...Végső hajtás vonó motor prémium OEM minőségben, ingyenes szállítás az EU-n belül - TERMÉK JELLEMZŐK
• Végső hajtás prémium eredeti berendezés minőségben (OEM)
• Új vonó motor, nem felújított
• Teljes végső hajtás (hidraulikus motor sebességváltóval)
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Modell: SOLAR 220LC-5...
Ihr Dach hat keine optimale Dachneigung, um so viel Sonnenenergie wie möglich einzufangen? Die Lösung sind aufgeständerte Solar Montagesysteme. Mit ihnen kann die Modulneigung dem optimalen Jahreswirkungsgrad des Standortes individuell angepasst werden.
Farola LED Solar para calle crepuscular, ideal para alumbrado público, las cargas máxima se alcanzan tras 5-6 horas de exposición al sol. Chip SMD LED Bridgelux de altas prestaciones.
Cuenta con una protección IP65. La vida del led es de 40.000 horas gracias a su batería de litio 30.000 mAh y a su panel solar.Una vez montada no requiere ningún tipo de mantenimiento, exceptuando una limpieza superficial del panel en caso de excesiva suciedad.
Su funcionamiento es automático gracias a su sensor óptico crepuscular que se activa al anochecer.
Bienvenue chez Reso-Energy, où l'avenir de l'énergie commence aujourd'hui
Notre kit solaire 1200W est bien plus qu'une simple solution énergétique ; il s'agit d'une expérience complète qui vous permet de prendre le contrôle total de votre consommation énergétique.
Caractéristiques Principales :
Puissance de 1200W : Notre kit solaire comprend des panneaux de haute qualité offrant une puissance de 1200W, adaptée pour alimenter une variété d'appareils électriques et électroniques dans votre maison, votre entreprise ou votre espace extérieur.
Installation Polyvalente : Que vous souhaitiez installer les panneaux sur votre toit, dans votre jardin ou sur une structure extérieure, notre kit solaire est conçu pour s'adapter à différents types d'installations et d'esthétiques, offrant ainsi une flexibilité maximale.
Dimensions:700 x 700 x 25 mm
Masse:22,4 kg x 4
Puissance:300 Wc (4 x 75 Wc)
Tension circuit ouvert:10,5 V DC
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Artikelnummer:POWERCUBE-X1 9.6
Produktinformationen "DEYE 8KW Hybrid PV-Wechselrichter 3Phasig SUN-8K-SG01HP3-E"
Entdecken Sie den brandneuen SUN-8K-SG01HP3-EU, einen hochmodernen Hybrid-Wechselrichter mit einer Leistung von 8 kW und einer hohen Batteriespannung von 160-700V. Mit seinem kompakten Design und seiner hohen Leistungsdichte revolutioniert dieser Wechselrichter die Energiewandlung und spart dabei Investitionen in zusätzliche Geräte.
Der SUN-8K-SG01HP3-EU zeichnet sich durch ein herausragendes DC/AC-Verhältnis von 1,3 aus, dass Ihnen einen maximalen Wirkungsgrad ermöglicht. Dadurch wird die Leistung optimal genutzt und Sie erzielen eine höhere Rendite aus Ihrem Solarsystem.
Darüber hinaus bietet dieser Wechselrichter einen dreiphasigen asymmetrischen Ausgang, der die Anwendungsszenarien erweitert.
Arena is an innovative solar panel roof tile designed to function as technical flooring for terraces, rooftops and other outdoor spaces.
This solar energy generation system seamlessly integrates into areas that are traditionally unused for energy production, transforming surfaces into active electricity sources without compromising aesthetics or functionality. Unlike other solar solutions, Arena stands out as the only solar flooring that offers performance comparable to a conventional solar panel, ensuring sustained production and an economic return equivalent to that of traditional solar installations. Arena represents a cost-effective and sustainable alternative for those looking to reduce their energy bills without sacrificing the functionality of their outdoor spaces.
Power:144 watts
Type of floor:raised floor
It is the most important basis for ensuring that your solar system lasts a long time and can pay for itself. We plan and manufacture supporting structures to install solar panels on any type of roof or free-standing surface. The construction is entirely based on the requirements of the location and ranges from profile rails and roof hooks to connecting and mounting elements and the right supports and beams.
Middels deze animatie proberen we op een speelse manier in het kort een duidelijke uitleg te geven over ons systeem voor zonnepanelen. Meer details over dit en eventueel andere Reinasan systemen zijn terug te vinden hier op Europages, onze website en op ons YouTube kanaal.
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Wechselrichter sind essenzielle Komponenten von Solaranlagen, die den erzeugten Gleichstrom (DC) in netzkonformen Wechselstrom (AC) umwandeln. Unsere Wechselrichter bieten hohe Effizienz, Zuverlässigkeit und Langlebigkeit. Sie sind sowohl für private Haushalte als auch für gewerbliche Anwendungen geeignet.
Solarkabel; Solarkabel 2 Adern; Solarkabel, armiert; Solarkabel mit besonderem Schutz; Material für Solarkraftwerke, Verbindungskabel für Solarmodule, Verbindungskabel für Wechselrichter
Notre onduleur hybride MultiPlus DSP0.9 est alimenté simultanément par l'énergie solaire, le réseau électrique et les batteries. C'est le premier onduleur avec un retour sur investissement garanti !
Fonction Hybride (en option/évolutive)
Technologie on-line “double conversion”(VFI)
Rendement élevé supérieur à 94%
Fonction de démarrage sur batterie
Facteur de puissance de sortie de 0,9
Protection contre les surcharges et contre les court-circuits
Arrêt d’urgence externe (EPO)
Ecran LCD graphique avec contrôle complet
Test automatique des batteries
Capacité de recharge élevée du courant dans la batterie
Compensation de la T° pour une recharge optimale
512 évènements mémorisés (+ de 46000 alarmes)
2 ports série RS232 & contacts libre de potentiel
Fonctionnalité de contrôle à distance à la pointe de la technologie via Teamviewer
Bypass statique et manuel de maintenance
Faible encombrement
Jusqu’à 8 unités en parallèle
Protection anti-retour (Backfeed)
2 ans de garantie
SMA Solar Technology ist ein weltweit führender Hersteller von Wechselrichtern und Lösungen für Photovoltaiksysteme. Das deutsche Unternehmen hat sich auf qualitativ hochwertige, zuverlässige und effiziente Wechselrichter spezialisiert. SMA ermöglicht die effektive Nutzung von Solarstrom in privaten, gewerblichen und industriellen Anwendungen und trägt zur weltweiten Energiewende bei.
Introducing DANTE, Millie's advanced solar panel cleaning robot. DANTE ensures efficient cleaning without panel damage, boosting energy production while being user-friendly for all.
Unsere Solarfassaden integrieren ästhetisch ansprechende Photovoltaikmodule in die Gebäudefassade. Sie ermöglichen die nachhaltige Energiegewinnung direkt am Gebäude und tragen zur Reduktion der CO2-Emissionen bei. Solarfassaden bieten nicht nur Energieeffizienz, sondern auch moderne architektonische Lösungen.
Degradation and Heat
Sunlight can have adverse affects on materials and components, oftentimes initiating and accelerating the degradation process as it interacts with temperature, moisture and other environmental effects. In addition, it is critical to understand the effects of heat created by sunlight with respect to operational performance, thermal management, noise and dimensional stability. A new product should be tested under solar environmental conditions representative of those locations in which it will exist - anywhere ranging from the heat of the outback in Australia to the frigid climate of arctic areas. Atlas solar simulation systems are custom-designed in both power and size. Having this flexibility, they can be integrated into various types of environmental test chambers whether they be small or walk-in, chambers used in component/ small product testing or drive-in chambers for complete vehicle testing, even up to extra large systems for trains, trucks and aircrafts.
Superior Solar Simulation with SolarConstant
A key to the success of solar environmental testing is the quality of the solar simulation itself. A close spectral match to natural sunlight is critical for accurate reproduction of test conditions. The Atlas SolarConstant luminaire offers high irradiance efficiency and superior spatial uniformity on the test area. Combined with special Metal Halide Global (MHG) lamps and optical filters, the SolarConstant creates a spectral distribution that closely matches natural sunlight. Its proven modular design makes this unit ideal for large custom-designed solar simulators as well as smaller standardized laboratory test systems.
SolarConstant Serving Global Testing Needs
SolarConstant products are designed to meet a large number of standards as well as industry test methods such as DIN 75220, MIL-STD-810, IEC 61215, IEC 904-9, EPA 40-CFR/ SC03, BMW PR306.5, Renault 32-00-022, Telcordia GR-487-CORE and others.
Atlas offers a complete series of SolarConstant luminaires to satisfy an array of global testing needs:
SolarConstant MHG 4000/2500/1200/575:
These luminaires utilize Metal Halide Global technology for full-spectrum solar simulation. Optical filters adjust the output for the best match to natural indoor/outdoor sunlight. They are ideal for solar simulators used to determine thermal heating effects of solar radiation such as fit and finish, dimensional stability or thermal transmission. They are also suited for identifying photodegradation effects of polymers and coatings such as cracking, color fading and other failures, or testing PV module performance.
SolarConstant MIL:
These luminaires utilize Metal Halide Global technology combined with a unique "multi-level" output for full-spectrum solar simulation. Especially useful for satisfying stringent MIL-STD-810G method 505.5 (Procedure I) - determination of heat produced by 24-hour cycles of solar radiation. It is also ideal for agro-science requiring diurnal cycles, e.g. plant growth studies and others.
SolarConstant MH 1500/1200/1000:
These luminaires utilize Metal Halide technology for specific high-UV level testing or to meet limited budget applications.
Solar Constant UV 2000:
These luminaires utilize Mercury technology for creating UV radiation (280 - 400 nm) and are used to study photo-aging effects caused by solar UV radiation only.
In addition to the SolarConstant line of products, Atlas comolements its luminaire portfolio with Halogen technology for visible (VIS) and heat radiation (IR). IR-luminaires with 2000W / 1500 W are used to set up high-performance systems for testing heating effects similar to heating caused by sunligt.
In addition to the SolarConstant line of products, Atlas comolements its luminaire portfolio with Halogen technology for visible (VIS) and heat radiation (IR). IR-luminaires with 2000W / 1500 W are used to set up high-performance systems for testing heating effects similar to heating caused by sunligt.
From Outdoor Data to Laboratory Testing
No environmental laboratory test is complete withut the confirmation and correlation to natural conditions. Atlas operates a number of outdoor exposure sites in key climate zones worldwide and can produce the natural exposure data you need. Using our expertise in both outdoor and accelerated testing, Atlas can assist you in reproducing outdoor conditions in your laboratory enabling your testing to reliable, fast and as realistic as possible.
Test Chamber Examples
Atlas has installed over 100 systems worldwide and is a leader in combining the technologies of testing with solar simulation. Below are examples of the most common test chambers with solar simulators:
Climate test chamber with wind tunnel and solar simulator Climate test chamber with dynamometer and solar simulator Solar heat load test chamber with solar day cycling
Climate test chamber with dynamic road simulation and solar simulator Custom solar simulator for PV module testing, Light Soak testing, I/V curve tracing Solar environmental Walk-in test chamber for component / product testing
Atlas' CESORA (Calculation of Effective Solar radiation) software is extremely useful in the absence of measured outdoor data. With CESORA, you can calculate effective solar radiation for any time, day, month or year on any titled surface over any spectral range from 250-3000 nm.
Positioning System
To allow the SolarConstant solar simulator to move and replicate various natural solar conditions, a mechanical positioning system is typically installed. This enables motorized movement of the solar array within all desired spatial directions to simulate solar day cycles for example. Atlas offers both low-cost manual remote controls or full automatic alternatives that are integrated into the Atlas software.
Positioning systems are typically customized towards the application and local test facility. Atlas will work with you to define the SolarConstant positioning system that will work best for you.
Control System
The operation of the SolarConstant system is handled by a dedicated operator interface. Atlas provides tailored menu-driven software for the programming and operation of each solar simulation system. Any solar simulation profile - for example morning, noon, afternoon, etc. can be stored and combined with various types of programmed test sequences for a complete integrated test program. For seamless operator interface, the Atlas designed solar control interface can be linked to the master IT environment of the test facility.
We believe that a strong grasp of our customers' requirements is a key factor in developing a solution tailored to their needs. In order to simplify initial communications and understand your requirements more easily, please fill out the provided questionnaire under 'Downloads' and fax it back to +49-6105-9128-80.
The EPP solar modules consist of solar cells with high efficiency, and a series of quality performance tests according to the strict quality standard are carried out during production to allow the solar modules to function normally in harsh environmental conditions and to ensure the maximum output power from the module when generating electricity.
Axinar has designed and produces, solar panel stands and mounts for various applications.
The structural elements are designed to be adaptable to different soil conditions and flexible in the construction space. Upon request, the base can be adjusted to any desired angle.
Esta lámpara solar exterior incorpora un sistema de alumbrado LED autónomo que se alimenta de energía solar. Su batería integrada permite disponer de iluminación LED en aquellos lugares donde la red de energía eléctrica no puede llegar. Incorpora un panel solar fotovoltaico mono cristalino de alta eficiencia que necesita de unas 8 horas para dar una autonomía continua durante 3 días a la lámpara solar exterior.
Combina un sensor de movimiento y un control de atenuación que admiten configuración para disponer de un patrón lumínico según necesidades o normativa. El diseño circular de esta luminaria solar junto a la distribución de la luz que ofrece su óptica especializada facilita un mejor aprovechamiento del flujo luminoso.
Eficiencia LED:210lm/W 4000K ±5%
Grado De Protección:IP65
Nivel Protección Cierre Óptico:IK07
Vida Útil:Más De 100000 Horas
Ópticas Disponibles:170º
Modo De Control: Temporizador Con Reducción De Flujo Integrado Fotocélula / PIR
Panel Solar:Mono-Cristalino
Genius Ideas® ahuyentador solar ultrasónico "búho"
El ahuyentador de animales alimentado por energía solar con ultrasonido y linterna es probablemente la forma más económica y ecológica de mantener alejados a los visitantes animales no deseados. ¡Se puede colgar o fijar fácilmente en el jardín! Su detector de movimiento activa automáticamente el tono disuasorio y la luz intermitente tan pronto como un intruso entra en el área monitoreada. ¡Ahora tu jardín delantero ya no se convertirá en un baño para perros y una caja de basura! Incluso ratones o ratas, así como zorros y aves, serán expulsados de tu propiedad. El ahuyentador de animales también incluye una superficie reflectante y una campana.
Repelente Solar Universal Sonic Fence "Búho"
Este dispositivo emite ultrasonidos y destellos para repeler perros, gatos, aves y cualquier plaga.
El sensor de movimiento se activa automáticamente cuando detecta un animal (a 6-8 m de distancia).
(L x l x H):12.00 cm x 10.00 cm x 6.00 cm
Dimensiones de la caja:42 cm x 26 cm x 38 cm
Load-supported solar mounting frame for penetration-free roof mounting of PV modules as part of an extensive solar green roof build-up.Available in inclines 10°, 15° and 20°
Stability of the overall system proven in accordance with Eurocode 1 and 9. Property-specific proof of stability can be provided
Consisting of base plate, bracket and Drainage and Storage Board FKD 25MA.
Supplied with associated module quick mounting rails, module clamps, rail connector set and wind bracing.
Can be used in both a south-facing and an east-west orientation
Dimensions (per mounting frame):2.000 x 1.000 x 714 mm
Weight:approx. 4.2 kg (base plate and bracket)
Superimposed load:from 50 kg/m² depending on wind load zone
El Panel Solar 600W Bifacial Tensite N-Type es una opción innovadora que maximiza la producción de energía solar. Con un diseño bifacial, este panel puede captar luz solar desde ambos lados, aumentando su eficiencia en condiciones de baja irradiación. Su potencia de 600W y eficiencia del 22.32% lo convierten en una excelente elección para quienes buscan optimizar su inversión en energía renovable. Además, su construcción robusta asegura una larga vida útil, lo que lo convierte en una opción rentable y sostenible.
El Panel Solar 600W Bifacial Tensite N-Type es una solución avanzada en tecnología fotovoltaica diseñada para maximizar la captación de energía solar y aumentar la eficiencia del sistema. Gracias a su diseño bifacial, este panel permite captar luz solar tanto por la parte frontal como trasera, incrementando la producción de energía hasta un 30% adicional, especialmente en condiciones de baja irradiación. Con una potencia de 600W y una eficiencia del 22.32%, este panel es ideal para proyectos residenciales, comerciales e industriales que buscan maximizar su inversión en energía renovable. La tecnología N-Type utilizada ofrece una mayor resistencia a la degradación, garantizando un rendimiento estable y eficiente a largo plazo. Su construcción robusta y materiales de alta calidad proporcionan durabilidad y resistencia a condiciones climáticas extremas, como fuertes vientos y granizo. El Panel Solar 600W Bifacial Tensite N-Type es una elección rentable y sostenible para quienes desean una fuente confiable de energía solar, contribuyendo a la reducción de costos energéticos y a la sostenibilidad ambiental.
¡Aumente la producción de su sistema solar con el panel bifacial Tensite 600W N-Type y disfrute de una eficiencia superior y durabilidad! Contáctenos para obtener más detalles y una cotización personalizada.
Specific cleaning product for solar panels and photovoltaic systems.
Solar Clean Pro is a concentrated detergent specially formulated for cleaning the transparent surfaces of solar and photovoltaic panels, increasing their average yield. It is known that even a thin layer of dirt reduces the radiation of the panel surface by several percentage points. Using Solar Clean Pro allows for easy, quick and effective cleaning, without leaving residue or streaks after use. When used correctly, Solar Clean Pro does not damage glass, treated glass, metals, paints, rubbers and coatings. Solar Clean Pro removes traces of pollution, limescale, carbon black and is also the ideal detergent for washing before using our Nanotec Solar anti-dirt treatment.
The product is especially recommended for solar panels and photovoltaic systems.
Solar Clean Pro can be applied manually (cloths, mops) or by automated means
Final drive Traction motor in high-grade OEM quality, free shipping within EU - PRODUCT FEATURES
• Final drive in highclass original equipment quality (OEM)
• New traction motor not refurbished
• Complete final drive (hydraulic motor including gearbox)
• High durability
• High reliability
• Fair price / performance ratio
• Easytounderstand assembly introduction
• Fast delivery!
• Extensive product consultation
Model:SOLAR 220LC-5
» Opening possibilities
Side hung of 1, 2, 3 & 4 sashes
» Closing Possibilities
Fixed or adjustable louvres
Opaque closing (panel sandwich)
Glazed closing
» Sections
Frame 47 mm
Sash 40 mm
» Profile thickness
Window 1.3 mm
Door 1.5 mm
» Maximum dimensions/sash
Side hung
Width (L) = 1600 mm
Height (H) = 2500 mm
» Counter-window system
» Fixed or adjustable louvres
» Opaque closing system (sandwich panel)
» Allows for glazed closing Bi-fold
Width (L) = 700 mm
Height (H) = 2500 mm
Width (L) = 2000 mm
Height (H) = 3500 mm
Please consult regarding maximum weight
and dimensions for other opening types
» Maximum weight/sash
Bifold 50 kg
Side hung 65 kg
Slider 120 kg
» Finishes
Powder coating / Anodised
R&F Bosporas Machinery provides a complete turnkey metal roll forming solution with high quality and competitive prices.
and other customized roll-forming machinery.
Multi-busbar technology of solar cells PERSC and half-cells configurations provide higher power output, better efficiency depending on the temperature, lower shadow effects, lower risk of hot spots, and endurance for mechanical burden.
Version:Silver Frame
Los inversores solares WINDSUN son inversores de última generación para la conexión a red de la energía producida por fuentes renovables (módulos fotovoltaicos mono/policristalino y de capa fina, fuel cells).
Gracias a su amplio rango de tensión de funcionamiento en MPP, inicia a distribuir potencia desde las primeras horas del amanecer hasta la puesta del sol, garantizando una mayor producción a su sistema fotovoltaico.
La idea constructiva con la cual han sido concebido los inversores solares WINDSUN es fruto de nuestra experiencia de más de 50 años en el campo de la electrónica de potencia y de diseño y fabricación de U.P.S., inversores y convertidores, incluso bajo petición del cliente. La filosofía con la que hacemos todos nuestros productos es la de garantizar fiabilidad absoluta al cliente, obtenida gracias a la elevada tecnología y calidad de los componentes empleados.
El uso de IGBT modulares, condensadores electrolíticos long life low ESR (para los modelos monofásicos) y de película (para los modelos trifásicos) diferencian nuestros equipos del resto de los equipos que se encuentran en el mercado.
Los inversores solares con transformador evitan el fenómeno PID (Potential Induced Degradation), que consiste en la reducción del rendimiento incluso en un 20-30% de la instalación fotovoltaica, debido a flujos de pérdida de corriente por dispersión hacia la tierra.