Gel Professionale super rinfrescante che dona sollievo e vigore alla pelle - L’unguento professionale super rinfrescante ancora più denso che dona sollievo e vigore alla pelle e calma il rossore.
Dalle proprietà altamente rinfrescanti , idratanti e lenitive.
Inoltre esalta subito i colori chiari.
In abbinamento alla tradizionale vaselina.
Dona al cliente una piacevole sensazione di sollievo.
Barattolo da 500 GR
Come applicare Blue Frozen Plus
Utilizzare il prodotto nelle zone già battute a macchinetta per garantire la durata dello stencil.
CapriloilGlycine, has powerful purifying
and antibacterial activity, in particular against
Propionibacterium Acnes.
B.C. Glycolic, promotes the production of Collagen
and Elastin, activates the desquamation of the skin
favoring the development of new skin with a softer,
smoother and healthier appearance.
B.C. Salicylic, with exfoliating, antiseptic and sebumbalancing
Zinc PCA, with specific sebum-balancing and antiseptic
Centella with healing and regenerating activity.
It stimulates the formation of Collagen and prevents the
excessive proliferation of fibrous tissue.
Copaiba oil: it has healing, antiseptic and antiinflammatory
properties and is effective in treating skin
irritations. Finally it has astringent properties, indicated
against skin impurities typical of oily and acneic skin.
Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant and contributes
to the repair of skin tissues and to prevent the production
of sebum.