Roger prépare son Pain Spécial Grillé avec un soin particulier dans la sélection de tous les ingrédients.Les farines sont choisies pour leurs qualités organoleptiques et gustatives, mais le secret des Biscottes Roger vient aussi de la cuisson. Dans son moule ouvert, la pâte peut lever librement, permettant ainsi aux céréales de libérer toute la saveur du pain grillé d'autrefois.
Pain Spécial Grillé
Composition: Farine de froment (farine de blé, gluten), huile de tournesol, sucre inverti, mélange de céréales ( seigle, orge, maïs, avoine, blé, riz, millet), levure boulangère,, émulsifiant: lécithine de soja sel,extrait de malt d'orge, soja,lin.
Fabriqué dans un atelier qui utilise du sésame,des oeufs et des produits laitiers.
Conditionnement: environ 18 tranches par sachet
Poids Net: 300g
Caractéristiques nutritionnelles:
Valeur nutitionnelle moyenne pour 100g
Valeur énergétique: 1724 Kj soit 408 Kcal
Matières grasses : 6.63 g
dont acides gras saturés; 0.81 g
Glucides : 72.
Menu cards are an important element in every restaurant, café house or cafeteria. Interesting, attractive and well-made menu will certainly encourage customers to take advantage of the offer. Our proposal includes folded, standing and flat menus of any size and shape. We offer a wide selection of papers with various finishing and refinement options. We also print on cardboard, plastics or synthetic paper, resistant to moisture, fat and mechanical damage.
Table talkers are a great addition to the restaurant menu. They are universal, eye-catching marketing and information tools with a wide range of applications in many different industries. Although they are mostly used in bars or restaurants, to catch customer’s eye while eating, they can also be useful in stores, hotels, service shops and conference rooms. Tabletop advertising is a very effective, affordable and easy way to encourage customers to use additional services, take part in a competition or try a partner's offer.
Paraffin is a petroleum derivative product. The melting points, oil rates, penetrations and usage areas of paraffins are different from each other. According to this information, the type of candle to be made is decided.
READY PARAFFINS ➢ It is sold with its additional materials (stearic acid, fragrance, dye,) added ➢ Other necessary materials: wick and wick holder
Mezcla de aditivos, condimentos y especias, de uso charcutero, para la elaboración del PREPARADO DE CARNE denominado “Longaniza fresca” o “Salsicha fresca”.
Producto válido para todo tipo de carnes. Formato: bolsa 4kg