Syntech Poliurea Primer – Epoxy Metal
Syntech Poliurea Primer – Epoxy Metal is a two-component primer based on epoxy resins free from solvents, used to promote adhesion, as a surface sealant for concrete, applied as a substrate for works with polyureas on metal surfaces and epoxy and polyurethane coatings.
Adhesion promoter, surface sealant for concrete, to be applied as a substrate for works with polyureas on metal surfaces and epoxy and polyurethane coatings.
The application must take place on a dry and degreased surface; the substrate must not have crumbly or detached parts and with a degree of humidity that must not exceed 5%.
Preparation of the substrate may require some types of mechanical action: Smoothing,
bush-hammering, shot peening, hydro-washing. Other mechanical actions that can make the support suitable.
The individual components must be mixed carefully until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The material can be applied by roller, brush or spray by means of special airless machines, even in two coats. The temperature of the support must always be at least 3°C higher than the dew point temperature. Minimum application temperature +5°C, maximum temperature +35°C.
Approximately 0,20 kg of Syntech Poliurea Primer – Epoxy Metal for every square metre of surface to be treated.
Can 10 kg [A] - Can 5 kg [B] - Kit: 1 Can 10 kg [A] + 1 Can 5 kg [B]
Das erste Resin speziell für den 3D-Druck von Verschleißteilen und Zahnrädern. Für feinste Details (Präzision: ± 0,1 mm, kleine Zahnräder ab Modul m = 0,2) und enorme Lebensdauer durch integrierte Festschmierstoffe und die hohe Biegefestigkeit (90 MPa).
Das 3D-Druck Kunstharz iglidur i3000 ist zur Verarbeitung auf DLP- und LCD-Druckern geeignet und wurde speziell für den Druck von Zahnrädern und Verschleißteilen entwickelt. Mit einer mindestens 30-mal bis 60-mal höheren Lebensdauer als herkömmliche 3D-Druck-Harze eignet sich iglidur® i3000 für jegliche Arten der Verschleißanwendung. Durch die hohe Auflösung von bis zu 35 μm können sehr filigrane Bauteile mit feinsten Details gedruckt werden. Die mechanischen Eigenschaften sind durch das Photopolymerisationsverfahren weitestgehend isotrop.
Wenn Sie selbst über keinen DLP- oder LCD-Drucker verfügen, bieten wir auch die Fertigung von Bauteilen aus Resin in unserem hauseigenen 3D-Druck-Service an. Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne.
Nettogewicht:1000 g
2component epoxy paint for the protection of concrete floors, metal structures, etc. Does not contain solvents (100% solids).
Excellent adhesion.
Great penetration power.
Good adhesion in wet substrate with high percentage of humidity.
Good capacity for reaction at low temperatures and high percentage of humidity.
Indoor and outdoor use.
Eine industrielle Bodenbeschichtung, die dank ihrer Epoxidharz-Basis enorm chemikalienbeständig ist. In vielen Farben und den Versionen Säureresistent, Anti-Rutsch, Kalttrocknend, Rapid verfügbar.
Die Serie HP-E3000GL besitzt eine Zulassung vom Germanischen Lloyd für den Bau von Booten und Windkraftanlagen und ist individuell mit verschiedenen Härtern auslieferbar.
Himfloor ML4000 est un revêtements à base de résine époxy et sables extrasilicieux colorés - version monochrome – avec un rendu plus ou moins texturé, selon le coefficient de glissance souhaité. C’est un revêtement de sol adapté à un trafic piétonnier et industriel intense.
Il convient aux lieux où l’on désire un sol avec un aspect décoratif et une bonne résistance à l’usure dans le domaine piéton (se référer à leur Avis Technique pour les locaux concernés), mais ils conviennent aussi au domaine industriel.
Cantines, cafétérias, toilettes, vestiaires, surfaces commerciales, halls d’exposition laboratoires, industries variées telles que celles du pharmaceutique, de l’agro-alimentaire, de la mécanique de l’électrique…
Caractéristiques : Hygiène: système dense, imperméable, facile à entretenir ; Aspect décoratif: variété de teintes ; Différentes textures/rugosités de surface : Durabilité: bonne résistance aux trafics piéton et industriel ; Résistance à de nombreux produits chimiques.
Pardoseala epoxidica cu granule colorate Emex Quartz - See more at: http://www.e - Pardoseala Epoxidica Decorativa EMEX QUARTZ este un produs profesional, pe baza de rasini epoxidice fara solvent, disponibil intr-o gama infinita de modele obtinute prin inglobarea de granule de cuart sau marmura divers colorate in masa pardoselii. Acest tip de pardoseala se mai numeste si covor epoxidic. Produsul poate inlocui cu succes mozaicul sau gresia, avand in primul rand avantajul aspectului superior, dar fiind si o alternativa mult mai rezistenta atat la utilizare dar si in timp a acestora.
Caracteristici principale:
- Produs agrementat sanitar;
- Aderenta excelenta la suport;
- Etalare de exceptie;
- Duritate excelenta;
- Durabilitate mare;
- Rezistenta mare la abraziune;
- Rezistenta excelenta la uzura;
- Rezistenta mare la agenti corozivi;
- Rezistenta mare la hidrocarburi, medii acide sau alcaline.
- Remplissage - Calage de lest
Utilisation de la résine Coulée
Couleur du mélange Incolore
Viscosité du mélange à 20 °C de 600 à 1 000 CPs
Durée de vie en pot sur 500 g à 20 °C > 3h
Transition vitreuse TG1 en °C de 80 à 100 °C
Température minimale de polymérisation 40 °C
Das Epoxidharz-System E30RB ist eine 2K Epoxi-Rollbeschichtung mit mittlerer Verarbeitungszeit für hochwertige Boden- und Wandbeschichtungen ähnlich RAL7032 kieselgrau.
Nummer Eins chemicals 2008 Yılından beri Kimya sektöründe edinmiş olduğu tecrübeler ışığında müşterilerine en iyi ürünü ve hizmeti sunma felsefesi ile yola çıkarak İSTANBUL tuzla’da A.O.S.B de Epoksi ve Poliüretan Yapı Sistemleri, Antikorrozif epoksi ve poliüretan çelik konstrüksiyon ürünleri, Ahşap ve Metal tekneler için epoksi ve poliüretan ürünler, Su bazlı polimer esaslı su yalıtım sistemleri İç ve Dış mekanlarda kullanılan kaplama sistemlerine yönelik ürünlerin üretimine devam etmektedir.
Firmamız kaliteli üretim kaliteli ürün anlayışı ile Avrupa normlarına uygun laboratuar cihazları ve analiz ekipmanlarına sahip ARGE ve Kalite Kontrol Laboratuvarında konusunda uzman mühendis ve kimyager kadrosu ile günümüz dünyasındaki teknolojik gelişimleri yakından takip ederek ürünlerini sürekli geliştirmekte ve yenilikçi bir anlayış ile çalışmalarını sürdürmektedir.
Il peut être utilisé en toute sécurité sur les points de graissage des machines agricoles, des machines industrielles, des surfaces de glissement, des paliers lisses et à rouleaux légers et moyens à grande vitesse et de toutes sortes d'équipements automobiles.
EG 91
Epoxy-polyurethane two-component elastoplastic and thixotropic sealant, for joints subject to traffic, where Shore A Hardness Scale = 65. The elongation-at-break is 70%. To be applied with a trowel or extruded into the suitably-taped sections of the joint (to protect adjacent surfaces). Resistant to contact with hydrocarbons (gasoline and diesel fuel).
Horizontal sealing of joints in industrial flooring, even in the presence of chemical attacks and stresses from average-heavy traffic. Vertical sealing of joints in concrete works and products.
The application and containment surfaces (joint walls) should be clean, dry, conveniently prepared and adequately resistant: free from dust, grease, soiling, crumbling and/or non-adhering parts and dry. The application surfaces must also be preliminarily treated with Protech Flex Primer.
Add component B to component A taking care to pick up all the material contained in the packs, mix thoroughly with a mixer at a low number of revolutions, until a perfectly homogeneous mix is obtained; add the required load amount (component C) continue to mix until a perfectly homogeneous mixture is obtained, indicated by the uniform colour of the mixture. Apply the product mixed by trowelling or with extrusion guns.
Do not apply with temperatures below + 5°C or higher than + 35°C and in the presence of surface stagnant water.
Approximately 1.25 kg of EG 91 per cubic decimetre of joint volume to be sealed (1250 kg per cubic metre).
Packaging: Kit of 5+2.5 kg
UM: €/kg
Syntech HAG Acryl
Syntech HAG Acryl is a four-component resin that reacts to form an elastic and durable gel. The properties of Syntech HAG Acryl are: • Good general chemical resistance. • Does not contain acrylamide, methacrylamide, formaldehyde or solvents. • Not inflammable. • Excellent adhesion on mineral building materials such as concrete, cement and bricks. • The reaction speed can be adjusted from a few seconds to several minutes. • When the injected cracks dry out due to temperature or groundwater level fluctuations the gel does not crack easily. • The hardened gel has excellent durability in wet-dry cycles.
Syntech HAG Acryl components are supplied ready to use.
Create 2 mixes in separate plastic buckets. Prepare only the quantity to be used each time.
Solution 1: Syntech HAG Acryl component A (25 kg resin) mixed with Syntech HAG Acryl component B (2.5 kg catalyst).
Solution 2: Syntech HAG Acryl component C (2 packs of 0.625 kg) mixed with clean tap water.
The amount of water must be equal in volume to solution 1.
When mixing resin, always use a wooden or stainless steel spatula.
The reaction time depends on the temperature of the material, the structure of the building and the possible amount of water present. Higher temperature will speed up the reaction time and lower temperature will slow it down.
It is advisable to carry out an on-site test, before injection, to observe and define the reaction time.
To change the reaction time, only adjust the amount of Syntech HAG Acryl component C. The amount of the other components remains the same.
Use a two-component stainless steel pump (manual, electric or pneumatic).
Check that the pump and equipment are clean and that there is no residue from previous injection work.
The two mixtures are fed into the pump separately, but are mixed homogeneously at a volumetric ratio of 1:1 in the pump's mixing head, before being injected through the pump nozzle.
Check the quality of the concrete, as injection involves pressure.
Sealing and waterproofing of cracks and cavities in walls, floors, concrete constructions, underground structures, etc.
It can be used in constructions that are not permanently in contact with water (fluctuating groundwater level).
Injection of very fine cracks.
Determine the type and size of packers based on your pump and injection type. If reinforcing steel is present, try to locate it and plan the drilling pattern so that the reinforcement is not drilled. Drill holes at an angle of approximately 45° or less and in the direction of the crack. Make sure the hole goes through the crack.
The distance of the drilled holes depends on the width of the crack. Place the packer in the hole.
Prepare the pump to start the injection. The injection pressure varies depending on the structure and size of the crack. Start the injection at the lowest point of the crack. Continue injecting until resin flows out of adjacent packer(s). This is necessary to achieve uniform distribution of the material.
Stop pumping, unplug and move on to the next packer. Continue the procedure until the crack is completely filled.
After the material has cured, the packers can be removed. Holes drilled can be covered with Repar Tix Speedy HP quick-setting mortar. Clean and rinse the pump equipment with water whenever there is a stoppage longer than 15 minutes and, after completing the injection, rinse with a sufficient amount of water. Make sure the pump is clean and stop only when clean water comes out of the pump.
The consumption of the product depends on the size of the empty volume to be filled.
Can 25 kg [A] - Plastic can 2.5 kg [B] - Canister 0.625 kg [C] - Canister 0.625 kg [D] - Kit: 1 Can 25 kg [A] + 1 Plastic can 2.5 kg [B] + 1 Canister 0.625 kg [C] + 1 Canister 0.625 kg [D]
Vopseaua Clorcauciuc pentru Pardoseli EMEX este un produs monocomponent, profesional, pe baza de emulsii de cauciuc clorurat, pigmenti, aditivi, plastifianti si solventi specifici, cu adaos de alfa corindon sau faina de cuartz pentru duritate. Produsul, foarte rezistent atat la apa cat si la frecare sau abraziune, are ca destinatie principala vopsirea pardoselilor din beton, fie pentru protejare, fie doar pentru marcare (eventual cu adaos de micro-perle din sticla). Vopseaua Clorcauciuc poate fi colorata in orice nuanta a cartelei RAL.
Caracteristici principale:
- Produs agrementat sanitar;
- Aderenta ridicata la suport;
- Aplicare si intretinere usoara;
- Duritate excelenta;
- Putere mare de acoperire;
- Rezistenta mare la abraziune;
- Rezistenta excelenta la uzura;
- Rezistenta mare la agenti corozivi;
- Rezistenta mare la intemperii, factori chimici, frecare.
Das hochwertige, ungesättigte Laminierharzsystem HP-P21LS auf ISO/NPG-Basis ist niedrigviskos, wachsfrei und luftseitig klebrig aushärtend.
Polyesterharz Laminiersystem (wachsfrei) / HP-P21LS
Das Polyesterharz HP-P21LS ist eine ungefüllte, vorbeschleunigte, niedrigviskose 2-Komponenten Kombination von Harz und Härter mit kurzer Verarbeitungszeit .
Verarbeitungszeit: 15-20min
Eigenschaften und Einsatzgebiete:
- Hochwertiges, ungesättigtes Polyesterharz auf Basis ISO/NPG
- vorbeschleunigt, thixotrop, luftseitig klebrig aushärtend
- Sehr gute mechanische Eigenschaften
- Als Tränk- und Laminierharzsystem einsetzbar
- Schwimmbadbau, Boots- und Schiffskörperbau
- Geeignet für Handauflege-, Faserspritz-, Schleuder- und Wickelverfahren
- Milieu Harz, also verminderte Styroldampf-Abgabe, LSE (Low styrene emission)
- Erhöhte Wärmestandfestigkeit
- Erhöhte Wasser- und Chemikalienbeständigkeit
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