Mountain Rose Bulgaria Ltd is manufacturer and whole seller of 100 % raw material of Bulgarian wild dried herbs,as trybulis terestris herb.
We supply this product to our customers worldwide, wholesale.
If interested, do not hesitate to contact us.
We will be at your disposal!
Mullein(Verbascum phlomoides) is a plant distributed throughout the world and used for centuries in medicine. This natural product contains a set of active ingredients that have an antioxidant effect on the body. The content of saponins helps to maintain the health of the respiratory system. In addition, this herb relieves many stomach problems and calms the nervous system.
Effects of taking mullein
Keeps the respiratory tract clear – With its powerful expectorant and antibacterial abilities, mullein leaves naturally fight colds and flu. They successfully purify the respiratory system by helping to expel excess mucus and at the same time soothe the mucous membranes. They are recommended for bronchitis, pneumonia, hoarse voice and whooping cough.