...Ezeket a veterán higiéniai termékeket kiváló eredményekkel értékelték. Jelenleg az Effiskin márkán is forgalmazzák őket. Keresünk kereskedelmi partnereket a forgalmazásukhoz, és esetlegesen a klinikai validálás folytatásához, hogy gyógyszerként regisztrálhassuk őket a kutyák pyodermatitisének kezelésére. A természetes és szabadalmaztatott hatóanyag működési mechanizmusa egy tápláló környezet...
Explore the traditional flavor of our Extra meat chorizo. This smoked chorizo, made from pork meat and fat, is skillfully seasoned with legally authorized condiments and additives. A product that honors traditional practices, while celebrating authentic flavors and offering a unique experience that will captivate all chorizo lovers.
PEGO favorise et catalyse l'attachement des fruits, prévenant les problèmes de chute des fruits et stimule la floraison. Ce produit contient des algues brunes, des polysaccharides, de la propolis et d'autres substances naturelles qui attirent un plus grand nombre de pollinisateurs (abeilles et bombes) et il contient également des acides aminés qui profitent de l'absorption du calcium, du bore et du zinc qui sont des éléments cruciaux pour la floraison et la nouaison. phase.
Aspect:Liquide brun foncé
Application:Foliaire et Fertigation
emballage:1L - 5L - 20L - 1000L
Cured meats with an authentic and refined taste, which make every convivial moment an opportunity to savor Italian quality.
Strictly flavored meats and sausages in the most natural way possible.
Healthy and simple elements to rediscover the taste of old peasant traditions and our lands.
Pour apprécier cette spécialité, verser le contenu de la boîte dans un récipient, couvrir et laisser mijoter à feu doux. Prendre soin de remuer de temps en temps.
10 minutes environ pour un format 1 part
15 minutes pour un format 2 parts
Matières grasses:9,0 g
Dont acides gras saturés:3,9 g
Glucides:8,7 g
Dont sucres:<0,5 g
Fibres:2,0 g
Protéines:8,4 g
Sel:0,76 g
Wiórki kokosowe otrzymuje się z miąższu orzecha palmy kokosowej, który najpierw się suszy, a później ściera na drobne wiórki. Miąższ jest bogaty w składniki odżywcze takie jak witaminy: C, E, K oraz z grupy B, minerały: cynk, fosfor, magnez, sód, potas, wapń i żelazo. Kokos i jego pochodne (wiórki, chipsy kokosowe, olej kokosowy) zawierają nasycone kwasy tłuszczowe. Kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone pochodzenia zwierzęcego powinny być ograniczane w codziennej diecie, jednak te pochodzące z kokosa są zbudowane ze znacznie mniejszych cząsteczek i przekształcane bezpośrednio na energię bez odkładania się w organizmie w postaci tłuszczu.Wiórki kokosowe zawierają ogromne zasoby błonnika, który jest niezbędny do prawidłowego funkcjonowania układu pokarmowego. Znajdziemy tam również niewielkie ilości białka i elektrolity, pozwalające na utrzymanie równowagi kwasowo-zasadowej organizmu.<strong>Skład:</strong> wiórki kokosowe <strong>Wartość odżywcza w 100g</strong>Wartość energetyczna 2695kJ/655k
Churrasco flavoring powder is a seasoning inspired by the rich, smoky flavors of Brazilian barbecue. Perfect for meats, grilled dishes, and marinades.
This gourmet seasoning has the typical notes of the barbecue grills popular in Brazil, as well as rich hints. With a omato and grilled paprika base, a subtle lemon note refreshes this recipe. Churrasco seasoning brings flavour to all kinds of meats!
The Rice blood sausage from Monte Safira is a traditional Portuguese blood sausage that embodies the rich culinary heritage of the Ribatejo region. Crafted with the finest national meats, this delicacy is infused with rice and seasoned to perfection, offering a unique taste experience that is both savory and satisfying. The traditional smoking process using cork wood imparts a distinctive aroma and flavor, making it a must-try for anyone seeking an authentic taste of Portugal.
Monte Safira's Rice blood sausage is not just a product; it's a celebration of Portuguese culture and tradition. Perfect for grilling or adding to stews, this sausage is versatile and can elevate any meal. Its rich flavors and high-quality ingredients make it a favorite among locals and a sought-after delicacy for those looking to explore the diverse flavors of Portuguese cuisine.
Dermoten® Coconut Soap, is a glycerin-based, transparent soap containing cold-pressed coconut oil (Cocos nucifera) oil. Coconut oil is a valuable oil frequently used in skin and hair care. It gently cleans your skin with its pleasant and exotic scent.
Dermoten® Coconut Soap, dermatologically tested.
Ingredients: Aqua, Glycerin, Sodium Stearate, Propylene Glycol, Sorbitol, Sodium Laurate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Parfum, Sodium Chloride, Stearic Acid, Lauric Acid, Cocos Nucifera Oil, Pentasodium Pentetate, Tetrasodium Etidronate, Coumarin, Limonene, Hexyl Cinnamal, Linalool, Citronellol.
Usage: Can be applied morning and evening. It is recommended to use regularly.
Формат с правоъгълна основа за опаковка 3, 5, 10 кг и термозаваряване - Приложимост: използва се за опаковане на брашно, фуражи за животни, хигиенни постелки за котки и химически продукти. Могат да бъдат снабдени с дръжки или не, а от вътрешната страна - със 100% БИО слой, който може да се запечатва топлинно.
Производство: автоматизирано, от 2-5 слоя хартия или други материали с контролирано нанасяне на екологични лепила на водна основа, изключително устойчиви.
Персонализиране: Чувалите могат да бъдат отпечатани на най-високо ниво на качество в до 10 линейни и/или полихромни цвята, включително специалните: злато, сребро металик с екологично мастило на водна основа. Разделителната способност на печата може лесно да достигне 300 dpi.
Материал: бяла първична хартия или естествен крафт, или с определен процент рециклирани влакна, различни дебелини (150-200 GSM), сертифицирана по FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001.
Размери: 230 x 100 x 450 mm (5 kg) и 260 x 150 x 550 mm (10 kg).
Производствен капацитет: повече от 100 милиона броя годишно.
Mezcla de aditivos, condimentos y especias, para la elaboración del producto cárnico no tratado por el calor
denominado “Salchichón” o “Chorizo blanco” de calidad “Extra”, elaborado con técnicas de curación lenta
(temperatura de 6 a 12ºC y HR inicial del 78 al 86%). Formato: bolsa 4kg
Autres conditionnements VRAC et SACHETS : 125g, 250g, 500g, 1 kg, 5 kg - La Figue Protoben VIJAYA est originaire de la Turquie et issue du projet bio Good Food Foundation, certifié équitable par FairTSA. Les différentes figues de Turquie se différencient par leur mode de préparation. Chaque appellation (Baglama, Lérida et Protoben) se réfère non pas à une variété de figue, mais à son mode de préparation. La Figue Protoben est légèrement étirée afin de lui donner des formes courbées qui font penser à celles d’une poire. Elle sera ensuite rangée avec ses consoeurs, à cheval les unes sur les autres.
Son calibre généreux lui confère un moelleux unique.
CHORBA SPECIAL RAMADAN Ingredients Recette pour 6 pers 350G d épaule de mouton ou agneau ou veau 1 Oignon moyen 1 Pomme de terre moyenne 1 Petite carotte
Le saucisson paysan de l'Île de Beauté est composé de viande de porc qui mature pendant 1 mois minimum. Chaque pièce pèse environ 300g, pour une longueur de 27cm.
Conditionnement:carton de 10kg pour environ 33 pièces
Conservation:18°C maximum
Date limite de conservation:95 jours
This Strolghino Is Featured By Delicate And Sweet Taste, It Has To Be Consumed After 10/15 Days, Its Average Weight Is 200-250g.
Weight:200-250g Per Piece
Acordeones Alborada es una empresa especializada en el mundo del acordeón, ubicada en Galicia. Nos dedicamos a ofrecer servicios de venta, alquiler y clases personalizadas de acordeón, con un enfoque en la calidad y el compromiso hacia nuestros clientes. Trabajamos con una amplia gama de marcas de acordeones, tanto nuevos como de segunda mano, asegurando que cada instrumento cumpla con nuestros altos estándares de revisión y funcionamiento.
Además, en Acordeones Alborada, contamos con un equipo de profesores expertos que imparten clases adaptadas a las necesidades y ritmo de cada estudiante. Nos enorgullece no solo ayudar a músicos principiantes y avanzados a perfeccionar su técnica, sino también a desarrollar una comprensión profunda de la teoría musical y el oído musical.
Ingredients: Orzo, Beef, Tomato, Sunflower Seed Oil, Yellow Bell Pepper, Red Bell Pepper, Green Bell Pepper, Tomato Paste, Onion, Crushed Red Pepper, Paprika, Black Pepper, Salt, Water.
"Elle présente un haut degré de pureté et d’activité ( 48.000 unités USP=800 TU/mg
A - Papaïne pure en poudre
Papaïne en poudre 800 TU/mg
B - Papaïne en poudre mélangée
Papaïne en poudre 100 TU/mg
Papaïne en poudre 400 TU/mg
Papaïne en poudre 580 TU/mg
C - Papaïne liquide
Papaïne liquide 100 TU/mg
Papaïne liquide 200 TU/mg
- Papaïne Enrobée
MICROBELCAPS fournit également de la papaïne enrobée et des formulations spécifiques à la demande des clients pour des applications bien particulières."
Glutensiz Taco Baharat Çeşnili Atıştırmalık 200 G. (Yerli Üretim)
İçindekiler: Mısır unu, pirinç unu, bitkisel yağ (ayçiçek),demineralize peynir altı suyu tozu, tako çeşnisi (%2,8; baharat ve baharat ekstraktları, nişasta, tuz, monosodyum glutamat, gam karışımı, süt tozu), kaya tuzu, domates tozu, kekik, şeker, emülgatör (ayçiçek lesitini)
Laktoz içerir.
Kullanım Önerisi: Naturpy Taco Baharat Çeşnili Atıştırmalık, günün her saati atıştırmalık olarak tüketilebilir.
The formulation of Tozobron is particularly recommended for soothing cough symptoms. Green Anise – It has a stimulating effect on bronchial secretions. Balsam of Tolu – It is recommended for Bronchitis, Asthma, Pulmonary emphysema and irritant coughs. The balm is highly antiseptic. It is commonly ingested for its anticatarral and expectorant properties, helping with bronchitis. Polygala – It is used to help with regular breathing. The root exerts a stimulating action on the bronchial mucosa, leading to the elimination of expectoration from coughing and relieving breathing difficulties. Thyme – Known for its expectorating properties. Tilia – It has antiinflammatory, antispasmodic and vasodilator properties. It has excellent antispasmodic properties. It is recommended for bronchial phlegm, bronchitis, asthma, flu and bad coughs in children. Pine – It is used to treat asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory infections. It exerts a purifying and refreshing effect