Ogni goccia di Essenza Concentrata Violetta è studiata per profumare tutto il bucato.
Simbolo della primavera è l’essenza madre della bella stagione.
La sua fragranza, sprigiona sui capi un profumo appassionante ed intenso, la sua nota fiorita predomina e persiste a lungo.
Un liquido da aggiungere all’ammorbidente nel bucato a mano, in lavatrice durante l’ultimo risciacquo.
Profuma Bucato Violetta è priva di parabeni e nichel free.
Pour apprécier cette spécialité, verser le contenu de la boîte dans un récipient, couvrir et laisser mijoter à feu doux. Prendre soin de remuer de temps en temps.
10 minutes environ pour un format 1 part
15 minutes pour un format 2 parts
Matières grasses:9,0 g
Dont acides gras saturés:3,9 g
Glucides:8,7 g
Dont sucres:<0,5 g
Fibres:2,0 g
Protéines:8,4 g
Sel:0,76 g
Il Doppio concentrato di Rodolfi è fatto dai pomodori più rossi e con più elevata quantità di zuccheri, privati di una parte di acqua ed evaporata a bassa temperatura. Maggiore è il grado di evaporazione dell'acqua e maggiore sarà il grado di concentrazione del prodotto. È l'alleato ideale in cucina per dare sapore, colore e consistenza alle vostre preparazioni, dai primi piatti ai secondi, ma anche da utilizzare per preparazioni più brevi.
1 PZ =EURO 0,90 AL PZ
SCADENZA 07/2027
I tortellini mignon di carne sono un capolavoro artigianale della tradizione culinaria italiana, un emblema della cultura gastronomica dell'Emilia-Romagna. La sfoglia di pasta viene stesa a uno spessore minimo, conferendo a questi piccoli ed eleganti tortellini una leggerezza e delicatezza uniche. Il ripieno è un equilibrio di carne, prosciutto cotto, mortadella e un tocco di noce moscata. Ogni ingrediente è selezionato e dosato per garantire un gusto finale intenso e saporito.
Our vitamin and mineral bolus Tracetop is a slow-release cattle supplement designed to prevent a vitamin and mineral deficiency in cattle and improve the overall wellbeing of the cows. Insufficient (trace) minerals can result in losses in performance and can cause clinical deficiencies. More commonly though, subclinical deficiencies occur manifested as reduced pregnancy rates, rough hair coats, hoof issues, retained placenta, low libido and poor calf performance.
Toblerone is a popular Swiss chocolate brand known for its distinctive triangular shape and unique flavor. It was first created in 1908 by Theodor Tobler and Emil Baumann in Bern, Switzerland.
The name “Toblerone” is a combination of the founder’s last name, Tobler, and the Italian word “torrent,” which means nougat. The chocolate bar consists of milk chocolate with honey and almond nougat, providing a rich and indulgent taste.
The iconic triangular shape represents the Matterhorn mountain in the Swiss Alps, paying homage to its Swiss heritage. Toblerone has become a beloved treat worldwide, offering a delightful combination of smooth chocolate and crunchy nougat.
La yema de huevo pasteurizada líquida es un ingrediente versátil y de alta calidad, ideal para la preparación de salsas, pastelería y otras aplicaciones culinarias. Su alto extracto seco garantiza un rendimiento óptimo en la elaboración de productos, ofreciendo una textura y sabor excepcionales que mejoran cualquier receta. Este producto es especialmente recomendado para la restauración, pastelería y obradores, asegurando resultados consistentes y deliciosos.
Disponible en envases de botella de 1/2 litro, 1 litro, y bag in box de 10 y 20 litros, así como contenedores de 1.000 litros, la yema líquida pasteurizada se adapta a las necesidades de cualquier establecimiento. Su facilidad de uso y almacenamiento, junto con su calidad superior, la convierten en una opción preferida para chefs y cocineros que buscan ingredientes de alta calidad para sus creaciones culinarias.
Peru belongs to the most forested countries in the world, over half of Peru is covered in
trees – and a large part of it is Amazonian tropical forest. No wonder Peru is in the top 10
of most biodiverse countries in the world.
Unfortunately, deforestation and forest degradation are serious issues in Peru, caused by
monoculture farming, mining, road construction and illegal logging.
Because cacao grows in agroforestry, its cultivation gives farmers the opportunity to
earn an income, while protecting forests and conserving biodiversity. Peru Ucayali cacao
is organically produced and certified; no pesticides or chemical fertilizers are used.
Peru Ucayali cacao is from Trinitario varieties. Its flavour profile is characterized by a
balanced chocolaty body, low in acidity, with remarkable sweet notes of caramel and
nuts and hints of fruity flavours.
After manual picking the farmers bring the wet cacao beans to a central fermentation
Region:Central Amazonas
Hints:Caramel, nutty, fruity
PURE CHOCOLATE:100% cocoa beans
Energy:550Kcal, 2300kJ
Total fat:52g
which Saturated fat:31g
which Sugar:0g
Le bureau d'étude d'AOPB maîtrise la conception des moules d'injection et l'adaptation du design des pièces plastiques au procédé d'injection.
L'étude de l'outillage est réalisée à partir de plans papier ou de la définition numérique des pièces. Grâce à la CAO, le rendu réaliste de vos produits donnera forme à vos idées.
Si nécessaire, nous vous guiderons dans le choix des matières et nous validerons ensemble la géométrie des pièces.
Absolute Oils are produced by solvent extraction.
Absolutes dissolve in alcohol and fixed oils but not
in water. As the name implies, solvent extraction
causes substances such as petroleum ether to
pass through the prepared plant parts. The solvent
is then evaporated off leaving a mixture of waxes
and oil. This is called “concrete”.
After the removal of the waxes, the highly fragrant,
intensely strong substance known as the absolute
Savoureux à deux ces savoureuses ravioli à la volaille, soigneusement préparés avec une sauce tomate parfumée aux herbes de Provence, pour un repas complet et gourmand.