A GGB hozzájárul egy minimális súrlódással működő mozgás világának megteremtéséhez csapágyak és felületi technológiák révén. Az Egyesült Államokban, Németországban, Franciaországban, Brazíliában, Szlovákiában és Kínában végzett kutatás-fejlesztés, tesztelés és gyártás során a GGB szorosan együttműködik ügyfeleivel világszerte egyedi tribológiai tervezési megoldásokon, amelyek hatékonyak és környez...
Syntech Poliurea Top Coating
A protective, pigmented, two-component formulation based on aliphatic polyurethane resins, ideal as a protective and aesthetic coating on waterproofing with SYNTECH POLIUREA SPRAY. Characterised by high levels of elasticity and elevated protection, even in aggressive atmospheres. Available on request in shades from the RAL colour range.
Surface coating pigmented for colouring polyurethane claddings, and their protection from UV rays (which in the absence of the top coating would alter the colour over time). After suitable priming with SYNTECH POLYUREA PRIMER, it can also be applied as a simple coloured aliphatic protective coating.
Polyurea support Vacuum and blow the surfaces to eliminate any dust that may have accumulated in the 24-48 hours following the installation of SYNTECH POLIUREA SPRAY Support in concrete, mortar, brick, tiles The support on which the polyurea system must be laid must be suitable for withstanding the stresses resulting from the intended use, such as static or dynamic loads, impacts, thermo-hygrometric dilations, vibrations, etc. As regards the characteristics of the substrate (maximum humidity, cohesion, strength class, flatness, etc.) and the preparation of the surface that will accommodate the resin system, we recommend the requirements set out in chapter 5 of the UNI 10966 standard ("RESIN SYSTEMS FOR SURFACES HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL - INSTRUCTIONS FOR DESIGN AND APPLICATION "). In any case, carefully clean and degrease the surfaces, removing any kind of dirt, paint residues or incoherent parts. The humidity of the support must be <= 3%. Evaluate the most convenient type of mechanical preparation (shot peening, sandblasting, hydro-washing, etc.). The surfaces must also be free from discontinuity, and possibly leveled and regularized with products from the FLOOR line or the REPAR line. In case of presence (even suspected) of humidity deriving from capillary rising from the substrate, it is recommended to apply in advance the epoxy resin for "wet substrates" Syntech Pavidamp. Tiled floors, or floors covered with pre-existing resin, must be subjected to mechanical roughening carried out with shot blasting, milling, bush hammering, etc., until the total elimination of the waterproof crust and the opacification of the surfaces. Remove dust after abrasion. It is recommended to use Primer from the SYNTECH POLIUREA PRIMER range. On particularly absorbent substrates, to avoid the formation of craters / blowholes on the surface of the freshly sprayed product, it is recommended to use primers from the SYNTECH POLIUREA PRIMER range, always contacting the Azichem technical staff for clarification on the most suitable type to use. Apply several layers of primer until the porosity is saturated and providing a light dusting with clean and dry quartz sand (0.4-0.7 mm). Never dust off the primer. Provide suitable elastic sealing systems to cover joints, fittings, cracks or fissures subject to significant movements.
Pour component B with component A into a single container, taking care to remove all the material from the packaging. Mix thoroughly with a mixer at low revs, until a lump-free mixture is obtained.
Apply with a roller or brush on the surfaces of SYNTECH POLYUREA SPRAY, within 24-48 hours of spreading the latter.
A thorough sanding of the supports is recommended for any repairs and/or finishes.
From 0.15 to 0.25 kg of SYNTYECH POLIUREA TOP COATING for each square metre of surface to be covered.
Can 6.7 kg [A] - Can 3.3 kg [B] - Kit: 1 Can 6.7 kg [A] + 1 Can 3.3 kg [B]
Die von uns gefertigten Blechkonstruktionen beschichten wir in unserer betriebseigenen Pulveranlage. MAP Prinzing bietet Ihnen zudem die Möglichkeit, Ihre Werkstücke in Lohnbeschichtung beschichten zu lassen.
Bauteilgewicht bis 1000 kg.
Bauteilgröße L x B x H 4000 x 2200 x 1500
Wir beschichten Ihre Teile und Konstruktionen in einer Größe bis 2,5 m Höhe, 1,5 m Breite und 4 m Länge und bis zu einem maximalen Einzelgewicht von 1 Tonne. Dabei bieten wir Ihnen die Pulverbeschichtung in RAL- oder Sonderfarben für alle Materialien an. Unser Schichtbetrieb arbeitet in sechs modernen Wasch- und Lackierboxen. Auch im Bereich Nasslackierungen haben wir die optimale Ausstattung.
ADLER PUR-based coatings are modern solvent-based systems that meet the most demanding standards in furniture and interior decoration. The best resistance, both for chemical and mechanical stresses and strains, as well as ease of application
and use are the special features of this type of coating system.
ADLER offers the best choice of PUR-based coatings for the most diverse types of wood as well as the most varied design concepts. Premium quality and efficient use are always ensured in the process. In this manner, you can meet almost any need or requirement for the surface as desired by your customers.
Beschichtbar sind Feinblech, Baustahl (auch verzinkt), Alu-Blech, Alu-Druckguss, Magnesiumguss, Glas und Kunsttsoff, in Abhängikeit von der Temperaturbeständigkeit.
Pulverlacke sind lösungsmittelfrei und werden mit elektrostatischen Spritzpistolen aufgebracht und je nach Empfindlichkeit und Chemie der Pulverlacke und der zu beschichteten Teile werden sie zwischen 130 und 220°C ausgehärtet.
Folgende Vorbehandlungen sind möglich:
• Gelb - und Grünchromatierung
• Zinkphosphatierung
• chromfreie Konversation
• hochwertiger Korrosionsschutz
• stark mechanisch belastbar
• keine Umweltprobleme, da lösungsmittelfrei und Rückgewinnung des Oversprays
• sehr gute chemische Beständigkeit
• hohe Steinschlagfestigkeit
• als Polyesterpulver sehr UV-beständig
• dekorative Oberflächen in fast allen Farbtönen, Glanzgraden und Strukturen
Film de protection de couleur permettant de changer la couleur d'un véhicule tout en aillant la protection du film PPF (auto cicatrisation, brillance, protection UV, protection film routier...
Poliuretano (5,0 kg) + endurecedor (0,7 kg) es decir, un kit de 5,7 kg Aplicaciones: Para todos los revestimientos de suelos interiores o exteriores de caucho, en losetas o en rollo, las moquetas y los céspedes sintéticos. Ventajas: Apto para el encolado de numerosos revestimientos y sobre soportes tales como hormigón y aglomerados. Recomendado para los usos intensivos. Gracias a su flexibilidad, puede ser sometido a importantes variaciones de temperatura
Diese Technik erzielt widerstandsfähige Oberflächen mit hoher Beständigkeit, die gegen chemische und mechanische Beanspruchung geschützt sind
Die Hochglanzlackierung bietet vielseitigste Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten. Von wertsteigernden Akzenten bis zu ausgefallenen Designideen ist alles möglich.
Colle de contact transparente à base polyuréthane - spécial PVC doux
Pour double encollage de matériaux divers, durs ou flexibles, comme la plupart des matières synthétiques (PVC souple,
PVC, ABS, plexi, polycarbonate), bois, panneaux de revêtements décoratifs stratifiés, placage
et collage sur champ, nez de marches et marches d’escalier, plinthes en PVC, cuir, liège, textile,
métaux entre eux ou sur bois, pierre, béton, plâtre, métal et autres supports lisses et non poreux.
Spécifiquement pour des applications dont la couche de colle ou le joint de colle reste visible : comme le collage sur
verre ou plexi.
Aussi idéal pour la réparation de bâches, toiles de tente et pour matériaux gonflables en PVC souple.
Prête à l'emploi, transparente au séchage, pas de trace brune, utilisation aisée à la brosse et au peigne à colle,
force d'adhérence progressive rapide, résistante à l'humidité à la chaleur et au froid (-10°C jusqu'à +70°C)
Résiste aux acides légers et bases
ECOFIX PLUS the best adhesive spray for printing boards
ECOFIX PLUS is an high tack adhesive specially indicated for the textile silk-screen printing industry.
It is suitable to keep the fabrics steady to their support while being printed.
BASE: Synthetic rubbers and solid resins
SOLVENTS: hydrocarbure group, benzen and omologous are absent
PROPELLENT: Denaturate odourless hydrocarbure
COLOUR: Yellow clear
It does not transfer on the fabric or cloths printed.
It does not dirty the fabrics.
It is suitable for cotton, silk, wool, synthetic fabrics, cotton, mixed.
It resists to many applications.
It has a good resistance to heat.
It is also suitable in embroidery industry to keep the cloth steady during embroidery.
In the cut rooms it gets the adhesion of the model to the cloth during the cut.
Shake well the can before use.
Spray the product from a distance of 25-30 cm.
Remove it with wash solvent perchloroethylene.
Silicone release agent with long durability and good sliding abilities for various manufacturing processes. The oil has very good hot/cold resistance properties across a wide operating temperature range.
Based on silicone:Long durability
Walzgrund für Holz auf Basis UV-vernetzbarer Polyacrylatharze; verleiht UV-AC-Walzlackaufbauten eine ausgezeichnete Haftung zum Untergrund bei starker mechanischer Belastung. Innolux Primer Auftragsart
Colourless, air-drying sliding agent for the long-term lubrication of highly loaded sliding guides as well as spindles and bearings in extreme temperatures. It prevents fretting corrosion as well as the adhesion of dirt particles.
Extreme temperature:Colourless
long-term lubrication:Highly loaded sliding guides
Temperature resistant, high-performance lubricating and release agent with NSF H1 registration. It has a low coefficient of friction and shows good viscosity/temperature behaviour even under high chemical influences. It has good separating and sliding properties; is neutral towards metals, plastic and rubber and is thus particularly suitable in the tyre and rubber industry.
Temperature resitant:Low coefficient of friction
Great viscosity/temperature behaviour:Great separating and sliding properties