Ekonomik bir sistem olarak birçok projede kullanılmak üzere tasarlanmıştır. Aynı zamanda dekoratif oval görünümü ve diğer profiller ile olan uyumu, emsallerinden çok daha iyi tasarımı ve dayanıklılığı ile dikkat çekmektedir. Mekânlarınızla bütünlük ve değer katar.
3 ve 4 odacıklı ve 60/76 genişliğine sahiptir. TPE contalı üretilmekte olup köşe kaynağı ile sızdırmazlık sağlar. Dekoratif ve kendinden contalı çıtalarıyla kusursuz uyuma sahiptir. Alüminyum eşik ve birçok yardımcı profili destekler, tüm projelerinizde kullanabileceğiniz fonksiyonel bir yapıdadır.
Sineklik, panjur ve kepenk sistemleri ile uyum içerisinde çalışabilmektedir. Yerli ya da yabancı aksesuarlarla uyum gösteren dünya standartlarında tasarıma sahiptir.
Uygun lamine ve renk seçeneği ile kişiselleştirilebilir, mekanınıza güzel görünümler oluşturabilirsiniz. Pencerelerinize ahşap desenli lamine seçenekleri ile doğal bir görünüm verebilir ve antrasit gri gibi renkler ile de modern görünümler elde edebilirsiniz.
Ming Xiao Manufacturing Co Ltd is specialize in Plastic extrusion profiles,pipes, rods, rails, LED lampshade,Wiring trunking, Speaker body, Kinds of Shells and slides,we can produce plastic extrudsion products from materials of PVC, ABS, PP,PE,PC,PMMA, AS /PE,TPE/TPR...
The extrusion molding service is to heat the plastic material and make it in the state of viscous flow. Under the action of pressure, the plastic mold is used to form a continuum that is similar to the shape of the die. Then the cooling is made to form a glass state, and the plastic products with a certain geometry and size are obtained by cutting.
The Plastic Extrusion profiles widely use for auto parts, light rail train fittings, lamps and lanterns, refrigeration industry, household electrical appliances, stationery, warehousing and other enterprises to provide quality support services.
If you need any plastic extrusion profiles,welcome send your drawings and samples to us for a quote.
Shapes:Hard,Soft,double Colors,Hard+Soft,Pipe,Tube,Profiles,Strips,Plates
Further Machining:Holes cutting,Heat Bending,heat expand mouth
Produkte in Form von Profilen (Leisten, Quader, Dichtung, Röhrchen,
Schläuche, Spiralen, Schnüre usw.) finden unter anderem Anwendung
in der Möbel-, Elektro-, Automobil-, Bauindustrie.
Wir stellen die Profile durch Extrusion und Koextrusion aus verschiedenen
Materialien her:
• NOVOPLAST® – PVC weich
• NOVODUR® – PVC hart
• PP, LD-PE, HD-PE, PS, ABS, TPE, PA, usw.
Die gepressten Produkte lassen sich direkt in den Produktionslinien
in die geforderte Länge teilen, ausschneiden, zuschneiden, mit Klebeband
Ideal para isolar objetos e linhas muito finas e curvas. Muito flexível, adere a vários tipos de superfícies e é recomendada para todos os tipos de tintas. Facilmente removida sem deixar resíduos de adesivo.
Rolos de 55m em todas as larguras que você precisa.
Profile dla Stolarki Okiennej i Drzwiowej. Wzmocnienia Stalowe różne systemy. - Wzmocnienia okienne do wszystkich obecnych na rynku systemów PCV, m.in. Aluplast, Avantgarde, Brügmann, Decco, Deceuninck, Foris, Gealan, Inoutic, Rehau, Salamander, Veka, Wital, System Profine.
Wysoka jakość wzmocnień okiennych w oparciu o wewnętrzne procedury systemowe i najwyższe standardy odpowiadające wymogom europejskich norm zharmonizowanych, w tym PN EN ISO 9001, PN EN 10162
Double-head saw with 450 mm diameter discs, featuring a digital display.
Designed for cutting aluminum and PVC profiles at various angles and thicknesses.
It offers hydropneumatically controlled angle positioning; while the heads that perform manual positioning at all other intermediate degrees ensure perfect cutting operation.
SYNERGIC Fenster auf Basis von Gealan S8000 IQ Profilen.
Erfüllen alle Anforderungen einer modernen Wohnungsausstattung. Sie garantieren durch ihren Mehrkammeraufbau und die Flügeltiefe eine hervorragende Wärmedämmung. Zudem sorgen die Verwendung von großen Stahlverstärkungen im Blendrahmen und Flügel dafür, dass die hohe Statik erfüllt wird, was die Fenster Gealan S 8000 zu einer idealen Wahl für anspruchsvolle Bauprojekte macht.
Coşkun Kauçuk supplies EPDM profiles especially to Curtain Wall sector of inside and outside market
EPDM profiles can be manufactured according to desired norms. Product has the properties like maximum ozone and UV resistance, easy and fast montage, minimum permeability and minimum deformation.
Zur Belüftung von Traufen und Fassade nach DIN 4108
Extrem witterungsbeständiger, UV-stabilisierter Kunststoff
Leichte, schnelle und wirtschaftliche Verarbeitung
Nos panneaux PVC souples sont idéaux pour la fabrication de cloisons en PVC sur mesure pour les entreprises industrielles. Fabriqués en France, nos panneaux sont composés de PVC souple offrant une isolation thermique et phonique efficace, ainsi qu'une protection contre les poussières et le bruit. Nous proposons une large gamme de dimensions et de coloris pour répondre à tous types de besoins.
La specificità di queste finestre è quello di utilizzare la disciplina speciale del cosiddetto restauro. nastro di copertura, che comprende un telaio di legno, formando una banda caratteristica dall’interno e dall’esterno possiamo usare profili speciali incapsulanti.
Profilo mascheratura sotto hanno larghezze differenti, ma è anche possibile per tagliare le loro particolari esigenze. Non vi è necessità di rimuovere le vecchie cornici di legno (o opzionalmente con altri materiali). Telaio restauro hanno anche ridotto la quantità di che a causa della installazione sul vecchio
telaio, non limitare significativamente la superficie della vetratura.
Questa configurazione evita il rischio di danni alla facciata dell’edificio, tempo di sostituire le finestre ed evitare il lavoro di finitura
(riparazione e verniciatura) accelerando.
Battiscopa semiflessibile in pvc con sguscia per ambulatori, laboratori di preparazione alimentare e tutti gli ambienti dove è richiesta la massima igiene. Altezza 7cm, copertura al piedino 15mm. Colore Bianco
Aste da 2mt. Il pacco contiene 50 aste per un totale di 100 metri lineari.
Estrema facilità di posa e di pulizia.
BAUFENS Platinum UPVC profile system of 7 chambers, with three levels of sealing and a three-layer glass of unique design and proven quality, guarantees you durability and safety. Baufens PLATINUM is an A-class profile that is among the best UPVC profiles in Europe, it is created from original raw materials that are specially prepared for our clients.
Notre plinthe en pvc blanc offre une protection et une finition soignée à vos murs et sols. Elle s’adaptera aussi bien dans une pièce avec des murs blancs que dans une pièce avec des murs colorés ! Sachez que le blanc a la faculté d’agrandir une pièce. Si vous choisissez des plinthes de la même couleur que celle de vos murs, vous donnerez alors un aspect épuré et moderne à votre pièce.
Notre plinthe pvc blanc au profil fin et élégant dispose d’une lèvre retour, un atout qui permet de masquer le joint de dilatation de votre parquet ou de votre carrelage. De plus, cette lèvre retour offrira une meilleure étanchéité à vos murs.
L’avantage principal de cette plinthe PVC est sa compatibilité avec les pièces humides. Elle est donc particulièrement adaptée aux surfaces nécessitant des lavages répétés. Notre plinthe en PVC blanc est à cet égard, idéale pour la plupart des locaux de type cabinet medical, cuisine professionnelle, chambre froide…
PROFIS LTD is a Greek manufacturing company having set high objectives and quality production standards, from the very beginning of its foundation since 1970.
Today the company specializes in PVC profile fittings, Co-extruded plastic profiles, Rigid profiles, Water stops, Special profiles for wooden frames and doors and PVC gaskets for glazing and aluminum systems.
PVC gaskets:PVC profile fittings
Plastic profiles, extruded:Rigid profiles
Water stops:Special profiles for wooden frames
Special profiles for doors:PVC gaskets
Kitchen wall base plinth:Plastic profiles
Wir bieten zahlreiche Profile lagermäßig an.
Zusätzlich zu den den unten aufgeführten Profilen, bieten wir auf Anfrage TPE, Silikon und Kunststoffprofile an.
As Afra Profile, we’d be glad to provide your needs of following products:
-Suspending Ceiling Drywall Profiles (Ceiling U – Ceiling C – Ceiling L Profiles)
-Wall Drywall Profiles (Wall U – Wall C Profiles)
-Omega Profiles
-Plaster/Gypsum and Painting Profiles
-Suspending Ceiling
-Suspending Ceiling Accessories (Clips, Hanger, Steel Dowel, Agrafe, Hanger wire…etc)
-Aluminium Ceiling Tile and Ceiling Tile T-24 Profiles
-Intervention Cover/Plasterboard Access Pannels
-Optional Special Profiles from Galvanized Sheet Metal