Termékek rizsgépgyártás (24)

Rizsleves köret gombával és zöldségekkel - Levesek és köretek főzőzsákban

Rizsleves köret gombával és zöldségekkel - Levesek és köretek főzőzsákban

To prepare a side dish: pour at least 1 liter of water into a pot and bring to a boil, put a bag with a mixture of cereals with vegetables, mushrooms and greens into it, add salt and cook on low heat until ready for 20-25 minutes. Pull out the bag, lifting it by the loop with a fork. Let the water drain. Open the bag by cutting it with scissors. Put the contents of the bag on a plate, mix. If desired, add vegetable oil or butter.
Gluténmentes rizstészta ZÖLDÉG SZIVÁRVÁNY "állat" 350g.

Gluténmentes rizstészta ZÖLDÉG SZIVÁRVÁNY "állat" 350g.

Composition: rice flour, dried ground vegetables (beetroot, carrot, tomato, sweet pepper, spinach), dried green spirulina, blue spirulina extract, turmeric, drinking water Method of preparation: cook in boiling water in a ratio of 3/1 (water/pasta) for 5-7 minutes until ready. Nutritional value per 100 g of product: Proteins - 7.2 g. Salt - 0.05 g. Fats - 1.5 g, of which saturated - 0.3 g. Carbohydrates - 79.7 g, of which sugars - 4.3 g. Energy value: 324 kcal (1357 kJ)
Őrölt rizs dara

Őrölt rizs dara

Grinded Rice Groats packed into 45-50 kg bags
Gluténmentes rizstészta PASTA Junior tengeri algával, paradicsommal, zöldhagymával és paprikával

Gluténmentes rizstészta PASTA Junior tengeri algával, paradicsommal, zöldhagymával és paprikával

Pasta G gluten-free rice pasta with kelp, green onion, tomato and paprika is a combination of rice flour with the addition of dried kelp powder, dried green onion, dried tomato and paprika. The pasta is tasty and saturates the body with useful components, in particular iodine, which is usually not enough in the standard diet. It is recommended to cook according to the following recipe: In salted boiling water, add macaroni, taking into account 100 g per 0.5 l of water, if desired, add oil. Cook for 5-7 minutes until ready.
Gluténmentes rizstészta PASTA UA hajdinával, Fusilly 300g, Healthy Generation

Gluténmentes rizstészta PASTA UA hajdinával, Fusilly 300g, Healthy Generation

Buckwheat pasta is a combination of rice and buckwheat flour. Buckwheat porridge first became known to our ancestors in the seventh century, but at that time they did not yet understand all its benefits. This grain contains more than 50 useful elements, and it is comparable to meat in terms of protein. Buckwheat is rich in iron, potassium, flavonoids, quercetin, rutin, fiber and antioxidants. It is included in the diet of many athletes and those who care about their health and physical fitness.
Azonnali basmati rizs - Gabonafélék főzőzsákban

Azonnali basmati rizs - Gabonafélék főzőzsákban

Get to know each other! Before you is the "King of rice" - Basmati rice! Having a delicate texture and a pronounced nutty taste, it will not leave anyone indifferent. Basmati rice grains are the longest, and the variety itself is the most expensive. When cooking, the grains are elongated without boiling and sticking together, which is important for side dishes and dishes of oriental cuisine, including chmsli and pilaf.
Gőzölt Rizs - Gabonafélék különleges csomagolásban

Gőzölt Rizs - Gabonafélék különleges csomagolásban

If you see TM "TERRA" products on the shelf, feel free to take them. Steamed rice is not an exception. Airy and crumbly rice will be an excellent side dish for meat and fish. It will take half an hour of time and a little of your inspiration to prepare.
Gluténmentes rizstészta PASTA G paradicsom, bazsalikom és sajt aromával, Fusilly 240g

Gluténmentes rizstészta PASTA G paradicsom, bazsalikom és sajt aromával, Fusilly 240g

Pasta G gluten-free rice pasta with cheese, tomatoes and basil. is a combination of rice flour with the addition of natural cheese powder, dried tomatoes, dried basil, and paprika. Pasta that tastes and conquers from the first time. From a scientific point of view, rice flour has almost a full range of useful ingredients needed by the body for normal work. It contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, and does not contain gluten at all. It is recommended to cook according to the following recipe: add pasta to salted boiling water, taking into account 100 g per 0.5 l of water, if desired, add oil. Cook for 5-7 minutes until ready.
Rizstészta Hoshi Pasta, 250g

Rizstészta Hoshi Pasta, 250g

Description of the item: Rice pasta. Composition: Rice flour, drinking water. Nutritional value per 100 g of the product: proteins – 7.4 g, fats – 0.6 g, carbohydrates – 82 g. Energy value: 363 kcal/1519 kJ per 100 g. product Weight: 250 g
Legmagasabb minőségű hosszú szemű rizs - Gabonafélék különleges csomagolásban

Legmagasabb minőségű hosszú szemű rizs - Gabonafélék különleges csomagolásban

Do you want to surprise your family and guests with a delicious, crumbly pilaf? Buy TM "TERRA" long-grain rice. During cooking, its grains do not stick together, and the dish remains presentable even after reheating. You will need half an hour to prepare a tasty and healthy meal.
Legmagasabb minőségű kerek szemű rizs - Gabonafélék különleges csomagolásban

Legmagasabb minőségű kerek szemű rizs - Gabonafélék különleges csomagolásban

We suggest serving rice as a side dish and main course, it can be eaten for breakfast and lunch. Rice is not only tasty, but also useful. Following the instructions on the package, even a culinary amateur can cook rice
Azonnali Barna Rizs - Gabonafélék főzőzsákban

Azonnali Barna Rizs - Gabonafélék főzőzsákban

Pour at least 1 liter of water into the pan and bring to a boil. Drop a bag of cereal into it, add salt and cook on low heat without a lid for 25-30 minutes. Pull out the bag, hooking it by the loop with a fork. Let the water drain. Open the bag by tearing it or cutting it with scissors. Put the finished cereal on a plate and season to taste.
Gluténmentes rizstészta PASTA UA zöldségekkel, Fusilly 300g, HealthyGeneration

Gluténmentes rizstészta PASTA UA zöldségekkel, Fusilly 300g, HealthyGeneration

Vegetable pasta is a combination of rice flour and dried vegetables. Dried vegetables not only give pasta color and taste, but also, thanks to modern drying technology, preserve vitamins and macroelements of fresh vegetables.
Gluténmentes rizstészta, Ukrajnában született, kék spirulina kivonattal és kurkumával

Gluténmentes rizstészta, Ukrajnában született, kék spirulina kivonattal és kurkumával

From a scientific point of view, rice flour has almost a full range of useful ingredients needed by the body for normal work. It contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, and does not contain gluten at all. It is recommended to cook according to the following recipe: add pasta to salted boiling water at the rate of 100 g per 0.5 l of water, if desired, add vegetable oil. Cook for 5-7 minutes.
Gluténmentes rizstészta PASTA Junior banánnal, kakaóval és sztíviával, Fusilly 240g

Gluténmentes rizstészta PASTA Junior banánnal, kakaóval és sztíviával, Fusilly 240g

Pasta G gluten-free rice pasta with banana, cocoa, and stevia. The taste of sweet pasta, like in childhood. From a scientific point of view, rice flour has almost a full range of useful ingredients necessary for the body to function normally. It contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, and does not contain gluten at all. It is recommended to cook according to the following recipe: add pasta to salted boiling water, taking into account 100 g per 0.5 l of water, if desired, add oil. Cook for 5-7 minutes until ready.
Basmati Rizs - Gabonafélék különleges csomagolásban

Basmati Rizs - Gabonafélék különleges csomagolásban

TM "TERRA" Basmati rice guarantees the success of your dish. It can be served as a side dish, or you can prepare a more complex dish. For its long grains, incredible aroma and unsurpassed taste, this type of cereal is called the king of rice.
Jázminrizs - Gabonafélék különleges csomagolásban

Jázminrizs - Gabonafélék különleges csomagolásban

Rice for true gourmets. Flawless white color and a subtle note of jasmine is about Jasmin rice from TM "TERRA"
Gluténmentes rizstészta PASTA UA amaránttal, Fusilly 300g, Healthy Generation

Gluténmentes rizstészta PASTA UA amaránttal, Fusilly 300g, Healthy Generation

Amaranth pasta is a combination of rice and amaranth flour. Amaranth has been known since the times of the Mayans and the Incas, when it, along with other superfoods (quinoa, chia), was included in the daily diet of a person. Currently, amaranth is valued for its saturation with fatty antioxidants, amino acids and squalene, and a high content of plant proteins.
Azonnali jázminrizs - Gabonafélék főzőzsákban

Azonnali jázminrizs - Gabonafélék főzőzsákban

Want something exotic? Then you should definitely try TERRA TM Jasmin rice. This rice has a unique spicy, delicate aroma, the flawless snow-white grains of which are so similar to jasmine flowers. This rice is the whitest compared to other types of rice
Gluténmentes rizstészta PASTA G kannabisz kivonattal, spirulinával, spenóttal, tökkel

Gluténmentes rizstészta PASTA G kannabisz kivonattal, spirulinával, spenóttal, tökkel

Gluten-free rice pasta with the addition of cannabis extract, spirulina, spinach, turmeric and pumpkin. This is news! The first pasta products with natural cannabis extract in Ukraine! There is no gluten, there is benefit and surprise! It is recommended to cook according to the following recipe: add pasta to salted boiling water, taking into account 100 g per 0.5 l of water, if desired, add vegetable oil. Cook for 5-10 minutes until ready.
Gyorsan főzhető kerek szemű rizs - Gabonafélék főzőzsákban

Gyorsan főzhető kerek szemű rizs - Gabonafélék főzőzsákban

Rice porridge made from this wonderful cereal will be a great side dish for fish and meat, it will go well with vegetables and fruits. It is not difficult and quick to prepare. The groats are clean - you don't need to sort them and wash them . Porridge in salvaged bags does not burn and leaves dishes practically clean
Csiszolt rizs dara - Súlycereáliák

Csiszolt rizs dara - Súlycereáliák

The nutritional value of rice, like other cereals, depends on the type of grain and the way it is processed. After removing the shell and polishing the grain, the amount of vitamins, mineral salts, and fiber decreases, but at the same time, the digestibility of carbohydrates and proteins improves. Rice is characterized by a high content of starch (up to 85%), which is easily absorbed, so rice is classified as a dietary product. But, on the other hand, rice starch is complex carbohydrates necessary for maintaining muscle strength and endurance, so athletes always include rice dishes in their diet.
Azonnali párolt rizs - Gabonafélék főzőzsákban

Azonnali párolt rizs - Gabonafélék főzőzsákban

Steamed rice is much easier to cook than regular rice. Due to the small content of gluten, steamed grains retain their integrity during cooking. They only become soft, but do not collapse and do not stick together. It is also convenient that dishes made from such rice can be enjoyed even after reheating. The cereal will not stick together and its taste will be preserved.
Hajdina szem

Hajdina szem

Barley grains contain up to 15.8% proteins, 76% carbohydrates, 3-5% fats, 9.6% fiber, enzymes, vitamins of group B, D, E, A. Fiber, which mainly consists of groats, cleanses the intestines of harmful substances and toxins. Beta-glucans of barley restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and are useful in the treatment of a number of diseases of the digestive system.