Anchorsana Fix
Premixed based on hydraulic lime, special sulfur aluminate binders, water retainers, shrinkage compensators and reducers of the water/binder ratio, used for fixing and anchoring, in masonry, connectors, inserts, bars, brackets, grouting of the joints, tacking of lesions. It is a product with accelerated setting and hardening, with setting start at 30 ', end setting at 60' and development of mechanical strength already after 90 'of curing. Particularly recommended in the restoration of period and monumental buildings.
The particularly fine constituent materials allow adequate anchoring even in the presence of a small space between hole and connectors. By mixing Anchorsana Fix with different water contents, the product passes from thixotropic consistencies (23% water) to fluid gel consistencies (30% water), allowing any type of anchoring, from overhead to inclinations towards the bass. The product does not contain resins and solvents and can also be used indoors, subject to the usual precautions necessary when handling materials based on alkaline and irritating powders such as lime (use suitable personal protective equipment, such as gloves and protective goggles).
Fixing and anchoring, in masonry bodies, of rigid connectors, jib connectors, inserts, bars with improved adherence, anchors. It develops great adhesion on materials of different nature: metal, fiberglass, basalt.
Blow with compressed air and forced suction of the housing holes. The application surfaces must be clean, free of dirt, moving, crumbly and incoherent parts, dust, etc., suitably saturated with water until reaching the condition of "saturated with dry surface".
Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer; gradually add Anchorsana Fix and the water still required, continuing to mix, until a homogeneous, lump-free mixture of the desired consistency is obtained. Apply with a trowel or by casting. The mixing water indicatively required is equal to 23% by weight for thixotropic doughs, and to 30% by weight for doughs with a plastic-fluid consistency.
Approximately 1.6 kg of Anchorsana Fix for each cubic decimeter of volume to be filled.
Bag 25 kg - Pallet: 50 x (Bag 25 kg)
PEGO promotes and catalyzes fruit attachment preventing fruit falling issues and it stimulates blooming. This product contains brown seaweed, polysaccharides, propolis and other natural substances that attract a greater number of pollinators (bees and bombs) and it also contains amino acids that benefit the absorption of calcium, boron and zinc which are crucial elements on flowering and fruit setting phase.
Aspect:Dark Brown Liquid
Application:Foliar and Fertigation
Packing:1L - 5L - 20L - 1000L
Quineron, also known as Quinoa or Peruvian rice, is the so -called Pseudosbogs, i.e. a plant that produces starchy seeds, but is not actually. It comes from South America where she has been valued for its nutritional value for centuries. It is called the "saint of the Inca." It also contains saponins, thanks to which it can show antiallergic, anti -inflammatory, anti -fungal antiviral and immunostimulatory effects. The grain has antioxidant properties due to its extremely large amount of flavonoids. Kimos does not contain gluten and is easily digestible. Red rice has a more expressive taste and aroma than a white quea. It has a slightly crunchy shell and fits well with salads. It can be subjected to which it will give her nutty flavor and use in desserts. 6.1g - 9%Including saturated fatty acids 0.7g - 3%carbohydrates 57 - 22%including sugars 0g - 0%protein 14g - 28%salt 0.01g & lt; 1%*RWS - reference food value & nbsp; < Strong> Application </strong> Queen beans before cooking should
Solution organique liquide composée de matière humique, carbone d’origine naturelle que l’on trouve dans certaines matières végétales, associés à des acides aminés. Il favorise le démarrage et le développement des cultures en mettant à disposition des éléments nutritifs et énérgetiques.
Contien 21% de Carbone Organique 100% d’origine végétale et 42% de Matière Organique. Il peut être utilisé en application au sol ou incorporé dans les reseaux d’irrigation (Système goutte à goutte et aspersion).
Pulvérisation au sol 20 à 50 litres /Ha
Cultures Maraîchères 10 à 20 litres/ha
Vergers 1 à 2 applications de 10 à 20 litres/Ha au démarrage de la végétation. De 30 à 50 ml par arbre dans l’eau de plantation
Vignes 1 à 2 applications de 10 à 20 litres/Ha au démarrage de la végétation. De 20 à 20 ml par pied dans l’eau de plantation
Pépinière et Horticulture 2 ml par plante (concentration 0,5%)
Fertirrigation 2 à 5 applications 5 litres /Ha
A wreath of stalks and branches of dill in the Roman Empire awarded distinguished gladiators. Use for the preparation of salads, appetizers, soups, second lunch dishes.
Use for
Warm and cold sauces, soups, meat dishes, poultry dishes, fish dishes, egg dishes, as well as for pickling.
Bitter grass
Nutrition value on 100 gr.
Proteins (g / 100g)… 16
Fats (g / 100g)… 15
Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 12
Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 250
FOSFOFLUIDE é um bioestimulante de raiz formulado com ácido fosfórico, enriquecido com enxofre, ácido poli-hidroxicarboxílico (PHC) e azoto. Reduz o stress durante o período de transplante e acelera o enraizamento das plantas.
FOSFOFLUIDE tem um importante efeito nutricional como fonte de fósforo. Por ser uma solução ácida, tem um grande poder acidificante, baixando o pH da água e actuando como um limpador dos circuitos de irrigação.
- Reduz o stress durante o período de transplante e acelera o enraizamento das plantas.
- Tem um importante efeito nutricional como fonte de fósforo.
- Por ser uma solução ácida, tem um grande poder acidificante, baixando o pH da água, actuando como um limpador dos circuitos de irrigação.
Embalagens de:
- 1000 L
- 20 L
- 10 L
- 5 L
Nitrógênio (N) total:4% p/p
Nitrógênio (N) amoniacal:3% p/p
Nitrógênio (N) ureico:1% p/p
Pentóxido de Fósforo (%P2O5) solúvel em água:15% p/p
Trióxido de Enxofre (%SO3) solúvel em água:6% p/p
pH:1 p/p
Densidade (gr/cc):1,26 p/p
JOSERA Katzenfutter bietet für jede Katze das richtige Futter. Josera verzichtet in deren Rezepturen konsequent auf Weizen, Soja, Zucker und gentechnisch veränderte Rohstoffe und setzen selbstverständlich keine künstlichen Farb-, Aroma- und Konservierungsstoffe zu. Zusätzlich werden die speziellen Ernährungsansprüche der Katzen berücksichtigt und häufigen Problemen vorgebeugt. Ausgesuchte Zutaten, eine schonende Verarbeitung und ständige Laborkontrollen gewähren beste Qualität, Akzeptanz und Verträglichkeit des Katzenfutters.
We have a full-line silicone defoamer for valious industry application. Our engineer team can customize solutions according to your special system requirement. Please contact us for further discussion.
Organik madde; % 36, Organik Carbon; % 10, Organik Azot; % 3 ve Serbest Aminoasit; % 20 dir. pH 3-5 arasındadır. aminoasit bakımından zengin içerikli bir sıvı gübredir. bitkilerde soğuğa ve yazın sıcaklara karşı oluşabilecek streslerde dayanım göstermesini desteklemektedir. bitki tarafından hızlı alınır ve bitkide etkisini kısa sürede gösterir. üstten ve damlamadan kullanılabilir.
Product details:
Root colonization by mycorrhizal fungi
Increase in the area of absorption of the root system
Provision of balanced mineral nutrition
Water retention
Active substance:
A complex of mycorrhiza-forming fungi — Glomus and Trichoderma harzianum
Microorganisms supporting the formation of mycorrhiza and plant rhizosphere: Streptomyces sp., Pseudomonas Fluorescens
Phosphate-mobilizing bacteria: Bacillius Megaterium var. phosphaticum, Bacillus Subtilis, Bacillus Muciloginosus, Enterobacter
sp, titer: (1.0-1.5) x10^8 CFU/ml
Organic certification:
Listed in the Input list for organic farming in Germany
Application methods:
Pre-sowing seed treatment
Application in-furrow
Rate of application:
1,5 – 5 l/t, 0,2-0,3 l/ha
Shelf life:
12 months at 4 °C to 10 °C or 6 months at 10 °C to 15 °C
Product details ! More than 125 $/ha is an average additional income after Mycofriend application
! 83% of farmers have positive results, where income covers
Estado: Congeladas.
Presentación: Caja de 24 unidades.
Peso: 14,4 kg / caja.
Precio: 1,00€ + IVA por unidad.
Dependiendo del grosor de las pizzas que quieras elaborar, el diámetro de la masa estirada sería de 42 cm a 50 cm
Grâce à sa teneur très élevée en Polarlite, il garantit 4 effets nanotech extraordinaires : « Polish », pour une brillance à long terme ; « Essuie-glace Liquide », pour un maximum de sécurité en cas de pluie ; « Miroir », pour procurer un effet réfléchissant extraordinaire ; « Soie », pour une carrosserie lisse au toucher.
MODE D'EMPLOI ET DILUTIONS : Introduire le produit pur dans l'arc au moyen d'une pompe de dosage avec aspiration de 40-60 ml par voiture, en fonction du niveau de brillance souhaité.
La linea RXL è l'evoluzione della linea RL, che è stata sviluppata e presentata recentemente, ma ne abbiamo aumentato ancora le prestazioni grazie all'utilizzo di additivi privi di fluoro che aumentano la scivolosità e la lucentezza della soletta trattata. La linea RXL dà extra accelerazione, extra repellenza ad acqua e sporco, extra resistenza all'abrasione. Ha un campo di utilizzo molto ampio in quanto è adatta a tutti i tipi di neve: naturale o artificiale, poco o molto trasformata.
80 ml
Cod. Art:RXLC
Ean Code:8022937436662
Temperatura aria:-5C°... -15C°
Umidità aria:H° 0-100%
Tipo di neve:tutti con poca umidità
Umidità neve:secca, poco umida
Applicazione:a freddo: stendere con il tampone, lasciare asciugare
Confezione:80ml / box 10 pz
Quest'anno vuoi RISCALDARE la tua casa in modo SICURO ED ECONOMICO?
MISTER FAGGIO è un prodotto UNIVERSALE, SICURO , ECONOMICO e di qualità, prodotto da un'azienda CERTIFICATA ISO 9001.
Il prodotto, oltre ad avere elevatissime caratteristiche tecniche, è costituito da puro legno di faggio 100% che ti garantirà risparmio e calore per tutto l'inverno.
- 3,50 ? / SACCHETTO DA 15 KG
- 232 ? / TONNELLATA
Ma non è finita qui!
Solo per un periodo limitato di tempo,
ti regaliamo il
*I prezzi indicati sono per ordini da minimo 24 tonnellate
Vuoi saperne di più?
PRESTO DURPES, UAB is interested in cooperating with wholesalers only. Our company prepares peat mixes according our Customer demands.
Professional Substrate
Physical characteristics:
Raw material: block sphagnum white peat
Structure: 0-7 mm; 0-20 mm; 0-40 mm; 10-20 mm.
Chemical characteristics:
EC 0,8-1,3 mS/cm
pH 5,5-6,5 (H2O)
Wetting agent
Fertilizer: NPK fertilizer 14-16-18+microelements: 1,0 kg/m3
Total-nitrogen: 140 mg/l
Phosphate: 160 mg/l
Potassium: 180 mg/l
General characteristics:
For putting and ornamental plans with longer grow period.
Soluble drink barley flavored for those who do not want to give up to the taste of coffee, but without caffeine.
A tasty and refreshing drink to be served in café; to be used with the apposite machine.
Arborio Rice ist eine italienische Reisvielfalt, die die Hauptkomponente von Risotto ist. Italien ist der größte europäische Reisproduzent. Jährlich wird es in einer Menge von 1,5 Millionen Tonnen gesammelt, obwohl dies nur 1% dessen sind, was die Landwirte in Indien sammeln. Der Vorteil des italienischen Reis für diesen Import ist die Tatsache, dass der gesamte Prozess des Wachstums, der Ernte und der Verarbeitung rohen europäischen Standards unterliegt. Mit dem importierten Reis zum Beispiel wissen wir nicht, welche Chemikalien während ihres Anbaus verwendet wurden. Das berühmteste italienische Gericht mit Arborio -Reis ist Risotto, ein für Norditalien charakteristisches Gericht. Arborio -Reis kann auch ein Bestandteil von süßen Reisdesserts sein, die auf Milch oder Reisgetränk basieren. Sie können auch hoffen, Gemüse. Arborio nach dem Kochen ist etwas klebrig (dank Amopectin), feucht, es ist perfekt für die Zubereitung von Schnäppchen, Desserts und vor allem der beste Reis für Risot
Coconut flakes are obtained from the flesh of the coconut palm walnut, which first dries, and then rubs into small chips. The pulp is rich in nutrients such as vitamins: C, E, K and group B, minerals: zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium and iron. Coconut and its derivatives (chips, coconut chips, coconut oil) contain saturated fatty acids. Saturated animal fatty acids should be limited in the daily diet, but those derived from coconut are made of much smaller molecules and transformed directly into energy without accumulating in the body in the form of fat. Coconut wires contain huge fiber resources, which is necessary for proper functioning digestive system. There you will also find small amounts of protein and electrolyte, allowing the body's acid -base balance. <strong> Composition: </strong> Coconut flakes & nbsp; <strong> Nutritional value in 100g </strong> Energy value 2695KJ/655kcal - 33% RWS *63g fat - 90%Including saturated fatty acids 53g - 265%carbohydrat
El mijo está hecho de mijo. Ayuda a contrarrestar la acidificación del cuerpo, fortalece la inmunidad y es nutritiva y fácilmente digerible. Naturalmente está libre de gluten. Su gran ventaja es el alto contenido de vitaminas B, hierro hematopoyético y cobre. Es una excelente fuente de fibra dietética y potasio, magnesio, calcio y sodio. Proporciona al cuerpo una proteína fácilmente digerible y carbohidratos complejos, que son la base de una dieta saludable. El mijo atrapado tiene un efecto antiviral y de fortalecimiento, ayuda a restaurar el equilibrio ácido-base del cuerpo. El grupo B y las vitaminas de hierro tienen hematopoyetia. El mijo ayuda a reducir la inflamación en el cuerpo, trabaja el calentamiento, mejora el metabolismo, mejora la concentración y el recuerdo. El alto contenido de los compuestos de calcio y sílice fortalece los dientes y los huesos. - 4%incluye ácidos grasos saturados 0.4g - 2%de carbohidratos 72.1g - 28%incluyendo azúcares 0.8g - 1%de proteína 10.
They arise from ground spelled grains, which in Polish cuisine has been known and used for many years. For a long time he was forgotten, and now returns to favor. Spelled lists are eaten after boiling or raw. They are added to milk, yogurt and fruit.
Jarzynka Spice est une épice universelle pour de nombreux plats. Il était basé sur des légumes séchés et des herbes et du curcuma. Souligne parfaitement le goût des plats et leur donne un agréable arôme végétal. Jarzynka ne contient aucun additif chimique inutile, les amplificateurs de levure ou de saveur. & Nbsp; <strong> Composition: </strong> sel, sucre, panadip, carottes, maïs, oignon, poire & nbsp; <strong> use </strong> légume est ajouté aux soupes, sauces, ragoûts, salades et autres plats, ce qui leur donne un agréable arôme végétal et met l'accent sur le goût des plats préparés.