUES Le bungalow L’ossature métallique du bungalow satisfait aux normes en vigueurs pour les caractéristiques mécaniques des aciers de même pour les conditions climatiques et les sollicitations en contreventement et éventuellement d’exploitation. Réalisé en profilés ouverts formés à froid et en section rectangulaire creux Le Traitement de surface de l’ossature du bungalow est réalisé soit par galvanisation à chaud 75μ ou/et par peinture : vinylique anti corrosion ; Levage et manutention Le bungalow est équipe de passage de fourche et des anneaux de levage normalisé. Plancher Le plancher est réalisé en plaque en bois hydrofugé épaisseur 20mm supporté par des traverses avec un entraxe de 60cm L’isolation du planché est assuré par une couche de 5cm en fibre minérale (laine de roche ou laine de verre) Périphérie – Composé de panneaux sandwich.
Előregyártott Moduláris Tantermek

Előregyártott Moduláris Tantermek

Las aulas modulares prefabricadas de MModos reúnen todas las características necesarias para facilitar nuevos espacios aptos para la enseñanza. Todos los materiales de nuestras aulas modulares cumplen con los requisitos más estrictos en materia de calidad y durabilidad, como pasa en módulos prefabricados de larga duración y uso definitivo, de nuestra fábrica. En Mmodos contamos con una amplia experiencia en el desarrollo de aulas modulares prefabricadas con diferente configuración. Desde escuelas infantiles prefabricadas y guarderías modulares a salas de juegos y gimnasios, pasando por salas de informática y de idiomas, espacios de almacenaje y otros espacios para el desarrollo de la enseñanza. Las aulas prefabricadas de MModos son altamente demandadas por clientes que buscan elevados estándares en seguridad, confort y versatilidad. Estas aulas también lucen un aspecto atractivo tanto interior como exteriormente.
Önálló építésű faház készletek - Magas minőségű fából készült faházak

Önálló építésű faház készletek - Magas minőségű fából készült faházak

High quality self build lodge home kits for self assembly on your site in France and Spain, All elements supplied, Double glazed units, Twin wall, Insulation, Bespoke to your layout plans,
Biztonsági WC-zuhany kabinok

Biztonsági WC-zuhany kabinok

Kabin üniteleri, müşteri gereksinimlerine göre sipariş üzerine yapılabilir. Kabin Çeşitleri: Güvenlik Kabinleri WC – Tuvalet Kabinleri Abdest Kabinleri Duş Kabinleri
Előregyártott faházak - Profilált rönképítmények fa hőkezelés

Előregyártott faházak - Profilált rönképítmények fa hőkezelés

WE OFFER: Profiled log production according to customers request and plan P rofiled log construction of: residential wooden buildings (houses, cottages, townhomes); commercial wooden buildings (restaurants, cafes, offices, hotels, shops); outbuildings (bathhouses, saunas, arbors, garden houses) W ood heat treatment of: beam, boards (front, terrace, parquet), decking, objects and details for construction and decor We are ready to cooperate and perform the best implementation of customers requests
Kempingházak - Nincs szükség külön engedélyre a ház építéséhez, könnyen szállítható.

Kempingházak - Nincs szükség külön engedélyre a ház építéséhez, könnyen szállítható.

Wir verwenden nur kammergetrocknete Naturholzarten, alle Materialien haben Sicherheitszertifikate. Die Häuser sind für ganzjähriges Wohnen geeignet. Sie sind im Winter warm und im Sommer kühl.
glamping pod gyártó Wales

glamping pod gyártó Wales

we design, manufacture and build/deliver bespoke glamping pods for domestic and commercial use across Wales.
Használt tengeri konténerek

Használt tengeri konténerek

Unsere gebrauchten Container bieten wir Ihnen vergünstigt an. Sie wurden von uns gesäubert, sind voll funktionsfähig und sofort einsatzbereit für Sie auf Lager. Und das in unterschiedlichen Ausführungen – von Wohn- über Technik- bis hin zu Übersee- und Kühlcontainern. Wenn Sie wünschen, bauen wir unsere gebrauchten Container nach Ihren Vorstellungen um. Gerne bieten wir Ihnen zusätzlich die Lieferung zum vorgesehenen Aufstellungsgelände und die Montage vor Ort an.


Our Prefabricated homes are gaining immense popularity as they are affordable, and flexible . They are also built indoors to reduce construction costs and construction waste. All of prefabex modular homes are customizable to fit your needs. Our modular home plans are a great way to see what is possible, but if you have something else in mind, we are happy to work with you to make your vision come to life. Prefabex prefabricated house is a good choice to help you start preparing for the future during construction. To give you the best modular houses we are using best quality steel and insulation materials while making a house. Prefab modular houses can be disassembled and rebuilt at different places. We specialize in providing high-performance, super energy efficient, using a flexible, modular and light steel building method. We purpose to supply you with a high quality, modern, sustainable home, with net zero capabilities.
Moduláris Szállás & Irodai Konténer - 576m² - Ideiglenes Irodák & Lakások

Moduláris Szállás & Irodai Konténer - 576m² - Ideiglenes Irodák & Lakások

Staff accommodation and work space is always a key consideration. It’s even more of a consideration when the worksite is only in operation for a specified period of time, or needs to move to another location, or needs to create a temporary accommodation location. Prefabex temporary accommodation & office buildings are of top quality. Our comfortable portable units are serving employees at construction site offices, administrative offices, medical offices, factory offices, and engineering and administrative Offices. Our modular units will allow you to create your own functional office space with sleeping and sanitary facilities (toilet units and shower blocks). Among the many advantages offered by our modular accommodation & worksite containers buildings: Economic prices Easy to transport / Easy to assemble Expandable – possibility to add additional structure Wind and waterproof, very secure Full customized to fit your requirements Flexible and modular designs External Wall / Interior Wall:5 cm EPS Sandwich Panel Electrical Installation / Sanitary Installation:On the plaster / On the plaster Exterior Paint / Interior Paint:Electrostatic Furnace Painted Galvanized Sheet Wind Resistance Capacity:102 km / h Exterior Door / Interior Door / Windows:Sheet Metal / MDF / PVC Double Glass Roof Coating:Natural Galvanized Sheet Snow Load Carrying Capacity:1 m² / 80 kg Chassis Load Carry Capacity:1 m² / 200 Kg


Our Prefabricated homes are gaining immense popularity as they are affordable, and flexible . They are also built indoors to reduce construction costs and construction waste. All of prefabex modular homes are customizable to fit your needs. Our modular home plans are a great way to see what is possible, but if you have something else in mind, we are happy to work with you to make your vision come to life. Prefabex prefabricated house is a good choice to help you start preparing for the future during construction. To give you the best modular houses we are using best quality steel and insulation materials while making a house. Prefab modular houses can be disassembled and rebuilt at different places. We specialize in providing high-performance, super energy efficient, using a flexible, modular and light steel building method. We purpose to supply you with a high quality, modern, sustainable home, with net zero capabilities.
Alacsony Költségű Modulház - 54 m² - Alacsony Költségű Modulházak

Alacsony Költségű Modulház - 54 m² - Alacsony Költségű Modulházak

Our prefabricated homes are residences unit in a controlled factory environment in sections, or modules, and then transported to the construction site. There, they are installed on permanent foundations and completed by professional team installers.
Moduláris Ház - 126 m² - LUXUS PREFAB HÁZ

Moduláris Ház - 126 m² - LUXUS PREFAB HÁZ

Our prefabricated homes are residences unit in a controlled factory environment in sections, or modules, and then transported to the construction site. There, they are installed on permanent foundations and completed by professional team installers. The modular house buildings have become more and more popular worldwide as the quickest solution for ready residences built. Prefabex offer Wide range of architectural solutions including external and internal options for finishing. Prefabex modular house buildings are more comfortable, efficient, better places to live. All of our modular homes and commercial structures are built using sustainable materials, systems, and practices. Building is cost-effective, because it enables the customer to save on expenses made on workforce and also construction materials. Our custom solutions with modular homes are :cape homes, bungalows, townhomes, colonial house, town villa , split ranch, cape cod house, prefab home studio, ranch modular homes, External Wall:10 cm Exterior Door:Steel Door Electrical Installation:Under Plaster Sanitary Installation:Under Plaster Interior Wall2:10 cm Interior Door:American Door Windows:PVC Double Glass Window Roof Coating:Painted Metal Tile, Shingle (Optional ) Living Room:27 m² Room:16 m² Room:11.5 m² Bedroom:6 m² Hall:16 m² Porch:11 m² W.C.:3 m²
Prefabrikált Kollégium - 137 M² - MODULÁRIS MUNKÁS SZÁLLÁS

Prefabrikált Kollégium - 137 M² - MODULÁRIS MUNKÁS SZÁLLÁS

Prefabex modular dormitory units offer huge flexibility and are available in a wide range of styles and sizes. They enjoy many advantages such as: Flexible design, re-usable, eco-friendly, affordable cost, high-quality material and sustainability, in addition to being quickly delivered and assembled. A Prefabricated accommodation building is a building which contains a sleeping compartment and includes associated buildings such as dining hall rooms, toilet and shower block and communal laundries. Prefabex modular dormitory buildings can be used for a multitude of different applications both domestic and commercial. Hundreds of designs and interior layouts are possible and buildings can easily be demounted and moved to new locations. When is prefabricated sleeping accommodation useful for you? To replace or extend existing buildings In your work, you need to move from one site to another every once in a while. To bridge a gap for a specific period i.e. during rebuilding. Building Height:250 cm Exterior Door:Aluminum Door Windows:PVC Double Glass Window Sanitary Installation:Under Plaster Exterior Paint:Silicone Exterior Painting External Wall /Interior Wall:10 cm /10 cm Interior Door:American Door Roof Coating:Paint Trapez Hair, Metal Tile (Optional)), Shingle (Optional ) Electrical Installation:Under Plaster Interior Paint:Plastic Interior Facade Paint
Moduláris Leszerelhető Konténer-K211 - Hordozható Épületek Irodákhoz

Moduláris Leszerelhető Konténer-K211 - Hordozható Épületek Irodákhoz

The portable container buildings have become more and more popular worldwide as the quickest solution for ready site offices. They are being widely designed and used for construction site offices, administrative offices, mobile offices, portacabin offices, and Jobsite offices. Prefabex can send its professional teams to handle assembling at client's warehouses or sites. Our teams can also provide onsite training to local teams to continue assembling the project on their own. One unit can be assembled within 3 hours by 2 of our technicians with the help of 2 workers. External Wall / Interior Wall:5 cm EPS Sandwich Panel Electrical Installation / Sanitary Installation:On the plaster / On the plaster Exterior Paint / Interior Paint:Electrostatic Furnace Painted Galvanized Sheet Wind Resistance Capacity:102 km / h Exterior Door / Interior Door / Windows:Sheet Metal / MDF / PVC Double Glass Roof Coating:Natural Galvanized Sheet Snow Load Carrying Capacity:1 m² / 80 kg Chassis Load Carry Capacity:1 m² / 200 Kg width:300 height:260 Length:700


Prefabex modular security cabins and kiosks make a great addition to your security team for your short-term or permanent needs. Due to their rigid floor frame and durable materials, these units can be picked up and moved from location to location as your security needs change. We build every one of our mobile cabins and kiosks custom made for our clients. Our security cabins and kiosks provide a ready-for-use solution to your security or access control problem. Portable security huts, which are also known as guard booths, security booths, prefabricated guard cabins or guard shacks, are all factory assembled and prefabricated, and are shipped to location ready to bolt down, electrify and use. Whether the mobile buildings are for the parking, security, ATM’S, ticketing, transit, fast food kiosk, communication industry, or information points we can produce a manufactured portable cabin and kiosks building to meet your expectations External Wall:4 cm EPS Sandwich Panel Exterior Door:Sheet Metal Door Windows:Tempered Glass Electrical Installation:Plaster Top Exterior Paint:Electrostatic Furnace Painted Galvanized Sheet Interior Wall:4 cm EPS Sandwich Panel Interior Wall:MDF Door Roof Coating:Natural Galvanized Sheet Sanitary Installation:Plaster Top Interior Paint:Electrostatic Furnace Painted Galvanized Sheet width:220 cm Length:270 cm height:230 cm


Prefabex offers a wide range of modular cabins and kiosks in various styles and sizes, so we guarantee to have something to meet your personal needs and taste. Our Portable cabins and kiosks are a robust complete steel construction, with a flat-sided steel external finish, painted with a high-grade external paint. Prefabricated cabins and kiosks are becoming more common and are being used in a wide range of areas. Prefabex cabins and kiosks are available in different varieties of designs which can be customized according to customers' budget. The main advantage of Portable cabins and kiosks are that they can be easily disassembled and relocated to different sites if needed. Our portable cabins and kiosks building applications include guard booths, ticket booths, scale houses, control pulpits, in plant offices, check stations, and even security gatehouses. The key benefits of the factory assembled modular security units are the convenience of off site assembly and flexibility of desig External Wall:4 cm EPS Sandwich Panel Exterior Door:Sheet Metal Door Windows:Tempered Glass Electrical Installation:Plaster Top Exterior Paint:Electrostatic Furnace Painted Galvanized Sheet Interior Wall:4 cm EPS Sandwich Panel Interior Wall:MDF Door Roof Coating:Natural Galvanized Sheet Sanitary Installation:Plaster Top Interior Paint:Electrostatic Furnace Painted Galvanized Sheet width:145 cm Length:220 cm height:230 cm