Nut pastes are a mass of very finely ground roasted nuts.
Our high-quality nut pastes are often used in the production of praline fillings, mousses or crunchy layers in cakes and, in particular, in the production of ice cream.
La avellana a granel de Lord Spices Group es una delicia natural que combina sabor y nutrición. Este producto ha sido cuidadosamente seleccionado y procesado para garantizar su calidad y frescura. Es ideal para aquellos que buscan una opción saludable y deliciosa para sus necesidades culinarias o de snack.
Nuestro compromiso con la calidad se extiende a cada aspecto de nuestro proceso de producción. Desde la selección de las mejores materias primas hasta el empaquetado y transporte, nos aseguramos de que cada avellana mantenga su sabor y textura únicos. Además, ofrecemos un servicio personalizado que nos permite adaptarnos a las necesidades específicas de nuestros clientes, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.
Tonda di Giffoni - variety of Italian origin, widespread in different areas of the world due to its adaptation characteristics. The plant is of medium-high vigor with semi-erect growth. It is an early variety, very productive, with high pollen availability; in Mediterranean areas flowering is protandrous, and in temperate areas protoginy and homogamy.
The fruits are medium-sized (2.5-2.8 g), round, light brown in color, moderately streaked, with an involucre longer than the fruit. The core accounts for 46-48% of the weight of the fruit and has a very good taste, both for direct consumption and for industry.
It is poorly resistant to the bud mite (Phytocoptella avellanae), has medium resistance to the hazelnut beetle (Balaninus nucum) and high resistance to the fungus Anisogramma anomala. It is harvested at the end of September.
Nüsse zeichnen sich durch einen hohen Anteil an Proteinen aus. Ideal für deine leckere Zwischenmahlzeit. Die Erdnüsse sind frei von Geschmacksverstärkern, Farbstoffen und Konservierungsstoffen. Snack it!
Nom : Noisette
Humidité : moins de 6%.
Acides gras libres : moins de 1 %
Peroxydes : maximum 1
Aflatoxines B1 : moins de 1
Aflatoxines B1+B2+G1+G2 : Moins de 2
Calibre : 18, 20, 25.noyaux purifiés
Taille : 9-11 mm, 11-13 mm, 13-15 mm
Conditionnement : sacs sous vide de 10, 12,5k, 20, 25 kg en cartons
Le gustose nocciole sgusciate e tostate le riconosci subito per il loro profumo delizioso. Ne esistono davvero tante varietà e differiscono per la loro particolare forma che può essere tonda o allungata.
Tutte le nocciole hanno, però, un comune denominatore: fanno gola al palato e sono delle vere protagoniste in cucina, essendo perfette sia nei piatti dolci che salati.
Le puoi aggiungere ai cereali, alle insalate, alle salse, ai budini o utilizzarle per conferire croccantezza e gusto a primi piatti, secondi di pesce e di carne. Oltretutto, sono veramente preziose in pasticceria e in gelateria perché costituiscono un ingrediente base di tantissime creazioni, come creme, gelati e torte.
Le nocciole sgusciate e tostate, oltre ad essere squisite ed irresistibili, sono anche benefiche per il nostro organismo: sono ricche di vitamina E, un antiossidante utile per la prevenzione di alcuni tipi di tumore e sono un’ottima fonte di fosforo, potassio, calcio e proteine.
It can be called by names (nut, tree hazelnut, hazelnut), it is used in the manufacture of some sweets, it is a component of various types of chocolate.
We offer fresh, highquality hazelnuts, prepared with care and in a healthy way.
Raw hazelnuts (with shell)
Raw hazelnuts (without shell)
white raw hazelnut
roasted hazelnut
Roasted and salted hazelnut
Roasted and salted hazelnuts in different flavors (customers can choose flavors)
Packing:According to customer requirements
Country of origin:Egypt, Iran, Turkey
Meyva la marque premium des fruits secs - Fournisseur torrefaction - Sans Sel Sans colorant Sans Conservateur Sans Huile ajouté Torréfaction dans notre atelier à Rungis.
Origin : Turkey
Process : Natural or roasted hazelnuts are chopped according to customers’ preferences.
Sizes : Hazelnuts could be chopped within the sizes of 0-12mm
Packaging : Coloured and Aluminum Vacuum Bags with or without Cartons, Poly-lined or Alimunium-lined Bigbags
La noisette, petits ou grands, on l’adore !
On la déguste sous toutes les formes : crue, cuite, sucrée, salée, en pâte à tartiner, en huile, ou mélangée à d’autres mets tous aussi délicieux. Miam !La noisette, origine et vertus
La noisette, aussi appelée aveline, est le fruit du noisetier commun : Corylus avellana.
Noisette dérive par suffixation de noix et par le suffixe dimunitif -ette ; le terme noix vient lui-même du latin nux signifiant « tout fruit à écale et amande », « noix ».Le terme noisette est apparu la première fois vers 1225-1230 dans le Roman de la Rose.La noisette est très intéressante sur le plan nutritionnel pour son apport en protéines, en fibres alimentaires, son haut taux potassium/sodium ainsi que par sa richesse en vitamine E et en polyphénols antioxydants.
C’est aussi une des graines oléagineuses les plus riches en acide oléique oméga-9, un puissant antioxydant recommandé dans la lutte contre le diabète de type 2 et le cholestérol (à consommer sans excès
Intéressez par les noisettes décortiquées?
Les noisettes décortiquées, vous avez la possibilité de les consommer en apéritif ou en cas de petite faim.
Concernant les noisettes décortiquées, Croc'Ella vous propose plusieurs conditionnements par exemple les seaux, les sachets, les pots, les barquettes de 150 gr, les sachets snacking de 35 gr, les big bag de 500kg.
Importateur, fabricant et grossiste de fruits secs, olives et antipasti en France dans la région ProvenceAlpesCôted'Azur dans le 13 à Marseille. Les produits de Croc'Ella sont exclusivement réservés aux grossistes, semigrossistes et distributeurs.
Chez Croc'Ella, la livraison peutêtre proposé en FRANCO DE PORT.
*selon quantités minimum de commande
Différentes gammes de fruits secs sont proposés fruits secs grillés et mélanges de fruits secs.
Conditionnement Seaux de 4 kg, sachets 2 x 5, pots de 250 gr, barquettes de 150 gr, sachets snacking de 35 gr, big bag de 500 kg.
Grown and farmed with great care via the use of techniques developed by generations of locals combined with the use of modern technology and methods, Panthere can provide agricultural products of the highest quality.
I wanted to introduce you to our product. Our products have quality differences from other manufacturers. I can help you with anything related to the product.
e mail:
phone number: +90 (507) 739 8482
Fruto seco sin cáscara ecológica procedente de agricultura orgánica.
De calidad Premium, nuestras nueces con propiedades saludables únicas son el tentempié ideal mas beneficioso que puedas imaginar.
Le noci sgusciate sono da sempre considerate uno snack salutare ed energetico. Le noci vengono sgusciate a mano per garantire che la loro forma larga liscia e ovale rimanga inalterata. I gherigli di noce sono molto ricchi di sostanze nutritive: fibre, vitamine antiossidanti e sali minerali (calcio ferro fosforo e potassio). Le noci sgusciate sono uno stuzzichino molto calorico, quindi, è opportuno limitarne il consumo se si sta seguendo un regime alimentare ipocalorico invece sono da considerare lo snack ideale per chi pratica sport e vuole assumere un alimento sano nutriente ed energetico. Le noci si caratterizzano per il sapore pieno e dolce che si sposa perfettamente con il gusto leggermente amaro della buccia. Possono essere utilizzate anche in cucina sia come snack o per gli aperitivi ma anche per realizzare creme come pesto di noci o burro oppure per guarnire primi secondi piatti o da aggiungere alle vostre insalate.
As implied by its name, chestnut honey is produced by honeybees that feed on chestnut trees. It is very popular in Italy. This honey has amber color, a strong aromatic taste and a slightly bitter after taste.
It has a low glycemic index and is therefore a good choice for people with diabetes.
It has particularly strong antioxidant properties.
It serves as a rich source of potassium, calcium and manganese.
It improves the function of the circulatory system.
It boosts the immune system.
-Kayısı çekirdeğinin içinde A, D, K ve E vitaminlerinin yanı sıra kanserle mücadele önemli bir etki sahibi olduğu söylenen B17, başka bir isimle laetril adı bir madde de yer alıyor. Bu nedenle kayısı çekirdeği birçok konuda vücudun yanında yer alabiliyor.
-İçindeki B17 sayesinde kanserli hücrelerin oluşumunu, oluşmuş olanlarınsa genişlemesini engellediği söyleniyor.
-Bolca vitamin barındırması sayesinde kayısı çekirdeği bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirici bir etki de yaratabiliyor.
-Bu özellikleri dışında yüksek kan basıncını dengelemede yardımcı oluyor. Bu sayede yüksek tansiyonu olanlara destek oluyor.
-Kayısı çekirdeği, yağ olarak kullanıldığına selülitlerin görünümünü azaltıp oluşumunu önlüyor.
-Bununla da kalmayan kayısı çekirdeği yağı, cildi nemlendiriyor, kırışıklık karşıtı bir etki yaratıyor, cildin yaşlanmasını geciktiriyor.
-Sivilcelerin hızla geçmesine destek oluyor.
-Kayısı çekirdeği yağı, ağrıları dindirmede de önemli rol oynuyor.
Du liebst die Adventszeit und würdest am liebsten jeden Tag von Weihnachtsmarkt zu Weihnachtsmarkt schlendern? In der einen Hand einen Glühwein, in der anderen eine Tüte gebrannte Mandeln – mehr Gemütlichkeit geht kaum. Der herrliche Geruch von gebrannten Nüssen, süßem Lebkuchen und würzigem Punsch versetzt garantiert auch den letzten Weihnachtsmuffel in eine besinnliche Stimmung. Aber sind wir doch mal ehrlich: In Karamell geschwenkte Nüsse schmecken nicht nur in der Weihnachtszeit. Und weil wir uns gedacht haben: Gebrannte Mandeln kann doch jeder, haben wir nun auch gebrannte Erdnüsse für Dich im Sortiment – und zwar in der Sorte Salted Caramel. Das ist was für echte Feinschmecker:innen! Wer braucht da denn noch Weihnachtsmärkte
We are supplying a wide range of fresh products such as Citrus, grapes,
watermelons, tomatoes, cherries, figs, peaches, cucumbers, peppers chesnuts,
apples, nectarines,pomegranate and many more vegetables all year round.
Company has own pack house with cold storage.Also have GLOBAL GAP &ISO 22000 certificates
Gehalt von 13 Spurenelementen (N, Cu, Mn, Zn, Mo, Co, B, Fe, P, Ca, Mg, Na, K). Über 60 % von Huminsäuren. Erhöhte Löslichkeit. Leicht anwendbar sowohl in trockener und flüssiger Form; für alle Arten